Class Type

  extended by net.sf.saxon.type.Type
All Implemented Interfaces:

public abstract class Type
extends Object
implements Serializable

This class contains static information about types and methods for constructing type codes. The class is never instantiated.

The constant integers used for type names in earlier versions of this class have been replaced by constants in StandardNames. The constants representing AtomicType objects are now available through the BuiltInAtomicType class.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
static short ATTRIBUTE
          Item type representing an attribute node - attribute()
static short COMMENT
          Item type representing a comment node
static short DOCUMENT
          Item type representing a document node
static short ELEMENT
          Type representing an element node - element()
static short EMPTY
          Item type that matches no items (corresponds to SequenceType empty())
static short FUNCTION
          A type number for function()
static short ITEM
          An item type that matches any item
static ItemType ITEM_TYPE
static short MAX_NODE_TYPE
static short NAMESPACE
          Item type representing a namespace node
static short NODE
          An item type that matches any node
static ItemType NODE_TYPE
static short PARENT_POINTER
          Dummy node kind used in the tiny tree to contain a parent pointer
          Item type representing a processing-instruction node
static short STOPPER
          Dummy node kind used in the tiny tree to mark the end of the tree
static short TEXT
          Item type representing a text node - text()
static short WHITESPACE_TEXT
          Item type representing a text node stored in the tiny tree as compressed whitespace
Method Summary
static String displayTypeName(Item item)
          Output (for diagnostics) a representation of the type of an item.
static ItemType getBuiltInItemType(String namespace, String localName)
          Get the ItemType object for a built-in atomic type
static SimpleType getBuiltInSimpleType(String namespace, String localName)
          Get the SimpleType object for a built-in simple type (atomic type or list type)
static ItemType getCommonSuperType(ItemType t1, ItemType t2)
          Get a type that is a common supertype of two given item types, without the benefit of a TypeHierarchy cache.
static ItemType getCommonSuperType(ItemType t1, ItemType t2, TypeHierarchy th)
          Get a type that is a common supertype of two given item types
static ItemType getItemType(Item item, TypeHierarchy th)
          Get the ItemType of an Item
static boolean isComparable(BuiltInAtomicType t1, BuiltInAtomicType t2, boolean ordered)
          Determine whether two primitive atomic types are comparable under the rules for ValueComparisons (that is, untyped atomic values treated as strings)
static boolean isGenerallyComparable(BuiltInAtomicType t1, BuiltInAtomicType t2, boolean ordered)
          Determine whether two primitive atomic types are comparable under the rules for GeneralComparisons (that is, untyped atomic values treated as comparable to anything)
static boolean isGuaranteedGenerallyComparable(BuiltInAtomicType t1, BuiltInAtomicType t2, boolean ordered)
          Determine whether two primitive atomic types are guaranteed comparable under the rules for GeneralComparisons (that is, untyped atomic values treated as comparable to anything).
static boolean isNodeType(ItemType type)
          Test whether a given type is (some subtype of) node()
static boolean isPrimitiveType(int code)
          Determine whether this type is a primitive type.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final short ELEMENT
Type representing an element node - element()

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final short ATTRIBUTE
Item type representing an attribute node - attribute()

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final short TEXT
Item type representing a text node - text()

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final short WHITESPACE_TEXT
Item type representing a text node stored in the tiny tree as compressed whitespace

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final short PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION
Item type representing a processing-instruction node

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final short COMMENT
Item type representing a comment node

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final short DOCUMENT
Item type representing a document node

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final short NAMESPACE
Item type representing a namespace node

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final short STOPPER
Dummy node kind used in the tiny tree to mark the end of the tree

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final short PARENT_POINTER
Dummy node kind used in the tiny tree to contain a parent pointer

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final short NODE
An item type that matches any node

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final ItemType NODE_TYPE


public static final short ITEM
An item type that matches any item

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final ItemType ITEM_TYPE


public static final short FUNCTION
A type number for function()

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final short MAX_NODE_TYPE
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final short EMPTY
Item type that matches no items (corresponds to SequenceType empty())

