Class SchemaElement

    • Field Detail


        public static final int USE_DEFAULT_NS
        Option indicating "use the default element namespace when unprefixed"
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int REQUIRE_TARGET_NS
        Option indicating "no namespace prefix is allowed; the name is in the targetNamespace"
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int REQUIRE_NULL_NS
        Option indicating "no namespace prefix is allowed; the name is in the null Namespace"
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int USE_DEFAULT_NS_WITHOUT_IMPORT
        Option indicating "use the default element namespace when unprefixed", but without a requirement to have an xs:import
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        protected static final java.lang.String NAMESPACE_LOCAL
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        protected static final java.lang.String NAMESPACE_OTHER
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        protected static final java.lang.String NAMESPACE_TARGET
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • SchemaElement

        public SchemaElement()
        Construct a SchemaElement
    • Method Detail

      • isTopLevel

        protected boolean isTopLevel()
        Return true if this element is a child of xs:schema or xs:redefine
        true if this element is a child of xs:schema or xs:redefine
      • setSchemaNodeFactory

        public void setSchemaNodeFactory​(SchemaNodeFactory factory)
        Set the nodeFactory used to create this element.
        factory - the schema node factory
      • getSchemaNodeFactory

        public SchemaNodeFactory getSchemaNodeFactory()
        Get the nodeFactory used to create this element. This nodeFactory is used to keep track of any errors encountered during construction of the schema document
        factory the schema node factory
      • processAllAttributes

        public void processAllAttributes()
                                  throws SchemaException
        Process the attributes of this element and all its children
      • prepareAttributes

        public abstract void prepareAttributes()
                                        throws SchemaException
        Set the attribute list for the element. This is called to process the attributes (note the distinction from processAttributes in the superclass). Must be supplied in a subclass
      • allowAttributes

        public void allowAttributes​(AttributeMap atts,
                                    java.lang.String[] allowed)
                             throws SchemaException
        Check the attributes of an element against a list of allowed attributes. Report an error if any extraneous attribute is present
        atts - the attributes actually present
        allowed - the attributes that are allowed for this element. They must be listed in alphabetical order
      • requireAttribute

        public void requireAttribute​(AttributeMap atts,
                                     java.lang.String required)
                              throws SchemaException
        Indicate that a particular attribute is required
        atts - the attribtue collection
        required - the local name of the required attribute, which must be in the null namespace
      • validateSubtree

        public void validateSubtree​(SchemaCompiler compiler)
                             throws SchemaException
        Recursive walk through the schema to validate all nodes
        compiler - used for error reporting
      • validateChildren

        protected void validateChildren​(SchemaCompiler compiler)
                                 throws SchemaException
        Validate the children of this node, recursively.
        compiler - used for error reporting
        SchemaException - if the subtree is not valid
      • validate

        public void validate​(SchemaCompiler compiler)
                      throws SchemaException
        Check that the schema element is valid. This is called once for each element, after the entire tree has been built. As well as validation, it can perform first-time initialisation. The default implementation does nothing; it is normally overriden in subclasses.
        compiler - used for error reporting
        SchemaException - if the subtree is not valid
      • postValidate

        public void postValidate​(SchemaCompiler compiler)
                          throws SchemaException
        Hook to allow additional validation of a parent element immediately after its children have been validated.
        compiler - used for error reporting
        SchemaException - if errors are found
      • getXSDSchema

        public XSDSchema getXSDSchema()
                               throws SchemaException
        Get the owning XSDSchema element.
        the containing xs:schema element
        SchemaException - if none is found (which means the schema is invalid)
      • getSchema

        protected SingleNamespaceSchema getSchema()
                                           throws SchemaException
        Get the schema corresponding to the contents of the schema document containing this element
        the PreparedSchema object used to assemble the schema components defined in the schema document that contains this element.
        SchemaException - if the containing PreparedSchema cannot be found
      • getContainingComplexType

