Class QueryReader

  extended by net.sf.saxon.query.QueryReader

public class QueryReader
extends Object

This class contains static methods used to read a query as a byte stream, infer the encoding if necessary, and return the text of the query as a string; also methods to import functions and variables from one module into another, and check their consistency.

Method Summary
static String readEncoding(InputStream is)
          Read an input stream non-destructively to determine the encoding from the Query Prolog
static String readInputStream(InputStream is, String encoding, NameChecker nameChecker)
          Read a query from an InputStream.
static String readSourceQuery(StreamSource ss, NameChecker nameChecker)
          Read a query module given a StreamSource
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public static String readSourceQuery(StreamSource ss,
                                     NameChecker nameChecker)
                              throws XPathException
Read a query module given a StreamSource

ss - the supplied StreamSource. This must contain a non-null systemID which defines the base URI of the query module, and either an InputStream or a Reader containing the query text. In the case of an InputStream the method attempts to infer the encoding; in the case of a Reader, this has already been done, and the encoding specified within the query itself is ignored.

The method reads from the InputStream or Reader contained in the StreamSource up to the end of file unless a fatal error occurs. It does not close the InputStream or Reader; this is the caller's responsibility.

nameChecker - this checks XML names against either the XML 1.0 or XML 1.1 rules
the text of the query


public static String readEncoding(InputStream is)
                           throws XPathException
Read an input stream non-destructively to determine the encoding from the Query Prolog

is - the input stream: this must satisfy the precondition is.markSupported() = true.
the encoding to be used: defaults to UTF-8 if no encoding was specified explicitly in the query prolog
XPathException - if the input stream cannot be read


public static String readInputStream(InputStream is,
                                     String encoding,
                                     NameChecker nameChecker)
                              throws XPathException
Read a query from an InputStream. The method checks that all characters are valid XML characters, and also performs normalization of line endings.

is - the input stream
encoding - the encoding, or null if the encoding is unknown
nameChecker - the nameChecker to be used for checking characters
the content of the InputStream as a string

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