Class XMLCharacterData

  extended by net.sf.saxon.serialize.charcode.XMLCharacterData

public class XMLCharacterData
extends Object

This module contains data regarding the classification of characters in XML 1.0 and XML 1.1, and a number of interrogative methods to support queries on this data. For characters in the BMP, the information is tabulated by means of an array of one-byte entries, one for each character, with bit-significant property settings. For characters outside the BMP, the rules are built in to the interrogative methods.

Field Summary
static int MAX_XML11_NAME_CHAR
          Maximum code point for a character permitted in an XML 1.1 name
static byte NAME_10_MASK
          Bit setting to indicate that a character is valid in an XML 1.0 name
static byte NAME_11_MASK
          Bit setting to indicate that a character is valid in an XML 1.1 name
static byte NAME_START_10_MASK
          Bit setting to indicate that a character is valid at the start of an XML 1.0 name
static byte NAME_START_11_MASK
          Bit setting to indicate that a character is valid at the start of an XML 1.1 name
static byte VALID_10_MASK
          Bit setting to indicate that a character is valid in XML 1.0
static byte VALID_11_MASK
          Bit setting to indicate that a character is valid in XML 1.1
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static IntRangeSet getCategory(byte mask)
          Get all the characters in a given category, as an integer set.
static boolean isNCName10(int i)
          Determine whether a character is valid in an NCName in XML 1.0
static boolean isNCName11(int i)
          Determine whether a character is valid in an NCName in XML 1.1
static boolean isNCNameStart10(int i)
          Determine whether a character is valid at the start of an NCName in XML 1.0
static boolean isNCNameStart11(int i)
          Determine whether a character is valid at the start of an NCName in XML 1.1
static boolean isValid10(int i)
          Determine whether a character is valid in XML 1.0
static boolean isValid11(int i)
          Determine whether a character is valid in XML 1.1
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final byte VALID_10_MASK
Bit setting to indicate that a character is valid in XML 1.0

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final byte NAME_10_MASK
Bit setting to indicate that a character is valid in an XML 1.0 name

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final byte NAME_START_10_MASK
Bit setting to indicate that a character is valid at the start of an XML 1.0 name

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final byte VALID_11_MASK
Bit setting to indicate that a character is valid in XML 1.1

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final byte NAME_11_MASK
Bit setting to indicate that a character is valid in an XML 1.1 name

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final byte NAME_START_11_MASK
Bit setting to indicate that a character is valid at the start of an XML 1.1 name

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int MAX_XML11_NAME_CHAR
Maximum code point for a character permitted in an XML 1.1 name

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public XMLCharacterData()
Method Detail


public static boolean isValid10(int i)
Determine whether a character is valid in XML 1.0

i - the character
true if the character is valid in XML 1.0


public static boolean isNCName10(int i)
Determine whether a character is valid in an NCName in XML 1.0

i - the character
true if the character is valid in an NCName in XML 1.0


public static boolean isNCNameStart10(int i)
Determine whether a character is valid at the start of an NCName in XML 1.0

i - the character
true if the character is valid at the start of an NCName in XML 1.0


public static boolean isValid11(int i)
Determine whether a character is valid in XML 1.1

i - the character
true if the character is valid in XML 1.1


public static boolean isNCName11(int i)
Determine whether a character is valid in an NCName in XML 1.1

i - the character
true if the character is valid in an NCName in XML 1.1


public static boolean isNCNameStart11(int i)
Determine whether a character is valid at the start of an NCName in XML 1.1

i - the character
true if the character is valid at the start of an NCName in XML 1.1


public static IntRangeSet getCategory(byte mask)
Get all the characters in a given category, as an integer set. This must be one of the four name classes: Name characters or Name Start characters in XML 1.0 or XML 1.1. (This method is used to populate the data tables used by the regular expression translators)

mask - identifies the properties of the required category
the set of characters in the given category.

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