Class XdmNode

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class XdmNode
    extends XdmItem
    This class represents a node in the XDM data model. A Node is an XdmItem, and is therefore an XdmValue in its own right, and may also participate as one item within a sequence value.

    An XdmNode is implemented as a wrapper around an object of type NodeInfo. Because this is a key interface within Saxon, it is exposed via this API.

    The XdmNode interface exposes basic properties of the node, such as its name, its string value, and its typed value. Navigation to other nodes is supported through a single method, axisIterator(net.sf.saxon.s9api.Axis), which allows other nodes to be retrieved by following any of the XPath axes.

    Note that node identity cannot be inferred from object identity. The same node may be represented by different XdmNode instances at different times, or even at the same time. The equals() method on this class can be used to test for node identity.

    See Also:
    SaplingDocument.toXdmNode(Processor), SaplingElement.toXdmNode(Processor)
    • Constructor Detail

      • XdmNode

        public XdmNode​(NodeInfo node)
        Construct an XdmNode as a wrapper around an existing NodeInfo object
        node - the NodeInfo object to be wrapped. This can be retrieved using the getUnderlyingNode() method.
        9.2 (previously a protected constructor)
    • Method Detail

      • getProcessor

        public Processor getProcessor()
        Get a Processor suitable for use with this XdmNode.

        In most cases this will be the original Processor object used to create the DocumentBuilder that built the document that contains this node. If that Processor is not available, it will be a compatible Processor, one that shares the same underlying Configuration, and hence is initialized with the same configuration settings, schema components, license features, and so on.

        Note: the only case where the original Processor is not available is when the same Configuration is used with multiple APIs, for example mixing s9api and JAXP or XQJ in the same application.

        a Processor suitable for performing further operations on this node, for example for creating a Serializer or an XPathCompiler.
      • getUnderlyingValue

        public NodeInfo getUnderlyingValue()
        Get the underlying implementation object representing the value. This method allows access to lower-level Saxon functionality, including classes and methods that offer no guarantee of stability across releases.
        getUnderlyingValue in class XdmItem
        the underlying implementation object representing the value
        9.8 (previously inherited from XdmValue which returns a Sequence)
      • getNodeName

        public QName getNodeName()
        Get the name of the node, as a QName
        the name of the node. In the case of unnamed nodes (for example, text and comment nodes) return null.
      • getTypedValue

        public XdmValue getTypedValue()
                               throws SaxonApiException
        Get the typed value of this node, as defined in XDM
        the typed value. If the typed value is a single atomic value, this will be returned as an instance of XdmAtomicValue
        SaxonApiException - if an error occurs obtaining the typed value, for example because the node is an element with element-only content
      • getLineNumber

        public int getLineNumber()
        Get the line number of the node in a source document. For a document constructed using the document builder, this is available only if the line numbering option was set when the document was built (and then only for element nodes). If the line number is not available, the value -1 is returned. Line numbers will typically be as reported by a SAX parser: this means that the line number for an element node is the line number containing the closing ">" of the start tag.
        the line number of the node, or -1 if not available.
      • getColumnNumber

        public int getColumnNumber()
        Get the column number of the node in a source document. For a document constructed using the document builder, this is available only if the line numbering option was set when the document was built (and then only for element nodes). If the column number is not available, the value -1 is returned. Column numbers will typically be as reported by a SAX parser: this means that the column number for an element node is the position of the closing ">" of the start tag.
        the column number of the node, or -1 if not available.
      • asSource

        public javax.xml.transform.Source asSource()
        Get a JAXP Source object corresponding to this node, allowing the node to be used as input to transformations or queries.

        The Source object that is returned will generally be one that is acceptable to Saxon interfaces that expect an instance of javax.xml.transform.Source. However, there is no guarantee that it will be recognized by other products.

        In fact, the current implementation always returns an instance of

        a Source object corresponding to this node
      • children

        public java.lang.Iterable<XdmNode> children()
        Get the children of this node
        an Iterable containing all nodes on the child axis
      • children

        public java.lang.Iterable<XdmNode> children​(java.lang.String localName)
        Get the element children of this node having a specified local name, irrespective of the namespace
        localName - the local name of the child elements to be selected, or "*" to select all children that are element nodes
        an Iterable containing the element children of this node that have the required local name.
      • children

        public java.lang.Iterable<XdmNode> children​(java.lang.String uri,
                                                    java.lang.String localName)
        Get the element children having a specified namespace URI and local name
        uri - the namespace URI of the child elements to be selected: supply a zero-length string to indicate the null namespace
        localName - the local name of the child elements to be selected
        an Iterable containing the element children of this node that have the required local name and namespace URI.
      • children

        public java.lang.Iterable<XdmNode> children​(java.util.function.Predicate<? super XdmNode> filter)
        Get the nodes found on the child axis that satisfy a supplied Predicate.
        filter - the predicate to be applied
        an Iterable containing those nodes found on the child axis that satisfy the supplied Predicate.
      • axisIterator

