A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _


a - Variable in class net.sf.saxon.trace.TraceEventMulticaster
abbreviatePath(String) - Static method in class net.sf.saxon.lib.StandardErrorListener
Abbreviate a URI (if requested)
ABS - Static variable in class net.sf.saxon.functions.Rounding
abs(double) - Static method in class net.sf.saxon.option.exslt.Math
Get the absolute value of a numeric value (SStL)
abs() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.value.BigIntegerValue
Get the absolute value as defined by the XPath abs() function
abs() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.value.DecimalValue
Get the absolute value as defined by the XPath abs() function
abs() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.value.DoubleValue
Get the absolute value as defined by the XPath abs() function
abs() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.value.FloatValue
Get the absolute value as defined by the XPath abs() function
abs() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.value.Int64Value
Get the absolute value as defined by the XPath abs() function
abs() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.value.NumericValue
Get the absolute value as defined by the XPath abs() function
abs() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.value.PrecisionDecimalValue
Get the absolute value as defined by the XPath abs() function
AbsentExtensionElement - Class in net.sf.saxon.style
This element is a surrogate for an extension element (or indeed an xsl element) for which no implementation is available.
AbsentExtensionElement() - Constructor for class net.sf.saxon.style.AbsentExtensionElement
absolute(int) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQSequence
Moves the XQSequence's position to the given item number in this object.
absolute(int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.xqj.SaxonXQForwardSequence
absolute(int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.xqj.SaxonXQSequence
absorbSurrogatePair() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.functions.regex.RegexTranslator
AbstractFunctionItem - Class in com.saxonica.functions.hof
Abstract superclass (and factory class) for implementations of FunctionItem
AbstractFunctionItem() - Constructor for class com.saxonica.functions.hof.AbstractFunctionItem
AbstractNumberer - Class in net.sf.saxon.expr.number
Class AbstractNumberer is a base implementation of Numberer that provides language-independent default numbering This supports the xsl:number element.
AbstractNumberer() - Constructor for class net.sf.saxon.expr.number.AbstractNumberer
AbstractStaticContext - Class in net.sf.saxon.sxpath
An abstract and configurable implementation of the StaticContext interface, which defines the static context of an XPath expression.
AbstractStaticContext() - Constructor for class net.sf.saxon.sxpath.AbstractStaticContext
AbstractTraceListener - Class in net.sf.saxon.trace
This is the standard trace listener used when the -T option is specified on the command line.
AbstractTraceListener() - Constructor for class net.sf.saxon.trace.AbstractTraceListener
AbstractWatch - Class in com.saxonica.validate
A Watch represents a class that is interested in looking at nodes for the purpose of evaluating uniqueness and key constraints.
AbstractWatch() - Constructor for class com.saxonica.validate.AbstractWatch
accept(Expression, Expression) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.PromotionOffer
Method to test whether a subexpression qualifies for promotion, and if so, to accept the promotion.
accept(File, String) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.functions.URIQueryParameters.RegexFilter
Tests if a specified file should be included in a file list.
accepted - Variable in class net.sf.saxon.expr.PromotionOffer
Flag that is set if the offer has been accepted, that is, if the expression has changed
acos(double) - Static method in class net.sf.saxon.option.exslt.Math
Get the arccosine of a numeric value (SStL)
action - Variable in class net.sf.saxon.expr.Assignation
action - Variable in class net.sf.saxon.expr.instruct.ForEach
action - Variable in class net.sf.saxon.expr.PromotionOffer
ACTION_COMPILE - Static variable in class net.sf.saxon.style.StyleElement
ACTION_FIXUP - Static variable in class net.sf.saxon.style.StyleElement
ACTION_OPTIMIZE - Static variable in class net.sf.saxon.style.StyleElement
ACTION_PROCESS_ATTRIBUTES - Static variable in class net.sf.saxon.style.StyleElement
ACTION_TYPECHECK - Static variable in class net.sf.saxon.style.StyleElement
ACTION_VALIDATE - Static variable in class net.sf.saxon.style.StyleElement
actionsCompleted - Variable in class net.sf.saxon.style.StyleElement
activeWatchStack - Variable in class com.saxonica.stream.watch.WatchManager
actuallyEvaluate(XPathContext) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.instruct.GlobalVariable
Evaluate the global variable, and save its value for use in subsequent references.
actualParams - Variable in class net.sf.saxon.expr.instruct.ApplyTemplates
add(PendingUpdateAction) - Method in class com.saxonica.update.PendingUpdateListImpl
Add an action to the pending update list
add(int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.sort.IntArraySet
Add an integer to the set
add(int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.sort.IntHashSet
add(int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.sort.IntRangeSet
Add an integer to the set
add(int) - Method in interface net.sf.saxon.expr.sort.IntSet
Add an integer to the set
add(int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.sort.IntSingletonSet
add(DocumentInfo, String) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.om.DocumentPool
Add a document to the pool
add(DocumentInfo, DocumentURI) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.om.DocumentPool
Add a document to the pool
add(XPathContext, String, String) - Static method in class net.sf.saxon.option.exslt.Date
The date:add function returns the date/time resulting from adding a duration to a date/time.
add(String) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.serialize.HTMLTagHashSet
add(TraceListener, TraceListener) - Static method in class net.sf.saxon.trace.TraceEventMulticaster
Adds trace-listener-a with trace-listener-b and returns the resulting multicast listener.
add(DurationValue) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.value.CalendarValue
Add a duration to this date/time value
add(DurationValue) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.value.DateTimeValue
Add a duration to a dateTime
add(DurationValue) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.value.DateValue
Add a duration to a date
add(DurationValue) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.value.DayTimeDurationValue
Add two dayTimeDurations
add(DurationValue) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.value.DurationValue
Add two durations
add(DurationValue) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.value.GDayValue
Add a duration to this date/time value
add(DurationValue) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.value.GMonthDayValue
Add a duration to this date/time value
add(DurationValue) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.value.GMonthValue
Add a duration to this date/time value
add(DurationValue) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.value.GYearMonthValue
Add a duration to this date/time value
add(DurationValue) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.value.GYearValue
Add a duration to this date/time value
add(DurationValue) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.value.TimeValue
Add a duration to a dateTime
add(DurationValue) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.value.YearMonthDurationValue
Add two year-month-durations
add(Duration) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.xqj.SaxonDuration
Computes a new duration whose value is this+rhs.
add(Duration) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.xqj.SaxonXMLGregorianCalendar
Add duration to this instance.
addAllowedNamespace(String) - Method in class com.saxonica.schema.Wildcard
Add a permitted namespace.
addAnonymousType(SchemaType) - Method in class com.saxonica.schema.PreparedSchema
Register an anonymous type defined in this schema
addArgument(UserFunctionParameter) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.query.XQueryFunction
Add an argument to the list of arguments
addAssertion(Assertion) - Method in class com.saxonica.schema.UserComplexType
Add an assertion to this complex type
addAttribute(NodeInfo) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.evpull.StartElementEvent
Add an attribute to the element node
addAttribute(int, int, CharSequence, int) - Method in interface net.sf.saxon.om.MutableNodeInfo
Add an attribute to this element node.
addAttribute(int, int, CharSequence, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.tree.linked.ElementImpl
Add an attribute to this element node.
addAttribute(int, int, CharSequence, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.tree.linked.NodeImpl
Add an attribute to this element node.
addAttribute(int, int, String, long, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.tree.util.AttributeCollectionImpl
Add an attribute to an attribute list.
addAttribute(int, int, CharSequence, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.tree.util.Orphan
Add an attribute to this element node.
addAttributeDecl(AttributeDecl) - Method in class com.saxonica.schema.PreparedSchema
Adds the given global attribute declaration to this Schema.
addAttributeGroup(AttributeGroupDecl) - Method in class com.saxonica.schema.PreparedSchema
Adds the given attribute group declaration to this Schema.
addAttributeGroupReference(AttributeGroupReference) - Method in class com.saxonica.schema.AttributeGroupDecl
Adds the given AttributeGroupReference to this AttributeGroup.
addAttributeGroupReference(AttributeGroupReference) - Method in class com.saxonica.schema.UserComplexType
Adds the given AttributeGroupReference to this UserComplexType
addAttributeUse(AttributeUse) - Method in class com.saxonica.schema.AttributeGroupDecl
Add the given attribute use to this AttributeGroup.
addAttributeUse(AttributeUse) - Method in class com.saxonica.schema.UserComplexType
Adds the given AttributeUse to this UserComplexType.
addBranch(String) - Method in class com.saxonica.schema.PatternFacet
Add a branch to a pattern: that is, combine this pattern with another, so that the resulting pattern is the "or" of the two patterns
addCatchClause(QNameTest, Expression) - Method in class com.saxonica.xsltextn.XSLTry
addCatchExpression(QNameTest, Expression) - Method in class com.saxonica.expr.TryCatch
addComponent(UserSchemaComponent) - Method in class com.saxonica.schema.PreparedSchema
Add an object that might contain a forwards reference to be fixed up later
addConnectionEventListener(XQConnectionEventListener) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.PooledXQConnection
Registers the given event listener so that it will be notified when an event occurs on this PooledXQConnection object.
addContextDocumentArgument(int, String) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.functions.SystemFunction
Add an implicit argument referring to the context document.
addDescendants() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.PathMap.PathMapNodeSet
Indicate that all the descendants of the nodes in this nodeset are required
addDisallowedNamespace(String) - Method in class com.saxonica.schema.Wildcard
Add a disallowed namespace.
addDisallowedQName(int) - Method in class com.saxonica.schema.Wildcard
Mark a specific QName as being disallowed
addDocToPathMap(PathMap, PathMap.PathMapNodeSet) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.functions.NumberFn
Add a representation of a doc() call or similar function to a PathMap.
addDocToPathMap(PathMap, PathMap.PathMapNodeSet) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.functions.SystemFunction
Add a representation of a doc() call or similar function to a PathMap.
addDuration(XPathContext, String, String) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.option.exslt.Date
The date:add-duration function returns the duration resulting from adding two durations together.
addElementDecl(ElementDecl) - Method in class com.saxonica.schema.PreparedSchema
Adds the given global element declaration to this Schema definition
addEnumerationValue(Value, String) - Method in class com.saxonica.schema.EnumerationFacetSet
Add a permitted value to the set of enumeration values.
addExtensionBinders(FunctionLibraryList) - Method in class com.saxonica.config.ProfessionalConfiguration
Add the registered extension binders to a function library.
addExtensionBinders(FunctionLibraryList) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.Configuration
Add the registered extension binders to a function library.
addExternalFunctionCallToPathMap(PathMap, PathMap.PathMapNodeSet) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.FunctionCall
Add a representation of this expression to a PathMap.
addFacet(Facet) - Method in class com.saxonica.schema.UserSimpleType
Add the given Facet to this Simpletype.
addField(IdentityField) - Method in class com.saxonica.schema.IdentityConstraint
Adds the given IdentityField to this IdentityConstraint
addFieldValue(Value[], int, Value, boolean, long) - Method in class com.saxonica.validate.SelectorWatch
The addFieldValue method is a callback from the FieldWatch created when this SelectorWatch is activated.
addFilter(ProxyReceiver) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.lib.AugmentedSource
Add a filter to the list of filters to be applied to the raw input
addFilter(ProxyReceiver) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.lib.ParseOptions
Add a filter to the list of filters to be applied to the raw input
addFilter(Expression) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.pattern.LocationPathPattern
Add a filter to the pattern (while under construction)
addFunction(UserFunction) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.functions.ExecutableFunctionLibrary
Register a function with the function library
addFunctionLibraries(FunctionLibraryList, Configuration, int) - Method in class com.saxonica.config.JavaPlatformPE
Add the platform-specific function libraries to a function library list.
addFunctionLibraries(FunctionLibraryList, Configuration, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.java.JavaPlatform
Add the platform-specific function libraries to a function library list.
addFunctionLibrary(FunctionLibrary) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.functions.FunctionLibraryList
Add a new FunctionLibrary to the list of FunctionLibraries in this FunctionLibraryList.
addFunctionLibrary(FunctionLibrary) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.sxpath.AbstractStaticContext
Add a function library to the list of function libraries
addGlobalParam(GlobalParam) - Method in class com.saxonica.schema.PreparedSchema
Declare a global parameter for XPath expressions in this schema document (Saxon extension)
addGlobalParam(GlobalParam) - Method in class com.saxonica.schema.sdoc.XSDSchema
Declare a global parameter for XPath expressions in this schema document (Saxon extension)
addGroup(ModelGroupDefinition) - Method in class com.saxonica.schema.PreparedSchema
Adds the given group (xs:group) to this Schema.
addIdentityConstraint(IdentityConstraintReference) - Method in class com.saxonica.schema.ElementDecl
Adds the given IdentityConstraint to this element definition.
addIdentityConstraint(IdentityConstraint) - Method in class com.saxonica.schema.PreparedSchema
Add an identity constraint
addImportedNamespace(String) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.query.ImportedFunctionLibrary
Add an imported namespace
addImportedNamespace(String) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.query.QueryModule
Register that this module imports a particular module namespace
addImportedSchema(String, String, List) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.query.QueryModule
Add an imported schema to this static context.
addImportedSchema(String) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.style.PrincipalStylesheetModule
addInheritedFacets(List<Facet>) - Method in class com.saxonica.schema.UserListType
Get the extended facet list, creating it if necessary.
addInheritedFacets(List<Facet>) - Method in class com.saxonica.schema.UserSimpleType
addInternal(EventListener, EventListener) - Static method in class net.sf.saxon.trace.TraceEventMulticaster
Returns the resulting multicast listener from adding listener-a and listener-b together.
addKeyDefinition(KeyDefinition) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.trans.KeyDefinitionSet
Add a key definition to this set of key definitions.
addKeyDefinition(StructuredQName, KeyDefinition, Configuration) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.trans.KeyManager
Register a key definition.
addKeyRef(RefSelectorWatch) - Method in class com.saxonica.validate.KeySelectorWatch
Add a RefSelectorWatch to support a keyRef that refers to this key or unique constraints
addLambdaTransition(AutomatonState) - Method in class com.saxonica.schema.fsa.NonDeterminizedState
Add a lambda transition from this state to another state.
addMemberType(TypeReference) - Method in class com.saxonica.schema.sdoc.SimpleTypeDefinition
Add a member type to this union type
addMemberTypeReference(TypeReference) - Method in class com.saxonica.schema.UserUnionType
Add a member type to the list of member types
addNamespace(int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.evpull.StartElementEvent
Add a namespace code representing a locally declared namespace
addNamespace(int, boolean) - Method in interface net.sf.saxon.om.MutableNodeInfo
Add a namespace binding (that is, a namespace node) to this element.
addNamespace(int, boolean) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.tree.linked.ElementImpl
Add a namespace binding (that is, a namespace node) to this element.
addNamespace(int, boolean) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.tree.linked.NodeImpl
addNamespace(int, boolean) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.tree.util.Orphan
Add a namespace binding (that is, a namespace node) to this element.
addNamespaceAlias(Declaration) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.style.PrincipalStylesheetModule
addNodeSet(PathMap.PathMapNodeSet) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.PathMap.PathMapNodeSet
Combine two node sets into one
addNonInheritedAttributeUse(AttributeUse) - Method in class com.saxonica.schema.UserComplexType
Add an attribute use to the final (combined) content model for this complex type.
