Class AnyFunctionType

  extended by net.sf.saxon.type.AnyFunctionType
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, FunctionItemType, ItemType
Direct Known Subclasses:
FunctionType, MapType

public class AnyFunctionType
extends Object
implements FunctionItemType

An ItemType representing the type function(). Subtypes represent function items with more specific type signatures.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
static AnyFunctionType ANY_FUNCTION
static SequenceType SINGLE_FUNCTION
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 SequenceType[] getArgumentTypes()
          Get the argument types of the function
 AtomicType getAtomizedItemType()
          Get the item type of the atomic values that will be produced when an item of this type is atomized
 double getDefaultPriority()
          Determine the default priority of this item type when used on its own as a Pattern
static AnyFunctionType getInstance()
          Get the singular instance of this type (Note however that subtypes of this type may have any number of instances)
 ItemType getPrimitiveItemType()
          Get the primitive item type corresponding to this item type.
 int getPrimitiveType()
          Get the primitive type corresponding to this item type.
 SequenceType getResultType()
          Get the result type
 ItemType getSuperType(TypeHierarchy th)
          Get the type from which this item type is derived by restriction.
 boolean isAtomicType()
          Determine whether this item type is an atomic type
 boolean isAtomizable()
          Ask whether values of this type are atomizable
 boolean isMapType()
          Ask whether this function item type is a map type.
 boolean isPlainType()
          Determine whether this item type is atomic (that is, whether it can ONLY match atomic values)
 Expression makeFunctionSequenceCoercer(Expression exp, RoleLocator role, TypeCheckerEnvironment visitor)
          Create an expression whose effect is to apply function coercion to coerce a function from this type to another type
 boolean matches(Item item, XPathContext context)
          Test whether a given item conforms to this type
 boolean matchesItem(Item item, boolean allowURIPromotion, Configuration config)
          Test whether a given item conforms to this type
 int relationship(FunctionItemType other, TypeHierarchy th)
          Determine the relationship of one function item type to another
 String toString()
          Produce a representation of this type name for use in error messages.
 String toString(NamePool pool)
          Produce a representation of this type name for use in error messages.
 void visitNamedSchemaComponents(SchemaComponentVisitor visitor)
          Visit all the schema components used in this ItemType definition
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static AnyFunctionType ANY_FUNCTION


public static SequenceType SINGLE_FUNCTION
Constructor Detail


public AnyFunctionType()
Method Detail


public static AnyFunctionType getInstance()
Get the singular instance of this type (Note however that subtypes of this type may have any number of instances)


public boolean isAtomicType()
Determine whether this item type is an atomic type

Specified by:
isAtomicType in interface ItemType
true if this is ANY_ATOMIC_TYPE or a subtype thereof


public boolean isPlainType()
Determine whether this item type is atomic (that is, whether it can ONLY match atomic values)

Specified by:
isPlainType in interface ItemType
true if this is ANY_ATOMIC_TYPE or a subtype thereof


public boolean isMapType()
Ask whether this function item type is a map type. In this case function coercion (to the map type) will never succeed.

Specified by:
isMapType in interface FunctionItemType
true if this FunctionItemType is a map type


public SequenceType[] getArgumentTypes()
Get the argument types of the function

Specified by:
getArgumentTypes in interface FunctionItemType
the argument types, as an array of SequenceTypes, or null if this is the generic function type function(*)


public boolean matches(Item item,
                       XPathContext context)
Test whether a given item conforms to this type

Specified by:
matches in interface ItemType
item - The item to be tested
context - the XPath dynamic evaluation context
true if the item is an instance of this type; false otherwise


public boolean matchesItem(Item item,
                           boolean allowURIPromotion,
                           Configuration config)
Test whether a given item conforms to this type

Specified by:
matchesItem in interface ItemType
item - The item to be tested
allowURIPromotion -
config -
true if the item is an instance of this type; false otherwise


public ItemType getSuperType(TypeHierarchy th)
Get the type from which this item type is derived by restriction. This is the supertype in the XPath type heirarchy, as distinct from the Schema base type: this means that the supertype of xs:boolean is xs:anyAtomicType, whose supertype is item() (rather than xs:anySimpleType).