        public XdmSequenceIterator<XdmNode> axisIterator​(Axis axis)
        Get an iterator over the nodes reachable from this node via a given axis.
        axis - identifies which axis is to be navigated
        an iterator over the nodes on the specified axis, starting from this node as the context node. The nodes are returned in axis order, that is, in document order for a forwards axis and in reverse document order for a reverse axis.
      • axisIterator

        public XdmSequenceIterator<XdmNode> axisIterator​(Axis axis,
                                                         QName name)
        Get an iterator over the nodes reachable from this node via a given axis, selecting only those nodes with a specified name.
        axis - identifies which axis is to be navigated
        name - identifies the name of the nodes to be selected. The selected nodes will be those whose node kind is the principal node kind of the axis (that is, attributes for the attribute axis, namespaces for the namespace axis, and elements for all other axes) whose name matches the specified name.

        For example, specify new QName("", "item") to select nodes with local name "item", in no namespace.

        an iterator over the nodes on the specified axis, starting from this node as the context node. The nodes are returned in axis order, that is, in document order for a forwards axis and in reverse document order for a reverse axis.
      • getParent

        public XdmNode getParent()
        Get the parent of this node
        the parent of this node (a document or element node), or null if this node has no parent.
      • getRoot

        public XdmNode getRoot()
        Get the root of the tree containing this node (which may or may not be a document node)
        the root of the tree containing this node. Returns this node itself if it has no parent.
      • getAttributeValue

        public java.lang.String getAttributeValue​(QName name)
        Get the string value of a named attribute of this element
        name - the name of the required attribute
        null if this node is not an element, or if this element has no attribute with the specified name. Otherwise return the string value of the selected attribute node.
      • attribute

        public java.lang.String attribute​(java.lang.String name)
        Get the string value of a named attribute (in no namespace) of this element
        name - the name of the required attribute, interpreted as a no-namespace name
        null if this node is not an element, or if this element has no attribute with the specified name. Otherwise return the string value of the selected attribute node.
      • getBaseURI

        public getBaseURI()
        Get the base URI of this node
        the base URI, as defined in the XDM model. The value may be null if no base URI is known for the node, for example if the tree was built from a StreamSource with no associated URI, or if the node has no parent.
        java.lang.IllegalStateException - if the base URI property of the underlying node is not a valid URI.
      • getDocumentURI

        public getDocumentURI()
        Get the document URI of this node.
        the document URI, as defined in the XDM model. Returns null if no document URI is known
        java.lang.IllegalStateException - if the document URI property of the underlying node is not a valid URI.
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        The hashcode is such that two XdmNode instances have the same hashCode if they represent the same node. Note that the same node might be represented by different XdmNode objects, but these will compare equal.
        hashCode in class java.lang.Object
        a hashCode representing node identity
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(java.lang.Object other)
        The equals() relation between two XdmNode objects is true if they both represent the same node. That is, it corresponds to the "is" operator in XPath.
        equals in class java.lang.Object
        other - the object to be compared
        true if and only if the other object is an XdmNode instance representing the same node
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        The toString() method returns a simple XML serialization of the node with defaulted serialization parameters.

        In the case of an element node, the result will be a well-formed XML document serialized as defined in the W3C XSLT/XQuery serialization specification, using options method="xml", indent="yes", omit-xml-declaration="yes".

        In the case of a document node, the result will be a well-formed XML document provided that the document node contains exactly one element child, and no text node children. In other cases it will be a well-formed external general parsed entity.

        In the case of an attribute node, the output is a string in the form name="value". The name will use the original namespace prefix.

        In the case of a namespace node, the output is a string in the form of a namespace declaration, that is xmlns="uri" or xmlns:pre="uri".

        Other nodes, such as text nodes, comments, and processing instructions, are represented as they would appear in lexical XML. Note: this means that in the case of text nodes, special characters such as & and < are output in escaped form. To get the unescaped string value of a text node, use XdmItem.getStringValue() instead.

        For more control over serialization, use the Serializer class.

        toString in class XdmValue
        a simple XML serialization of the node. Under error conditions the method may return an error message which will always begin with the label "Error: ".
      • getUnderlyingNode

        public NodeInfo getUnderlyingNode()
        Get the underlying Saxon implementation object representing this node. This provides access to classes and methods in the Saxon implementation that may be subject to change from one release to another.
        the underlying implementation object
      • getExternalNode

        public java.lang.Object getExternalNode()
        In the case of an XdmNode that wraps a node in an external object model such as DOM, JDOM, XOM, or DOM4J, get the underlying wrapped node
        the underlying external node if there is one, or null if this is not an XdmNode that wraps such an external node
      • stream

        public XdmStream<XdmNode> stream()
        Get a stream comprising the items in this value
        stream in class XdmItem
        a Stream over the items in this value