Class UserFunction

  extended by net.sf.saxon.expr.instruct.Procedure
      extended by net.sf.saxon.expr.instruct.UserFunction
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, SourceLocator, LocationProvider, SaxonLocator, Container, InstructionInfo, Locator
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class UserFunction
extends Procedure

This object represents the compiled form of a user-written function (the source can be either an XSLT stylesheet function or an XQuery function).

It is assumed that type-checking, of both the arguments and the results, has been handled at compile time. That is, the expression supplied as the body of the function must be wrapped in code to check or convert the result to the required type, and calls on the function must be wrapped at compile time to check or convert the supplied arguments.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
protected  int evaluationMode
Fields inherited from class net.sf.saxon.expr.instruct.Procedure
Constructor Summary
          Create a user-defined function (the body must be added later)
Method Summary
 ValueRepresentation call(ValueRepresentation[] actualArgs, Controller controller)
          Call this function.
 ValueRepresentation call(ValueRepresentation[] actualArgs, XPathContextMajor context)
          Call this function to return a value.
 void callUpdating(ValueRepresentation[] actualArgs, XPathContextMajor context, PendingUpdateList pul)
          Call an updating function.
 void computeEvaluationMode()
          Determine the preferred evaluation mode for this function
 boolean containsTailCalls()
          Determine whether the function contains tail calls (on this or other functions)
 void gatherDirectContributingCallees(Set<UserFunction> result)
          Gather the direct contributing callees of this function.
 SequenceType getArgumentType(int n)
          Get the required types of an argument to this function
 int getConstructType()
          Get the type of construct.
 SequenceType getDeclaredResultType()
          Get the declared result type
 int getEvaluationMode()
          Get the evaluation mode.
 StructuredQName getFunctionName()
          Get the function name
 int getNumberOfArguments()
          Get the arity of this function
 StructuredQName getObjectName()
          Get a name identifying the object of the expression, for example a function name, template name, variable name, key name, element name, etc.
 UserFunctionParameter[] getParameterDefinitions()
          Get the definitions of the declared parameters for this function
 SequenceType getResultType(TypeHierarchy th)
          Get the type of value returned by this function
 Boolean isInlineable()
          Ask whether the function can be inlined
 boolean isMemoFunction()
          Ask whether this function is a memo function
 boolean isTailRecursive()
          Determine whether the function contains a tail call, calling itself
 boolean isUpdating()
          Ask whether this is an updating function (as defined in XQuery Update)
 EventIterator iterateEvents(ValueRepresentation[] actualArgs, XPathContextMajor context)
          Call this function in "pull" mode, returning the results as a sequence of PullEvents.
 void process(ValueRepresentation[] actualArgs, XPathContextMajor context)
          Call this function in "push" mode, writing the results to the current output destination.
 void setFunctionName(StructuredQName name)
          Set the function name
 void setInlineable(boolean inlineable)
          Say whether this function can be inlined
 void setParameterDefinitions(UserFunctionParameter[] params)
          Set the definitions of the declared parameters for this function
 void setResultType(SequenceType resultType)
          Set the declared result type of the function
 void setTailRecursive(boolean tailCalls, boolean recursiveTailCalls)
          Indicate whether the function contains a tail call
 void setUpdating(boolean isUpdating)
          Set whether this is an updating function (as defined in XQuery Update)
Methods inherited from class net.sf.saxon.expr.instruct.Procedure
getBody, getColumnNumber, getColumnNumber, getContainerGranularity, getExecutable, getHostLanguage, getLineNumber, getLineNumber, getLocationProvider, getProperties, getProperty, getPublicId, getStackFrameMap, getSystemId, getSystemId, setBody, setExecutable, setHostLanguage, setLineNumber, setStackFrameMap, setSystemId
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected int evaluationMode
Constructor Detail


public UserFunction()
Create a user-defined function (the body must be added later)

Method Detail


public void setFunctionName(StructuredQName name)
Set the function name

name - the function name


public StructuredQName getFunctionName()
Get the function name

the function name, as a StructuredQName


public StructuredQName getObjectName()
Get a name identifying the object of the expression, for example a function name, template name, variable name, key name, element name, etc. This is used only where the name is known statically.

the QName of the object declared or manipulated by this instruction or expression


public void computeEvaluationMode()
Determine the preferred evaluation mode for this function


public Boolean isInlineable()
Ask whether the function can be inlined

true (yes), false (no), or null (don't know)


public void setInlineable(boolean inlineable)
Say whether this function can be inlined

inlineable - true or false


public void setParameterDefinitions(UserFunctionParameter[] params)
Set the definitions of the declared parameters for this function

params - an array of parameter definitions


public UserFunctionParameter[] getParameterDefinitions()
Get the definitions of the declared parameters for this function

an array of parameter definitions


public void setResultType(SequenceType resultType)
Set the declared result type of the function

resultType - the declared return type


public void setTailRecursive(boolean tailCalls,
                             boolean recursiveTailCalls)
Indicate whether the function contains a tail call

tailCalls - true if the function contains a tail call (on any function)
recursiveTailCalls - true if the function contains a tail call (on itself)