        protected UserComplexType getContainingComplexType()
                                                    throws SchemaException
        Get the complexType associated with the containing xs:complexType element
        the UserComplexType object representing the containing complex type
        SchemaException - if the element is not contained in an xs:complexType
      • getContainingSimpleType

        protected SimpleTypeDefinition getContainingSimpleType()
                                                        throws SchemaException
        Get the simpleTypeDefinition associated with the containing xs:simpleType element
        the schema component representing the containing simple type
        SchemaException - if not contained in an xs:simpleType
      • makeNamespaceContext

        protected NamespaceResolver makeNamespaceContext()
        Make a NamespaceContext object representing the list of in-scope namespaces. The NamePool used for numeric codes in the NamespaceContext will be the target name pool.
        a copy of the namespace context for this element
      • checkPermittedType

        public void checkPermittedType​(int fp,
                                       java.lang.String name,
                                       java.lang.String role)
                                throws SchemaException
        Check that a given type is a permitted type
      • parseBooleanAttribute

        public boolean parseBooleanAttribute​(java.lang.String name,
                                             java.lang.String value)
                                      throws SchemaException
        Parse a boolean attribute value
        name - the name of the attribute (for diagnostics)
        value - the string value of the attribute (need not be trimmed)
        the boolean value of the attribute if it is valid
        SchemaException - if the value is not a valid boolean
      • error

        protected void error​(java.lang.String err)
                      throws SchemaException
        This method is called for a general error. The location of this message is the current element.
        err - the error message to report
      • error

        protected void error​(SchemaException exception)
                      throws SchemaException
        This method is called for a general error. The location of this message is the current element.
        exception - the error message to report
      • warning

        protected void warning​(java.lang.String err)
        Report a warning
        err - the warning message
      • getFingerprint

        protected int getFingerprint​(java.lang.String name,
                                     int option)
                              throws SchemaException
        This method is called to check that a QName is valid and allocate a fingerprint for the name in the namePool. If the QName isn't valid, the method throws an exception: it is the caller's responsibility to call the error handler and recover from the error. The method makes use of the namespace context information for the schema element.
        name - The QName
        option - The option for handling unprefixed names. Options are to use the default namespace, the target namespace, or the null namespace Note that this method assumes the name, if unprefixed, is in the default namespace: NOT the targetNamespace of the schema.
        a fingerprint
        SchemaException - if the QName is invalid.
      • getComponentName

        protected StructuredQName getComponentName​(java.lang.String name,
                                                   int option)
                                            throws SchemaException
        This method is called to check that a lexical QName is valid and allocate a nameCode for the name in the namePool. If the QName isn't valid, the method throws an exception: it is the caller's responsibility to call the error handler and recover from the error. The method makes use of the namespace context information for the schema element.
        name - The QName as written in the schema
        option - The option for handling unprefixed names. Options are to use the default namespace USE_DEFAULT_NS, the target namespace REQUIRE_TARGET_NS, or the null namespace REQUIRE_NULL_NS
        an integer name code
        SchemaException - if the QName is invalid.
      • checkOnlyChildIsAnnotation

        protected void checkOnlyChildIsAnnotation()
                                           throws SchemaException
        Check that the only child element of this element is an (optional and non-repeatable) xs:annotation element
      • illegalElement

        protected void illegalElement​(NodeInfo child)
                               throws SchemaException
        This method is called when an illegal Element is encountered.
        child - The child element whose presence is an error
        SchemaException - thrown if the errorListener decides that it's a fatal error.
      • duplicateElement

        protected void duplicateElement​(java.lang.String name)
                                 throws SchemaException
        This method is called when two occurrences of a child element are found and only one is allowed.
        name - the name of the illegal element
        SchemaException - thrown if the errorListener decides that it's a fatal error.
      • duplicate

        protected void duplicate​(java.lang.String category,
                                 java.lang.String name)
                          throws SchemaException
        This method is called when two objects in the same symbol space within a schema have duplicate names
        category - the name of the first attribute
        name - the name of the second attribute
        SchemaException - thrown if the errorListener decides that it's a fatal error.
      • mutuallyExclusive

