Class TinyAttributeCollection

  extended by net.sf.saxon.tree.tiny.TinyAttributeCollection
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class TinyAttributeCollection
extends Object
implements AttributeCollection

An implementation of the AttributeCollection interface based directly on the TinyTree data structure.

Constructor Summary
TinyAttributeCollection(TinyTree tree, int element)
Method Summary
 int getIndex(String uri, String localname)
          Get the index of an attribute (by name).
 int getIndexByFingerprint(int fingerprint)
          Get the index, given the fingerprint
 int getLength()
          Return the number of attributes in the list.
 int getLineNumber(int index)
          Get the line number part of the location of an attribute, at a given index.
 String getLocalName(int index)
          Get the local name of an attribute (by position).
 int getLocationId(int index)
          Get the locationID of an attribute (by position)
 int getNameCode(int index)
          Get the namecode of an attribute (by position).
 NodeName getNodeName(int index)
          Get the node name of an attribute (by position)
 String getPrefix(int index)
          Get the prefix of the name of an attribute (by position).
 int getProperties(int index)
          Get the properties of an attribute (by position)
 String getQName(int index)
          Get the lexical QName of an attribute (by position).
 String getSystemId(int index)
          Get the systemId part of the location of an attribute, at a given index.
 SimpleType getTypeAnnotation(int index)
          Get the type annotation of an attribute (by position).
 String getURI(int index)
          Get the namespace URI of an attribute (by position).
 String getValue(int index)
          Get the value of an attribute (by position).
 String getValue(String uri, String localname)
          Get the value of an attribute (by name).
 String getValueByFingerprint(int fingerprint)
          Get the attribute value using its fingerprint
 boolean isId(int index)
          Determine whether a given attribute has the is-ID property set
 boolean isIdref(int index)
          Determine whether a given attribute has the is-idref property set
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public TinyAttributeCollection(TinyTree tree,
                               int element)
Method Detail


public int getLength()
Return the number of attributes in the list.

Specified by:
getLength in interface AttributeCollection
The number of attributes in the list.


public int getNameCode(int index)
Get the namecode of an attribute (by position).

Specified by:
getNameCode in interface AttributeCollection
index - The position of the attribute in the list.
The display name of the attribute as a string, or null if there is no attribute at that position.


public NodeName getNodeName(int index)
Get the node name of an attribute (by position)

Specified by:
getNodeName in interface AttributeCollection
index - The position of the attribute in the list
The node name of the attribute, or null if there is no attribute in that position


public SimpleType getTypeAnnotation(int index)
Get the type annotation of an attribute (by position).

Specified by:
getTypeAnnotation in interface AttributeCollection
index - The position of the attribute in the list.
The type annotation of the attribute


public int getLocationId(int index)
Get the locationID of an attribute (by position)

Specified by:
getLocationId in interface AttributeCollection
index - The position of the attribute in the list.
The location identifier of the attribute. This can be supplied to a LocationProvider in order to obtain the actual system identifier and line number of the relevant location


public String getSystemId(int index)
Get the systemId part of the location of an attribute, at a given index.

Attribute location information is not available from a SAX parser, so this method is not useful for getting the location of an attribute in a source document. However, in a Saxon result document, the location information represents the location in the stylesheet of the instruction used to generate this attribute, which is useful for debugging.

Specified by:
getSystemId in interface AttributeCollection
index - the required attribute
the systemId of the location of the attribute


public int getLineNumber(int index)
Get the line number part of the location of an attribute, at a given index.

Attribute location information is not available from a SAX parser, so this method is not useful for getting the location of an attribute in a source document. However, in a Saxon result document, the location information represents the location in the stylesheet of the instruction used to generate this attribute, which is useful for debugging.

Specified by:
getLineNumber in interface AttributeCollection
index - the required attribute
the line number of the location of the attribute


public int getProperties(int index)
Get the properties of an attribute (by position)

Specified by:
getProperties in interface AttributeCollection
index - The position of the attribute in the list.
The properties of the attribute. This is a set of bit-settings defined in class ReceiverOptions. The most interesting of these is {ReceiverOptions.DEFAULTED_ATTRIBUTE, which indicates an attribute that was added to an element as a result of schema validation.


public String getPrefix(int index)
Get the prefix of the name of an attribute (by position).

Specified by:
getPrefix in interface AttributeCollection
index - The position of the attribute in the list.
The prefix of the attribute name as a string, or null if there is no attribute at that position. Returns "" for an attribute that has no prefix.


public String getQName(int index)
Get the lexical QName of an attribute (by position).

Specified by:
getQName in interface AttributeCollection
index - The position of the attribute in the list.
The lexical QName of the attribute as a string, or null if there is no attribute at that position.


public String getLocalName(int index)
Get the local name of an attribute (by position).

Specified by:
getLocalName in interface AttributeCollection
index - The position of the attribute in the list.
The local name of the attribute as a string, or null if there is no attribute at that position.


public String getURI(int index)
Get the namespace URI of an attribute (by position).

Specified by:
getURI in interface AttributeCollection
index - The position of the attribute in the list.
The local name of the attribute as a string, or null if there is no attribute at that position.


public int getIndex(String uri,
                    String localname)
Get the index of an attribute (by name).

Specified by:
getIndex in interface AttributeCollection
uri - The namespace uri of the attribute.
localname - The local name of the attribute.
The index position of the attribute, or -1 if there is no attribute with this name


public int getIndexByFingerprint(int fingerprint)
Get the index, given the fingerprint

Specified by:
getIndexByFingerprint in interface AttributeCollection
fingerprint - the NamePool fingerprint of the required attribute name
The index position of the attribute, or -1 if there is no attribute with this name


public String getValueByFingerprint(int fingerprint)
Get the attribute value using its fingerprint

Specified by:
getValueByFingerprint in interface AttributeCollection


public String getValue(String uri,
                       String localname)
Get the value of an attribute (by name).

Specified by:
getValue in interface AttributeCollection
uri - The namespace uri of the attribute.
localname - The local name of the attribute.
The index position of the attribute


public String getValue(int index)
Get the value of an attribute (by position).

Specified by:
getValue in interface AttributeCollection
index - The position of the attribute in the list.
The attribute value as a string, or null if there is no attribute at that position.


public boolean isId(int index)
Determine whether a given attribute has the is-ID property set

Specified by:
isId in interface AttributeCollection


public boolean isIdref(int index)
Determine whether a given attribute has the is-idref property set

Specified by:
isIdref in interface AttributeCollection

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