Class SchemaCompiler

  • public class SchemaCompiler
    extends java.lang.Object
    A SchemaCompiler is capable of reading source schema documents and converting them into collections of schema components. The Compiler holds all the options relating to schema compilation, including maintaining information about the schema documents involved in a compilation.

    A default SchemaCompiler is available as part of the EnterpriseConfiguration

    • Constructor Detail

      • SchemaCompiler

        public SchemaCompiler​(EnterpriseConfiguration config)
        Create a SchemaCompiler
        config - the Saxon Configuration
    • Method Detail

      • getConfiguration

        public EnterpriseConfiguration getConfiguration()
        Get the configuration
        the configuration (which is always schema-aware)
      • getNamePool

        public NamePool getNamePool()
        Get the NamePool
        the name pool
      • setLanguageVersion

        public void setLanguageVersion​(int version)
        Set the XSD language version allowed.
        version - the language version allowed. Default is Configuration.XSD10; to use facilities in XML Schema 1.1, the value must be set to Configuration.XSD11
      • getLanguageVersion

        public int getLanguageVersion()
        Get the XSD langauge version allowed
        the XSD language version. Default is Configuration.XSD10; to use facilities in XML Schema 1.1, the value must be set to Configuration.XSD11
      • setPreparedSchema

        public void setPreparedSchema​(PreparedSchema schema)
        Set the PreparedSchema. Used when validating a schema loaded using the SchemaModelLoader
        schema - the schema that has been loaded
      • getPreparedSchema

        public PreparedSchema getPreparedSchema()
        Get the PreparedSchema. This is a callback available only during a schema validation episode
        the PreparedSchema containing all the schema components
      • getErrorReporter

        public ErrorReporter getErrorReporter()
        Get the ErrorReporter used in this configuration. If no ErrorReporter has been supplied explicitly, the default ErrorReporter is used.
        the ErrorReporter.
        8.9. Changed in 10.0 to use ErrorReporter rather than ErrorListener
      • setErrorReporter

        public void setErrorReporter​(ErrorReporter reporter)
        Set the ErrorReporter to be used in this compiler. The ErrorReporter is informed of all errors detected during schema processing.
        reporter - the ErrorReporter to be used
        8.9. Changed in 10.0 to use ErrorReporter rather than ErrorListener
      • getErrorCount

        public int getErrorCount()
        Test whether errors have been reported
        the number of errors reported
      • setOccurrenceLimits

        public void setOccurrenceLimits​(int minimum,
                                        int maximum)
        Set the occurrence limits to be used when compiling a finite state automaton.
        minimum - The highest value of minOccurs that will be strictly enforced. If the actual value of minOccurs in a schema is higher than this value, it will be treated as if this value had been specified. The default is 100.
        maximum - The highest value of maxOccurs that will be strictly enforced. If the actual value of maxOccurs in a schema is higher than this value, it will be treated as if "unbounded" had been specified. The default is 250.
      • getOccurrenceLimits

        public int[] getOccurrenceLimits()
        Get the occurrence limits previously set using setOccurrenceLimits (or the default)
        an array of two integers, the minimum occurrence limit and the maximum occurrence limit
      • setBeingRead

        public void setBeingRead​(java.lang.String systemId)
        Mark a URI as currently being read
        systemId - the URI of the schema document being read
      • isBeingRead

        public boolean isBeingRead​(java.lang.String systemId)
        Determine whether a particular URI is currently being read
        systemId - the URI of the document in question
        true if the document is currently being read
      • markAsRead

        public void markAsRead​(java.lang.String systemId,
                               XSDSchema schema)
        Mark a document as having been read
        systemId - the URI of the schema document that has been read
        schema - the root element of the schema document constructed from this URI
      • isAllowDanglingReferences

        public boolean isAllowDanglingReferences()
        Ask whether dangling references are allowed. Returns false by default; returns true if the configuration property Feature.ALLOW_UNRESOLVED_SCHEMA_COMPONENTS is set.
        true if the presence of unresolved schema components should not cause the schema to be treated as invalid. Instead, the schema is "repaired" such that it can be used for validation, provided that the absent schema components are not actually required for a particular validation episode.
      • getExistingSchemaDocument

        public XSDSchema getExistingSchemaDocument​(java.lang.String systemId,
                                                   java.lang.String targetNamespace)
        Get the root element of the tree representing a schema document that has already been read
        systemId - the URI of the required schema document
        targetNamespace - the expected namespace. If the schema document was previously read but chameleoned into a different namespace, we read it again
        the root element of the tree representing this schema document
      • getPipelineConfiguration

        public PipelineConfiguration getPipelineConfiguration()
        Get the pipeline configuration
        the pipeline configuration
      • setPipelineConfiguration

        public void setPipelineConfiguration​(PipelineConfiguration pipelineConfiguration)
        Set the pipeline configuration
        pipelineConfiguration - the pipeline configuration
      • getSchemaURIResolver

        public SchemaURIResolver getSchemaURIResolver()
        Get the user-defined SchemaURIResolver for resolving URIs used in "import schema" declarations; if none has been explicitly set, returns the standard schema URI resolver.
        the SchemaURIResolver
      • readSchema