addNotation(Notation) - Method in class com.saxonica.schema.PreparedSchema
Adds the given Notation declaration to this Schema defintion
addParticle(Particle) - Method in class com.saxonica.schema.AllModelGroup
Adds a given Particle to the content model defined by this Compositor
addParticle(Particle) - Method in class com.saxonica.schema.ModelGroup
Adds a given Particle to the content model defined by this model group
addPendingTypeCheck(IdentityConstraintReference, SchemaType) - Method in class com.saxonica.schema.SchemaCompiler
Register an identity constraint that needs to be type-checked
addPrearrangedWatches() - Method in class com.saxonica.stream.watch.WatchManager
addPrearrangedWatches() - Method in class com.saxonica.validate.ConstraintChecker
addPutAction(NodeInfo, String, Expression) - Method in class com.saxonica.update.PendingUpdateListImpl
Add a put() action to the pending update list
addPutAction(NodeInfo, String, Expression) - Method in interface net.sf.saxon.expr.PendingUpdateList
Add a put() action to the pending update list
addQueryLibraryModule(QueryModule) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.instruct.Executable
Add an XQuery library module to the configuration.
addRange(int, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.sort.IntRangeSet
Add a range of integers to the set.
addRecognizedOption(String, int, String) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.trans.CommandLineOptions
Set the permitted options.
addReference(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.Assignation
Register a variable reference that refers to the variable bound in this expression
addRequiredParam(StructuredQName) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.instruct.Executable
Add a required parameter.
addRule(Pattern, RuleTarget, StylesheetModule, double, boolean) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.trans.Mode
Add a rule to the Mode.
addRule(NodeTest, RuleBasedStripper.StripRuleTarget, StylesheetModule, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.trans.StripSpaceRules
Add a rule
addSchema(PreparedSchema) - Method in class com.saxonica.config.EnterpriseConfiguration
Add a schema (a collection of schema components) to the cache
addSchema(Source) - Method in class com.saxonica.config.EnterpriseTransformerFactory
Load a schema, which will be available for use by all subsequent operations using this TransformerFactory.
addSchema(Source) - Method in class com.saxonica.config.EnterpriseXPathFactory
Load a schema, which will be available for use by all subsequent operations using this TransformerFactory.
addSchemaForBuiltInNamespace(String) - Method in class com.saxonica.config.EnterpriseConfiguration
Add a built-in schema for a given namespace.
addSchemaForBuiltInNamespace(String) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.Configuration
Add a built-in schema for a given namespace.
addSchemaSource(Source, ErrorListener) - Method in class com.saxonica.config.EnterpriseConfiguration
Load a schema, which will be available for use by all subsequent operations using this EnterpriseConfiguration.
addSchemaSource(Source) - Method in class com.saxonica.schema.SchemaCompiler
Load a schema, which will be available for use by all subsequent operations using this Configuration.
addSchemaSource(Source, ErrorListener) - Method in class com.saxonica.schema.SchemaCompiler
Load a schema, which will be available for use by all subsequent operations using this EnterpriseConfiguration.
addSchemaSource(Source) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.Configuration
Load a schema, which will be available for use by all subsequent operations using this Configuration.
addSchemaSource(Source, ErrorListener) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.Configuration
Load a schema, which will be available for use by all subsequent operations using this EnterpriseConfiguration.
addSpecificTransition(Edge, SchemaCompiler) - Method in class com.saxonica.schema.fsa.AutomatonState
Add a specific transition from this state to another state.
addSubstitutionGroupHead(int) - Method in class com.saxonica.schema.ElementDecl
Adds the fingerprint of the name of the head of a substitutionGroup for this element definition.
addSubstitutionGroupMember(ElementDecl, SchemaCompiler) - Method in class com.saxonica.schema.ElementDecl
Add a member of the substitution group that has this element as its head.
addSurrogateSchema(String) - Method in class com.saxonica.config.EnterpriseConfiguration
Put a temporary schema marker in the cache, to indicate that a schema for a given namespace is being processed.
addTextNodeCopy(int, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.tree.tiny.TinyTree
Create a new text node that is a copy of an existing text node
addTo(Calendar) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.xqj.SaxonDuration
Adds this duration to a Calendar object.
addToPathMap(PathMap, PathMap.PathMapNodeSet) - Method in class com.saxonica.expr.EvaluateInstr
Add a representation of this expression to a PathMap.
addToPathMap(PathMap, PathMap.PathMapNodeSet) - Method in class com.saxonica.expr.IterateInstr
Add a representation of this expression to a PathMap.
addToPathMap(PathMap, PathMap.PathMapNodeSet) - Method in class com.saxonica.expr.JavaExtensionFunctionCall
Add a representation of this expression to a PathMap.
addToPathMap(PathMap, PathMap.PathMapNodeSet) - Method in class com.saxonica.functions.hof.FunctionItemExpression
Add a representation of this expression to a PathMap.
addToPathMap(PathMap, PathMap.PathMapNodeSet) - Method in class com.saxonica.functions.xslt3.SnapshotFn
addToPathMap(PathMap, PathMap.PathMapNodeSet) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.Assignation
Add a representation of this expression to a PathMap.
addToPathMap(PathMap, PathMap.PathMapNodeSet) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.Atomizer
Add a representation of this expression to a PathMap.
addToPathMap(PathMap, PathMap.PathMapNodeSet) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.AxisExpression
Add a representation of this expression to a PathMap.
addToPathMap(PathMap, PathMap.PathMapNodeSet) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.ContextItemExpression
Add a representation of this expression to a PathMap.
addToPathMap(PathMap, PathMap.PathMapNodeSet) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.Expression
Add a representation of this expression to a PathMap.
addToPathMap(PathMap, PathMap.PathMapNodeSet) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.FilterExpression
Add a representation of this expression to a PathMap.
addToPathMap(PathMap, PathMap.PathMapNodeSet) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.instruct.ApplyImports
Add a representation of this expression to a PathMap.
addToPathMap(PathMap, PathMap.PathMapNodeSet) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.instruct.ApplyTemplates
Add a representation of this expression to a PathMap.
addToPathMap(PathMap, PathMap.PathMapNodeSet) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.instruct.Choose
Add a representation of this expression to a PathMap.
addToPathMap(PathMap, PathMap.PathMapNodeSet) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.instruct.CopyOf
Add a representation of this expression to a PathMap.
addToPathMap(PathMap, PathMap.PathMapNodeSet) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.instruct.ForEach
Add a representation of this expression to a PathMap.
addToPathMap(PathMap, PathMap.PathMapNodeSet) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.instruct.ForEachGroup
Add a representation of this expression to a PathMap.
addToPathMap(PathMap, PathMap.PathMapNodeSet) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.instruct.ParentNodeConstructor
Add a representation of this expression to a PathMap.
addToPathMap(PathMap, PathMap.PathMapNodeSet) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.instruct.SimpleContentConstructor
Add a representation of this expression to a PathMap.
addToPathMap(PathMap, PathMap.PathMapNodeSet) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.Literal
Add a representation of this expression to a PathMap.
addToPathMap(PathMap, PathMap.PathMapNodeSet) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.ParentNodeExpression
Add a representation of this expression to a PathMap.
addToPathMap(PathMap, PathMap.PathMapNodeSet) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.RootExpression
Add a representation of this expression to a PathMap.
addToPathMap(PathMap, PathMap.PathMapNodeSet) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.SingletonAtomizer
addToPathMap(PathMap, PathMap.PathMapNodeSet) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.SlashExpression
Add a representation of this expression to a PathMap.
addToPathMap(PathMap, PathMap.PathMapNodeSet) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.sort.SortExpression
Add a representation of this expression to a PathMap.
addToPathMap(PathMap, PathMap.PathMapNodeSet) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.UserFunctionCall
Add a representation of this expression to a PathMap.
addToPathMap(PathMap, PathMap.PathMapNodeSet) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.VariableReference
Add a representation of this expression to a PathMap.
addToPathMap(PathMap, PathMap.PathMapNodeSet) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.functions.Collection
Add a representation of this expression to a PathMap.
addToPathMap(PathMap, PathMap.PathMapNodeSet) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.functions.Doc
Add a representation of this expression to a PathMap.
addToPathMap(PathMap, PathMap.PathMapNodeSet) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.functions.DocumentFn
Add a representation of this expression to a PathMap.
addToPathMap(PathMap, PathMap.PathMapNodeSet) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.functions.Id
Add a representation of a doc() call or similar function to a PathMap.
addToPathMap(PathMap, PathMap.PathMapNodeSet) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.functions.Idref
Add a representation of a doc() call or similar function to a PathMap.
addToPathMap(PathMap, PathMap.PathMapNodeSet) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.functions.KeyFn
Add a representation of a doc() call or similar function to a PathMap.
addToPathMap(PathMap, PathMap.PathMapNodeSet) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.functions.Root
Add a representation of this expression to a PathMap.
addToPathMap(PathMap, PathMap.PathMapNodeSet) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.functions.StringFn
Add a representation of this expression to a PathMap.
addToPathMap(PathMap, PathMap.PathMapNodeSet) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.xpath.XPathFunctionCall
Add a representation of this expression to a PathMap.
addTraceListener(TraceListener) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.Controller
Adds the specified trace listener to receive trace events from this instance.
addType(SchemaType) - Method in class com.saxonica.schema.PreparedSchema
Adds the given type definition to this Schema.
addTypeAlternative(TypeAlternative) - Method in class com.saxonica.schema.ElementDecl
Add a type alternative to the type alternative table.
addUnavailableOutputDestination(DocumentURI) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.Controller
Add a URI to the set of output destinations that cannot be written to, either because they have already been written to, or because they have been read
addWatch(Watch) - Method in class com.saxonica.stream.watch.WatchManager
Add a new Watch.
addWildcardTransition(SchemaCompiler, Edge) - Method in class com.saxonica.schema.fsa.AutomatonState
Add a wildcard transition from this state to another state.
AdjacentTextNodeMerger - Class in net.sf.saxon.expr
This class performs the first phase of processing in "constructing simple content": it takes an input sequence, eliminates empty text nodes, and combines adjacent text nodes into one.
AdjacentTextNodeMerger(Expression) - Constructor for class net.sf.saxon.expr.AdjacentTextNodeMerger
AdjacentTextNodeMerger.AdjacentTextNodeMergingIterator - Class in net.sf.saxon.expr
AdjacentTextNodeMergingIterator is an iterator that eliminates zero-length text nodes and merges adjacent text nodes from the underlying iterator
AdjacentTextNodeMerger.AdjacentTextNodeMergingIterator(SequenceIterator) - Constructor for class net.sf.saxon.expr.AdjacentTextNodeMerger.AdjacentTextNodeMergingIterator
AdjacentTextNodeMergerAdjunct - Class in com.saxonica.stream.adjunct
Compile an AdjacentTextNodeMerger expression to Java source code Needed only for streaming - this class is not used in XQuery
AdjacentTextNodeMergerAdjunct() - Constructor for class com.saxonica.stream.adjunct.AdjacentTextNodeMergerAdjunct
AdjacentTextNodeMergerFeed - Class in com.saxonica.stream.feed
This class is used when a streaming template requests evaluation of a simple content constructor in streaming mode (that is, when it constructs a text, attribute, comment, or PI node based on the contents of the streamed document).
AdjacentTextNodeMergerFeed(Expression, Feed, Stack<XPathContext>) - Constructor for class com.saxonica.stream.feed.AdjacentTextNodeMergerFeed
adjunct - Variable in class com.saxonica.stream.StreamingRoute.PushAction
AdjunctClassMapper - Class in com.saxonica.stream.adjunct
For each class of expression found on the expression tree, deliver a corresponding instance of the helper class used to generate streaming code for the expression
AdjunctClassMapper() - Constructor for class com.saxonica.stream.adjunct.AdjunctClassMapper
Adjust - Class in net.sf.saxon.functions
This class implements the XPath 2.0 functions adjust-date-to-timezone(), adjust-time-timezone(), and adjust-dateTime-timezone().
Adjust() - Constructor for class net.sf.saxon.functions.Adjust
AdjustCompiler - Class in com.saxonica.codegen
Generate Java code to implement the XPath adjust-xx-to-timezone() family of functions
AdjustCompiler() - Constructor for class com.saxonica.codegen.AdjustCompiler
adjustForNaN(CompilerService, ItemType, String, int, String) - Static method in class com.saxonica.codegen.ValueComparisonCompiler
adjustTimezone(int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.value.CalendarValue
Return a new date, time, or dateTime with the same normalized value, but in a different timezone
adjustTimezone(DayTimeDurationValue) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.value.CalendarValue
Return a new date, time, or dateTime with the same normalized value, but in a different timezone, specified as a dayTimeDuration
adjustTimezone(int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.value.DateTimeValue
Return a new dateTime with the same normalized value, but in a different timezone.
adjustTimezone(int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.value.DateValue
Return a new date with the same normalized value, but in a different timezone.
adjustTimezone(int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.value.GDayValue
Return a new date, time, or dateTime with the same normalized value, but in a different timezone
adjustTimezone(int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.value.GMonthDayValue
Return a new date, time, or dateTime with the same normalized value, but in a different timezone
adjustTimezone(int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.value.GMonthValue
Return a new date, time, or dateTime with the same normalized value, but in a different timezone
adjustTimezone(int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.value.GYearMonthValue
Return a new date, time, or dateTime with the same normalized value, but in a different timezone
adjustTimezone(int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.value.GYearValue
Return a new date, time, or dateTime with the same normalized value, but in a different timezone
adjustTimezone(int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.value.TimeValue
Return a new time with the same normalized value, but in a different timezone.
adjustToCivilTime(XPathContext, DateTimeValue, String) - Static method in class com.saxonica.functions.extfn.Extensions
Adjust a given date/time to a specified civil time zone, taking account of summer time (daylight savings time) changes, as obtained from the Java database of changes to daylight savings time.
adjustToDecimal(double, int) - Static method in class net.sf.saxon.functions.FormatNumber
Convert a double to a BigDecimal.
adoptChildExpression(Expression) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.Expression
Set up a parent-child relationship between this expression and a given child expression.
adoptNode(Node) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.dom.DocumentOverNodeInfo
Attempts to adopt a node from another document to this document.
advance() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.functions.regex.RegexTranslator
advance() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.tree.iter.NamespaceIterator
Get the next item in the sequence.
advance() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.tree.util.Navigator.AncestorEnumeration
advance() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.tree.util.Navigator.BaseEnumeration
The advance() method must be provided in each concrete implementation.
advance() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.tree.util.Navigator.DescendantEnumeration
advance() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.tree.util.Navigator.FollowingEnumeration
advance() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.tree.util.Navigator.PrecedingEnumeration
adviseReuse() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.event.SequenceWriter
Decide whether reuse of the SequenceWriter is advisable
AFTER - Static variable in class net.sf.saxon.expr.Token
afterLast() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQSequence
Move to the position after the last item.
afterLast() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.xqj.SaxonXQForwardSequence
afterLast() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.xqj.SaxonXQSequence
Aggregate - Class in net.sf.saxon.functions
This abstract class provides functionality common to the sum(), avg(), count(), exists(), and empty() functions.
