
Class DocumentBuilder

Class DomDestination

Class DynamicContext

Class DynamicError

Class EmptyEnumerator

Class ExtensionFunctionCall

Class ExtensionFunctionDefinition

Class InvalidityHandlerWrapper

Class NamespaceConstant

Class NullDestination

Class Processor

Class QName

Class SchemaManager

Class SchemaValidator

Class Serializer

Class StandardLogger

Class StaticContext

Class StaticError

Class TextWriterDestination

Class WhitespacePolicy

Class XPathCompiler

Class XPathExecutable

Class XPathSelector

Class XQueryCompiler

Class XQueryEvaluator

Class XQueryExecutable

Class XdmAnyFunctionType

Class XdmAnyItemType

Class XdmAnyNodeType

Class XdmArray

Class XdmAtomicType

Class XdmAtomicValue

Class XdmDestination

  - Class TreeProtector

Class XdmEmptySequence

Class XdmExternalObjectValue

Class XdmFunctionItem

Class XdmItem

Class XdmItemType

Class XdmMap

Class XdmNode

Class XdmNodeKind

Class XdmSequenceType

Class XdmValue

Class XmlDestination

Class Xslt30Transformer

Class XsltCompiler

Class XsltExecutable

  - Class ParameterDetails

Class XsltPackage

Class XsltTransformer

Enum RecoveryPolicy

Enum SchemaValidationMode

Enum TreeModel

Enum XdmAxis

Interface IInvalidityHandler

Interface IMessageListener

Interface IQueryResolver

Interface IResultDocumentHandler

Interface IXdmEnumerator

Interface IXmlLocation

Interface SchemaResolver


Interface SchemaResolver

public interface SchemaResolver
implements object

The SchemaResolver is a user-supplied class used for resolving references to schema documents. It applies to references from one schema document to another appearing in xs:import, xs:include, and xs:redefine; to references from an instance document to a schema in xsi:schemaLocation and xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation, to xsl:import-schema in XSLT, and to the import schema declaration in XQuery.

Method Summary
 Uri[] GetSchemaDocuments(string targetNamespace, System.Uri baseUri, System.String[] locationHints)

Given a targetNamespace and a set of location hints, return a set of schema documents.

 Object GetEntity(System.Uri absoluteUri)

Dereference a URI returned by GetModules to retrieve a Stream containing the actual XML schema document.

Method Detail


public Uri[] GetSchemaDocuments(string targetNamespace,
System.Uri baseUri,
System.String[] locationHints)

Given a targetNamespace and a set of location hints, return a set of schema documents.

targetNamespace -
The target namespace of the required schema components
baseUri -
The base URI of the module containing the reference to a schema document declaration
locationHints -
The sequence of URIs (if any) listed as location hints. In most cases there will only be one; but the import schema declaration in XQuery permits several.
A set of absolute Uris identifying the query modules to be loaded. There is no requirement that these correspond one-to-one with the URIs defined in the locationHints. The returned URIs will be dereferenced by calling the GetEntity method.


public Object GetEntity(System.Uri absoluteUri)

Dereference a URI returned by GetModules to retrieve a Stream containing the actual XML schema document.

absoluteUri -
A URI returned by the GetSchemaDocuments method.
Either a Stream or a String containing the query text. The supplied URI will be used as the base URI of the query module.