Class Evaluator.EmptySequenceEvaluator

  • Enclosing class:

    public static final class Evaluator.EmptySequenceEvaluator
    extends Evaluator
    An evaluator that always returns the empty sequence
    • Method Detail

      • getCode

        public int getCode()
        Description copied from class: Evaluator
        Get the integer code for the evaluator
        Specified by:
        getCode in class Evaluator
        the integer code for the evaluator
      • evaluate

        public Sequence evaluate​(Expression expr,
                                 XPathContext context)
        Description copied from class: Evaluator
        Evaluate an expression to return a sequence
        Specified by:
        evaluate in class Evaluator
        expr - the expression to be evaluated
        context - the dynamic context for evaluation
        the result of the evaluation