        protected void mutuallyExclusive​(java.lang.String name1,
                                         java.lang.String name2)
                                  throws SchemaException
        This method is called when two child elements may not coexist
        name1 - the name of the first element
        name2 - the name of the second element
        SchemaException - thrown if the errorListener decides that it's a fatal error.
      • mutuallyExclusiveElementAndAttribute

        protected void mutuallyExclusiveElementAndAttribute​(java.lang.String elem,
                                                            java.lang.String att)
                                                     throws SchemaException
        This method is called when an attribute and a child elements may not coexist
        elem - the name of the element
        att - the name of the attribute
        SchemaException - thrown if the errorListener decides that it's a fatal error.
      • mutuallyExclusiveAttributes

        protected void mutuallyExclusiveAttributes​(java.lang.String name1,
                                                   java.lang.String name2)
                                            throws SchemaException
        This method is called when two attributes may not coexist
        name1 - the name of the first attribute
        name2 - the name of the second attribute
        SchemaException - thrown if the errorListener decides that it's a fatal error.
      • checkMutuallyExclusiveAttributes

        protected void checkMutuallyExclusiveAttributes​(java.lang.String name1,
                                                        java.lang.String name2)
                                                 throws SchemaException
        This method tests whether two attributes coexist and reports an error if they do
        name1 - the local name of the first attribute (must be in the null namespace)
        name2 - the local name of the second attribute (must be in the null namespace)
      • mustPrecede

        protected void mustPrecede​(java.lang.String name1,
                                   java.lang.String name2)
                            throws SchemaException
        This method is called when two child elements are found in the wrong order.
        name1 - the name of the element that should be first
        name2 - the name of the element that should be second
        SchemaException - thrown if the errorListener decides that it's a fatal error.
      • mustBeFirstElement

        protected void mustBeFirstElement​(java.lang.String name)
                                   throws SchemaException
        This method is called when a child element is required to be the first child, but is found elsewhere
        name - the name of the illegal element
        SchemaException - thrown if the errorListener decides that it's a fatal error.
      • indefiniteArticle

        protected java.lang.String indefiniteArticle​(java.lang.String word,
                                                     java.lang.String start)
        Construct an indefinite article in English
        word - The word to follow the article
        start - Typically "a" or "A"
        the indefinite article
      • invalidAttributeValue

        public void invalidAttributeValue​(java.lang.String name,
                                          java.lang.String value,
                                          java.lang.String message)
                                   throws SchemaException
        This method is called when an invalid attribute value is found
        name - the name of the attribute
        value - the supplied value of the attribute
        message - additional explanation of why it's wrong. May be null.
        SchemaException - thrown if the errorListener decides that it's a fatal error.
      • missingAttribute

        public void missingAttribute​(java.lang.String name)
                              throws SchemaException
        This method is called when a required attribute is not found
        name - the name of the attribute
        SchemaException - thrown if the errorListener decides that it's a fatal error.
      • missingChildElement

        public void missingChildElement​(java.lang.String name)
                                 throws SchemaException
        This method is called when a required child element is not found
        name - the name of the required child element
        SchemaException - thrown if the errorListener decides that it's a fatal error.
      • parseFinalOrBlock

        public int parseFinalOrBlock​(java.lang.String attrName,
                                     java.lang.String finalValue,
                                     int allowed)
                              throws SchemaException
        Parse a list of blocked or final derivations. Used to process the block, final, blockDefault, and finalDefault attributes.
        attrName - the name of the attribute being parsed
        finalValue - A list of values to be parsed, as a string, for example "extension restriction"
        allowed - The permitted values, as a bit-significant integer. For example the value (DERIVE_BY_EXTENSION | DERIVE_BY_RESTRICTION) allows the values "extension" and "restriction" to appear.
        The final/blocked values, as a bit-significant integer
        SchemaException - if the value of the attribute is invalid
      • processId

