Interface ExtensionFunction

public interface ExtensionFunction

This is an interface for simple external/extension functions. Users can implement this interface and register the implementation with the Processor; the function will then be available for calling from all queries, stylesheets, and XPath expressions compiled under this Processor. Extension functions implemented using this interface are expected to be free of side-effects, and to have no dependencies on the static or dynamic context. A richer interface for extension functions is provided via the ExtensionFunctionDefinition class.

Method Summary
 XdmValue call(XdmValue[] arguments)
          Call the function.
 SequenceType[] getArgumentTypes()
          Declare the types of the arguments
 QName getName()
          Return the name of the external function
 SequenceType getResultType()
          Declare the result type of the external function

Method Detail


QName getName()
Return the name of the external function

the name of the function, as a QName.


SequenceType getResultType()
Declare the result type of the external function

the result type of the external function


SequenceType[] getArgumentTypes()
Declare the types of the arguments

a sequence of SequenceType objects, one for each argument to the function, representing the expected types of the arguments


XdmValue call(XdmValue[] arguments)
              throws SaxonApiException
Call the function. The implementation of this method represents the body of the external function.

arguments - the arguments, as supplied in the XPath function call. These will always be of the declared types. Arguments are converted to the required types according to the standard XPath function conversion rules - for example, if the expected type is atomic and a node is supplied in the call, the node will be atomized
the result of the function. This must be an instance of the declared return type; if it is not, a dynamic error will be reported
SaxonApiException - can be thrown if the implementation of the function detects a dynamic error

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