Class DeepEqual

    • Constructor Detail

      • DeepEqual

        public DeepEqual()
    • Method Detail

      • makeFunctionCall

        public Expression makeFunctionCall​(Expression... arguments)
        Description copied from class: SystemFunction
        Make an expression that either calls this function, or that is equivalent to a call on this function
        makeFunctionCall in class SystemFunction
        arguments - the supplied arguments to the function call
        either a function call on this function, or an expression that delivers the same result
      • call

        public BooleanValue call​(XPathContext context,
                                 Sequence[] arguments)
                          throws XPathException
        Execute a dynamic call to the function
        context - the dynamic evaluation context
        arguments - the values of the arguments, supplied as Sequences.
        the result of the evaluation, in the form of a Sequence. It is the responsibility of the callee to ensure that the type of result conforms to the expected result type.
        XPathException - (should not happen)
      • getStreamerName

        public java.lang.String getStreamerName()
        Description copied from class: SystemFunction
        Get a name that identifies the class that can be used to evaluate this function in streaming mode, that is, supplying one item or event at a time as it is delivered by the parser. Special streaming support is generally available in Saxon-EE for all system functions that take a sequence as their argument.
        getStreamerName in class SystemFunction
        a name that identifies a class that supports streamed evaluation of this system function, or null if no such class is available. The mapping of names to classes is defined in the Saxon-EE class StreamerMap. In non-streaming Saxon editions (HE and PE) the method always returns null.