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


public static boolean isNodeType(ItemType type)
Test whether a given type is (some subtype of) node()

type - The type to be tested
true if the item type is node() or a subtype of node()


public static ItemType getItemType(Item item,
                                   TypeHierarchy th)
Get the ItemType of an Item

item - the item whose type is required
th - the type hierarchy cache. If null, the returned type may be less precise
the item type of the item


public static String displayTypeName(Item item)
Output (for diagnostics) a representation of the type of an item. This does not have to be the most specific type

item - the item whose type is to be displayed
a string representation of the type of the item


public static ItemType getBuiltInItemType(String namespace,
                                          String localName)
Get the ItemType object for a built-in atomic type

namespace - the namespace URI of the type
localName - the local name of the type
the ItemType, or null if not found


public static SimpleType getBuiltInSimpleType(String namespace,
                                              String localName)
Get the SimpleType object for a built-in simple type (atomic type or list type)

namespace - the namespace URI of the type
localName - the local name of the type
the SimpleType, or null if not found


public static ItemType getCommonSuperType(ItemType t1,
                                          ItemType t2,
                                          TypeHierarchy th)
Get a type that is a common supertype of two given item types

t1 - the first item type
t2 - the second item type
th - the type hierarchy cache
the item type that is a supertype of both the supplied item types


public static ItemType getCommonSuperType(ItemType t1,
                                          ItemType t2)
Get a type that is a common supertype of two given item types, without the benefit of a TypeHierarchy cache. This will generally give a less precise answer than the method getCommonSuperType(ItemType, ItemType, TypeHierarchy)

t1 - the first item type
t2 - the second item type
an item type that is a supertype of both the supplied item types


public static boolean isPrimitiveType(int code)
Determine whether this type is a primitive type. The primitive types are the 19 primitive types of XML Schema, plus xs:integer, xs:dayTimeDuration and xs:yearMonthDuration; xs:untypedAtomic; the 7 node kinds; and all supertypes of these (item(), node(), xs:anyAtomicType, xs:numeric, ...)

code - the item type code to be tested
true if the type is considered primitive under the above rules


public static boolean isComparable(BuiltInAtomicType t1,
                                   BuiltInAtomicType t2,
                                   boolean ordered)
Determine whether two primitive atomic types are comparable under the rules for ValueComparisons (that is, untyped atomic values treated as strings)

t1 - the first type to compared. This must be a primitive atomic type as defined by ItemType.getPrimitiveType()
t2 - the second type to compared. This must be a primitive atomic type as defined by ItemType.getPrimitiveType()
ordered - true if testing for an ordering comparison (lt, gt, le, ge). False if testing for an equality comparison (eq, ne)
true if the types are comparable, as defined by the rules of the "eq" operator


public static boolean isGenerallyComparable(BuiltInAtomicType t1,
                                            BuiltInAtomicType t2,
                                            boolean ordered)
Determine whether two primitive atomic types are comparable under the rules for GeneralComparisons (that is, untyped atomic values treated as comparable to anything)

t1 - the first type to compared. This must be a primitive atomic type as defined by ItemType.getPrimitiveType()
t2 - the second type to compared. This must be a primitive atomic type as defined by ItemType.getPrimitiveType()
ordered - true if testing for an ordering comparison (lt, gt, le, ge). False if testing for an equality comparison (eq, ne)
true if the types are comparable, as defined by the rules of the "=" operator


public static boolean isGuaranteedGenerallyComparable(BuiltInAtomicType t1,
                                                      BuiltInAtomicType t2,
                                                      boolean ordered)
Determine whether two primitive atomic types are guaranteed comparable under the rules for GeneralComparisons (that is, untyped atomic values treated as comparable to anything). This method returns false if a run-time check is necessary.

t1 - the first type to compared. This must be a primitive atomic type as defined by ItemType.getPrimitiveType()
t2 - the second type to compared. This must be a primitive atomic type as defined by ItemType.getPrimitiveType()
ordered - true if testing for an ordering comparison (lt, gt, le, ge). False if testing for an equality comparison (eq, ne)
true if the types are comparable, as defined by the rules of the "=" operator

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