Interface NamespaceResolver
- All Known Implementing Classes:
- AbsentExtensionElement, AnnotationParent, ConfigurationReader, ConfigurationReaderPE, ConstraintChecker, DataElement, DedicatedStaticContext, DummyNamespaceResolver, ElementImpl, ExtensionInstruction, IDFilter, IndependentContext, InscopeNamespaceResolver, JAXPXPathStaticContext, LiteralResultElement, NamespaceContextImpl, NamespaceMaintainer, NamespaceReducer, NamespaceResolverWithDefault, PullNamespaceReducer, SavedNamespaceContext, SaxonAssign, SaxonCallTemplate, SaxonCollation, SaxonDoctype, SaxonEntityRef, SaxonImportQuery, SaxonParam, SaxonPreprocess, SaxonWhile, SchemaElement, SchemaElement.XPathStaticContext, SQLClose, SQLColumn, SQLConnect, SQLDelete, SQLExecute, SQLInsert, SQLQuery, SQLUpdate, StartTagBuffer, StartTagBufferEE, StyleElement, UnknownElement, WatchManager, XSDAlternative, XSDAnnotation, XSDAny, XSDAnyAttribute, XSDAssert, XSDAttribute, XSDAttributeGroup, XSDComplexContent, XSDComplexContentRestriction, XSDComplexType, XSDCompositor, XSDDefaultOpenContent, XSDDocumentation, XSDElement, XSDExtension, XSDFacet, XSDFieldOrSelector, XSDGroup, XSDIdentityConstraint, XSDImport, XSDInclude, XSDList, XSDNotation, XSDOpenContent, XSDOverride, XSDRedefine, XSDSchema, XSDSimpleContent, XSDSimpleContentRestriction, XSDSimpleType, XSDSimpleTypeRestriction, XSDUnion, XSLAnalyzeString, XSLApplyImports, XSLApplyTemplates, XSLAttribute, XSLAttributeSet, XSLBreak, XSLBreakOrContinue, XSLCallTemplate, XSLCatch, XSLCharacterMap, XSLChoose, XSLComment, XSLCopy, XSLCopyOf, XSLDecimalFormat, XSLDocument, XSLElement, XSLEvaluate, XSLFallback, XSLForEach, XSLForEachGroup, XSLFork, XSLFunction, XSLGeneralIncorporate, XSLGeneralVariable, XSLIf, XSLImport, XSLImportSchema, XSLInclude, XSLIterate, XSLKey, XSLLeafNodeConstructor, XSLMatchingSubstring, XSLMerge, XSLMergeAction, XSLMergeInput, XSLMergeKey, XSLMergeSource, XSLMessage, XSLMode, XSLNamespace, XSLNamespaceAlias, XSLNextIteration, XSLNextMatch, XSLNumber, XSLOnCompletion, XSLOtherwise, XSLOutput, XSLOutputCharacter, XSLParam, XSLPerformSort, XSLPreserveSpace, XSLProcessingInstruction, XSLResultDocument, XSLSequence, XSLSort, XSLSortOrMergeKey, XSLStylesheet, XSLTemplate, XSLText, XSLTry, XSLValueOf, XSLVariable, XSLVariableDeclaration, XSLWhen, XSLWithParam
public interface NamespaceResolver
Abstract class that supports lookup of a lexical QName to get the expanded QName.
String getURIForPrefix(String prefix,
boolean useDefault)
- Get the namespace URI corresponding to a given prefix. Return null
if the prefix is not in scope.
- Parameters:
- the namespace prefix. May be the zero-length string, indicating
that there is no prefix. This indicates either the default namespace or the
null namespace, depending on the value of useDefault.useDefault
- true if the default namespace is to be used when the
prefix is "". If false, the method returns "" when the prefix is "".
- Returns:
- the uri for the namespace, or null if the prefix is not in scope.
The "null namespace" is represented by the pseudo-URI "".
Iterator<String> iteratePrefixes()
- Get an iterator over all the prefixes declared in this namespace context. This will include
the default namespace (prefix="") and the XML namespace where appropriate
- Returns:
- an iterator over all the prefixes for which a namespace binding exists, including
the zero-length string to represent the null/absent prefix if it is bound
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