Returns the contents of the current group of items being processed by xsl:merge-action.
current-merge-group() ➔ item()*
There are no arguments | |||
Result | item()* |
current-merge-group($source as xs:string) ➔ item()*
Arguments | |||
| $source | xs:string | The name of a merge source |
Result | item()* |
Links to W3C specifications
Notes on the Saxon implementation
The current-merge-group()
function is introduced in Saxon 9.6, reflecting
changes in the XSLT 3.0 specification. It replaces current-group()
, which was
overloaded to handle merging in earlier versions. In Saxon 9.6, the implementation did not match
the latest version of the W3C spec for this function. Instead of returning a map, it
returned a sequence containing all the items from the current group, regardless which merge
source they came from. Since Saxon 9.7, the implementation conforms with the final Recommendation.