Interface XPathContext

    • Method Detail

      • newContext

        XPathContextMajor newContext()
        Construct a new context as a copy of another. The new context is effectively added to the top of a stack, and contains a pointer to the previous context
        a new context, created as a copy of this context
      • newCleanContext

        XPathContextMajor newCleanContext()
        Construct a new context without copying (used for the context in a function call)
        a new clean context
      • newMinorContext

        XPathContextMinor newMinorContext()
        Construct a new minor context. A minor context can only hold new values of the focus (currentIterator) and current output destination.
        a new minor context
      • getLocalParameters

        ParameterSet getLocalParameters()
        Get the local (non-tunnel) parameters that were passed to the current function or template
        a ParameterSet containing the local parameters
      • getTunnelParameters

        ParameterSet getTunnelParameters()
        Get the tunnel parameters that were passed to the current function or template. This includes all active tunnel parameters whether the current template uses them or not.
        a ParameterSet containing the tunnel parameters
      • getController

        Controller getController()
        Get the Controller. May return null when running outside XSLT or XQuery
        the controller for this query or transformation
      • getConfiguration

        Configuration getConfiguration()
        Get the Configuration
        the Saxon configuration object
      • getNamePool

        NamePool getNamePool()
        Get the Name Pool
        the name pool
      • setCaller

        void setCaller​(XPathContext caller)
        Set the calling XPathContext
        caller - the XPathContext of the calling expression
      • getCaller

        XPathContext getCaller()
        Get the calling XPathContext (the next one down the stack). This will be null if unknown, or if the bottom of the stack has been reached.
        the XPathContext of the calling expression
      • getMajorContext

        XPathContextMajor getMajorContext()
        Get the nearest XPathContextMajor (the next one down the stack, or this one if currently positioned on an XPathContextMajor). This will be null if unknown, or if the bottom of the stack has been reached.
        the nearest XPathContextMajor
      • trackFocus

        FocusIterator trackFocus​(SequenceIterator iter)
        Create, set, and return a focus tracking iterator that wraps a supplied sequence iterator.
        iter - the current iterator. The context item, position, and size are determined by reference to the current iterator.
        the required focus tracking iterator
      • setCurrentIterator

        void setCurrentIterator​(FocusIterator iter)
        Set a new sequence iterator.
        iter - the current iterator. The context item, position, and size are determined by reference to the current iterator.
      • getCurrentIterator

        FocusIterator getCurrentIterator()
        Get the current iterator. This encapsulates the context item, context position, and context size.
        the current iterator, or null if there is no current iterator (which means the context item, position, and size are undefined).
      • getContextItem

        Item getContextItem()
        Get the context item
        the context item, or null if the context item is undefined
      • getLast

        int getLast()
             throws UncheckedXPathException
        Get the context size (the position of the last item in the current node list)
        the context size
        UncheckedXPathException - if the context position is undefined. This is an unchecked exception to allow use of functional interfaces for lazy evaluation.
      • isAtLast

        boolean isAtLast()
                  throws XPathException
        Determine whether the context position is the same as the context size that is, whether position()=last(). In many cases this has better performance than a direct comparison, because it does not require reading to the end of the sequence.
        true if the context position is the same as the context size.
        XPathException - if a dynamic error occurs while determining the result
      • getResourceResolver

        ResourceResolver getResourceResolver()
        Get the resource resolver. This gets the local resource resolver set in the XPathContext if there is one; if not, it gets the Resolver from the Controller (which itself defaults to the one set in the Configuration).
        the user-supplied URI resolver if there is one, or null otherwise.
      • getErrorReporter

        ErrorReporter getErrorReporter()
        Get the error reporter. If no ErrorReporter has been set locally, the ErrorReporter in the Controller is returned; this in turn defaults to the ErrorReporter set in the Configuration.
        the ErrorReporter in use.
        9.6. Changed in 10.0 from ErrorListener to ErrorReporter
      • getCurrentComponent

        Component getCurrentComponent()
        Get the current component
        the current component
      • useLocalParameter

        int useLocalParameter​(StructuredQName parameterId,
                              int slotNumber,
                              boolean isTunnel)
                       throws XPathException
        Use local parameter. This is called when a local xsl:param element is processed. If a parameter of the relevant name was supplied, it is bound to the xsl:param element. Otherwise the method returns false, so the xsl:param default will be evaluated
        parameterId - Globally-unique parameter identifier
        slotNumber - Slot number of the parameter within the stack frame of the called template
        isTunnel - True if a tunnel parameter is required, else false
        ParameterSet.NOT_SUPPLIED, ParameterSet.SUPPLIED, or ParameterSet.SUPPLIED_AND_CHECKED
        XPathException - if an error is detected
      • getStackFrame

