Class VirtualDocumentCopy

  extended by net.sf.saxon.tree.wrapper.VirtualCopy
      extended by net.sf.saxon.tree.wrapper.VirtualDocumentCopy
All Implemented Interfaces:
Source, SourceLocator, PullEvent, DocumentInfo, Item<NodeInfo>, NodeInfo, ValueRepresentation<NodeInfo>

public class VirtualDocumentCopy
extends VirtualCopy
implements DocumentInfo

A virtual copy of a document node

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class net.sf.saxon.tree.wrapper.VirtualCopy
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class net.sf.saxon.tree.wrapper.VirtualCopy
documentNumber, original, parent, root, systemId
Fields inherited from interface
Fields inherited from interface
Constructor Summary
VirtualDocumentCopy(DocumentInfo base)
Method Summary
 String[] getUnparsedEntity(String name)
          Get the unparsed entity with a given name
 Iterator<String> getUnparsedEntityNames()
          Get the list of unparsed entities defined in this document
 Object getUserData(String key)
          Get user data held in the document node.
 boolean isTyped()
          Ask whether the document contains any nodes whose type annotation is anything other than UNTYPED
 NodeInfo selectID(String id, boolean getParent)
          Get the element with a given ID, if any
 void setUserData(String key, Object value)
          Set user data on the document node.
Methods inherited from class net.sf.saxon.tree.wrapper.VirtualCopy
atomize, compareOrder, copy, equals, generateId, getAttributeValue, getAttributeValue, getBaseURI, getColumnNumber, getConfiguration, getDeclaredNamespaces, getDisplayName, getDocumentNumber, getDocumentRoot, getFingerprint, getLineNumber, getLocalPart, getNameCode, getNamePool, getNodeKind, getParent, getPrefix, getPublicId, getRoot, getSchemaType, getStringValue, getStringValueCS, getSystemId, getTypeAnnotation, getTypedValue, getURI, hasChildNodes, hashCode, isId, isIdref, isNilled, isSameNodeInfo, iterateAxis, iterateAxis, makeCopier, makeVirtualCopy, setDocumentNumber, setSystemId, wrap
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface
atomize, compareOrder, copy, equals, generateId, getAttributeValue, getAttributeValue, getBaseURI, getColumnNumber, getConfiguration, getDeclaredNamespaces, getDisplayName, getDocumentNumber, getDocumentRoot, getFingerprint, getLineNumber, getLocalPart, getNameCode, getNamePool, getNodeKind, getParent, getPrefix, getRoot, getSchemaType, getStringValue, getSystemId, getTypeAnnotation, getURI, hasChildNodes, hashCode, isId, isIdref, isNilled, isSameNodeInfo, iterateAxis, iterateAxis
Methods inherited from interface javax.xml.transform.Source
Methods inherited from interface
getStringValueCS, getTypedValue

Constructor Detail


public VirtualDocumentCopy(DocumentInfo base)
Method Detail


public boolean isTyped()
Ask whether the document contains any nodes whose type annotation is anything other than UNTYPED

Specified by:
isTyped in interface DocumentInfo
true if the document contains elements whose type is other than UNTYPED


public NodeInfo selectID(String id,
                         boolean getParent)
Get the element with a given ID, if any

Specified by:
selectID in interface DocumentInfo
id - the required ID value
getParent -
the element with the given ID, or null if there is no such ID present (or if the parser has not notified attributes as being of type ID)


public Iterator<String> getUnparsedEntityNames()
Get the list of unparsed entities defined in this document

Specified by:
getUnparsedEntityNames in interface DocumentInfo
an Iterator, whose items are of type String, containing the names of all unparsed entities defined in this document. If there are no unparsed entities or if the information is not available then an empty iterator is returned


public String[] getUnparsedEntity(String name)
Get the unparsed entity with a given name

Specified by:
getUnparsedEntity in interface DocumentInfo
name - the name of the entity
if the entity exists, return an array of two Strings, the first holding the system ID of the entity, the second holding the public ID if there is one, or null if not. If the entity does not exist, return null.


public void setUserData(String key,
                        Object value)
Set user data on the document node. The user data can be retrieved subsequently using getUserData(java.lang.String)

Specified by:
setUserData in interface DocumentInfo
key - A string giving the name of the property to be set. Clients are responsible for choosing a key that is likely to be unique. Must not be null. Keys used internally by Saxon are prefixed "saxon:".
value - The value to be set for the property. May be null, which effectively removes the existing value for the property.


public Object getUserData(String key)
Get user data held in the document node. This retrieves properties previously set using setUserData(java.lang.String, java.lang.Object)

Specified by:
getUserData in interface DocumentInfo
key - A string giving the name of the property to be retrieved.
the value of the property, or null if the property has not been defined.

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