Class DateValue

  extended by net.sf.saxon.value.Value<AtomicValue>
      extended by net.sf.saxon.value.AtomicValue
          extended by net.sf.saxon.value.CalendarValue
              extended by net.sf.saxon.value.GDateValue
                  extended by net.sf.saxon.value.DateValue
All Implemented Interfaces:
Comparable, PullEvent, GroundedValue<AtomicValue>, Item<AtomicValue>, ValueRepresentation<AtomicValue>, ConversionResult

public class DateValue
extends GDateValue
implements Comparable

A value of type Date. Note that a Date may include a TimeZone.

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class net.sf.saxon.value.GDateValue
day, daysPerMonth, month, monthData, xsd10rules, year
Fields inherited from class net.sf.saxon.value.CalendarValue
Fields inherited from class net.sf.saxon.value.AtomicValue
Fields inherited from class net.sf.saxon.value.Value
Fields inherited from interface
Constructor Summary
DateValue(CharSequence s)
          Constructor: create a date value from a supplied string, in ISO 8601 format
DateValue(CharSequence s, ConversionRules rules)
          Constructor: create a date value from a supplied string, in ISO 8601 format
DateValue(GregorianCalendar calendar, int tz)
          Create a DateValue
DateValue(int year, byte month, byte day)
          Constructor given a year, month, and day.
DateValue(int year, byte month, byte day, boolean xsd10)
          Constructor given a year, month, day and xsd10.
DateValue(int year, byte month, byte day, int tz, AtomicType type)
          Constructor given a year, month, and day, and timezone, and an AtomicType representing a subtype of xs:date.
DateValue(int year, byte month, byte day, int tz, boolean xsd10)
          Constructor given a year, month, and day, and timezone.
Method Summary
 CalendarValue add(DurationValue duration)
          Add a duration to a date
 CalendarValue adjustTimezone(int timezone)
          Return a new date with the same normalized value, but in a different timezone.
 int compareTo(Object v2)
          Context-free comparison of two DateValue values.
 AtomicValue copyAsSubType(AtomicType typeLabel)
          Make a copy of this date value, but with a new type label
static DateValue dateFromJulianDayNumber(int julianDayNumber)
          Get the Gregorian date corresponding to a particular Julian day number.
 CharSequence getCanonicalLexicalRepresentation()
          Get the canonical lexical representation as defined in XML Schema.
static int getDayOfWeek(int year, int month, int day)
          Get the day of the week.
static int getDayWithinYear(int year, int month, int day)
          Get the ordinal day number within the year (1 Jan = 1, 1 Feb = 32, etc)
 int getJulianDayNumber()
          Calculate the Julian day number at 00:00 on this date.
static int getJulianDayNumber(int year, int month, int day)
          Calculate the Julian day number at 00:00 on a given date.
 CharSequence getPrimitiveStringValue()
          Convert to string
 BuiltInAtomicType getPrimitiveType()
          Determine the primitive type of the value.
static int getWeekNumber(int year, int month, int day)
          Get the ISO week number for a given date.
static int getWeekNumberWithinMonth(int year, int month, int day)
          Get the week number within a month.
static ConversionResult makeDateValue(CharSequence in, ConversionRules rules)
          Static factory method: construct a DateValue from a string in the lexical form of a date, returning a ValidationFailure if the supplied string is invalid
 DayTimeDurationValue subtract(CalendarValue other, XPathContext context)
          Determine the difference between two points in time, as a duration
static DateValue tomorrow(int year, byte month, byte day)
          Get the date that immediately follows a given date
static DateValue yesterday(int year, byte month, byte day)
          Get the date that immediately precedes a given date
Methods inherited from class net.sf.saxon.value.GDateValue
compareTo, equals, getCalendar, getComparisonKey, getComponent, getDay, getMonth, getSchemaComparable, getYear, hashCode, isLeapYear, isValidDate, setLexicalValue, toDateTime
Methods inherited from class net.sf.saxon.value.CalendarValue
adjustTimezone, appendTimezone, appendTimezone, getTimezoneInMinutes, getXPathComparable, hasTimezone, isIdentical, makeCalendarValue, removeTimezone, setTimezoneInMinutes
Methods inherited from class net.sf.saxon.value.AtomicValue
asAtomic, checkPermittedContents, effectiveBooleanValue, getCardinality, getItemType, getLength, getStringValue, getStringValueCS, getTypedValue, getTypeLabel, isNaN, itemAt, iterate, process, setTypeLabel, subsequence, toString
Methods inherited from class net.sf.saxon.value.Value
asItem, asItem, asIterator, asValue, convertToJava, fromItem, getIterator, getSequenceLength, reduce
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public DateValue(int year,
                 byte month,
                 byte day)
Constructor given a year, month, and day. Performs no validation.

