Class SpaceStrippedNode

  extended by net.sf.saxon.tree.wrapper.AbstractVirtualNode
      extended by net.sf.saxon.tree.wrapper.SpaceStrippedNode
All Implemented Interfaces:
Source, PullEvent, Item<NodeInfo>, NodeInfo, ValueRepresentation<NodeInfo>, VirtualNode, WrappingFunction
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class SpaceStrippedNode
extends AbstractVirtualNode
implements WrappingFunction

A StrippedNode is a view of a node, in a virtual tree that has whitespace text nodes stripped from it. All operations on the node produce the same result as operations on the real underlying node, except that iterations over the axes take care to skip whitespace-only text nodes that are supposed to be stripped. Note that this class is only used in cases where a pre-built tree is supplied as the input to a transformation, and where the stylesheet does whitespace stripping; if a SAXSource or StreamSource is supplied, whitespace is stripped as the tree is built.

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class net.sf.saxon.tree.wrapper.AbstractVirtualNode
docWrapper, node, parent
Fields inherited from interface
Fields inherited from interface
Constructor Summary
protected SpaceStrippedNode()
protected SpaceStrippedNode(NodeInfo node, SpaceStrippedNode parent)
          This constructor is protected: nodes should be created using the makeWrapper factory method
Method Summary
 Value atomize()
          Get the typed value.
 int compareOrder(NodeInfo other)
          Determine the relative position of this node and another node, in document order.
 void copy(Receiver out, int copyOptions, int locationId)
          Copy this node to a given outputter (deep copy)
 NodeInfo getParent()
          Get the NodeInfo object representing the parent of this node
 CharSequence getStringValueCS()
          Get the value of the item as a CharSequence.
 boolean isSameNodeInfo(NodeInfo other)
          Determine whether this is the same node as another node.
 AxisIterator iterateAxis(byte axisNumber)
          Return an iteration over the nodes reached by the given axis from this node
protected static SpaceStrippedNode makeWrapper(NodeInfo node, SpaceStrippedDocument docWrapper, SpaceStrippedNode parent)
          Factory method to wrap a node with a wrapper that implements the Saxon NodeInfo interface.
 VirtualNode makeWrapper(NodeInfo node, VirtualNode parent)
          Factory method to wrap a node within the same document as this node with a VirtualNode
Methods inherited from class net.sf.saxon.tree.wrapper.AbstractVirtualNode
equals, generateId, getAttributeValue, getAttributeValue, getBaseURI, getColumnNumber, getConfiguration, getDeclaredNamespaces, getDisplayName, getDocumentNumber, getDocumentRoot, getFingerprint, getLineNumber, getLocalPart, getNameCode, getNamePool, getNodeKind, getPrefix, getRealNode, getRoot, getSchemaType, getStringValue, getSystemId, getTypeAnnotation, getTypedValue, getUnderlyingNode, getURI, hasChildNodes, hashCode, isId, isIdref, isNilled, iterateAxis, setSystemId
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


protected SpaceStrippedNode()


protected SpaceStrippedNode(NodeInfo node,
                            SpaceStrippedNode parent)
This constructor is protected: nodes should be created using the makeWrapper factory method

node - The node to be wrapped
parent - The StrippedNode that wraps the parent of this node
Method Detail


protected static SpaceStrippedNode makeWrapper(NodeInfo node,
                                               SpaceStrippedDocument docWrapper,
                                               SpaceStrippedNode parent)
Factory method to wrap a node with a wrapper that implements the Saxon NodeInfo interface.

node - The underlying node
docWrapper - The wrapper for the document node (must be supplied)
parent - The wrapper for the parent of the node (null if unknown)
The new wrapper for the supplied node


public VirtualNode makeWrapper(NodeInfo node,
                               VirtualNode parent)
Factory method to wrap a node within the same document as this node with a VirtualNode

Specified by:
makeWrapper in interface WrappingFunction
node - The underlying node
parent - The wrapper for the parent of the node (null if unknown)
The new wrapper for the supplied node


public Value atomize()
              throws XPathException
Get the typed value. The result of this method will always be consistent with the method Item.getTypedValue(). However, this method is often more convenient and may be more efficient, especially in the common case where the value is expected to be a singleton.

Specified by:
atomize in interface NodeInfo
atomize in class AbstractVirtualNode
the typed value. If requireSingleton is set to true, the result will always be an AtomicValue. In other cases it may be a Value representing a sequence whose items are atomic values.
XPathException - if the node has no typed value, for example if it is an element node with element-only content


public boolean isSameNodeInfo(NodeInfo other)
Determine whether this is the same node as another node.
Note: a.isSameNode(b) if and only if generateId(a)==generateId(b)

Specified by:
isSameNodeInfo in interface NodeInfo
isSameNodeInfo in class AbstractVirtualNode
other - the node to be compared with this node
true if this Node object and the supplied Node object represent the same node in the tree.


public int compareOrder(NodeInfo other)
Determine the relative position of this node and another node, in document order. The other node will always be in the same document.

Specified by:
compareOrder in interface NodeInfo
compareOrder in class AbstractVirtualNode
other - The other node, whose position is to be compared with this node
-1 if this node precedes the other node, +1 if it follows the other node, or 0 if they are the same node. (In this case, isSameNode() will always return true, and the two nodes will produce the same result for generateId())


public CharSequence getStringValueCS()
Get the value of the item as a CharSequence. This is in some cases more efficient than the version of the method that returns a String.

Specified by:
getStringValueCS in interface Item<NodeInfo>
Specified by:
getStringValueCS in interface ValueRepresentation<NodeInfo>
getStringValueCS in class AbstractVirtualNode
the string value of the item
See Also:


public NodeInfo getParent()
Get the NodeInfo object representing the parent of this node

Specified by:
getParent in interface NodeInfo
the parent of this node; null if this node has no parent


public AxisIterator iterateAxis(byte axisNumber)
Return an iteration over the nodes reached by the given axis from this node

Specified by:
iterateAxis in interface NodeInfo
axisNumber - the axis to be used
a SequenceIterator that scans the nodes reached by the axis in turn.
See Also:


public void copy(Receiver out,
                 int copyOptions,
                 int locationId)
          throws XPathException
Copy this node to a given outputter (deep copy)

Specified by:
copy in interface NodeInfo
out - the Receiver to which the node should be copied. It is the caller's responsibility to ensure that this Receiver is open before the method is called (or that it is self-opening), and that it is closed after use.
copyOptions - a selection of the options defined in CopyOptions
locationId - If non-zero, identifies the location of the instruction that requested this copy. If zero, indicates that the location information
XPathException - if any downstream error occurs

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