Aggregate() - Constructor for class net.sf.saxon.functions.Aggregate
ALL - Static variable in class net.sf.saxon.functions.regex.RegexTranslator
ALL - Static variable in class net.sf.saxon.s9api.WhitespaceStrippingPolicy
The value ALL indicates that all whitespace-only text nodes are discarded.
ALL - Static variable in class net.sf.saxon.value.Whitespace
ALL_MODES - Static variable in class net.sf.saxon.trans.Mode
ALL_NAMESPACES - Static variable in class net.sf.saxon.om.CopyOptions
ALL_NAMESPACES - Static variable in interface net.sf.saxon.om.NodeInfo
Copy all in-scope namespaces
allCharactersEncodable - Variable in class net.sf.saxon.serialize.Emitter
AllElementStripper - Class in net.sf.saxon.event
The AllElementStripper refines the Stripper class to do stripping of all whitespace nodes in a document
AllElementStripper() - Constructor for class net.sf.saxon.event.AllElementStripper
Constructor: create an instance of the class.
AllElementValidator - Class in com.saxonica.validate
This class is validator used to check the content of an element whose complex type uses the "xs:all" construction in XML Schema.
AllElementValidator(UserComplexType) - Constructor for class com.saxonica.validate.AllElementValidator
Create an AllElementValidator
AllModelGroup - Class in com.saxonica.schema
An AllModelGroup represents an xs:all element in the schema
AllModelGroup() - Constructor for class com.saxonica.schema.AllModelGroup
Create an AllModelGroup
allocate(Class, Configuration) - Static method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.JPConverter
Allocate a Java-to-XPath converter for a given class of Java objects
allocate(Configuration, ItemType, int, Class) - Static method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.PJConverter
Factory method to instantiate a converter from a given XPath type to a given Java class
allocate(String, String, String) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.om.NamePool
Allocate a name from the pool, or a new Name if there is not a matching one there
allocate(String, String, String) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.tree.util.DiagnosticNamePool
allocateAnonymousTypeCode() - Method in class com.saxonica.schema.sdoc.SchemaElement
Allocate a name to an anonymous type.
allocateClarkName(String) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.om.NamePool
Allocate a fingerprint given a Clark Name
allocateCodeForURI(String) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.om.NamePool
Allocate the uri code for a given URI; create one if not found
allocateCodeForURI(String) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.tree.util.DiagnosticNamePool
allocateDocumentNumber() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.tree.util.DocumentNumberAllocator
Allocate a unique document number
allocateGlobals(SlotManager) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.instruct.Bindery
Define how many slots are needed for global variables
allocateGlobalVariables(int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.Controller
Allocate space in the bindery for global variables.
allocateLexicalQName(CharSequence, boolean, NamespaceResolver, NameChecker) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.om.NamePool
Get the nameCode for a lexical QName, given a namespace resolver.
allocateLocationId(String, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.instruct.LocationMap
Allocate a location identifier to an expression
allocateLocationId(String, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.style.StyleElement
Allocate a location identifier
allocateNameCode(NamePool) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.value.QualifiedNameValue
Allocate a nameCode for this QName in the NamePool
allocateNamespaceCode(String, String) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.om.NamePool
Allocate the namespace code for a namespace prefix/URI pair.
allocateNamespaceCode(String, String) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.tree.util.DiagnosticNamePool
allocateNodeListCreator(Configuration, Object) - Static method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.PJConverter
Static method to get a converter from an XPath sequence of nodes to the representation of a NodeList in an external object model (this is really a special for DOM, which uses NodeList rather than general purpose Java collection classes)
allocateNodeNumber() - Method in class com.saxonica.stream.om.FleetingDocumentNode
allocatePatternSlots(int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.style.PrincipalStylesheetModule
Ensure there is enough space for local variables or parameters when evaluating the match pattern of template rules
allocatePatternSlots(int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.style.StyleElement
Allocate space for range variables within predicates in the match pattern.
allocatePatternSlots(int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.trans.Mode
Specify how many slots for local variables are required by a particular pattern
allocateSequenceOutputter(int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.Controller
Allocate a SequenceOutputter for a new output destination.
allocateSlotNumber(StructuredQName) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.instruct.SlotManager
Allocate a slot number for a variable
allocateSlots(Expression, int, SlotManager) - Static method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.ExpressionTool
Allocate slot numbers to range variables
allocateSlots(StaticContext, SlotManager, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.pattern.ConditionalPattern
Allocate slots to any variables used within the pattern
allocateSlots(StaticContext, SlotManager, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.pattern.LocationPathPattern
Allocate slots to any variables used within the pattern
allocateSlots(StaticContext, SlotManager, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.pattern.NodeSetPattern
Allocate slots to any variables used within the pattern
allocateSlots(StaticContext, SlotManager, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.pattern.Pattern
Allocate slots to any variables used within the pattern
allocateSlots(StaticContext, SlotManager, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.pattern.UnionPattern
Allocate slots to any variables used within the pattern
allocateSlots(Expression) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.style.StyleElement
Allocate slots in the local stack frame to range variables used in an XPath expression
allocateStateNumber(AutomatonState) - Method in class com.saxonica.schema.fsa.FiniteStateMachine
Allocate a unique number to a state, and index the state from the FSM
allocateUniqueParameterNumber(StructuredQName) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.style.PrincipalStylesheetModule
Allocate a unique number to a local parameter name.
ALLOW_EXTERNAL_FUNCTIONS - Static variable in class net.sf.saxon.lib.FeatureKeys
Type of value: boolean
ALLOW_MULTITHREADING - Static variable in class net.sf.saxon.lib.FeatureKeys
Type of value: boolean
ALLOW_OLD_JAVA_URI_FORMAT - Static variable in class net.sf.saxon.lib.FeatureKeys
Type of value: boolean
allowAttributes(AttributeCollection, String[]) - Method in class com.saxonica.schema.sdoc.SchemaElement
Check the attributes of an element against a list of allowed attributes.
allowAVT() - Method in class com.saxonica.xsltextn.SaxonCallTemplate
Determine whether the called template name can be specified as an AVT
allowAVT() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.style.XSLCallTemplate
Determine whether the called template can be specified as an AVT
allowedASCII - Static variable in class net.sf.saxon.functions.EscapeURI
allowExtensions - Variable in class com.saxonica.xsltextn.StyleNodeFactoryPE
ALLOWS_MANY - Static variable in class net.sf.saxon.expr.StaticProperty
Bit set if multiple values are allowed
ALLOWS_ONE - Static variable in class net.sf.saxon.expr.StaticProperty
Bit set if a single value is allowed
ALLOWS_ONE_OR_MORE - Static variable in class net.sf.saxon.expr.StaticProperty
Occurence indicator for "one or more" (+)
ALLOWS_ZERO - Static variable in class net.sf.saxon.expr.StaticProperty
ALLOWS_ZERO_OR_MORE - Static variable in class net.sf.saxon.expr.StaticProperty
Occurence indicator for "zero or more" (*)
ALLOWS_ZERO_OR_ONE - Static variable in class net.sf.saxon.expr.StaticProperty
Occurence indicator for "zero or one" (?)
allowsAny() - Method in class com.saxonica.schema.Wildcard
Determine whether this wildcard allows any namespace (##any)
allowsAsAttribute() - Method in class com.saxonica.xsltextn.SaxonAssign
allowsAsAttribute() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.style.XSLGeneralVariable
allowsAsAttribute() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.style.XSLWithParam
allowsAttributes() - Method in class com.saxonica.schema.UserComplexType
Ask whether this type (or any known type derived from it by extension) allows the element to have one or more attributes.
allowsAttributes() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.type.AnyType
Return true if this type (or any known type derived from it by extension) allows the element to have one or more attributes.
allowsAttributes() - Method in interface net.sf.saxon.type.ComplexType
Return true if this type (or any known type derived from it by extension) allows the element to have one or more attributes.
allowsAttributes() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.type.Untyped
Return true if this type (or any known type derived from it by extension) allows the element to have one or more attributes.
allowsDerivation(int) - Method in class com.saxonica.schema.ElementDecl
Determines whether derivation (of a particular kind) from this type is allowed, based on the "final" property (that is, the {substitution group exclusions} in the component model
allowsDerivation(int) - Method in class com.saxonica.schema.UserDefinedType
Determines whether derivation (of a particular kind) from this type is allowed, based on the "final" property
allowsDerivation(int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.type.AnySimpleType
Determines whether derivation (of a particular kind) from this type is allowed, based on the "final" property
allowsDerivation(int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.type.AnyType
Determines whether derivation (of a particular kind) from this type is allowed, based on the "final" property
allowsDerivation(int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.type.BuiltInAtomicType
Determines whether derivation (of a particular kind) from this type is allowed, based on the "final" property
allowsDerivation(int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.type.BuiltInListType
Determines whether derivation (of a particular kind) from this type is allowed, based on the "final" property
allowsDerivation(int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.type.ErrorType
Determines whether derivation (of a particular kind) from this type is allowed, based on the "final" property
allowsDerivation(int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.type.ExternalObjectType
Determines whether derivation (of a particular kind) from this type is allowed, based on the "final" property
allowsDerivation(int) - Method in interface net.sf.saxon.type.SchemaType
Determines whether derivation (of a particular kind) from this type is allowed, based on the "final" property
allowsDerivation(int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.type.Untyped
Determines whether derivation (of a particular kind) from this type is allowed, based on the "final" property
allowsEmpty() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.CastableExpression
Determine whether the empty sequence is allowed
allowsEmpty() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.CastExpression
Ask whether the expression accepts an empty sequence as input (producing an empty sequence as output)
allowsMany() - Method in enum net.sf.saxon.s9api.OccurrenceIndicator
Ask whether this occurrence indicator permits a sequence containing more than one item.
allowsMany(int) - Static method in class net.sf.saxon.value.Cardinality
Determine whether multiple occurrences are allowed
allowsRequired() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.style.XSLGeneralVariable
allowsRequired() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.style.XSLParam
allowsTunnelAttribute() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.style.XSLGeneralVariable
allowsTunnelAttribute() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.style.XSLParam
allowsTunnelAttribute() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.style.XSLWithParam
allowsValue() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.style.XSLGeneralVariable
allowsValue() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.style.XSLParam
allowsZero() - Method in enum net.sf.saxon.s9api.OccurrenceIndicator
Ask whether this occurrence indicator permits an empty sequence.
allowsZero(int) - Static method in class net.sf.saxon.value.Cardinality
Determine whether empty sequence is allowed
allowXPath30Syntax - Variable in class net.sf.saxon.expr.ExpressionParser
allPathsAreWithinStreamableSnapshot() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.PathMap.PathMapNode
Determine whether the path is entirely within a streamable snapshot of a streamed document: that is, it must only navigate to ancestors and to attributes of ancestors
allPathsAreWithinStreamableSnapshot() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.PathMap.PathMapNodeSet
Determine whether the path is entirely within a streamable snapshot of a streamed document: that is, it must only navigate to ancestors and to attributes of ancestors
allSubsumes(UserComplexType, ComplexType, SchemaCompiler) - Static method in class com.saxonica.schema.AllModelGroup
Test whether a complex type constructed using "all" subsumes another complex type.
alpha - Variable in class net.sf.saxon.tree.tiny.TinyTree
alphaDefault(long, char, FastStringBuffer) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.number.AbstractNumberer
Default processing with an alphabetic format token: use the contiguous range of Unicode letters starting with that token.
alphaKey(int) - Static method in class net.sf.saxon.tree.util.Navigator
Construct an alphabetic key from an positive integer; the key collates in the same sequence as the integer
Alphanumeric - Class in net.sf.saxon.expr.number
This class contains static utility methods to test whether a character is alphanumeric, as defined by the rules of xsl:number: that is, whether it is in one of the Unicode categories Nd, Nl, No, Lu, Ll, Lt, Lm or Lo
ALPHANUMERIC - Static variable in class net.sf.saxon.om.StandardNames
AlphanumericCollator - Class in net.sf.saxon.expr.sort
A Comparer that treats strings as an alternating sequence of alpha parts and numeric parts.
AlphanumericCollator(StringCollator) - Constructor for class net.sf.saxon.expr.sort.AlphanumericCollator
Create an alphanumeric collation
ALWAYS_PRESERVE - Static variable in class net.sf.saxon.event.Stripper
ALWAYS_STRIP - Static variable in class net.sf.saxon.event.Stripper
analyze(CharSequence) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.functions.regex.JRegularExpression
Use this regular expression to analyze an input string, in support of the XSLT analyze-string instruction.
analyze(CharSequence) - Method in interface net.sf.saxon.functions.regex.RegularExpression
Use this regular expression to analyze an input string, in support of the XSLT analyze-string instruction.
analyze(ExpressionVisitor, ItemType) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.pattern.AnchorPattern
Type-check the pattern.
analyze(ExpressionVisitor, ItemType) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.pattern.ConditionalPattern
Type-check the pattern.
analyze(ExpressionVisitor, ItemType) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.pattern.IDPattern
Type-check the pattern.
analyze(ExpressionVisitor, ItemType) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.pattern.KeyPattern
Type-check the pattern.
analyze(ExpressionVisitor, ItemType) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.pattern.LocationPathPattern
Type-check the pattern, performing any type-dependent optimizations.
analyze(ExpressionVisitor, ItemType) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.pattern.NodeSetPattern
Type-check the pattern.
analyze(ExpressionVisitor, ItemType) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.pattern.Pattern
Type-check the pattern.
analyze(ExpressionVisitor, ItemType) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.pattern.UnionPattern
Type-check the pattern.
analyzeContentExpression(Expression, int, StaticContext) - Method in class com.saxonica.schema.UserComplexType
Analyze an expression to see whether the expression is capable of delivering a value of this type.
analyzeContentExpression(Expression, int, StaticContext) - Method in class com.saxonica.schema.UserSimpleType
Analyze an expression to see whether the expression is capable of delivering a value of this type.
analyzeContentExpression(Expression, int, StaticContext) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.type.AnySimpleType
Analyze an expression to see whether the expression is capable of delivering a value of this type.
analyzeContentExpression(Expression, int, StaticContext) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.type.AnyType
Analyze an expression to see whether the expression is capable of delivering a value of this type.
analyzeContentExpression(Expression, int, StaticContext) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.type.BuiltInAtomicType
Analyze an expression to see whether the expression is capable of delivering a value of this type.
analyzeContentExpression(SimpleType, Expression, StaticContext, int) - Static method in class net.sf.saxon.type.BuiltInAtomicType
Analyze an expression to see whether the expression is capable of delivering a value of this type.
analyzeContentExpression(Expression, int, StaticContext) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.type.BuiltInListType
Analyze an expression to see whether the expression is capable of delivering a value of this type.
analyzeContentExpression(Expression, int, StaticContext) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.type.ErrorType
Analyze an expression to see whether the expression is capable of delivering a value of this type.
analyzeContentExpression(Expression, int, StaticContext) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.type.ExternalObjectType
Analyze an expression to see whether the expression is capable of delivering a value of this type.
analyzeContentExpression(SimpleType, Expression, StaticContext, int) - Static method in class net.sf.saxon.type.ExternalObjectType
Analyze an expression to see whether the expression is capable of delivering a value of this type.
analyzeContentExpression(Expression, int, StaticContext) - Method in interface net.sf.saxon.type.SchemaType
Analyze an expression to see whether the expression is capable of delivering a value of this type.
analyzeContentExpression(Expression, int, StaticContext) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.type.Untyped
Analyze an expression to see whether the expression is capable of delivering a value of this type.