public boolean containsTailCalls()
Determine whether the function contains tail calls (on this or other functions)

true if the function contains tail calls


public boolean isTailRecursive()
Determine whether the function contains a tail call, calling itself

true if the function contains a directly-recursive tail call


public void setUpdating(boolean isUpdating)
Set whether this is an updating function (as defined in XQuery Update)

isUpdating - true if this is an updating function


public boolean isUpdating()
Ask whether this is an updating function (as defined in XQuery Update)

true if this is an updating function


public SequenceType getResultType(TypeHierarchy th)
Get the type of value returned by this function

th - the type hierarchy cache
the declared result type, or the inferred result type if this is more precise


public SequenceType getDeclaredResultType()
Get the declared result type

the declared result type


public SequenceType getArgumentType(int n)
Get the required types of an argument to this function

n - identifies the argument in question, starting at 0
a SequenceType object, indicating the required type of the argument


public int getEvaluationMode()
Get the evaluation mode. The evaluation mode will be computed if this has not already been done

the computed evaluation mode


public int getNumberOfArguments()
Get the arity of this function

the number of arguments


public boolean isMemoFunction()
Ask whether this function is a memo function

false (overridden in a subclass)


public void gatherDirectContributingCallees(Set<UserFunction> result)
Gather the direct contributing callees of this function. A callee is a function that this one calls. A contributing callee is a function whose output is added directly to the output of this function without further processing (other than by attaching it to a parent element or document node). A direct contributing callee is a function that is called directly, rather than indirectly.

result - the list into which the callees are gathered.


public ValueRepresentation call(ValueRepresentation[] actualArgs,
                                XPathContextMajor context)
                         throws XPathException
Call this function to return a value.

actualArgs - the arguments supplied to the function. These must have the correct types required by the function signature (it is the caller's responsibility to check this). It is acceptable to supply a Closure to represent a value whose evaluation will be delayed until it is needed. The array must be the correct size to match the number of arguments: again, it is the caller's responsibility to check this.
context - This provides the run-time context for evaluating the function. It is the caller's responsibility to allocate a "clean" context for the function to use; the context that is provided will be overwritten by the function.
a Value representing the result of the function.
XPathException - if a dynamic error occurs while evaluating the function


public void process(ValueRepresentation[] actualArgs,
                    XPathContextMajor context)
             throws XPathException
Call this function in "push" mode, writing the results to the current output destination.

actualArgs - the arguments supplied to the function. These must have the correct types required by the function signature (it is the caller's responsibility to check this). It is acceptable to supply a Closure to represent a value whose evaluation will be delayed until it is needed. The array must be the correct size to match the number of arguments: again, it is the caller's responsibility to check this.
context - This provides the run-time context for evaluating the function. It is the caller's responsibility to allocate a "clean" context for the function to use; the context that is provided will be overwritten by the function.
XPathException - if a dynamic error occurs while evaluating the function


public EventIterator iterateEvents(ValueRepresentation[] actualArgs,
                                   XPathContextMajor context)
                            throws XPathException
Call this function in "pull" mode, returning the results as a sequence of PullEvents.

actualArgs - the arguments supplied to the function. These must have the correct types required by the function signature (it is the caller's responsibility to check this). It is acceptable to supply a Closure to represent a value whose evaluation will be delayed until it is needed. The array must be the correct size to match the number of arguments: again, it is the caller's responsibility to check this.
context - This provides the run-time context for evaluating the function. It is the caller's responsibility to allocate a "clean" context for the function to use; the context that is provided will be overwritten by the function.
an iterator over the results of the function call
XPathException - if a dynamic error occurs while evaluating the function


public ValueRepresentation call(ValueRepresentation[] actualArgs,
                                Controller controller)
                         throws XPathException
Call this function. This method allows an XQuery function to be called directly from a Java application. It creates the environment needed to achieve this

actualArgs - the arguments supplied to the function. These must have the correct types required by the function signature (it is the caller's responsibility to check this). It is acceptable to supply a Closure to represent a value whose evaluation will be delayed until it is needed. The array must be the correct size to match the number of arguments: again, it is the caller's responsibility to check this.
controller - This provides the run-time context for evaluating the function. A Controller may be obtained by calling XQueryExpression.newController(). This may be used for a series of calls on functions defined in the same module as the XQueryExpression.
a Value representing the result of the function.
XPathException - if a dynamic error occurs while evaluating the function.


public void callUpdating(ValueRepresentation[] actualArgs,
                         XPathContextMajor context,
                         PendingUpdateList pul)
                  throws XPathException
Call an updating function.

actualArgs - the arguments supplied to the function. These must have the correct types required by the function signature (it is the caller's responsibility to check this). It is acceptable to supply a Closure to represent a value whose evaluation will be delayed until it is needed. The array must be the correct size to match the number of arguments: again, it is the caller's responsibility to check this.
context - the dynamic evaluation context
pul - the pending updates list, to which the function's update actions are to be added.
XPathException - if a dynamic error occurs while evaluating the function.


public int getConstructType()
Get the type of construct. This will either be the fingerprint of a standard XSLT instruction name (values in StandardNames: all less than 1024) or it will be a constant in class Location.

an integer identifying the kind of construct

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