Package net.sf.saxon.option.jdom

This package provides glue classes that enable Saxon to process a source document supplied as a JDOM tree (see


Class Summary
DocumentWrapper The root node of an XPath tree.
JDOMObjectModel This interface must be implemented by any third-party object model that can be wrapped with a wrapper that implements the Saxon Object Model (the NodeInfo interface).
JDOMQuery Variant of command line net.sf.saxon.Transform do build the source document in JDOM and then proceed with the transformation.
JDOMTransform Variant of command line net.sf.saxon.Transform do build the source document in JDOM and then proceed with the transformation.
JDOMWriter JDOMWriter is a Receiver that constructs a JDOM document from the stream of events
NodeWrapper A node in the XML parse tree representing an XML element, character content, or attribute.

Package net.sf.saxon.option.jdom Description

This package provides glue classes that enable Saxon to process a source document supplied as a JDOM tree (see

These classes are not part of the core saxon.jar product, but are released as a separate saxon-jdom.jar.

The package provides implementations of the Saxon DocumentInfo and NodeInfo classes that act as wrappers to the relevant JDOM classes

Michael H. Kay
Saxonica Limited
9 February 2005

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