Class KeyDefinition

  extended by net.sf.saxon.expr.instruct.Procedure
      extended by net.sf.saxon.trans.KeyDefinition
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, SourceLocator, LocationProvider, SaxonLocator, Container, InstructionInfo, Locator

public class KeyDefinition
extends Procedure
implements Serializable

Corresponds to a single xsl:key declaration.

Michael H. Kay
See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class net.sf.saxon.expr.instruct.Procedure
Constructor Summary
KeyDefinition(PatternFinder match, Expression use, String collationName, StringCollator collation)
          Constructor to create a key definition
Method Summary
 StringCollator getCollation()
          Get the collation.
 String getCollationName()
          Get the collation name for this key definition.
 int getConstructType()
          Get the type of construct.
 BuiltInAtomicType getIndexedItemType()
          Get the primitive item type of the values returned by the use expression
 PatternFinder getMatch()
          Get the match pattern for the key definition
 StructuredQName getObjectName()
          Get a name identifying the object of the expression, for example a function name, template name, variable name, key name, element name, etc.
 Expression getUse()
          Get the use expression for the key definition
 boolean isBackwardsCompatible()
          Test backwards compatibility mode
 boolean isConvertUntypedToOther()
          Determine whether untypedAtomic values are converted to the type of the other operand.
 boolean isStrictComparison()
          Get whether strict comparison is needed.
 void setBackwardsCompatible(boolean bc)
          Set backwards compatibility mode.
 void setBody(Expression body)
          Set the body of the key (the use expression).
 void setConvertUntypedToOther(boolean convertToOther)
          Indicate that untypedAtomic values should be converted to the type of the other operand, rather than to strings.
 void setIndexedItemType(BuiltInAtomicType itemType)
          Set the primitive item type of the values returned by the use expression
 void setLocation(String systemId, int lineNumber)
          Set the system Id and line number of the source xsl:key definition
 void setStackFrameMap(SlotManager map)
          Set the map of local variables needed while evaluating the "use" expression
 void setStrictComparison(boolean strict)
          Set whether strict comparison is needed.
Methods inherited from class net.sf.saxon.expr.instruct.Procedure
getBody, getColumnNumber, getColumnNumber, getContainerGranularity, getExecutable, getHostLanguage, getLineNumber, getLineNumber, getLocationProvider, getProperties, getProperty, getPublicId, getStackFrameMap, getSystemId, getSystemId, setExecutable, setHostLanguage, setLineNumber, setSystemId
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public KeyDefinition(PatternFinder match,
                     Expression use,
                     String collationName,
                     StringCollator collation)
Constructor to create a key definition

match - the pattern in the xsl:key match attribute
use - the expression in the xsl:key use attribute, or the expression that results from compiling the xsl:key contained instructions. Note that a KeyDefinition constructed by the XSLT or XQuery parser will always use an Expression here; however, a KeyDefinition constructed at run-time by a compiled stylesheet or XQuery might use a simple ExpressionEvaluator that lacks all the compile-time information associated with an Expression
collationName - the name of the collation being used
collation - the actual collation. This must be one that supports generation of collation keys.
Method Detail


public void setIndexedItemType(BuiltInAtomicType itemType)
Set the primitive item type of the values returned by the use expression

itemType - the primitive type of the indexed values


public BuiltInAtomicType getIndexedItemType()
Get the primitive item type of the values returned by the use expression

the primitive item type of the indexed values


public void setBackwardsCompatible(boolean bc)
Set backwards compatibility mode. The key definition is backwards compatible if ANY of the xsl:key declarations has version="1.0" in scope.

bc - set to true if running in XSLT 2.0 backwards compatibility mode


public boolean isBackwardsCompatible()
Test backwards compatibility mode

true if running in XSLT backwards compatibility mode


public void setStrictComparison(boolean strict)
Set whether strict comparison is needed. Strict comparison treats non-comparable values as an error rather than a no-match. This is used for internal keys that support value comparisons in Saxon-EE, it is not used for user-defined XSLT keys.

strict - true if strict comparison is needed


public boolean isStrictComparison()
Get whether strict comparison is needed. Strict comparison treats non-comparable values as an error rather than a no-match. This is used for internal keys that support value comparisons in Saxon-EE, it is not used for user-defined XSLT keys.

true if strict comparison is needed.


public void setConvertUntypedToOther(boolean convertToOther)
Indicate that untypedAtomic values should be converted to the type of the other operand, rather than to strings. This is used for indexes constructed internally by Saxon-EE to support filter expressions that use the "=" operator, as distinct from "eq".

convertToOther - true if comparisons follow the semantics of the "=" operator rather than the "eq" operator


public boolean isConvertUntypedToOther()
Determine whether untypedAtomic values are converted to the type of the other operand.

true if comparisons follow the semantics of the "=" operator rather than the "eq" operator


public void setStackFrameMap(SlotManager map)
Set the map of local variables needed while evaluating the "use" expression

setStackFrameMap in class Procedure


public void setLocation(String systemId,
                        int lineNumber)
Set the system Id and line number of the source xsl:key definition

systemId - the URI of the module containing the key definition
lineNumber - the line number of the key definition


public PatternFinder getMatch()
Get the match pattern for the key definition

the pattern specified in the "match" attribute of the xsl:key declaration


public void setBody(Expression body)
Set the body of the key (the use expression). This is held redundantly as an Expression and as a SequenceIterable (not sure why!)

setBody in class Procedure
body - the use expression of the key


public Expression getUse()
Get the use expression for the key definition

the expression specified in the "use" attribute of the xsl:key declaration


public String getCollationName()
Get the collation name for this key definition.

the collation name (the collation URI)


public StringCollator getCollation()
Get the collation.

the collation


public int getConstructType()
Get the type of construct. This will either be the fingerprint of a standard XSLT instruction name (values in StandardNames: all less than 1024) or it will be a constant in class Location.

Specified by:
getConstructType in interface InstructionInfo
an integer identifying the kind of construct


public StructuredQName getObjectName()
Get a name identifying the object of the expression, for example a function name, template name, variable name, key name, element name, etc. This is used only where the name is known statically.

Specified by:
getObjectName in interface InstructionInfo
the QName of the object declared or manipulated by this instruction or expression

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