Writes a sequence of strings to a file, each followed by the system-dependent newline character.
If $file
already exists, it will be overwritten; otherwise, it will be created.
write-text-lines($file as xs:string, $values as xs:string*) ➔ empty-sequence()
Arguments | |||
| $file | xs:string | Path to file |
| $values | xs:string* | Strings to be written |
Result | empty-sequence() |
write-text-lines($file as xs:string, $values as xs:string*, $encoding as xs:string) ➔ empty-sequence()
Arguments | |||
| $file | xs:string | Path to file |
| $values | xs:string* | Strings to be written |
| $encoding | xs:string | Encoding used for string-binary conversion |
Result | empty-sequence() |
Links to specifications
Saxon availability
Available whether or not support for XPath 3.0 is enabled. Implemented since Saxon 9.5. Requires Saxon-PE or Saxon-EE.