AnalyzeString - Class in net.sf.saxon.expr.instruct
An xsl:analyze-string element in the stylesheet.
AnalyzeString(Expression, Expression, Expression, Expression, Expression, RegularExpression) - Constructor for class net.sf.saxon.expr.instruct.AnalyzeString
Construct an AnalyzeString instruction
AnalyzeStringFn - Class in com.saxonica.functions.xpath3
Implements the fn:analyze-string function defined in Functions and Operators 1.1.
AnalyzeStringFn() - Constructor for class com.saxonica.functions.xpath3.AnalyzeStringFn
AnalyzeStringFunction - Class in com.saxonica.functions.extfn
This class implements the extension function saxon:analyze-string().
AnalyzeStringFunction() - Constructor for class com.saxonica.functions.extfn.AnalyzeStringFunction
ANCESTOR - Static variable in class net.sf.saxon.om.Axis
Constant representing the ancestor axis
ANCESTOR_OR_SELF - Static variable in class net.sf.saxon.om.Axis
Constant representing the ancestor-or-self axis
AnchorPattern - Class in net.sf.saxon.pattern
This is a special pattern that matches the "anchor node"; it is not used for XSLT patterns, but for the selectors that arise when evaluating XPath expressions in streaming mode; the anchor node is the context node for the streamed XPath evaluation.
AnchorPattern() - Constructor for class net.sf.saxon.pattern.AnchorPattern
AND - Static variable in class net.sf.saxon.expr.Token
Operator "and"
ANNOTATION_PRESERVE - Static variable in class net.sf.saxon.style.XSLStylesheet
ANNOTATION_STRIP - Static variable in class net.sf.saxon.style.XSLStylesheet
ANNOTATION_UNSPECIFIED - Static variable in class net.sf.saxon.style.XSLStylesheet
AnnotationParent - Class in com.saxonica.schema.sdoc
An abstract superclass for schema elements whose only permitted content is an Annotation element
AnnotationParent() - Constructor for class com.saxonica.schema.sdoc.AnnotationParent
ANONYMOUS - Static variable in class net.sf.saxon.lib.NamespaceConstant
Namespace for names allocated to anonymous types.
ANY_ANY - Static variable in class net.sf.saxon.expr.Calculator
Calculators used for the six operators when the static type information does not allow a more specific calculator to be chosen
ANY_ATOMIC - Static variable in class net.sf.saxon.type.BuiltInAtomicType
ANY_ATOMIC_VALUE - Static variable in class net.sf.saxon.s9api.ItemType
ItemType representing the type xs:anyAtomicType, that is, any atomic value
ANY_FUNCTION - Static variable in class net.sf.saxon.type.AnyFunctionType
ANY_ITEM - Static variable in class net.sf.saxon.s9api.ItemType
ItemType representing the type item(), that is, any item at all
ANY_NODE - Static variable in class net.sf.saxon.s9api.ItemType
ItemType representing the type node(), that is, any node
ANY_SEQUENCE - Static variable in class net.sf.saxon.value.SequenceType
A type that allows any sequence of items
ANY_URI - Static variable in class net.sf.saxon.s9api.ItemType
ItemType representing the primitive type xs:anyURI
ANY_URI - Static variable in class net.sf.saxon.type.BuiltInAtomicType
ANY_URIS - Static variable in class net.sf.saxon.type.BuiltInListType
AnyChildNodeTest - Class in net.sf.saxon.pattern
An AnyChildNodePattern is the pattern node(), which matches any node except a root node, an attribute node, or a namespace node: in other words, any node that is the child of another node.
AnyFunctionType - Class in net.sf.saxon.type
An ItemType representing the type function().
AnyFunctionType() - Constructor for class net.sf.saxon.type.AnyFunctionType
AnyItemType - Class in net.sf.saxon.type
An implementation of ItemType that matches any item (node or atomic value)
AnyNodeTest - Class in net.sf.saxon.pattern
NodeTest is an interface that enables a test of whether a node has a particular name and type.
AnySimpleType - Class in net.sf.saxon.type
This class has a singleton instance which represents the XML Schema built-in type xs:anySimpleType
AnyType - Class in net.sf.saxon.type
This class has a singleton instance which represents the XML Schema built-in type xs:anyType, also known as the urtype.
AnyTypeValidator - Class in com.saxonica.validate
Validator to validate an element against the class xs:anyType
AnyTypeValidator() - Constructor for class com.saxonica.validate.AnyTypeValidator
Create an AnyTypeValidator
AnyTypeValidator(ElementDecl) - Constructor for class com.saxonica.validate.AnyTypeValidator
Create an AnyTypeValidator for a specific element declaration
AnyURIValue - Class in net.sf.saxon.value
An XPath value of type xs:anyURI.
AnyURIValue(CharSequence) - Constructor for class net.sf.saxon.value.AnyURIValue
AnyURIValue(CharSequence, AtomicType) - Constructor for class net.sf.saxon.value.AnyURIValue
Constructor for a user-defined subtype of anyURI
AnyURIValueCompiler - Class in com.saxonica.codegen
Generate Java code for an xs:anyURI constant
AnyURIValueCompiler() - Constructor for class com.saxonica.codegen.AnyURIValueCompiler
append(Item) - Method in class com.saxonica.stream.feed.AdjacentTextNodeMergerFeed
Supply an item to the feed
append(Item) - Method in class com.saxonica.stream.feed.AtomizerFeed
Supply an item to the feed
append(Item) - Method in class com.saxonica.stream.feed.AvgFeed
Supply an item to the feed
append(Item) - Method in class com.saxonica.stream.feed.BlockFeed
Supply an item to the feed
append(Item) - Method in class com.saxonica.stream.feed.BufferingFeed
Supply an item to the feed
append(Item) - Method in class com.saxonica.stream.feed.CardinalityCheckingFeed
Supply an item to the feed
append(Item) - Method in class com.saxonica.stream.feed.CountFeed
Supply an item to the feed
append(Item) - Method in class com.saxonica.stream.feed.DecomposingFeed
Supply an item to the feed
append(Item) - Method in class com.saxonica.stream.feed.DistinctValuesFeed
Supply an item to the feed
append(Item) - Method in class com.saxonica.stream.feed.EmptyTextNodeRemoverFeed
Supply an item to the feed
append(Item) - Method in class com.saxonica.stream.feed.EventFeed
Append an item (node or atomic value) to the output
append(Item) - Method in interface com.saxonica.stream.feed.Feed
Supply an item to the feed
append(Item) - Method in class com.saxonica.stream.feed.FilterExpressionFeed
Supply an item to the feed
append(Item) - Method in class com.saxonica.stream.feed.ForEachFeed
Supply an item to the feed
append(Item) - Method in class com.saxonica.stream.feed.GeneralComparisonFeed
Supply an item to the feed
append(Item) - Method in class com.saxonica.stream.feed.ItemFeed
Supply one item towards the streamed input of the expression
append(Item) - Method in class com.saxonica.stream.feed.ItemMappingFeed
Supply an item to the feed
append(Item) - Method in class com.saxonica.stream.feed.MinimaxFeed
Supply an item to the feed
append(Item) - Method in class com.saxonica.stream.feed.NextIterationFeed
Supply an item to the feed
append(Item) - Method in class com.saxonica.stream.feed.SimpleNodeConstructorFeed
Supply an item to the feed
append(Item) - Method in class com.saxonica.stream.feed.StringJoinFeed
Supply an item to the feed
append(Item) - Method in class com.saxonica.stream.feed.SumFeed
Supply an item to the feed
append(Item) - Method in class com.saxonica.stream.feed.WithParamFeed
Supply an item to the feed
append(StreamingRoute.PushAction) - Method in class com.saxonica.stream.StreamingRoute
append(Item, int, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.event.ComplexContentOutputter
Append an arbitrary item (node or atomic value) to the output
append(Item, int, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.event.ProxyReceiver
Append an arbitrary item (node or atomic value) to the output
append(Item, int, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.event.SequenceReceiver
Append an arbitrary item (node or atomic value) to the output
append(Item) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.event.SequenceReceiver
Append an item (node or atomic value) to the output
append(Item, int, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.event.SequenceWriter
Append an item to the sequence, performing any necessary type-checking and conversion
append(Item, int, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.event.Sink
Append an arbitrary item (node or atomic value) to the output
append(Item, int, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.event.TeeOutputter
Output an item (atomic value or node) to the sequence
append(Item, int, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.event.TracingFilter
Append an arbitrary item (node or atomic value) to the output
append(Item, int, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.event.TreeReceiver
Append an arbitrary item (node or atomic value) to the output
append(Item, int, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.event.TypeCheckingFilter
Output an item (atomic value or node) to the sequence
append() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.pull.PullPushCopier
Copy the input to the output.
append(Item, int, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.query.SequenceWrapper
Output an item (atomic value or node) to the sequence
append(XdmValue) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.s9api.XdmValue
Create a new XdmValue by concatenating the contents of this XdmValue and another XdmValue.
append(CharSequence) - Method in interface net.sf.saxon.tree.tiny.AppendableCharSequence
Append characters to this CharSequence
append(CharSequence) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.tree.tiny.LargeStringBuffer
Append a CharSequence to this LargeStringBuffer
append(String) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.tree.util.FastStringBuffer
Append the contents of a String to the buffer
append(CharSlice) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.tree.util.FastStringBuffer
Append the contents of a CharSlice to the buffer
append(FastStringBuffer) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.tree.util.FastStringBuffer
Append the contents of a FastStringBuffer to the buffer
append(StringBuffer) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.tree.util.FastStringBuffer
Append the contents of a StringBuffer to the buffer
append(CharSequence) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.tree.util.FastStringBuffer
Append the contents of a general CharSequence to the buffer
append(char[], int, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.tree.util.FastStringBuffer
Append the contents of a character array to the buffer
append(char[]) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.tree.util.FastStringBuffer
Append the entire contents of a character array to the buffer
append(char) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.tree.util.FastStringBuffer
Append a character to the buffer
AppendableCharSequence - Interface in net.sf.saxon.tree.tiny
Defines a CharSequence to which characters can be appended
appendChild(Node) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.dom.NodeOverNodeInfo
Adds the node newChild to the end of the list of children of this node.
appendData(String) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.dom.TextOverNodeInfo
Append the string to the end of the character data of the node.
appendDouble(FastStringBuffer, double) - Static method in class net.sf.saxon.value.FloatingPointConverter
Append a string representation of a double value to a string buffer
appendDoubleExponential(FastStringBuffer, double) - Static method in class net.sf.saxon.value.FloatingPointConverter
Append a string representation of a double value to a string buffer, forcing use of exponential notation
appendFloat(FastStringBuffer, float) - Static method in class net.sf.saxon.value.FloatingPointConverter
Append a string representation of a float value to a string buffer
appendFloatExponential(FastStringBuffer, float) - Static method in class net.sf.saxon.value.FloatingPointConverter
Append a string representation of a float value to a string buffer, forcing use of exponential notation
appendInt(FastStringBuffer, int) - Static method in class net.sf.saxon.value.FloatingPointConverter
Format an integer, appending the string representation of the integer to a string buffer
AppendIterator - Class in net.sf.saxon.expr
Iterator that concatenates the results of two supplied iterators
AppendIterator(SequenceIterator, SequenceIterable, XPathContext) - Constructor for class net.sf.saxon.expr.AppendIterator
This form of constructor is designed to delay getting an iterator for the second expression until it is actually needed.
appendSequentialKey(SiblingCountingNode, FastStringBuffer, boolean) - Static method in class net.sf.saxon.tree.util.Navigator
Get a character string that uniquely identifies this node and that collates nodes into document order
appendStringValue(TinyTree, int, FastStringBuffer) - Static method in class net.sf.saxon.tree.tiny.WhitespaceTextImpl
Static method to get the string value of a text node and append it to a supplied buffer without first constructing the node object
appendTimezone(FastStringBuffer) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.value.CalendarValue
Add a string representation of the timezone, typically formatted as "Z" or "+03:00" or "-10:00", to a supplied string buffer
appendTimezone(int, FastStringBuffer) - Static method in class net.sf.saxon.value.CalendarValue
Format a timezone and append it to a buffer
appendWideChar(int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.tree.util.FastStringBuffer
Append a wide character to the buffer (as a surrogate pair if necessary)
applicability - Variable in class net.sf.saxon.functions.StandardFunction.Entry
Flags indicating which host languages the function is applicable to
apply(XPathContext, boolean) - Method in class com.saxonica.stream.StreamingApplyTemplates
apply(XPathContext, Set) - Method in class com.saxonica.update.DeleteAction
Apply the pending update action to the affected node
apply(XPathContext, Set) - Method in class com.saxonica.update.InsertAction
Apply the pending update action to the affected nodes
apply(XPathContext, Set) - Method in class com.saxonica.update.InsertAttributeAction
Apply the pending update action to the affected nodes
apply(XPathContext, Set) - Method in class com.saxonica.update.PendingUpdateAction
Apply the pending update action to the affected nodes
apply(XPathContext, int) - Method in class com.saxonica.update.PendingUpdateListImpl
Apply the pending updates
apply(XPathContext, Set) - Method in class com.saxonica.update.PutAction
Apply the pending update action to the affected nodes
apply(XPathContext, Set) - Method in class com.saxonica.update.RenameAction
Apply the pending update action to the affected nodes
apply(XPathContext, Set) - Method in class com.saxonica.update.ReplaceAttributeAction
Apply the pending update action to the affected nodes
apply(XPathContext, Set) - Method in class com.saxonica.update.ReplaceNodeAction
Apply the pending update action to the affected nodes
apply(XPathContext, Set) - Method in class com.saxonica.update.ReplaceValueAction
Apply the pending update action to the affected nodes
apply(XPathContext, boolean) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.instruct.ApplyTemplates
apply(XPathContextMajor) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.instruct.Template
Process the template, without returning any tail calls.
apply(XPathContext, int) - Method in interface net.sf.saxon.expr.PendingUpdateList
Apply the pending updates
applyDefaults(Configuration) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.lib.ParseOptions
Merge settings from the Configuration object into these parseOptions
applyFunctionConversionRules(ValueRepresentation, SequenceType, XPathContext) - Static method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.instruct.Bindery
Apply the function conversion rules to a value, given a required type.
ApplyImports - Class in net.sf.saxon.expr.instruct
An xsl:apply-imports element in the stylesheet
ApplyImports() - Constructor for class net.sf.saxon.expr.instruct.ApplyImports
ApplyImportsAdjunct - Class in com.saxonica.stream.adjunct
Compile an xsl:apply-imports expression/instruction to Java source code.
ApplyImportsAdjunct() - Constructor for class com.saxonica.stream.adjunct.ApplyImportsAdjunct
ApplyImportsWatch - Class in com.saxonica.stream.watch
Watch for an xsl:apply-imports instruction.