        StackFrame getStackFrame()
        Get a reference to the local stack frame for variables. Note that it's the caller's job to make a local copy of this. This is used for creating a Closure containing a retained copy of the variables for delayed evaluation.
        array of variables.
      • evaluateLocalVariable

        Sequence evaluateLocalVariable​(int slotnumber)
        Get the value of a local variable, identified by its slot number
        slotnumber - the slot number allocated at compile time to the variable, which identifies its position within the local stack frame
        the value of the variable.
      • setLocalVariable

        void setLocalVariable​(int slotNumber,
                              Sequence value)
                       throws XPathException
        Set the value of a local variable, identified by its slot number
        slotNumber - the slot number allocated at compile time to the variable, which identifies its position within the local stack frame
        value - the value of the variable
        XPathException - if, for example, the value is supplied in a form that requires lazy evaluation, and the delayed evaluation fails
      • setTemporaryOutputState

        void setTemporaryOutputState​(int temporary)
        Set the XSLT output state to "temporary" or "final"
        temporary - set non-zero to set temporary output state; zero to set final output state
      • getTemporaryOutputState

        int getTemporaryOutputState()
        Ask whether the XSLT output state is "temporary" or "final"
        non-zero if in temporary output state (integer identifies the state); zero if in final output state
      • setCurrentOutputUri

        void setCurrentOutputUri​(java.lang.String uri)
        Set the current output URI
        uri - the current output URI, or null if in temporary output state
      • getCurrentOutputUri

        java.lang.String getCurrentOutputUri()
        Get the current output URI
        the current output URI, or null if in temporary output state
      • getCurrentMode

        Component.M getCurrentMode()
        Get the current mode.
        the current mode
      • getCurrentTemplateRule

        Rule getCurrentTemplateRule()
        Get the current template rule. This is used to support xsl:apply-imports and xsl:next-match
        the current template rule
      • getCurrentGroupIterator

        GroupIterator getCurrentGroupIterator()
        Get the current group iterator. This supports the current-group() and current-grouping-key() functions in XSLT 2.0
        the current grouped collection
      • getCurrentMergeGroupIterator

        GroupIterator getCurrentMergeGroupIterator()
        Get the current merge group iterator. This supports the current-merge-group() and current-merge-key() functions in XSLT 2.0
        the current merge group
      • getCurrentRegexIterator

        RegexIterator getCurrentRegexIterator()
        Get the current regex iterator. This supports the functionality of the regex-group() function in XSLT 2.0.
        the current regular expressions iterator
      • getCurrentDateTime

        DateTimeValue getCurrentDateTime()
                                  throws NoDynamicContextException
        Get the current date and time
        the current date and time. All calls within a single query or transformation will return the same value
        NoDynamicContextException - if this context object is one used only for early evaluation of constant expressions; the current date and time are not available in this case
      • getImplicitTimezone

        int getImplicitTimezone()
        Get the implicit timezone
        the implicit timezone. This will be the timezone of the current date and time, and all calls within a single query or transformation will return the same value. The result is expressed as an offset from UTC in minutes. If the implicit timezone is unknown (which is the case when this is called on an EarlyEvaluationContext), return CalendarValue.NO_TIMEZONE
      • iterateStackFrames

        java.util.Iterator<ContextStackFrame> iterateStackFrames()
        Get the context stack. This method returns an iterator whose items are instances of ContextStackFrame, starting with the top-most stackframe and ending at the point the query or transformation was invoked by a calling application.
        an iterator over a copy of the run-time call stack
      • getCurrentException

        XPathException getCurrentException()
        Get the current exception (in saxon:catch)
        the current exception, or null if there is none defined
      • getThreadManager

        XPathContextMajor.ThreadManager getThreadManager()
        Get the thread manager used to process asynchronous xsl:result-document threads.
        the current thread manager; or null if multithreading is not supported
      • waitForChildThreads

        void waitForChildThreads()
                          throws XPathException
        Wait for child threads started under the control of this context to finish. This is called at the end of the (main thread of a) transformation, and also at the end of the "try" part of a try/catch. The threads affected are those used to implement xsl:result-document instructions.
        XPathException - if any of the child threads have failed with a dynamic error.
      • getTargetComponent

        Component getTargetComponent​(int bindingSlot)
        Bind a component reference to a component. This is used for binding component references (such as function calls, global variable references, or xsl:call-template) across package boundaries. The binding is done dynamically because, in the presence of overridden components, the choice among different components with the same name depends on which package the caller is in.
        bindingSlot - Binding slots are allocated statically to the external component references in every component: for example, in the case of a template, to all global variable references, named function calls, and named template calls within that template. The binding slot therefore identifies the name of the component that is required; and the selection of an actual component is done by selection from the binding vector of the component currently being executed
        the component to be invoked