Class KeyIndex

  • public class KeyIndex
    extends java.lang.Object
    A key index is an index maintained to support xsl:key key definitions, including both user-defined keys and keys added by the optimizer. Each key index supports one key definition (a set of xsl:key declarations with the same name) applied to one document tree.

    The index can support a mixture of atomic keys of different types; there is no error caused by comparing values of different types. This relies on the fact that XPathComparable values are identical for comparable values (e.g. integers and doubles), and distinct otherwise.

    With the XSLT xsl:key construct, untypedAtomic values are treated as strings. However, this structure is also used to support internally-generated keys with general comparison semantics, where untyped values are converted to the type of the other operand. To enable this to work, we maintain a list of all untypedAtomic keys present in the index; and if a search is made for some type like xs:date, we then go through this list converting each untypedAtomic value to a date and indexing it as such. In principle this can happen for an arbitrary number of data types, though it is unlikely in practice because not many types have overlapping lexical spaces.

    • Constructor Detail

      • KeyIndex

        public KeyIndex​(boolean isRangeKey)
    • Method Detail

      • getUnderlyingMap

        public java.util.Map<AtomicMatchKey,​java.lang.Object> getUnderlyingMap()
        Get the underlying map
        the underlying map. The "Object" in the map entry is either a NodeInfo or a List<NodeInfo>
      • isCreatedInThisThread

        public boolean isCreatedInThisThread()
        Ask if the index was created in the current thread
        true if this index was created in this thread
      • getStatus

        public KeyIndex.Status getStatus()
        Ask if the index is under construction
        true if the index is still under construction
      • buildIndex

        public void buildIndex​(KeyDefinitionSet keySet,
                               TreeInfo doc,
                               XPathContext context)
                        throws XPathException
        Build the index for a particular document for a named key
        keySet - The set of key definitions with this name
        doc - The source document in question
        context - The dynamic context
        XPathException - if a dynamic error is encountered
      • reindexUntypedValues

        public void reindexUntypedValues​(BuiltInAtomicType type)
                                  throws XPathException
        Re-index untyped atomic values after conversion to a specific type. This happens when the "convertUntypedToOther" option is set (typically because this index is used to support a general comparison), and the sought value is of a type other that string or untyped atomic. We go through the index finding all untyped atomic values, converting each one to the sought type, and adding it to the index under this type.
        type - the type to which untyped atomic values should be converted
        XPathException - if conversion of any untyped atomic value to the requested key type fails
      • isEmpty

        public boolean isEmpty()
        Ask whether the index is empty
        true if the index is empty
      • getNodes

        public SequenceIterator getNodes​(AtomicValue soughtValue)
                                  throws XPathException
        Get the nodes with a given key value
        soughtValue - The required key value
        an iterator over the selected nodes, always in document order with no duplicates
        XPathException - if a dynamic error is encountered
      • getComposite

        public SequenceIterator getComposite​(SequenceIterator soughtValue)
                                      throws XPathException
        Get the nodes with a given composite key value
        soughtValue - The required composite key value
        a list of the selected nodes, always in document order with no duplicates, or null to represent an empty list
        XPathException - if a dynamic error is encountered