ApplyImportsWatch(Expression, SequenceReceiver, Stack<XPathContext>) - Constructor for class com.saxonica.stream.watch.ApplyImportsWatch
applyLeavingTail(XPathContextMajor) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.instruct.Template
Process this template, with the possibility of returning a tail call package if the template contains any tail calls that are to be performed by the caller.
applyLocalOptions(CommandLineOptions, Configuration) - Method in class com.saxonica.CompileStylesheet
Customisation hook: apply options defined locally in a subclass
applyLocalOptions(CommandLineOptions, Configuration) - Method in class com.saxonica.Validate
Customisation hook: apply options defined locally in a subclass
applyLocalOptions(CommandLineOptions, Configuration) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.Query
Customisation hook: apply options defined locally in a subclass
applyLocalOptions(CommandLineOptions, Configuration) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.Transform
Customisation hook: apply options defined locally in a subclass.
applyModuleImport(QueryParser.Import) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.query.QueryParser
ApplyTemplates - Class in net.sf.saxon.expr.instruct
An instruction representing an xsl:apply-templates element in the stylesheet
ApplyTemplates() - Constructor for class net.sf.saxon.expr.instruct.ApplyTemplates
ApplyTemplates(Expression, boolean, boolean, boolean, Mode) - Constructor for class net.sf.saxon.expr.instruct.ApplyTemplates
Construct an apply-templates instructino
applyTemplates(SequenceIterator, Mode, ParameterSet, ParameterSet, XPathContextMajor, int) - Static method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.instruct.ApplyTemplates
Process selected nodes using the handlers registered for a particular mode.
ApplyTemplatesAdjunct - Class in com.saxonica.stream.adjunct
Compile an apply-templates expression/instruction to Java source code.
ApplyTemplatesAdjunct() - Constructor for class com.saxonica.stream.adjunct.ApplyTemplatesAdjunct
ApplyTemplatesWatch - Class in com.saxonica.stream.watch
This watch implements xsl:apply-templates in streaming mode.
ApplyTemplatesWatch(Expression, SequenceReceiver, Stack<XPathContext>) - Constructor for class com.saxonica.stream.watch.ApplyTemplatesWatch
applyToConfiguration(Configuration) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.trans.CommandLineOptions
Apply options to the Configuration
applyWhitespaceNormalization(CharSequence) - Method in class com.saxonica.schema.UserSimpleType
Apply the whitespace normalization rules for this simple type
applyWhitespaceNormalization(String) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.type.BuiltInListType
Apply the whitespace normalization rules for this simple type
applyWhitespaceNormalization(CharSequence) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.type.ExternalObjectType
Apply the whitespace normalization rules for this simple type
applyWhitespaceNormalization(int, CharSequence) - Static method in class net.sf.saxon.value.Whitespace
Apply schema-defined whitespace normalization to a string
ARCHIVE - Static variable in class net.sf.saxon.om.StandardNames
areAllItemsConverted() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.UntypedAtomicConverter
Determine whether all items are to be converted, or only the subset that are untypedAtomic
arg(StandardFunction.Entry, int, ItemType, int, Value) - Static method in class net.sf.saxon.functions.StandardFunction
Add information to a function entry about the argument types of the function
argument - Variable in class net.sf.saxon.expr.FunctionCall
The array of expressions representing the actual parameters to the function call
arguments - Variable in class net.sf.saxon.expr.SimpleExpression
argumentTypes - Variable in class net.sf.saxon.functions.StandardFunction.Entry
An array holding the types of the arguments to the function
ArithmeticCompiler - Class in com.saxonica.codegen
Compiler for arithmetic expressions where it is not known in advance whether numeric arithmetic or date/time/duration arithmetic will be used
ArithmeticCompiler() - Constructor for class com.saxonica.codegen.ArithmeticCompiler
ArithmeticExpression - Class in net.sf.saxon.expr
Arithmetic Expression: an expression using one of the operators plus, minus, multiply, div, idiv, mod.
ArithmeticExpression(Expression, int, Expression) - Constructor for class net.sf.saxon.expr.ArithmeticExpression
Create an arithmetic expression
ArithmeticExpression10 - Class in net.sf.saxon.expr
Arithmetic Expression: an expression using one of the operators plus, minus, multiply, div, idiv, mod, in backwards compatibility mode: see ArithmeticExpression for the non-backwards compatible case.
ArithmeticExpression10(Expression, int, Expression) - Constructor for class net.sf.saxon.expr.ArithmeticExpression10
Create an arithmetic expression to be evaluated in XPath 1.0 mode
ArrayIterator - Class in net.sf.saxon.tree.iter
ArrayIterator is used to enumerate items held in an array.
ArrayIterator(Item[]) - Constructor for class net.sf.saxon.tree.iter.ArrayIterator
Create an iterator over all the items in an array
ArrayIterator(Item[], int, int) - Constructor for class net.sf.saxon.tree.iter.ArrayIterator
Create an iterator over a range of an array.
AS - Static variable in class net.sf.saxon.expr.Token
"as" (in XQuery Update rename expression)
AS - Static variable in class net.sf.saxon.om.StandardNames
asAtomic() - Method in interface net.sf.saxon.type.ConversionResult
Calling this method on a ConversionResult returns the AtomicValue that results from the conversion if the conversion was successful, and throws a ValidationException explaining the conversion error otherwise.
asAtomic() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.type.ValidationFailure
Calling this method on a ConversionResult returns the AtomicValue that results from the conversion if the conversion was successful, and throws a ValidationException explaining the conversion error otherwise.
asAtomic() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.value.AtomicValue
Calling this method on a ConversionResult returns the AtomicValue that results from the conversion if the conversion was successful, and throws a ValidationException explaining the conversion error otherwise.
asBigDecimal() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.value.DecimalValue.DecimalComparable
asBigDecimal() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.value.PrecisionDecimalValue.PrecisionDecimalComparable
asBigInteger() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.value.BigIntegerValue
Get the value as a BigInteger
asBigInteger() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.value.BigIntegerValue.BigIntegerComparable
asBigInteger() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.value.Int64Value
Get the value as a BigInteger
asBigInteger() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.value.IntegerValue
Get the value as a BigInteger
ASCIICharacterSet - Class in net.sf.saxon.serialize.charcode
This class defines properties of the US-ASCII character set
asDecimal() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.value.BigIntegerValue
Convert the value to a BigDecimal
asin(double) - Static method in class net.sf.saxon.option.exslt.Math
Get the arcsine of a numeric value (SStL)
asItem() - Method in class com.saxonica.deploy.ItemClosure
Evaluate as a singleton item (or empty sequence).
asItem() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.value.EmptySequence
Return the value in the form of an Item
asItem() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.value.SingletonClosure
Return the value in the form of an Item
asItem() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.value.SingletonItem
Return the value in the form of an Item
asItem(ValueRepresentation) - Static method in class net.sf.saxon.value.Value
Static method to make an Item from a Value
asItem() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.value.Value
Return the value in the form of an Item
asIterator(ValueRepresentation) - Static method in class net.sf.saxon.value.Value
Static method to get an Iterator over any ValueRepresentation (which may be either a Value or a NodeInfo or a FunctionItem
asLong() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.value.Int64Value.Int64Comparable
assemble(IntHashMap) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.style.XSLCharacterMap
Assemble all the mappings defined by this character map, adding them to a HashMap that maps integer codepoints to strings
assembleParams(XPathContext, WithParam[]) - Static method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.instruct.Instruction
Assemble a ParameterSet.
assembleTunnelParams(XPathContext, WithParam[]) - Static method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.instruct.Instruction
Assemble a ParameterSet.
Assertion - Class in com.saxonica.schema
An Assertion schema component (See XML Schema 1.1 Part 1 Working Draft)
Assertion(EnterpriseConfiguration, XPathExpression, XPathVariable, String) - Constructor for class com.saxonica.schema.Assertion
Create an Assertion component
AssertionFacet - Class in com.saxonica.schema
Represents an assertion facet on a schema-defined simple type.
AssertionFacet(Assertion) - Constructor for class com.saxonica.schema.AssertionFacet
Create a assertion facet
assign(String, String) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.CompilerService
Generate an assignment to a variable
Assign - Class in net.sf.saxon.expr.instruct
saxon:assign element in stylesheet.
Assign() - Constructor for class net.sf.saxon.expr.instruct.Assign
ASSIGN - Static variable in class net.sf.saxon.expr.Token
":=" symbol (XQuery only)
assignable - Variable in class net.sf.saxon.style.XSLGeneralVariable
Assignation - Class in net.sf.saxon.expr
Assignation is an abstract superclass for the kinds of expression that declare range variables: for, some, and every.
Assignation() - Constructor for class net.sf.saxon.expr.Assignation
assignGlobalVariable(GlobalVariable, ValueRepresentation) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.instruct.Bindery
Assign a new value to a global variable.
asSource() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.s9api.XdmNode
Get a JAXP Source object corresponding to this node, allowing the node to be used as input to transformations or queries.
asValue(ValueRepresentation) - Static method in class net.sf.saxon.value.Value
Static method to make a Value from a given Item (which may be either an AtomicValue or a NodeInfo or a FunctionItem
AT - Static variable in class net.sf.saxon.expr.Token
At token, "@"
atan(double) - Static method in class net.sf.saxon.option.exslt.Math
Get the arctangent of a numeric value (SStL)
atan2(double, double) - Static method in class net.sf.saxon.option.exslt.Math
Converts rectangular coordinates to polar (SStL)
ATOMIC_SEQUENCE - Static variable in class net.sf.saxon.value.SequenceType
A type that allows zero or more atomic values
ATOMIC_VALUE - Static variable in interface net.sf.saxon.pull.PullProvider
ATOMIC_VALUE is notified when the PullProvider is reading a sequence of items, and one of the items is an atomic value rather than a node.
AtomicComparer - Interface in net.sf.saxon.expr.sort
Interface representing an object that can be used to compare two XPath atomic values for equality or for ordering.
atomicConversionPreference(int, Class) - Method in class com.saxonica.config.JavaExtensionLibrary
Get the conversion preference from an XPath primitive atomic type to a Java class
AtomicSequenceConverter - Class in net.sf.saxon.expr
An AtomicSequenceConverter is an expression that performs a cast on each member of a supplied sequence
AtomicSequenceConverter(Expression, AtomicType) - Constructor for class net.sf.saxon.expr.AtomicSequenceConverter
AtomicSequenceConverter.AtomicSequenceMappingFunction - Class in net.sf.saxon.expr
AtomicSequenceConverter.AtomicSequenceMappingFunction() - Constructor for class net.sf.saxon.expr.AtomicSequenceConverter.AtomicSequenceMappingFunction
AtomicSequenceConverterAdjunct - Class in com.saxonica.stream.adjunct
Compile a AtomicSequenceConverter expression to streaming code.
AtomicSequenceConverterAdjunct() - Constructor for class com.saxonica.stream.adjunct.AtomicSequenceConverterAdjunct
AtomicSequenceConverterCompiler - Class in com.saxonica.codegen
Compile Java code to implement an atomic sequence converter
AtomicSequenceConverterCompiler() - Constructor for class com.saxonica.codegen.AtomicSequenceConverterCompiler
AtomicSortComparer - Class in net.sf.saxon.expr.sort
An AtomicComparer used for comparing atomic values of arbitrary item types.
AtomicSortComparer(StringCollator, int, XPathContext) - Constructor for class net.sf.saxon.expr.sort.AtomicSortComparer
AtomicType - Interface in net.sf.saxon.type
Interface for atomic types (these are either built-in atomic types or user-defined atomic types).
AtomicValue - Class in net.sf.saxon.value
The AtomicValue class corresponds to the concept of an atomic value in the XPath 2.0 data model.
AtomicValue() - Constructor for class net.sf.saxon.value.AtomicValue
atomize() - Method in class com.saxonica.pull.UnconstructedParent
Get the typed value.
atomize(NodeInfo) - Method in class com.saxonica.schema.UserComplexType
Get the typed value of a node that is annotated with this schema type.
atomize(NodeInfo) - Method in class com.saxonica.schema.UserSimpleType
Get the typed value of a node that is annotated with this schema type.
atomize() - Method in class com.saxonica.stream.om.FleetingNode
Get the typed value.
atomize() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.dom.NodeWrapper
Get the typed value.
atomize() - Method in interface net.sf.saxon.om.NodeInfo
Get the typed value.
atomize() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.option.dom4j.NodeWrapper
atomize() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.option.jdom.NodeWrapper
Get the typed value.
atomize() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.option.xom.NodeWrapper
Get the typed value.
atomize() - Method in interface net.sf.saxon.tree.iter.AxisIterator
Return the atomized value of the current node.
atomize() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.tree.iter.AxisIteratorImpl
Return the atomized value of the current node.
atomize() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.tree.iter.EmptyIterator
Return the atomized value of the current node.
atomize() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.tree.iter.NamespaceIterator
Return the atomized value of the current node.
atomize() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.tree.iter.NamespaceIterator.NamespaceNodeImpl
Get the typed value.
atomize() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.tree.iter.NodeArrayIterator
Return the atomized value of the current node.
atomize() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.tree.iter.NodeListIterator
Return the atomized value of the current node.
atomize() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.tree.iter.PrependIterator
Return the atomized value of the current node.
atomize() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.tree.iter.ReverseNodeArrayIterator
Return the atomized value of the current node.
atomize() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.tree.iter.SingleNodeIterator
Return the atomized value of the current node.
atomize() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.tree.linked.NodeImpl
Get the typed value.
atomize() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.tree.tiny.TinyDocumentImpl
Get the typed value.
atomize() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.tree.tiny.TinyElementImpl
Get the typed value.
atomize() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.tree.tiny.TinyTextImpl
Get the typed value.
atomize() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.tree.tiny.WhitespaceTextImpl
Get the typed value.
atomize() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.tree.util.Orphan
Get the typed value.
atomize() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.tree.wrapper.SpaceStrippedNode
Get the typed value.
atomize() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.tree.wrapper.TypeStrippedNode
Get the typed value.
atomize() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.tree.wrapper.VirtualCopy
Get the typed value.
atomize() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.tree.wrapper.VirtualCopy.VirtualCopier
Return the atomized value of the current node.
atomize() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.tree.wrapper.VirtualUntypedCopy
Get the typed value.
atomize(NodeInfo) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.type.AnySimpleType
Get the typed value of a node that is annotated with this schema type.
atomize(NodeInfo) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.type.AnyType
Get the typed value of a node that is annotated with this schema type.
atomize(NodeInfo) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.type.BuiltInAtomicType
Get the typed value of a node that is annotated with this schema type.
atomize(NodeInfo) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.type.BuiltInListType
Get the typed value of a node that is annotated with this schema type.
atomize(NodeInfo) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.type.ErrorType
Get the typed value of a node that is annotated with this schema type.
atomize(NodeInfo) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.type.ExternalObjectType
Get the typed value of a node that is annotated with this schema type.
atomize(NodeInfo) - Method in interface net.sf.saxon.type.SchemaType
Get the typed value of a node that is annotated with this schema type.
atomize(NodeInfo) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.type.Untyped
Get the typed value of a node that is annotated with this schema type.
atomize() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.value.TextFragmentValue
Get the typed value.
atomizer - Variable in class com.saxonica.functions.extfn.GeneralFilterFunction.GeneralFilterFunctionCall
Atomizer - Class in net.sf.saxon.expr
An Atomizer is an expression corresponding essentially to the fn:data() function: it maps a sequence by replacing nodes with their typed values
Atomizer(Expression) - Constructor for class net.sf.saxon.expr.Atomizer
Atomizer.AtomizingFunction - Class in net.sf.saxon.expr
Implement the mapping function.
