Class WhileClausePush

  • public class WhileClausePush
    extends TuplePush
    This class represents the tuple stream delivered as the output of a while clause in a FLWOR expression: that is, it supplies all the tuples in its input stream that satisfy a specified predicate until it finds one that doesn't. It does not change the values of any variables in the tuple stream.
    • Method Detail

      • processTuple

        public void processTuple​(XPathContext context)
                          throws XPathException
        Description copied from class: TuplePush
        Notify the availability of the next tuple. Before calling this method, the supplier of the tuples must set all the variables corresponding to the supplied tuple in the local stack frame associated with the context object
        Specified by:
        processTuple in class TuplePush
        context - the dynamic evaluation context
        XPathException - if a dynamic error occurs