In fact the concept of "supertype" is not really well-defined, because the types form a lattice rather than a hierarchy. The only real requirement on this function is that it returns a type that strictly subsumes this type, ideally as narrowly as possible.

Specified by:
getSuperType in interface ItemType
th - the type hierarchy cache
the supertype, or null if this type is item()


public ItemType getPrimitiveItemType()
Get the primitive item type corresponding to this item type. For item(), this is Type.ITEM. For node(), it is Type.NODE. For specific node kinds, it is the value representing the node kind, for example Type.ELEMENT. For anyAtomicValue it is Type.ATOMIC_VALUE. For numeric it is Type.NUMBER. For other atomic types it is the primitive type as defined in XML Schema, except that integer, xs:dayTimeDuration, and xs:yearMonthDuration are considered to be primitive types. For function items it is the singular instance FunctionItemType.getInstance().

Specified by:
getPrimitiveItemType in interface ItemType
the corresponding primitive type


public int getPrimitiveType()
Get the primitive type corresponding to this item type. For item(), this is Type.ITEM. For node(), it is Type.NODE. For specific node kinds, it is the value representing the node kind, for example Type.ELEMENT. For anyAtomicValue it is Type.ATOMIC_VALUE. For numeric it is Type.NUMBER. For other atomic types it is the primitive type as defined in XML Schema, except that INTEGER is considered to be a primitive type.

Specified by:
getPrimitiveType in interface ItemType
the integer fingerprint of the corresponding primitive type


public String toString(NamePool pool)
Produce a representation of this type name for use in error messages.

Specified by:
toString in interface ItemType
pool - the name pool
a string representation of the type, in notation resembling but not necessarily identical to XPath syntax


public String toString()
Produce a representation of this type name for use in error messages.

toString in class Object
a string representation of the type, in notation resembling but not necessarily identical to XPath syntax


public AtomicType getAtomizedItemType()
Get the item type of the atomic values that will be produced when an item of this type is atomized

Specified by:
getAtomizedItemType in interface ItemType
the item type of the atomic values that will be produced when an item of this type is atomized


public boolean isAtomizable()
Ask whether values of this type are atomizable

Specified by:
isAtomizable in interface ItemType
true unless it is known that these items will be elements with element-only content, in which case return false


public int relationship(FunctionItemType other,
                        TypeHierarchy th)
Determine the relationship of one function item type to another

Specified by:
relationship in interface FunctionItemType
for example TypeHierarchy.SUBSUMES, TypeHierarchy.SAME_TYPE


public Expression makeFunctionSequenceCoercer(Expression exp,
                                              RoleLocator role,
                                              TypeCheckerEnvironment visitor)
                                       throws XPathException
Create an expression whose effect is to apply function coercion to coerce a function from this type to another type

Specified by:
makeFunctionSequenceCoercer in interface FunctionItemType
exp - the expression that delivers the supplied sequence of function items (the ones in need of coercion)
role - information for use in diagnostics
visitor - the expression visitor, supplies context information
the coerced function, a function that calls the original function after checking the parameters


public void visitNamedSchemaComponents(SchemaComponentVisitor visitor)
                                throws XPathException
Visit all the schema components used in this ItemType definition

Specified by:
visitNamedSchemaComponents in interface ItemType
visitor - the visitor class to be called when each component is visited
XPathException - if an error occurs


public SequenceType getResultType()
Get the result type

Specified by:
getResultType in interface FunctionItemType
the result type


public double getDefaultPriority()
Description copied from interface: ItemType
Determine the default priority of this item type when used on its own as a Pattern

Specified by:
getDefaultPriority in interface ItemType
the default priority

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