AtomizerAdjunct - Class in com.saxonica.stream.adjunct
Watch factory class for an atomizer
AtomizerAdjunct() - Constructor for class com.saxonica.stream.adjunct.AtomizerAdjunct
AtomizerCompiler - Class in com.saxonica.codegen
AtomizerCompiler() - Constructor for class com.saxonica.codegen.AtomizerCompiler
AtomizerFeed - Class in com.saxonica.stream.feed
This class is used when a streaming template requests atomization of nodes that don't come directly from the streamed document, but rather are constructed in the course of the push pipeline
AtomizerFeed(Expression, Feed, Stack<XPathContext>) - Constructor for class com.saxonica.stream.feed.AtomizerFeed
atStartOfRelativePath() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.ExpressionParser
Test whether the current token is one that can start a RelativePathExpression
atStartOfRelativePath() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.query.QueryParser
attCode - Variable in class net.sf.saxon.tree.tiny.TinyTree
attParent - Variable in class net.sf.saxon.tree.tiny.TinyTree
attribute(int, int, CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class com.saxonica.ptree.PTreeEmitter
Notify an attribute.
attribute(int, int, CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class com.saxonica.schema.SchemaModelLoader
Notify an attribute.
attribute(int, int, CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class com.saxonica.schema.sdoc.VersionControlFilter
Notify an attribute.
ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class com.saxonica.schema.SymbolSpace
attribute(int, int, CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class com.saxonica.serialize.BinaryEmitter
attribute(int, int, CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class com.saxonica.stream.Projector
attribute(int, int, CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class com.saxonica.stream.watch.WatchManager
Notify an attribute
attribute(int, int, CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class com.saxonica.validate.AttributeValidator
Handle an attribute
attribute(int, int, CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class com.saxonica.validate.Checker
attribute(int, int, CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class com.saxonica.validate.EntityValidator
Handle an attribute
attribute(int, int, CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class com.saxonica.validate.IdValidator
Handle an attribute
attribute(int, int, CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class com.saxonica.validate.LaxValidator
Handle an attribute
attribute(int, int, CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class com.saxonica.validate.SkipValidator
Handle an attribute
attribute(int, int, CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class com.saxonica.validate.ValidationStack
Handle an attribute
attribute(int, int, CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class com.saxonica.validate.XSIAttributeHandler
Notify an attribute.
attribute(int, int, CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.dom.DOMWriter
attribute(int, int, CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.event.ComplexContentOutputter
Output an attribute value.
attribute(int, int, CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.event.ContentHandlerProxy
Notify an attribute.
attribute(int, int, CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.event.IDFilter
Notify an attribute.
attribute(int, int, CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.event.NamePoolConverter
Handle an attribute
attribute(int, int, CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.event.ProxyReceiver
Notify an attribute.
attribute(int, int, CharSequence, int, int) - Method in interface net.sf.saxon.event.Receiver
Notify an attribute.
attribute(int, int, CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.event.SequenceWriter
Output an attribute value.
attribute(int, int, CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.event.Sink
Notify an attribute.
attribute(int, int, CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.event.StartTagBuffer
Notify an attribute.
attribute(int, int, CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.event.Stripper
attribute(int, int, CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.event.TeeOutputter
Notify an attribute.
attribute(int, int, CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.event.TracingFilter
Notify an attribute.
attribute(int, int, CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.event.TreeReceiver
Notify an attribute.
attribute(int, int, CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.event.TypeCheckingFilter
Notify an attribute.
ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class net.sf.saxon.om.Axis
Constant representing the attribute axis
attribute(int, int, CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.option.dom4j.DOM4JWriter
attribute(int, int, CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.option.jdom.JDOMWriter
attribute(int, int, CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.option.xom.XOMWriter
ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class net.sf.saxon.pattern.NodeKindTest
ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in interface net.sf.saxon.pull.PullProvider
The ATTRIBUTE event is notified only for an attribute node that appears in its own right as a top-level item in the sequence being read.
attribute(int, int, CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.query.SequenceWrapper
Notify an attribute.
attribute(int, int, CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.serialize.CharacterMapExpander
Output an attribute
attribute(int, int, CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.serialize.HTMLURIEscaper
Notify an attribute.
attribute(int, int, CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.serialize.MetaTagAdjuster
Notify an attribute.
attribute(int, int, CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.serialize.TEXTEmitter
attribute(int, int, CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.serialize.UnicodeNormalizer
Output an attribute
attribute(int, int, CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.serialize.XHTMLURIEscaper
Notify an attribute.
attribute(int, int, CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.serialize.XML10ContentChecker
Notify an attribute.
attribute(int, int, CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.serialize.XMLEmitter
attribute(int, int, CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.serialize.XMLIndenter
Output an attribute
attribute(int, int, CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.style.UseWhenFilter
Notify an attribute.
ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class net.sf.saxon.trans.Err
attribute(int, int, CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.tree.linked.LinkedBuilderMonitor
attribute(int, int, CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.tree.linked.LinkedTreeBuilder
attribute(int, int, CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.tree.tiny.TinyBuilder
attribute(int, int, CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.tree.tiny.TinyBuilderCondensed
For attribute nodes, the commoning-up of stored values is achieved simply by calling intern() on the string value of the attribute.
attribute(int, int, CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.tree.tiny.TinyBuilderMonitor
ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class net.sf.saxon.type.Type
Item type representing an attribute node - attribute()
ATTRIBUTE_GROUP - Static variable in class com.saxonica.schema.SymbolSpace
ATTRIBUTE_NS_NODESET - Static variable in class net.sf.saxon.expr.StaticProperty
Expression property: this bit is set by getProperties() in the case of an expression that delivers a set of nodes with the guarantee that every node in the result will be an attribute or namespace of the context node
ATTRIBUTE_QNAME - Static variable in class net.sf.saxon.expr.Token
composite token <'attribute' QNAME> (XQuery only)
AttributeCollection - Interface in net.sf.saxon.om
AttributeCollection represents the collection of attributes available on a particular element node.
AttributeCollectionImpl - Class in net.sf.saxon.tree.util
AttributeCollectionImpl is an implementation of both the SAX2 interface Attributes and the Saxon equivalent AttributeCollection.
AttributeCollectionImpl(Configuration) - Constructor for class net.sf.saxon.tree.util.AttributeCollectionImpl
Create an empty attribute list.
AttributeCreator - Class in net.sf.saxon.expr.instruct
Abstract class for fixed and computed attribute constructor expressions
AttributeCreator() - Constructor for class net.sf.saxon.expr.instruct.AttributeCreator
AttributeDecl - Class in com.saxonica.schema
An XML Schema Attribute Declaration.
AttributeDecl(EnterpriseConfiguration, boolean) - Constructor for class com.saxonica.schema.AttributeDecl
Creates a new AttrDecl in the given schema.
AttributeGroupDecl - Class in com.saxonica.schema
An XML Schema Attribute Group Declaration.
AttributeGroupDecl(EnterpriseConfiguration) - Constructor for class com.saxonica.schema.AttributeGroupDecl
Creates a new AttributeGroup definition.
AttributeGroupReference - Class in com.saxonica.schema
An XML Schema Attribute Group Reference, corresponding to an xs:attributeGroup element with a 'ref' attribute.
AttributeGroupReference(EnterpriseConfiguration, int) - Constructor for class com.saxonica.schema.AttributeGroupReference
Creates a new AttributeGroup reference
AttributeSet - Class in net.sf.saxon.expr.instruct
The compiled form of an xsl:attribute-set element in the stylesheet.
AttributeSet() - Constructor for class net.sf.saxon.expr.instruct.AttributeSet
Create an empty attribute set
AttributeUse - Class in com.saxonica.schema
An XML Schema Attribute Use: that is, a reference to an attribute declaration from within a complex type or attribute group.
AttributeUse(EnterpriseConfiguration) - Constructor for class com.saxonica.schema.AttributeUse
Creates a new Attribute Use in the given schema.
AttributeValidator - Class in com.saxonica.validate
This class is an abstract superclass for all the receivers that do element content validation.
AttributeValidator() - Constructor for class com.saxonica.validate.AttributeValidator
Create an AttributeValidator
AttributeValueTemplate - Class in net.sf.saxon.style
This class represents an attribute value template.
AttributeWildcard - Class in com.saxonica.schema
This class represents an xs:anyAttribute element in the schema.
AttributeWildcard(EnterpriseConfiguration) - Constructor for class com.saxonica.schema.AttributeWildcard
AttributeWildcard(Wildcard) - Constructor for class com.saxonica.schema.AttributeWildcard
AttrOverNodeInfo - Class in net.sf.saxon.dom
This class is an implementation of the DOM Attr class that wraps a Saxon NodeInfo representation of an attribute or namespace node.
AttrOverNodeInfo() - Constructor for class net.sf.saxon.dom.AttrOverNodeInfo
attTypeCode - Variable in class net.sf.saxon.tree.tiny.TinyTree
attTypedValue - Variable in class net.sf.saxon.tree.tiny.TinyTree
attValue - Variable in class net.sf.saxon.tree.tiny.TinyTree
AugmentedSource - Class in net.sf.saxon.lib
This class is an extension of the JAXP Source interface.
autoDeclare - Variable in class net.sf.saxon.sxpath.IndependentContext
AutomatonState - Class in com.saxonica.schema.fsa
Defines a state of a finite state machine used when validating an instance against a complex type.
AutomatonState(FiniteStateMachine) - Constructor for class com.saxonica.schema.fsa.AutomatonState
Create a new state
Available - Class in net.sf.saxon.functions
This class supports the XSLT element-available and function-available functions.
Available() - Constructor for class net.sf.saxon.functions.Available
AvailableEnvironmentVariables - Class in com.saxonica.functions.xpath3
AvailableEnvironmentVariables() - Constructor for class com.saxonica.functions.xpath3.AvailableEnvironmentVariables
Average - Class in net.sf.saxon.functions
Implementation of the fn:avg function
Average() - Constructor for class net.sf.saxon.functions.Average
average(SequenceIterator, XPathContext, SourceLocator) - Static method in class net.sf.saxon.functions.Average
Calculate average
AverageAdjunct - Class in com.saxonica.stream.adjunct
Generate streaming code for the avg() function.
AverageAdjunct() - Constructor for class com.saxonica.stream.adjunct.AverageAdjunct
AverageCompiler - Class in com.saxonica.codegen
Generate Java code for the avg() function.
AverageCompiler() - Constructor for class com.saxonica.codegen.AverageCompiler
AvgFeed - Class in com.saxonica.stream.feed
This class computes the result of the avg() function in push streaming mode
AvgFeed(Expression, Feed, Stack<XPathContext>) - Constructor for class com.saxonica.stream.feed.AvgFeed
AXIS - Static variable in class net.sf.saxon.expr.Token
Token representing the name of an axis and the following "::" symbol
Axis - Class in net.sf.saxon.om
An axis, that is a direction of navigation in the document structure.
Axis - Enum in net.sf.saxon.s9api
This is an enumeration class containaing constants representing the thirteen XPath axes
AxisAtomizingIterator - Class in net.sf.saxon.expr
This iterator returns a sequence of atomic values, the result of atomizing the sequence of nodes returned by an underlying AxisIterator.
AxisAtomizingIterator(AxisIterator) - Constructor for class net.sf.saxon.expr.AxisAtomizingIterator
Construct an atomizing iterator
AxisExpression - Class in net.sf.saxon.expr
An AxisExpression is always obtained by simplifying a PathExpression.
AxisExpression(byte, NodeTest) - Constructor for class net.sf.saxon.expr.AxisExpression
AxisExpressionCompiler - Class in com.saxonica.codegen
Generate code for an AxisExpression
AxisExpressionCompiler() - Constructor for class com.saxonica.codegen.AxisExpressionCompiler
axisIterator(Axis) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.s9api.XdmNode
Get an iterator over the nodes reachable from this node via a given axis.
axisIterator(Axis, QName) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.s9api.XdmNode
Get an iterator over the nodes reachable from this node via a given axis, selecting only those nodes with a specified name.
AxisIterator - Interface in net.sf.saxon.tree.iter
A SequenceIterator is used to iterate over a sequence.
AxisIteratorImpl - Class in net.sf.saxon.tree.iter
A SequenceIterator is used to iterate over a sequence.
AxisIteratorImpl() - Constructor for class net.sf.saxon.tree.iter.AxisIteratorImpl
axisJavaName - Static variable in class net.sf.saxon.om.Axis
Table giving the name of each axis as used in a generated Java program, for example "ANCESTOR_OR_SELF"
axisName - Static variable in class net.sf.saxon.om.Axis
Table giving the name of each axis as used in XPath, for example "ancestor-or-self"


b - Variable in class net.sf.saxon.trace.TraceEventMulticaster
backup - Variable in class net.sf.saxon.Query
backwardsCompatible - Variable in class net.sf.saxon.expr.sort.SortKeyDefinition
badDuration(String, CharSequence) - Static method in class net.sf.saxon.value.DurationValue
badUsage(String) - Method in class com.saxonica.CompileStylesheet
Output error message when incorrect command line options/arguments are used
badUsage(String) - Method in class com.saxonica.Validate
Report incorrect usage of the command line, with a list of the options and arguments that are available
badUsage(String) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.Query
Report incorrect usage of the command line, with a list of the options and arguments that are available
badUsage(String) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.Transform
Report incorrect usage of the command line, with a list of the options and arguments that are available
BARE_NAME_STATE - Static variable in class net.sf.saxon.expr.Tokenizer
State in which a name is NOT to be merged with what comes next, for example "("
base - Variable in class net.sf.saxon.expr.FilterIterator
base - Variable in class net.sf.saxon.expr.sort.SortedIterator
base - Variable in class net.sf.saxon.tree.wrapper.VirtualCopy.VirtualCopier
BASE64_BINARY - Static variable in class net.sf.saxon.s9api.ItemType
ItemType representing the primitive type xs:base64Binary
BASE64_BINARY - Static variable in class net.sf.saxon.type.BuiltInAtomicType
Base64BinaryEmitter - Class in com.saxonica.serialize
This emitter implements output method saxon:base64Binary.
Base64BinaryEmitter() - Constructor for class com.saxonica.serialize.Base64BinaryEmitter
base64BinaryToOctets(Base64BinaryValue) - Static method in class com.saxonica.functions.extfn.Extensions
Convert a base64Binary value to a sequence of integers representing the octets contained in the value
base64BinaryToString(XPathContext, Base64BinaryValue, String) - Static method in class com.saxonica.functions.extfn.Extensions
Convert a base64Binary value to a String, assuming a particular encoding
Base64BinaryValue - Class in net.sf.saxon.value
A value of type xs:base64Binary
Base64BinaryValue(CharSequence) - Constructor for class net.sf.saxon.value.Base64BinaryValue
Constructor: create a base64Binary value from a supplied string in base64 encoding
Base64BinaryValue(CharSequence, AtomicType) - Constructor for class net.sf.saxon.value.Base64BinaryValue
Constructor: create a base64Binary value from a supplied string in base64 encoding, with a specified type.
