System Programming Interfaces
A new API has been introduced for executing XPath expressions. This is simpler and safer than the API provided in previous releases, which was essentially improvised from implementation classes rather than being designed top-down as an interface suitable for application use. The API is loosely modelled on the proposed DOM Level 3 API for XPath.
The new API uses the class net.sf.saxon.xpath.XPathEvaluator
. This class provides a few
simple configuration interfaces to set the source document, the static context, and the context node,
plus a number of methods for evaluating XPath expressions. The static context can be omitted if the
expression does not use namespaces, external variables, or extension functions. If the expression uses
namespaces, an instance of StandaloneContext can be supplied, allowing the required namespaces to be
declared either explicitly, or by reference to the in-scope namespaces of some Node.
There are two methods for direct evaluation, evaluate() which returns a List containing the result of the expression (which in general is a sequence), and evaluateSingle() which returns the first item in the result (this is appropriate where it is known that the result will be single-valued). The results are returned as NodeInfo objects in the case of nodes, or as objects of the most appropriate Java class in the case of atomic values: for example, Boolean, Double, or String in the case of the traditional XPath 1.0 data types.
It is also possible to prepare an XPath expression for subsequent execution, using the createExpression() method on the XPathEvaluator class. This is worthwhile where the same expression is to be executed repeatedly. The compiled expression is represented by an instance of the class net.sf.saxon.xpath.XPathExpression, and it can be executed repeatedly, with different context nodes. However, the compiled expression is bound to one particular source document (this is to ensure that the same NamePool is used).
The design principle of this API is to minimize the number of Saxon classes that need to be used. Apart from the NodeInfo interface, which is needed when manipulating Saxon trees, only the four classes XPathProcessor, XPathExpression, StandaloneContext, and XPathException are needed. For convenience, XPathException and StandaloneContext have been moved to the net.sf.saxon.xpath package.
If you want to use extension functions or variables you will need to create your own implementation of StaticContext. Although this interface has been greatly simplified, this is still not to be attempted lightly.
The old APIs for executing expressions still exist for the time being, but they are likely to be less stable.