Class AbstractTraceListener

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Direct Known Subclasses:
    XQueryTraceListener, XSLTTraceListener

    public abstract class AbstractTraceListener
    extends StandardDiagnostics
    implements TraceListener
    This is the standard trace listener used when the -T option is specified on the command line. There are two variants, represented by subclasses: one for XSLT, and one for XQuery. The two variants differ in that they present the trace output in terms of constructs used in the relevant host language.
    • Field Detail

      • indent

        protected int indent
      • detail

        protected int detail
    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractTraceListener

        public AbstractTraceListener()
    • Method Detail

      • open

        public void open​(Controller controller)
        Called at start
        Specified by:
        open in interface TraceListener
        controller - identifies the transformation controller, and provides the listener with access to context and configuration information
      • getOpeningAttributes

        protected abstract java.lang.String getOpeningAttributes()
      • close

        public void close()
        Called at end
        Specified by:
        close in interface TraceListener
      • enter

        public void enter​(Traceable info,
                          java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> properties,
                          XPathContext context)
        Called when an instruction in the stylesheet gets processed
        Specified by:
        enter in interface TraceListener
        info - gives information about the instruction being executed, and about the context in which it is executed. This object is mutable, so if information from the InstructionInfo is to be retained, it must be copied.
        properties - extra information about the instruction to be included in the trace
        context - the XPath evaluation context
      • getLocation

        public static Location getLocation​(Traceable info)
        Get the location information for the traceble expression or instruction. This method adjusts the location for XPath expressions contained in attributes of XSLT instructions, to give the location of the containing element, which supplies a simple line number and column number.
        info - the traceable whose location is required
        a sanitised Location object
      • escape

        public java.lang.String escape​(java.lang.String in)
        Escape a string for XML output (in an attribute delimited by double quotes). This method also collapses whitespace (since the value may be an XPath expression that was originally written over several lines).
        in - the input string
        the escaped string
      • leave

        public void leave​(Traceable info)
        Called after an instruction of the stylesheet got processed
        Specified by:
        leave in interface TraceListener
        info - trace information
      • isApplicable

        protected boolean isApplicable​(Traceable info)
      • tag

        protected abstract java.lang.String tag​(Traceable info)
      • level

        protected int level​(Traceable info)
      • startCurrentItem

        public void startCurrentItem​(Item item)
        Called when an item becomes the context item
        Specified by:
        startCurrentItem in interface TraceListener
        item - the new current item. Item objects are not mutable; it is safe to retain a reference to the Item for later use.
      • endCurrentItem

        public void endCurrentItem​(Item item)
        Called after a node of the source tree got processed
        Specified by:
        endCurrentItem in interface TraceListener
        item - the item that was current, whose processing is now complete. This will represent the same underlying item as the corresponding startCurrentItem() call, though it will not necessarily be the same actual object.
      • spaces

        protected static java.lang.String spaces​(int n)
        Get n spaces
        n - the requested number of spaces
        a string containing the requested number of spaces
      • setOutputDestination

        public void setOutputDestination​(Logger stream)
        Set the output destination (default is System.err)
        Specified by:
        setOutputDestination in interface TraceListener
        stream - the output destination for tracing output
      • getOutputDestination

        public Logger getOutputDestination()
        Get the output destination
        the output destination for tracing output
      • endRuleSearch

        public void endRuleSearch​(java.lang.Object rule,
                                  Mode mode,
                                  Item item)
        Method called when a rule search has completed.
        Specified by:
        endRuleSearch in interface TraceListener
        rule - the rule (or possible built-in ruleset) that has been selected
        mode - the mode in operation
        item - the item that was checked against
      • startRuleSearch

        public void startRuleSearch()
        Method called when a search for a template rule is about to start
        Specified by:
        startRuleSearch in interface TraceListener