Base64BinaryValue(byte[]) - Constructor for class net.sf.saxon.value.Base64BinaryValue
Constructor: create a base64Binary value from a given array of bytes
Base64BinaryValueCompiler - Class in com.saxonica.codegen
Compile Java code representing a Base64Binary constant value
Base64BinaryValueCompiler() - Constructor for class com.saxonica.codegen.Base64BinaryValueCompiler
baseURI - Variable in class net.sf.saxon.dom.DocumentWrapper
baseURI - Variable in class net.sf.saxon.event.Builder
baseURI - Variable in class net.sf.saxon.expr.sort.SortKeyDefinition
BaseURI - Class in net.sf.saxon.functions
This class supports the base-uri() function in XPath 2.0
BaseURI() - Constructor for class net.sf.saxon.functions.BaseURI
baseURI - Variable in class net.sf.saxon.option.dom4j.DocumentWrapper
baseURI - Variable in class net.sf.saxon.option.jdom.DocumentWrapper
baseURI - Variable in class net.sf.saxon.option.xom.DocumentWrapper
BaseURICompiler - Class in com.saxonica.codegen
Generate Java code to support XPath functions such as name(), local-name(), namespace-uri(), node-name()
BaseURICompiler() - Constructor for class com.saxonica.codegen.BaseURICompiler
BasicUpdatingExpression - Class in com.saxonica.update
A basic updating expression: insert, replace, delete, rename (but not copy)
BasicUpdatingExpression() - Constructor for class com.saxonica.update.BasicUpdatingExpression
BEFORE - Static variable in class net.sf.saxon.expr.Token
beforeFirst() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQSequence
Moves to the position before the first item.
beforeFirst() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.xqj.SaxonXQForwardSequence
beforeFirst() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.xqj.SaxonXQSequence
beta - Variable in class net.sf.saxon.tree.tiny.TinyTree
BIG_DECIMAL_ONE - Static variable in class net.sf.saxon.value.DecimalValue
BIG_DECIMAL_ONE_MILLION - Static variable in class net.sf.saxon.value.DecimalValue
BIG_INTEGER_TEN - Static variable in class net.sf.saxon.value.DecimalValue
BigIntegerValue - Class in net.sf.saxon.value
An integer value: note this is a subtype of decimal in XML Schema, not a primitive type.
BigIntegerValue(BigInteger) - Constructor for class net.sf.saxon.value.BigIntegerValue
Construct an xs:integer value from a Java BigInteger
BigIntegerValue(BigInteger, AtomicType) - Constructor for class net.sf.saxon.value.BigIntegerValue
Construct an xs:integer value from a Java BigInteger, supplying a type label.
BigIntegerValue(long) - Constructor for class net.sf.saxon.value.BigIntegerValue
Construct an xs:integer value from a Java long.
BigIntegerValue.BigIntegerComparable - Class in net.sf.saxon.value
BigIntegerValue.BigIntegerComparable(BigIntegerValue) - Constructor for class net.sf.saxon.value.BigIntegerValue.BigIntegerComparable
BigIntegerValueCompiler - Class in com.saxonica.codegen
Compile Java code representing a big integer constant value.
BigIntegerValueCompiler() - Constructor for class com.saxonica.codegen.BigIntegerValueCompiler
BINARY_EXPR - Static variable in class net.sf.saxon.expr.RoleLocator
BinaryEmitter - Class in com.saxonica.serialize
This is an abstract superclass for the two binary output methods saxon:base64Binary and saxon:hexBinary.
BinaryEmitter() - Constructor for class com.saxonica.serialize.BinaryEmitter
BinaryExpression - Class in net.sf.saxon.expr
Binary Expression: a numeric or boolean expression consisting of the two operands and an operator
BinaryExpression(Expression, int, Expression) - Constructor for class net.sf.saxon.expr.BinaryExpression
Create a binary expression identifying the two operands and the operator
bind(StructuredQName, Expression[], StaticContext, Container) - Method in class com.saxonica.config.JavaExtensionLibrary
Bind an extension function, given the URI and local parts of the function name, and the list of expressions supplied as arguments.
bind(StructuredQName, Expression[], StaticContext, Container) - Method in class com.saxonica.functions.extfn.ExtraFunctionLibrary
Bind an extension function, given the URI and local parts of the function name, and the list of expressions supplied as arguments.
bind(StructuredQName, int, StaticContext, Container) - Static method in class com.saxonica.functions.hof.AbstractFunctionItem
Factory method to create a function item representing a function item literal
bind(StructuredQName, Expression[], StaticContext, Container) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.functions.ConstructorFunctionLibrary
Bind an extension function, given the URI and local parts of the function name, and the list of expressions supplied as arguments.
bind(StructuredQName, Expression[], StaticContext, Container) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.functions.ExecutableFunctionLibrary
Bind a function, given the URI and local parts of the function name, and the list of expressions supplied as arguments.
bind(StructuredQName, Expression[], StaticContext, Container) - Method in interface net.sf.saxon.functions.FunctionLibrary
Bind a function, given the URI and local parts of the function name, and the list of expressions supplied as arguments.
bind(StructuredQName, Expression[], StaticContext, Container) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.functions.FunctionLibraryList
Bind an extension function, given the URI and local parts of the function name, and the list of expressions supplied as arguments.
bind(StructuredQName, Expression[], StaticContext, Container) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.functions.IntegratedFunctionLibrary
Bind an extension function, given the URI and local parts of the function name, and the list of expressions supplied as arguments.
bind(StructuredQName, Expression[], StaticContext, Container) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.functions.SystemFunctionLibrary
Bind an extension function, given the URI and local parts of the function name, and the list of expressions supplied as arguments.
bind(StructuredQName, Expression[], StaticContext, Container) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.query.ImportedFunctionLibrary
Bind an extension function, given the URI and local parts of the function name, and the list of expressions supplied as arguments.
bind(StructuredQName, Expression[], StaticContext, Container) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.query.UnboundFunctionLibrary
Identify a (namespace-prefixed) function appearing in the expression.
bind(StructuredQName, Expression[], StaticContext, Container) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.query.XQueryFunctionLibrary
Identify a (namespace-prefixed) function appearing in the expression.
bind(StructuredQName, Expression[], StaticContext, Container) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.style.StylesheetFunctionLibrary
Bind a function, given the URI and local parts of the function name, and the list of expressions supplied as arguments.
bind(StructuredQName, Expression[], StaticContext, Container) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.xpath.XPathFunctionLibrary
Bind a function, given the URI and local parts of the function name, and the list of expressions supplied as arguments.
bindAtomicValue(QName, String, XQItemType) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQDynamicContext
Binds a value to the given external variable or the context item.
bindAtomicValue(QName, String, XQItemType) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.xqj.SaxonXQDynamicContext
bindBoolean(QName, boolean, XQItemType) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQDynamicContext
Binds a value to the given external variable or the context item.
bindBoolean(QName, boolean, XQItemType) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.xqj.SaxonXQDynamicContext
bindByte(QName, byte, XQItemType) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQDynamicContext
Binds a value to the given external variable or the context item.
bindByte(QName, byte, XQItemType) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.xqj.SaxonXQDynamicContext
bindDocument(QName, String, String, XQItemType) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQDynamicContext
Binds a value to the given external variable or the context item.
bindDocument(QName, Reader, String, XQItemType) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQDynamicContext
Binds a value to the given external variable or the context item.
bindDocument(QName, InputStream, String, XQItemType) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQDynamicContext
Binds a value to the given external variable or the context item.
bindDocument(QName, XMLStreamReader, XQItemType) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQDynamicContext
Binds a value to the given external variable or the context item.
bindDocument(QName, Source, XQItemType) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQDynamicContext
Binds a value to the given external variable or the context item from the given Source.
bindDocument(QName, InputStream, String, XQItemType) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.xqj.SaxonXQDynamicContext
bindDocument(QName, Reader, String, XQItemType) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.xqj.SaxonXQDynamicContext
bindDocument(QName, Source, XQItemType) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.xqj.SaxonXQDynamicContext
bindDocument(QName, String, String, XQItemType) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.xqj.SaxonXQDynamicContext
bindDocument(QName, XMLStreamReader, XQItemType) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.xqj.SaxonXQDynamicContext
bindDouble(QName, double, XQItemType) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQDynamicContext
Binds a value to the given external variable or the context item.
bindDouble(QName, double, XQItemType) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.xqj.SaxonXQDynamicContext
Bindery - Class in net.sf.saxon.expr.instruct
The Bindery class holds information about variables and their values.
Bindery() - Constructor for class net.sf.saxon.expr.instruct.Bindery
bindFloat(QName, float, XQItemType) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQDynamicContext
Binds a value to the given external variable or the context item.
bindFloat(QName, float, XQItemType) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.xqj.SaxonXQDynamicContext
Binding - Interface in net.sf.saxon.expr
Binding is a interface used to represent the run-time properties and methods associated with a variable: specifically, a method to get the value of the variable.
binding - Variable in class net.sf.saxon.expr.VariableReference
BINDING_MODE_DEFERRED - Static variable in class javax.xml.xquery.XQConstants
The constant indicating the binding mode deferred, refer to XQDynamicContext for more information.
BINDING_MODE_IMMEDIATE - Static variable in class javax.xml.xquery.XQConstants
The constant indicating the binding mode immediate, refer to XQDynamicContext for more information.
bindingList - Variable in class net.sf.saxon.expr.PromotionOffer
In the case of RANGE_INDEPENDENT, "binding" identifies the range variables whose dependencies we are looking for.
BindingReference - Interface in net.sf.saxon.expr
BindingReference is a interface used to mark references to a variable declaration.
bindInt(QName, int, XQItemType) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQDynamicContext
Binds a value to the given external variable or the context item.
bindInt(QName, int, XQItemType) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.xqj.SaxonXQDynamicContext
bindItem(QName, XQItem) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQDynamicContext
Binds a value to the given external variable.
bindItem(QName, XQItem) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.xqj.SaxonXQDynamicContext
bindLong(QName, long, XQItemType) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQDynamicContext
Binds a value to the given external variable or the context item.
bindLong(QName, long, XQItemType) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.xqj.SaxonXQDynamicContext
bindNode(QName, Node, XQItemType) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQDynamicContext
Binds a value to the given external variable or the context item.
bindNode(QName, Node, XQItemType) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.xqj.SaxonXQDynamicContext
bindObject(QName, Object, XQItemType) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQDynamicContext
Binds a value to the given external variable or the context item.
bindObject(QName, Object, XQItemType) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.xqj.SaxonXQDynamicContext
bindSequence(QName, XQSequence) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQDynamicContext
Binds a value to the given external variable or the context item.
bindSequence(QName, XQSequence) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.xqj.SaxonXQDynamicContext
bindShort(QName, short, XQItemType) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQDynamicContext
Binds a value to the given external variable or the context item.
bindShort(QName, short, XQItemType) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.xqj.SaxonXQDynamicContext
bindString(QName, String, XQItemType) - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQDynamicContext
Binds a value to the given external variable or the context item.
bindString(QName, String, XQItemType) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.xqj.SaxonXQDynamicContext
bindUnboundFunctionCalls() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.query.QueryModule
Bind function calls that could not be bound when first encountered.
bindUnboundFunctionCalls(XQueryFunctionBinder, Configuration) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.query.UnboundFunctionLibrary
Bind function calls that could not be bound when first encountered.
bindUnboundVariables() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.query.QueryModule
Bind unbound variables (these are typically variables that reference another module participating in a same-namespace cycle, since local forwards references are not allowed)
bindVariable(StructuredQName) - Method in class com.saxonica.schema.sdoc.SchemaElement.XPathStaticContext
Bind a variable reference appearing within an XPath expression
bindVariable(StructuredQName) - Method in interface net.sf.saxon.expr.StaticContext
Bind a variable used in this element to the XSLVariable element in which it is declared
bindVariable(StructuredQName) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.query.QueryModule
Bind a variable used in a query to the expression in which it is declared.
bindVariable(StructuredQName) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.style.ExpressionContext
Bind a variable to an object that can be used to refer to it
bindVariable(StructuredQName) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.style.StyleElement
Bind a variable used in this element to the compiled form of the XSLVariable element in which it is declared
bindVariable(StructuredQName) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.style.UseWhenStaticContext
Bind a variable used in this element to the XSLVariable element in which it is declared
bindVariable(StructuredQName) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.sxpath.IndependentContext
Bind a variable used in an XPath Expression to the XSLVariable element in which it is declared.
bindVariable(StructuredQName) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.xpath.JAXPXPathStaticContext
Bind a variable used in an XPath Expression to the XSLVariable element in which it is declared.
Block - Class in net.sf.saxon.expr.instruct
An expression that delivers the concatenation of the results of its subexpressions.
Block() - Constructor for class net.sf.saxon.expr.instruct.Block
Create an empty block
BlockAdjunct - Class in com.saxonica.stream.adjunct
Generate Java code for a Block, that is a sequence of expressions or instructions
BlockAdjunct() - Constructor for class com.saxonica.stream.adjunct.BlockAdjunct
BlockCompiler - Class in com.saxonica.codegen
Generate Java code for a Block, that is a sequence of expressions or instructions
BlockCompiler() - Constructor for class com.saxonica.codegen.BlockCompiler
BlockEventIterator - Class in net.sf.saxon.evpull
Iterate over the instructions in a Block, concatenating the result of each instruction into a single combined sequence.
BlockEventIterator(Expression[], XPathContext) - Constructor for class net.sf.saxon.evpull.BlockEventIterator
Create an EventIterator over the results of evaluating a Block
BlockFeed - Class in com.saxonica.stream.feed
This class is used when a streaming template requests evaluation of a block (typically (A, B, C)) where one of the child expressions takes input from a watch on the streamed document.
BlockFeed(Expression, Feed, Stack<XPathContext>, int) - Constructor for class com.saxonica.stream.feed.BlockFeed
BlockIterator - Class in net.sf.saxon.expr.instruct
Iterate over the instructions in the Block, concatenating the result of each instruction into a single combined sequence.
BlockIterator(SequenceIterable[], XPathContext) - Constructor for class net.sf.saxon.expr.instruct.BlockIterator
blockNames - Static variable in class net.sf.saxon.functions.regex.RegexData
body - Variable in class com.saxonica.codegen.JavaVariable
body - Variable in class net.sf.saxon.expr.instruct.Procedure
BOOLEAN - Static variable in class net.sf.saxon.functions.BooleanFn
BOOLEAN - Static variable in class net.sf.saxon.s9api.ItemType
ItemType representing the primitive type xs:boolean
BOOLEAN - Static variable in class net.sf.saxon.type.BuiltInAtomicType
BooleanExpression - Class in net.sf.saxon.expr
Boolean expression: two truth values combined using AND or OR.
BooleanExpression(Expression, int, Expression) - Constructor for class net.sf.saxon.expr.BooleanExpression
Construct a boolean expression
BooleanExpressionCompiler - Class in com.saxonica.codegen
Compile a boolean expression (and/or) to Java code
BooleanExpressionCompiler() - Constructor for class com.saxonica.codegen.BooleanExpressionCompiler
BooleanFn - Class in net.sf.saxon.functions
This class supports the XPath functions boolean(), not(), true(), and false()
BooleanFn() - Constructor for class net.sf.saxon.functions.BooleanFn
BooleanFnCompiler - Class in com.saxonica.codegen
Generate Java code to implement the XPath boolean() and not() functions
BooleanFnCompiler() - Constructor for class com.saxonica.codegen.BooleanFnCompiler
BooleanValue - Class in net.sf.saxon.value
A boolean XPath value
BooleanValue(boolean, AtomicType) - Constructor for class net.sf.saxon.value.BooleanValue
Create a new Boolean value with a user-supplied type label.