        public void processId()
                       throws SchemaException
        Process an @id attribute on the schema element: if present, check that it is a valid ID, and that it is unique in the schema document
        SchemaException - if the id is present and is invalid or is a duplicate
      • allocateAnonymousTypeCode

        protected NodeName allocateAnonymousTypeCode()
        Allocate a name to an anonymous type. It's important that the name allocated should be repeatable, because it can be referenced as a type annotation in a SEF document.
        the name code of the allocated name
      • processMaxOccurs

        public int processMaxOccurs​(java.lang.String attValue)
                             throws SchemaException
        Process the value of a maxOccurs attribute on any element where it appears
        attValue - the value of the attribute as written, either "unbounded" or an integer
        the value of the attribute as an integer, or -1 indicating "unbounded"
        SchemaException - if the value is invalid (in which case the error will have been reported). If the value is a very high integer (greater than Integer.MAX_VALUE), the method outputs a warning and treats the value as "unbounded".
      • processMinOccurs

        public int processMinOccurs​(java.lang.String attValue)
                             throws SchemaException
        Process the value of a minOccurs attribute on any element where it appears
        attValue - the value of the attribute as written, an integer
        the value of the attribute as an integer
        SchemaException - if the value is invalid (in which case the error will have been reported). If the value is a very high integer (greater than Integer.MAX_VALUE), the method outputs a warning and treats the value as Integer.MAX_VALUE.
      • checkContentModel

        protected void checkContentModel​(int[][] stateTerms,
                                         int[][] stateTargets,
                                         boolean allowWildcards)
                                  throws SchemaException
        Check the content model of an element in the schema. This uses a finite state machine generated into the Java source code by applying an XSLT transformation to the schema component model for the Schema for Schemas.

        The finite state machine is generated as follows: First process the S4S to create an SCM model, then apply the stylesheet generate-S4S-code in the build directory with type=complexType, for example. The value of the type parameter can be either the name of the type or its ID in the SCM file.

        stateTerms - an array of states, and for each state, an array containing the fingerprints of elements allowed to appear in that state
        stateTargets - an array of states, and for each state, an array containing the destinations of transitions when the corresponding term from stateTerms is encountered
        allowWildcards -
        SchemaException - if the schema being processed does not conform to the required content model
      • isFinalState

        protected boolean isFinalState​(int state)
        For elements whose content model is parsed using a finite state machine, test whether a given state is a final state. The default implementation of this method is never used; it exists for the benefit of subclasses that do not use this mechanism
        state - the state to be tested
        true if the given state is a final state
      • processAllowedNamespaces

        protected void processAllowedNamespaces​(java.lang.String attValue,
                                                Wildcard wildcard)
                                         throws SchemaException
        Process the namespaces attribute of XSDAny or XSDAnyAttribute
        attValue - the value of the attribute
        wildcard - the wildcard object being constructed
        SchemaException - if the attribute is in error
      • processDisallowedNamespaces

        protected void processDisallowedNamespaces​(java.lang.String attValue,
                                                   Wildcard wildcard)
                                            throws SchemaException
        Process the notNamespaces attribute of XSDAny or XSDAnyAttribute
        attValue - the value of the attribute
        wildcard - the wildcard object being constructed
        SchemaException - if the attribute is in error
      • processDisallowedQNames

        protected void processDisallowedQNames​(java.lang.String attValue,
                                               Wildcard wildcard)
                                        throws SchemaException
        Process the notQNames attribute of XSDAny or XSDAnyAttribute
        attValue - the value of the attribute
        wildcard - the wildcard object being constructed
        SchemaException - if the attribute is in error
      • checkLocalTargetNamespace

        public void checkLocalTargetNamespace​(java.lang.String elementOrAttribute)
                                       throws SchemaException
        For an element or attribute declaration with a targetNamespace attribute (XSD 1.1), check the highly-paternalistic rules for when this attribute is permitted.
        elementOrAttribute - the string "element" or "attribute" for error messages
        SchemaException - if the rules are not satisfied