Class JavaCharacterSet

  extended by net.sf.saxon.serialize.charcode.JavaCharacterSet
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class JavaCharacterSet
extends Object
implements CharacterSet

This class establishes properties of a character set that is known to the Java VM but not specifically known to Saxon. It determines whether particular characters are encodable by calling CharsetEncoder.canEncode(char), and then caches this information locally.

Field Summary
static HashMap<Charset,JavaCharacterSet> map
Method Summary
 String getCanonicalName()
          Get the preferred Java name of the character set.
 boolean inCharset(int c)
          Determine if a character is present in the character set
static JavaCharacterSet makeCharSet(Charset charset)
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static HashMap<Charset,JavaCharacterSet> map
Method Detail


public static JavaCharacterSet makeCharSet(Charset charset)


public final boolean inCharset(int c)
Description copied from interface: CharacterSet
Determine if a character is present in the character set

Specified by:
inCharset in interface CharacterSet


public String getCanonicalName()
Description copied from interface: CharacterSet
Get the preferred Java name of the character set. Note that Java in many cases also supports a "historic name".

Specified by:
getCanonicalName in interface CharacterSet

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