Class Assignation

    • Field Detail

      • slotNumber

        protected int slotNumber
      • indexedVariable

        protected boolean indexedVariable
      • hasLoopingReference

        protected boolean hasLoopingReference
    • Constructor Detail

      • Assignation

        public Assignation()
    • Method Detail

      • getSequenceOp

        public Operand getSequenceOp()
      • getActionOp

        public Operand getActionOp()
      • operands

        public java.lang.Iterable<Operand> operands()
        Description copied from class: Expression
        Get the immediate sub-expressions of this expression, with information about the relationship of each expression to its parent expression. Default implementation works off the results of iterateSubExpressions()

        If the expression is a Callable, then it is required that the order of the operands returned by this function is the same as the order of arguments supplied to the corresponding call() method.

        operands in class Expression
        an iterator containing the sub-expressions of this expression
      • setRequiredType

        public void setRequiredType​(SequenceType requiredType)
        Set the required type (declared type) of the variable
        requiredType - the required type
      • setVariableQName

        public void setVariableQName​(StructuredQName variableName)
        Set the name of the variable
        variableName - the name of the variable
      • getObjectName

        public StructuredQName getObjectName()
        Description copied from interface: Traceable
        Get a name identifying the object of the expression, for example a function name, template name, variable name, key name, element name, etc. This is used only where the name is known statically.
        Specified by:
        getObjectName in interface Traceable
        getObjectName in class Expression
        the QName of the object declared or manipulated by this instruction or expression
      • getRequiredType

        public SequenceType getRequiredType()
        Get the declared type of the variable
        Specified by:
        getRequiredType in interface Binding
        the declared type
      • getIntegerBoundsForVariable

        public IntegerValue[] getIntegerBoundsForVariable()
        If the variable is bound to an integer, get the minimum and maximum possible values. Return null if unknown or not applicable
        Specified by:
        getIntegerBoundsForVariable in interface Binding
        a pair of integers containing the minimum and maximum values for the integer value; or null if the value is not an integer or the range is unknown
      • getLocalSlotNumber

        public int getLocalSlotNumber()
        If this is a local variable held on the local stack frame, return the corresponding slot number. In other cases, return -1.
        Specified by:
        getLocalSlotNumber in interface LocalBinding
        the slot number on the local stack frame
      • computeDependencies

        public int computeDependencies()
        Compute the dependencies of an expression, as the union of the dependencies of its sub-expressions. (This is overridden for path expressions and filter expressions, where the dependencies of a sub-expression are not all propagated). This method should be called only once, to compute the dependencies; after that, getDependencies should be used.
        computeDependencies in class Expression
        the dependencies, as a bit-mask
      • evaluateVariable

        public Sequence evaluateVariable​(XPathContext context)
                                  throws XPathException
        Get the value of the range variable
        Specified by:
        evaluateVariable in interface Binding
        context - the XPath dynamic evaluation context
        the result of evaluating the variable
        XPathException - if an error occurs while evaluating the variable
      • setAction

        public void setAction​(Expression action)
        Add the "return" or "satisfies" expression, and fix up all references to the range variable that occur within that expression
        action - the expression that occurs after the "return" keyword of a "for" expression, the "satisfies" keyword of "some/every", or the ":=" operator of a "let" expression.
      • isGlobal

        public final boolean isGlobal()
        Indicate whether the binding is local or global. A global binding is one that has a fixed value for the life of a query or transformation; any other binding is local.
        Specified by:
        isGlobal in interface Binding
        true if the binding is global
      • isAssignable

        public final boolean isAssignable()
        Test whether it is permitted to assign to the variable using the saxon:assign extension element. This will only be for an XSLT global variable where the extra attribute saxon:assignable="yes" is present.
        Specified by:
        isAssignable in interface Binding
        true if the binding is assignable
      • checkForUpdatingSubexpressions

        public void checkForUpdatingSubexpressions()
                                            throws XPathException
        Check to ensure that this expression does not contain any inappropriate updating subexpressions. This check is overridden for those expressions that permit updating subexpressions.
        checkForUpdatingSubexpressions in class Expression
        XPathException - if the expression has a non-permitted updateing subexpression
      • isUpdatingExpression

        public boolean isUpdatingExpression()
        Determine whether this is an updating expression as defined in the XQuery update specification
        isUpdatingExpression in class Expression
        true if this is an updating expression
      • getAction

        public Expression getAction()
        Get the action expression
        the action expression (introduced by "return" or "satisfies")
      • setSequence

        public void setSequence​(Expression sequence)
        Set the "sequence" expression - the one to which the variable is bound
        sequence - the expression to which the variable is bound
      • getSequence

        public Expression getSequence()
        Get the "sequence" expression - the one to which the variable is bound
        the expression to which the variable is bound
      • setSlotNumber

        public void setSlotNumber​(int nr)
        Set the slot number for the range variable
        nr - the slot number to be used
      • getRequiredSlots

        public int getRequiredSlots()
        Get the number of slots required. Normally 1, except for a FOR expression with an AT clause, where it is 2.
        the number of slots required
      • hasVariableBinding

        public boolean hasVariableBinding​(Binding binding)
        Description copied from class: Expression
        Ask whether this expression is, or contains, the binding of a given variable
        hasVariableBinding in class Expression
        binding - the variable binding
        true if this expression is the variable binding (for example a ForExpression or LetExpression) or if it is a FLWOR expression that binds the variable in one of its clauses.
      • unordered