year - The year as held internally (note that the year before 1AD is supplied as 0, but will be displayed on output as -0001)
month - The month, 1-12
day - The day, 1-31


public DateValue(int year,
                 byte month,
                 byte day,
                 boolean xsd10)
Constructor given a year, month, day and xsd10. Performs no validation.

year - The year as held internally (note that the year before 1AD is supplied as 0)
month - The month, 1-12
day - The day, 1-31
xsd10 - Schema version flag. If set to true, the year before 1AD is displayed as -0001; if false, it is displayed as 0000; but in both cases, it is held internally as zero. The flag makes no difference to dates later than 1AD.


public DateValue(int year,
                 byte month,
                 byte day,
                 int tz,
                 boolean xsd10)
Constructor given a year, month, and day, and timezone. Performs no validation.

year - The year as held internally (note that the year before 1AD is 0)
month - The month, 1-12
day - The day, 1-31
tz - the timezone displacement in minutes from UTC. Supply the value CalendarValue.NO_TIMEZONE if there is no timezone component.
xsd10 - Schema version flag. If set to true, the year before 1AD is displayed as -0001; if false, it is displayed as 0000; but in both cases, it is held internally as zero. The flag makes no difference to dates later than 1AD.


public DateValue(int year,
                 byte month,
                 byte day,
                 int tz,
                 AtomicType type)
Constructor given a year, month, and day, and timezone, and an AtomicType representing a subtype of xs:date. Performs no validation.

year - The year as held internally (note that the year before 1AD is 0)
month - The month, 1-12
day - The day 1-31
tz - the timezone displacement in minutes from UTC. Supply the value CalendarValue.NO_TIMEZONE if there is no timezone component.
type - the type. This must be a type derived from xs:date, and the value must conform to this type. The method does not check these conditions.


public DateValue(CharSequence s)
          throws ValidationException
Constructor: create a date value from a supplied string, in ISO 8601 format

s - the lexical form of the date value. Currently this assumes XSD 1.0 conventions for BC years (that is, no year zero), but this may change at some time.
ValidationException - if the supplied string is not a valid date


public DateValue(CharSequence s,
                 ConversionRules rules)
          throws ValidationException
Constructor: create a date value from a supplied string, in ISO 8601 format

s - the lexical form of the date value
rules - the conversion rules (determining whether year zero is allowed)
ValidationException - if the supplied string is not a valid date


public DateValue(GregorianCalendar calendar,
                 int tz)
Create a DateValue

calendar - the absolute date/time value
tz - The timezone offset from GMT in minutes, positive or negative; or the special value NO_TIMEZONE indicating that the value is not in a timezone
Method Detail


public static ConversionResult makeDateValue(CharSequence in,
                                             ConversionRules rules)
Static factory method: construct a DateValue from a string in the lexical form of a date, returning a ValidationFailure if the supplied string is invalid

in - the lexical form of the date
rules -
either a DateValue or a ValidationFailure


public BuiltInAtomicType getPrimitiveType()
Determine the primitive type of the value. This delivers the same answer as getItemType().getPrimitiveItemType(). The primitive types are the 19 primitive types of XML Schema, plus xs:integer, xs:dayTimeDuration and xs:yearMonthDuration, and xs:untypedAtomic. For external objects, the result is AnyAtomicType.

