AllModelGroup |
An AllModelGroup represents an xs:all element in the schema
Assertion |
An Assertion schema component (See XML Schema 1.1 Part 1)
AssertionFacet |
Represents an assertion facet on a schema-defined simple type.
AttributeDecl |
An XML Schema Attribute Declaration.
AttributeGroupDecl |
An XML Schema Attribute Group Declaration.
AttributeGroupReference |
An XML Schema Attribute Group Reference, corresponding to an
xs:attributeGroup element with a 'ref' attribute.
AttributeUse |
An XML Schema Attribute Use: that is, a reference to an attribute declaration
from within a complex type or attribute group.
AttributeWildcard |
This class represents an xs:anyAttribute element in the schema.
ChoiceModelGroup |
A ChoiceCompositor represents an xs:choice element in the schema
ContentType |
Corresponds to a Content Type Property Record as defined in the XML Schema 1.1 specification
DigitsFacet |
Represents either of the facets totalDigits or fractionDigits
DistinctFacet |
The saxon:distinct facet on a list type can be used to constrain the list to contain distinct values.
ElementDecl |
The object represents an element declaration in the schema.
ElementParticle |
A reference to an element declaration within the content model of a complex type.
ElementWildcard |
This class represents an <any> element in the schema.
EnumerationFacet |
Represents a single enumeration facet defined on a simple type.
EnumerationFacetSet |
Represents the set of enumeration values defined on a single simple type, This is a "virtual" facet
that combines all the enumeration facets in one simple type definition.
ExplicitTimezoneFacet |
Represents an explicitTimezone facet on a schema-defined simple type derived from date, time, dateTime,
gYear, gYearMonth, gMonth, gMonthDay, or gDay
Facet |
Represents an XML Schema Facet.
FieldOrSelector |
The selector of an IdentityConstraint
FractionDigitsFacet |
Represents the fraction-digits facet in a simple type restriction
IdentityConstraint |
The base class for the XML Schema Identity Constraints
(key, keyref, unique).
IdentityConstraintReference |
A reference to an identity constraint
IdentityField |
The field selector for an IdentityConstraint
IdentitySelector |
The selector of an IdentityConstraint
Key |
A class that represents the XML Schema Identity Constraint: Key.
KeyRef |
This class represents an xs:keyRef identity constraint in a schema
LengthFacet |
Represents the length facet
LengthRangeFacet |
Abstract class for the three facets length, minLength, and maxLength.
MaxExclusiveFacet |
Implements the maxExclusive facet on a simple type
MaxInclusiveFacet |
Implements the maxInclusive facet on a simple type
MaxLengthFacet |
Represents the minLength facet
MinExclusiveFacet |
Implements the minExclusive facet on a simple type
MinInclusiveFacet |
Implements the minInclusive facet on a simple type
MinLengthFacet |
Represents the minLength facet
ModelGroup |
An XML Schema Model Group.
ModelGroupDefinition |
A Model Group Definition: a schema component corresponding to a top-level (named) xs:group
element in a schema document.
ModelGroupParticle |
A reference within the content model of a complex type to a Model Group Definition.
Notation |
A Notation Declaration Schema Component
OrderFacet |
The saxon:order facet on a list type can be used to constrain the list to be in ascending or descending order.
Particle |
Represents a Particle as defined by XML Schema.
PatternFacet |
Represents a pattern facet on a schema-defined simple type
PreparedSchema |
A schema is a collection of schema components.
PreprocessFacet |
Represents the preprocess facet on a schema-defined simple type.
SchemaCompiler |
A SchemaCompiler is capable of reading source schema documents and converting them into collections
of schema components.
SchemaModelLoader |
This class allows a compiled schema model in SCM format
to be loaded into memory.
SchemaModelSerializer |
This class provides services enabling a compiled schema to be serialized to disk
SchemaStructure |
The base class for all XML Schema stuctures.
SequenceModelGroup |
A SequenceCompositor represents an xs:sequence element in the schema
SimpleComponentReference |
A reference to a named schema group within the content model of a complex type
SingleNamespaceSchema |
A schema (collection of schema components) that has an identifiable target namespace: typically
the set of components derived from a single import or include.
SymbolSpace |
This class holds constants used to identify the various symbol spaces defined
in XML Schema: element declarations, attribute declarations, types, groups, and so on.
TotalDigitsFacet |
Eepresents the value of the totalDigits facet
TypeAlternative |
A TypeAlternative schema component (See XML Schema 1.1 Part 1 Working Draft)
TypeReference |
A reference to a simple or complex type
Unique |
This class represents an xs:unique identity constraint
UserAtomicType |
An object belonging to this class represents an atomic type: either a built-in
atomic type, or a user-defined atomic type.
UserComplexType |
A user-defined complex type (that is, any complex type other than xs:anyType)
UserDefinedType |
This class represents a user-defined simple type or complex type as defined in XML Schema.
UserListType |
Represents a SimpleType that is a list of a given
SimpleType, known as its itemType.
UserSimpleType |
This class represents a used-defined simple type, as defined in the XML Schema specification.
UserUnionType |
A class that represents the XML Schema simple-type with variety union.
ValueConstraint |
A value constraint represents the default or fixed value of an element declaration, attribute
declaration, or attribute use
ValueRangeFacet |
Represents any of the facets minInclusive, maxInclusive, minExclusive, maxExclusive
WhitespaceFacet |
Represents a whitespace facet on a schema-defined simple type
Wildcard |
A class that represents an XML Schema Wildcard.