
Creates a database connection.



{ eqname }

The name of the JDBC driver class to be used.


{ eqname }

The name of the database. Must be a name that JDBC can associate with an actual database.


{ expression }


{ expression }


{ boolean }

If the value is yes, then this causes a call of connection.setAutoCommit() on the underlying JDBC connection.


The sql:connect instruction returns a database connection as a value, specifically a value of type "external object", which can be referred to using the type java:java.sql.Connection. Typically the value will be assigned to a variable using the construct:

<xsl:variable name="connection" as="java:java.sql.Connection" xmlns:java="http://saxon.sf.net/java-type"> <sql:connect database="jdbc:odbc:testdb" driver="sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver" xsl:extension-element-prefixes="sql"/> </xsl:variable>

This can be a global variable or a local variable; if local, it can be passed to other templates as a parameter in the normal way. The connection is used on instructions such as sql:insert and sql:query with an attribute such as connection="$connection"; the value of the connection attribute is an expression that returns a database connection object.