        public java.lang.String readSchema​(PipelineConfiguration pipe,
                                           java.lang.String baseURI,
                                           java.lang.String schemaLocation,
                                           java.lang.String expected)
                                    throws SchemaException
        Read a schema document from a given schema location. If deferredValidationMode is not set, the schema document will be fully validated and integrated with other schema documents previously loaded
        pipe - the pipeline configuration
        baseURI - the base URI for resolving relative URIs
        schemaLocation - the location "hint" where to find the schema document. Must not be null.
        expected - the target namespace expected; null if there is no expectation
        the actual target namespace of the schema
      • readMultipleSchemas

        public void readMultipleSchemas​(PipelineConfiguration pipe,
                                        java.lang.String baseURI,
                                        java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> schemaLocations,
                                        java.lang.String expected)
                                 throws SchemaException
        Read schemas from a list of schema locations. Note, these must contain source XSD documents (compiled SCM documents are not acceptable)
        pipe - the PipelineConfiguration
        baseURI - the base URI for resolving relative URIs
        schemaLocations - the list of location "hints" where to find the schema document. Must not be null.
        expected - the target namespace expected in each of the schema documents; null if there is no expected namespace
        SchemaException - if reading a schema document fails
      • readInlineSchema

        public java.lang.String readInlineSchema​(NodeInfo root,
                                                 java.lang.String expected,
                                                 ErrorReporter errorReporter)
                                          throws SchemaException
        Read an inline schema from a stylesheet
        root - the xs:schema element in the stylesheet
        expected - the target namespace expected; "" if there is no expectation
        errorReporter - The destination for error messages. May be null, in which case the errorListener registered with this Configuration is used.
        the actual target namespace of the schema
        SchemaException - if the inline schema is in error
      • compile

        public void compile()
                     throws SchemaException
        In deferred validation mode, validate and compile the accumulated schema components. If validation succeeds, the schema components will be added to the cache held by the Configuration.
        SchemaException - if any of the schema components is invalid, or if the collection of schema components as a whole is invalid, or if there are components present that conflict with components already present in the cache held by the Configuration.
      • validate

        public PreparedSchema validate​(SchemaDocument doc)
                                throws SchemaException
        Validate the schema represented by a schema document. This method validates the schema components associated with this schema document: that is, the components defined in this document, together with any components referenced by these components if they have not already been validated.
        doc - the schema document to be validated
        schema the schema, if it is valid
        SchemaException - if the schema is invalid
      • reportMissingComponent

        public boolean reportMissingComponent​(java.lang.String componentType,
                                              StructuredQName componentName)
        Register that there is an unresolved component reference
        componentType - the type of component, for example attributeGroup
        componentName - the name of the component
        true if this is the first report that this component is missing
      • error

        public void error​(java.lang.String message,
                          Location locator)
        Report an error
        message - the error message
        locator - the location of the error
      • warning

        public void warning​(java.lang.String message,
                            Location locator)
        Report a warning
        message - the warning message
        locator - the location of the error
      • addPendingTypeCheck

        public void addPendingTypeCheck​(IdentityConstraintReference constraint,
                                        SchemaType contextItemType)
        Register an identity constraint that needs to be type-checked
        constraint - the constraint to be checked
        contextItemType - the type of the context node for the XPath expression to be checked
      • typeCheckIdentityConstraints

        public void typeCheckIdentityConstraints()
                                          throws SchemaException
        Do all the pending type-checking
        SchemaException - if any of the checks fail
      • doChameleonTransformation

        public SchemaDocument doChameleonTransformation​(NodeInfo input,
                                                        SchemaElement referrer)
                                                 throws SchemaException
        Do the chameleon transformation on a source schema document
        input - the included schema document to be transformeed
        referrer - the xs:include element referencing this schema document
        the transformed schema document
        SchemaException - if the transformation fails
      • doOverrideTransformation

        public SchemaDocument doOverrideTransformation​(NodeInfo input,
                                                       SchemaElement referrer)
                                                throws SchemaException
        Do the override transformation on a source schema document
        input - the schema document being overridden
        referrer - the xs:override element referencing this schema document
        the transformed schema document
        SchemaException - if the transformation fails
      • scheduleAutomaton

        public void scheduleAutomaton​(UserComplexType type)
        Schedule the task of creating a finite state automaton for a given complex type. This is done at the end, because there may be multiple requests for the same complex type, and doing it once saves effort
        type - the complex type for which an FSA is needed
      • scheduleAutomatonCheck

        public void scheduleAutomatonCheck​(UserComplexType base,
                                           UserComplexType sub)
        Schedule a subsumption check: that is, checking that the finite state automaton for one complex type subsumes the FSA for another complex type
        base - the base (super-) complex type
        sub - the derived complex type
      • makeAllAutomata

        public void makeAllAutomata()
                             throws SchemaException
        Create determinized finite state automata for all complex types for which this has been previously requested
        SchemaException - if creation of any FSA fails
      • checkAllAutomata

        public void checkAllAutomata()
                              throws SchemaException
        Perform all subsumption checks that have been previously requested. This can only be done after the determinized FSA's have been constructed.
        SchemaException - if any restricted type is not validly derived from its base type