Interface PlainType

All Superinterfaces:
ItemType, Serializable
All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
BuiltInAtomicType, ExternalObjectType, UserAtomicType, UserUnionType

public interface PlainType
extends ItemType

A "plain type" is either an atomic type, or a union type that (a) imposes no restrictions other than those imposed by its member types, and (b) has exclusively plain types as its member types

Method Summary
 Set<PlainType> getPlainMemberTypes()
          Get the set of plain types that are subsumed by this type
 boolean isExternalType()
Methods inherited from interface net.sf.saxon.type.ItemType
getAtomizedItemType, getDefaultPriority, getPrimitiveItemType, getPrimitiveType, getSuperType, isAtomicType, isAtomizable, isPlainType, matches, matchesItem, toString, visitNamedSchemaComponents

Method Detail


boolean isExternalType()


Set<PlainType> getPlainMemberTypes()
Get the set of plain types that are subsumed by this type

for an atomic type, the type itself; for a plain union type, the set of plain types in its transitive membership

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