Specified by:
getPrimitiveType in class AtomicValue
the primitive type


public static DateValue tomorrow(int year,
                                 byte month,
                                 byte day)
Get the date that immediately follows a given date

year - the year
month - the month (1-12)
day - the day (1-31)
a new DateValue with no timezone information


public static DateValue yesterday(int year,
                                  byte month,
                                  byte day)
Get the date that immediately precedes a given date

year - the year
month - the month (1-12)
day - the day (1-31)
a new DateValue with no timezone information


public CharSequence getPrimitiveStringValue()
Convert to string

Specified by:
getPrimitiveStringValue in class AtomicValue
ISO 8601 representation.


public CharSequence getCanonicalLexicalRepresentation()
Get the canonical lexical representation as defined in XML Schema. This is not always the same as the result of casting to a string according to the XPath rules. For xs:date, the timezone is adjusted to be in the range +12:00 to -11:59

getCanonicalLexicalRepresentation in class Value<AtomicValue>
the canonical lexical representation if defined in XML Schema; otherwise, the result of casting to string according to the XPath 2.0 rules


public AtomicValue copyAsSubType(AtomicType typeLabel)
Make a copy of this date value, but with a new type label

Specified by:
copyAsSubType in class AtomicValue
typeLabel - the new type label: must be a subtype of xs:date
the new xs:date value


public CalendarValue adjustTimezone(int timezone)
Return a new date with the same normalized value, but in a different timezone. This is called only for a DateValue that has an explicit timezone

Specified by:
adjustTimezone in class CalendarValue
timezone - the new timezone offset, in minutes
the time in the new timezone. This will be a new TimeValue unless no change was required to the original value


public CalendarValue add(DurationValue duration)
                  throws XPathException
Add a duration to a date

Specified by:
add in class CalendarValue
duration - the duration to be added (may be negative)
the new date
XPathException - if the duration is an xs:duration, as distinct from a subclass thereof


public DayTimeDurationValue subtract(CalendarValue other,
                                     XPathContext context)
                              throws XPathException
Determine the difference between two points in time, as a duration

subtract in class CalendarValue
other - the other point in time
context - the XPath dynamic context. May be set to null only if both values contain an explicit timezone, or if neither does so.
the duration as an xs:dayTimeDuration
XPathException - for example if one value is a date and the other is a time


public int compareTo(Object v2)
Context-free comparison of two DateValue values. For this to work, the two values must either both have a timezone or both have none.

Specified by:
compareTo in interface Comparable
v2 - the other value
the result of the comparison: -1 if the first is earlier, 0 if they are equal, +1 if the first is later
ClassCastException - if the values are not comparable (which might be because no timezone is available)


public static int getJulianDayNumber(int year,
                                     int month,
                                     int day)
Calculate the Julian day number at 00:00 on a given date. This algorithm is taken from and (adjusted to handle BC dates correctly)

Note that this assumes dates in the proleptic Gregorian calendar

year - the year
month - the month (1-12)
day - the day (1-31)
the Julian day number


public int getJulianDayNumber()
Calculate the Julian day number at 00:00 on this date.

Note that this assumes dates in the proleptic Gregorian calendar

the Julian day number


public static DateValue dateFromJulianDayNumber(int julianDayNumber)
Get the Gregorian date corresponding to a particular Julian day number. The algorithm is taken from

julianDayNumber - the Julian day number
a DateValue with no timezone information set


public static int getDayWithinYear(int year,
                                   int month,
                                   int day)
Get the ordinal day number within the year (1 Jan = 1, 1 Feb = 32, etc)

year - the year
month - the month (1-12)
day - the day (1-31)
the ordinal day number within the year


public static int getDayOfWeek(int year,
                               int month,
                               int day)
Get the day of the week. The days of the week are numbered from 1 (Monday) to 7 (Sunday)

year - the year
month - the month (1-12)
day - the day (1-31)
the day of the week, 1=Monday .... 7=Sunday


public static int getWeekNumber(int year,
                                int month,
                                int day)
Get the ISO week number for a given date. The days of the week are numbered from 1 (Monday) to 7 (Sunday), and week 1 in any calendar year is the week (from Monday to Sunday) that includes the first Thursday of that year

year - the year
month - the month (1-12)
day - the day (1-31)
the ISO week number


public static int getWeekNumberWithinMonth(int year,
                                           int month,
                                           int day)
Get the week number within a month. This is required for the XSLT format-date() function, and the rules are not entirely clear. The days of the week are numbered from 1 (Monday) to 7 (Sunday), and by analogy with the ISO week number, we consider that week 1 in any calendar month is the week (from Monday to Sunday) that includes the first Thursday of that month. Unlike the ISO week number, we put the previous days in week zero.

year - the year
month - the month (1-12)
day - the day (1-31)
the week number within a month

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