Interface SpaceStrippingRule

All Known Implementing Classes:
AllElementsSpaceStrippingRule, NoElementsSpaceStrippingRule, SelectedElementsSpaceStrippingRule, StylesheetSpaceStrippingRule

public interface SpaceStrippingRule

Interface for deciding whether a particular element is to have whitespace text nodes stripped

Method Summary
 byte isSpacePreserving(NodeName nodeName)
          Decide whether an element is in the set of white-space preserving element types

Method Detail


byte isSpacePreserving(NodeName nodeName)
                       throws XPathException
Decide whether an element is in the set of white-space preserving element types

nodeName - Identifies the name of the element whose whitespace is to be preserved
Stripper.ALWAYS_PRESERVE if the element is in the set of white-space preserving element types, Stripper.ALWAYS_STRIP if the element is to be stripped regardless of the xml:space setting, and Stripper.STRIP_DEFAULT otherwise
XPathException - if the rules are ambiguous and ambiguities are to be reported as errors

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