Interface BuiltInRuleSet

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
DeepCopyRuleSet, DeepSkipRuleSet, FailRuleSet, RuleSetWithWarnings, ShallowCopyRuleSet, ShallowSkipRuleSet, TextOnlyCopyRuleSet

public interface BuiltInRuleSet
extends Serializable

Defines a set of built-in template rules (rules for use when no user-defined template rules match a given node)

Method Summary
 void process(Item item, ParameterSet parameters, ParameterSet tunnelParams, XPathContext context, int locationId)
          Perform the built-in template action for a given item.

Method Detail


void process(Item item,
             ParameterSet parameters,
             ParameterSet tunnelParams,
             XPathContext context,
             int locationId)
             throws XPathException
Perform the built-in template action for a given item.

item - the item to be processed
parameters - the parameters supplied to apply-templates
tunnelParams - the tunnel parameters to be passed through
context - the dynamic evaluation context
locationId - location of the instruction (apply-templates, apply-imports etc) that caused the built-in template to be invoked @exception XPathException if any dynamic error occurs

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