        public Expression unordered​(boolean retainAllNodes,
                                    boolean forStreaming)
                             throws XPathException
        Replace this expression by a simpler expression that delivers the results without regard to order.
        unordered in class Expression
        retainAllNodes - set to true if the result must contain exactly the same nodes as the original; set to false if the result can eliminate (or introduce) duplicates.
        forStreaming - set to true if optimizing for streaming
        an expression that delivers the same nodes in a more convenient order
        XPathException - if the rewrite fails
      • getCost

        public double getCost()
        Return the estimated cost of evaluating an expression. This is a very crude measure based on the syntactic form of the expression (we have no knowledge of data values). We take the cost of evaluating a simple scalar comparison or arithmetic expression as 1 (one), and we assume that a sequence has length 5. The resulting estimates may be used, for example, to reorder the predicates in a filter expression so cheaper predicates are evaluated first.
        getCost in class Expression
        the estimated cost
      • suppressValidation

        public void suppressValidation​(int validationMode)
        Suppress validation on contained element constructors, on the grounds that the parent element is already performing validation. The default implementation does nothing.
        suppressValidation in class Expression
        validationMode - the kind of validation being performed on the parent expression
      • addToPathMap

        public PathMap.PathMapNodeSet addToPathMap​(PathMap pathMap,
                                                   PathMap.PathMapNodeSet pathMapNodeSet)
        Add a representation of this expression to a PathMap. The PathMap captures a map of the nodes visited by an expression in a source tree.

        The default implementation of this method assumes that an expression does no navigation other than the navigation done by evaluating its subexpressions, and that the subexpressions are evaluated in the same context as the containing expression. The method must be overridden for any expression where these assumptions do not hold. For example, implementations exist for AxisExpression, ParentExpression, and RootExpression (because they perform navigation), and for the doc(), document(), and collection() functions because they create a new navigation root. Implementations also exist for PathExpression and FilterExpression because they have subexpressions that are evaluated in a different context from the calling expression.

        addToPathMap in class Expression
        pathMap - the PathMap to which the expression should be added
        pathMapNodeSet - the PathMapNodeSet to which the paths embodied in this expression should be added
        the pathMapNodeSet representing the points in the source document that are both reachable by this expression, and that represent possible results of this expression. For an expression that does navigation, it represents the end of the arc in the path map that describes the navigation route. For other expressions, it is the same as the input pathMapNode.
      • getVariableName

        public java.lang.String getVariableName()
        Get the display name of the range variable, for diagnostics only
        the lexical QName of the range variable. For system allocated variables, the conventional namespace prefix "zz" is used.
      • getVariableEQName

        public java.lang.String getVariableEQName()
        Get the name of the range variable as a Name or EQName.
        the name of the range variable. For system allocated variables, the namespace "" is used. For names in no namespace, the local name alone is used
      • refineTypeInformation

        public void refineTypeInformation​(ItemType type,
                                          int cardinality,
                                          GroundedValue constantValue,
                                          int properties,
                                          Assignation currentExpression)
                                   throws XPathException
        Refine the type information associated with this variable declaration. This is useful when the type of the variable has not been explicitly declared (which is common); the variable then takes a static type based on the type of the expression to which it is bound. The effect of this call is to update the static expression type for all references to this variable.
        type - the inferred item type of the expression to which the variable is bound
        cardinality - the inferred cardinality of the expression to which the variable is bound
        constantValue - the constant value to which the variable is bound (null if there is no constant value)
        properties - other static properties of the expression to which the variable is bound
        currentExpression - the expression that binds the variable
        XPathException - if things go wrong
      • addReference

        public void addReference​(VariableReference ref,
                                 boolean isLoopingReference)
        Register a variable reference that refers to the variable bound in this expression
        Specified by:
        addReference in interface Binding
        ref - the variable reference
        isLoopingReference - - true if the reference occurs within a loop, such as the predicate of a filter expression
      • getNominalReferenceCount

        public int getNominalReferenceCount()
        Get the (nominal) count of the number of references to this variable
        zero if there are no references, one if there is a single reference that is not in a loop, some higher number if there are multiple references (or a single reference in a loop), or the special value @link RangeVariable#FILTERED} if there are any references in filter expressions that require searching.
      • removeDeadReferences

        protected boolean removeDeadReferences()
        Remove dead references from the reference list of the variable; at the same time, check whether any of the variable references is in a loop, and return true if so. References are considered dead if they do not have this Binding as an ancestor in the expression tree; this typically occurs because they are in a part of the tree that has been rewritten or removed.
        true if any of the references in the reference list occurs within a looping construct.
      • verifyReferences

        protected void verifyReferences()
        This method recomputes the reference list by scanning the subtree rooted at this variable binding. If the scan proves expensive, or if more than two references are found, or if a looping reference is found, then the scan is abandoned. On completion the reference list for the variable is either accurate, or is null.
      • rebuildReferenceList

        public void rebuildReferenceList​(boolean force)
        Rebuild the reference list to guide subsequent optimization.
        force - if true, the search is exhaustive. If false, the search (and therefore the attempt to inline variables) is abandoned after a while to avoid excessive cost. This happens when a stylesheet contains very large templates or functions.
      • isIndexedVariable

        public boolean isIndexedVariable()
        Test whether the variable bound by this let expression should be indexable
        Specified by:
        isIndexedVariable in interface LocalBinding
        true if the variable should be indexable
      • replaceVariable

        public boolean replaceVariable​(Expression seq)
        Replace all references to the variable bound by this let expression, that occur within the action expression, with the given expression
        seq - the expression
        true if the variable was successfully inlined. (Returns false, for example, if a variable reference occurs inside a try/catch, which inhibits inlining).
      • setIndexedVariable

        public void setIndexedVariable()
        Indicate that the variable bound by this let expression should be indexable (because it is used in an appropriate filter expression)
        Specified by:
        setIndexedVariable in interface LocalBinding