BooleanValueCompiler - Class in com.saxonica.codegen
BooleanValueCompiler() - Constructor for class com.saxonica.codegen.BooleanValueCompiler
BOUNDARY_SPACE_PRESERVE - Static variable in class javax.xml.xquery.XQConstants
The constant indicating the the boundary-space policy for expression evaluation is to preserve white spaces
BOUNDARY_SPACE_STRIP - Static variable in class javax.xml.xquery.XQConstants
The constant indicating the the boundary-space policy for expression evaluation is to strip white spaces
BracketedDocumentIterator - Class in net.sf.saxon.evpull
The class is an EventIterator that handles the events arising from a document node constructor: that is, the start/end event pair for the document node, bracketing a sequence of events for the content of the document.
BracketedDocumentIterator(EventIterator) - Constructor for class net.sf.saxon.evpull.BracketedDocumentIterator
BracketedElementIterator - Class in net.sf.saxon.evpull
The class is an EventIterator that handles the events arising from an element constructor: that is, the start/end event pair for the element node, bracketing a sequence of events for the content of the element.
BracketedElementIterator(StartElementEvent, EventIterator, EndElementEvent) - Constructor for class net.sf.saxon.evpull.BracketedElementIterator
BreakInstr - Class in com.saxonica.expr
A compiled xsl:break instruction.
BreakInstr() - Constructor for class com.saxonica.expr.BreakInstr
Create the instruction
bufferedAttributes - Variable in class net.sf.saxon.event.StartTagBuffer
BufferingFeed - Class in com.saxonica.stream.feed
A BufferingFeed is used to wrap an expression that does not have intrinsic capability to accept streamed input.
BufferingFeed(Expression, Feed, Stack<XPathContext>) - Constructor for class com.saxonica.stream.feed.BufferingFeed
build(Source, RuleBasedStripper, Configuration) - Static method in class net.sf.saxon.event.Builder
Deprecated. since Saxon 9.2: use Configuration.buildDocument(javax.xml.transform.Source). The method was also changed in 9.2 to ignore the stripper parameter.
build(Source, RuleBasedStripper, PipelineConfiguration) - Static method in class net.sf.saxon.event.Builder
Deprecated. since Saxon 9.2: use Configuration.buildDocument(javax.xml.transform.Source). The method was also changed in 9.2 to ignore the stripper parameter.
build(Source) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.s9api.DocumentBuilder
Load an XML document, to create a tree representation of the document in memory.
build(File) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.s9api.DocumentBuilder
Build a document from a supplied XML file
buildArray() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.sort.SortedGroupIterator
Override the method that builds the array of values and sort keys.
buildArray() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.sort.SortedIterator
Create an array holding the items to be sorted and the values of their sort keys
buildArray() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.sort.SortedTupleIterator
Override the method that builds the array of values and sort keys.
buildCounterMap() - Method in class com.saxonica.schema.AttributeGroupDecl
Build the counter map
buildDocument(Source) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.Configuration
Build a document tree, using options set on this Configuration and on the supplied source object.
buildDocument(Source, ParseOptions) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.Configuration
Build a document, using specified options for parsing and building.
buildDocument(Source) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.query.StaticQueryContext
Deprecated. since 9.2: use Configuration.buildDocument(javax.xml.transform.Source)
Builder - Class in net.sf.saxon.event
The abstract Builder class is responsible for taking a stream of SAX events and constructing a Document tree.
Builder() - Constructor for class net.sf.saxon.event.Builder
Create a Builder and initialise variables
BuilderMonitor - Class in net.sf.saxon.event
A BuilderMonitor can be inserted into a pipeline immediately in front of a Builder.
BuilderMonitor() - Constructor for class net.sf.saxon.event.BuilderMonitor
BuildingContentHandler - Interface in net.sf.saxon.s9api
A SAX ContentHandler that builds a Saxon tree, and allows the node at the root of the tree to be retrieved on completion
BuildingStreamWriter - Interface in net.sf.saxon.s9api
A BuildingStreamWriter allows a document to be constructed by calling the methods defined in the XMLStreamWriter interface; after the document has been constructed, its root node may be retrieved by calling the getDocumentNode() method.
buildSchema(EnterpriseConfiguration) - Static method in class com.saxonica.schema.sdoc.FnNamespaceSchema
Build the schema components for the FN namespace
buildSchema(EnterpriseConfiguration) - Static method in class com.saxonica.schema.sdoc.XMLNamespaceSchema
Build the schema components for the XML namespace
BUILT_IN_TEMPLATE - Static variable in class net.sf.saxon.trace.Location
An XSLT built-in template rule.
BuiltInAtomicType - Class in net.sf.saxon.type
This class represents a built-in atomic type, which may be either a primitive type (such as xs:decimal or xs:anyURI) or a derived type (such as xs:ID or xs:dayTimeDuration).
BuiltInListType - Class in net.sf.saxon.type
This class is used to implement the built-in list types NMTOKENS, ENTITIES, IDREFS.
BuiltInListType(int) - Constructor for class net.sf.saxon.type.BuiltInListType
Create a new ListType.
BuiltInRuleSet - Interface in net.sf.saxon.trans
Defines a set of built-in template rules (rules for use when no user-defined template rules match a given node)
BuiltInType - Class in net.sf.saxon.type
This non-instantiable class acts as a register of Schema objects containing all the built-in types: that is, the types defined in the "xs" namespace.
BY_TYPE - Static variable in class net.sf.saxon.lib.Validation
Code indicating that validation against a named type was requested
BYTE - Static variable in class net.sf.saxon.s9api.ItemType
ItemType representing the built-in (but non-primitive) type xs:byte
BYTE - Static variable in class net.sf.saxon.type.BuiltInAtomicType
BYTE_ORDER_MARK - Static variable in class net.sf.saxon.lib.SaxonOutputKeys
byte-order-mark = yes|no.
BYTE_ORDER_MARK - Static variable in class net.sf.saxon.om.StandardNames
byteArrayHashCode(byte[]) - Static method in class net.sf.saxon.value.Base64BinaryValue


C - Static variable in class net.sf.saxon.serialize.codenorm.Normalizer
Normalization Form Selector
Calculator - Class in net.sf.saxon.expr
This class evaluates arithmetic expressions; it acts as a helper class to the ArithmeticExpression class.
Calculator() - Constructor for class net.sf.saxon.expr.Calculator
CalendarValue - Class in net.sf.saxon.value
Abstract superclass for Date, Time, and DateTime.
CalendarValue() - Constructor for class net.sf.saxon.value.CalendarValue
CalendarValueComparer - Class in net.sf.saxon.expr.sort
A comparer specifically for comparing two date, time, or dateTime values
CalendarValueComparer(XPathContext) - Constructor for class net.sf.saxon.expr.sort.CalendarValueComparer
call(ValueRepresentation[], XPathContext) - Method in class com.saxonica.expr.JavaExtensionFunctionCall
Call an extension function previously identified using the bind() method.
call(ValueRepresentation[], XPathContextMajor) - Method in class com.saxonica.expr.MemoFunction
Call this function to return a value.
call(SequenceIterator[], XPathContext) - Method in class com.saxonica.functions.extfn.Evaluate.EvaluateCall
Evaluate this function call at run-time
call(SequenceIterator[], XPathContext) - Method in class com.saxonica.functions.extfn.HighestOrLowest
Evaluate this function call at run-time
call(SequenceIterator[], XPathContext) - Method in class com.saxonica.functions.extfn.Parse.ParseCall
Evaluate this function call at run-time
call(SequenceIterator[], XPathContext) - Method in class com.saxonica.functions.hof.DynamicFunctionCallDefinition.DynamicFunctionCall
Evaluate this function call at run-time
call(ValueRepresentation[], XPathContextMajor) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.instruct.UserFunction
Call this function to return a value.
call(ValueRepresentation[], Controller) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.instruct.UserFunction
Call this function.
call(SequenceIterator[], XPathContext) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.lib.ExtensionFunctionCall
Evaluate this function call at run-time
call(ValueRepresentation[], XPathContext) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.xpath.XPathFunctionCall
Call an extension function previously identified using the bind() method.
CALL_EVALUATE_ITEM - Static variable in class net.sf.saxon.expr.ExpressionTool
callFunction(QName, XdmValue[]) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.s9api.XQueryEvaluator
Call a global user-defined function in the compiled query.
callsFunction(Expression, StructuredQName) - Static method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.ExpressionTool
Determine whether an expression contains a call on the function with a given fingerprint
CallTemplate - Class in net.sf.saxon.expr.instruct
Instruction representing an xsl:call-template element in the stylesheet.
CallTemplate(Template, boolean, Expression, NamespaceResolver) - Constructor for class net.sf.saxon.expr.instruct.CallTemplate
Construct a CallTemplate instruction.
CallTemplate.CallTemplatePackage - Class in net.sf.saxon.expr.instruct
A CallTemplatePackage is an object that encapsulates the name of a template to be called, the parameters to be supplied, and the execution context.
CallTemplate.CallTemplatePackage(Template, ParameterSet, ParameterSet, Instruction, XPathContext) - Constructor for class net.sf.saxon.expr.instruct.CallTemplate.CallTemplatePackage
Construct a CallTemplatePackage that contains information about a call.
callUpdating(ValueRepresentation[], XPathContextMajor, PendingUpdateList) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.instruct.UserFunction
Call an updating function.
cancel() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQExpression
Attempts to cancel the execution if both the XQuery engine and XQJ driver support aborting the execution of an XQExpression.
cancel() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQPreparedExpression
Attempts to cancel the execution if both the XQuery engine and XQJ driver support aborting the execution of an XQPreparedExpression.
cancel() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.xqj.SaxonXQExpression
cancel() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.xqj.SaxonXQPreparedExpression
cancelValidation() - Method in class com.saxonica.schema.UserComplexType
Cancel validation and compilation: this happens when the complex type is redefined
CANNOT_READ - Static variable in exception net.sf.saxon.trans.LicenseException
CANNOT_STRIP - Static variable in class net.sf.saxon.event.Stripper
canonicalClassKeys - Static variable in class net.sf.saxon.serialize.codenorm.UnicodeData
canonicalClassValues - Static variable in class net.sf.saxon.serialize.codenorm.UnicodeData
canReturnCollationKeys(StringCollator) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.java.JavaPlatform
Given a collation, determine whether it is capable of returning collation keys.
canReturnCollationKeys(StringCollator) - Method in interface net.sf.saxon.Platform
Given a collation, determine whether it is capable of returning collation keys.
captures - Variable in class net.sf.saxon.functions.regex.RegexTranslator
cardinality - Variable in class com.saxonica.deploy.CompiledClosure
cardinality - Variable in class net.sf.saxon.functions.StandardFunction.Entry
The cardinality of the result of the function
Cardinality - Class in net.sf.saxon.value
This class contains static methods to manipulate the cardinality property of a type.
CARDINALITY_MASK - Static variable in class net.sf.saxon.expr.StaticProperty
Mask for all cardinality bits
CardinalityChecker - Class in net.sf.saxon.expr
A CardinalityChecker implements the cardinality checking of "treat as": that is, it returns the supplied sequence, checking that its cardinality is correct
CardinalityCheckerAdjunct - Class in com.saxonica.stream.adjunct
Generate streaming code for a cardinality checker
CardinalityCheckerAdjunct() - Constructor for class com.saxonica.stream.adjunct.CardinalityCheckerAdjunct
CardinalityCheckerCompiler - Class in com.saxonica.codegen
Compile Java code for a cardinality check (this is typically an expression added to the expression tree during static type checking)
CardinalityCheckerCompiler() - Constructor for class com.saxonica.codegen.CardinalityCheckerCompiler
CardinalityCheckingFeed - Class in com.saxonica.stream.feed
A Feed which checks the cardinality of the streamed sequence of items.
CardinalityCheckingFeed(Expression, Feed, Stack<XPathContext>) - Constructor for class com.saxonica.stream.feed.CardinalityCheckingFeed
CardinalityCheckingIterator - Class in net.sf.saxon.expr
CardinalityCheckingIterator returns the items in an underlying sequence unchanged, but checks that the number of items conforms to the required cardinality.
CardinalityCheckingIterator(SequenceIterator, int, RoleLocator, SourceLocator) - Constructor for class net.sf.saxon.expr.CardinalityCheckingIterator
Construct an CardinalityCheckingIterator that will return the same items as the base sequence, checking how many there are
CASE - Static variable in class net.sf.saxon.expr.Token
Keyword "case"
CASE_BLIND_FILES - Static variable in class net.sf.saxon.om.DocumentURI
CASE_EXPRESSION - Static variable in class net.sf.saxon.trace.Location
CASE clause within "typeswitch".
CASE_ORDER - Static variable in class net.sf.saxon.om.StandardNames
caseBlind - Variable in class net.sf.saxon.functions.regex.RegexTranslator
caseOrder - Variable in class net.sf.saxon.expr.sort.SortKeyDefinition
CaseVariants - Class in net.sf.saxon.functions.regex
This class holds data about the case-variants of Unicode characters.
CaseVariants() - Constructor for class net.sf.saxon.functions.regex.CaseVariants
cast(String, Class) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.CompilerService
Generate a Java cast unless it is known to be unnecessary.
cast(String, Class) - Method in interface net.sf.saxon.expr.CodeGeneratorService
Generate a Java cast unless it is known to be unnecessary.
CAST_AS - Static variable in class net.sf.saxon.expr.Token
operator "cast as"
CASTABLE_AS - Static variable in class net.sf.saxon.expr.Token
operator "castable as"
castableAsDecimal(CharSequence) - Static method in class net.sf.saxon.value.DecimalValue
Test whether a string is castable to a decimal value
castableAsPrecisionDecimal(CharSequence) - Static method in class net.sf.saxon.value.PrecisionDecimalValue
Test whether a string is castable to a precision decimal value
CastableExpression - Class in net.sf.saxon.expr
Castable Expression: implements "Expr castable as atomic-type?".
CastableExpression(Expression, AtomicType, boolean) - Constructor for class net.sf.saxon.expr.CastableExpression
Create a "castable" expression of the form "source castable as target"
CastableExpressionCompiler - Class in com.saxonica.codegen
Generate Java code to implement the XPath castable expression
CastableExpressionCompiler() - Constructor for class com.saxonica.codegen.CastableExpressionCompiler
CastExpression - Class in net.sf.saxon.expr
Cast Expression: implements "cast as data-type ( expression )".
CastExpression(Expression, AtomicType, boolean) - Constructor for class net.sf.saxon.expr.CastExpression
Create a cast expression
CastExpressionCompiler - Class in com.saxonica.codegen
Generate Java code to implement the XPath cast expression
CastExpressionCompiler() - Constructor for class com.saxonica.codegen.CastExpressionCompiler
castStringToQName(CharSequence, AtomicType, StaticContext) - Static method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.CastExpression
Evaluate the "pseudo-cast" of a string literal to a QName or NOTATION value.
categories - Static variable in class net.sf.saxon.functions.regex.RegexData
CATEGORY_NAMES - Static variable in class net.sf.saxon.functions.regex.RegexData
CATEGORY_Pf - Static variable in class net.sf.saxon.functions.regex.RegexData
CATEGORY_Pi - Static variable in class net.sf.saxon.functions.regex.RegexData
CATEGORY_RANGES - Static variable in class net.sf.saxon.functions.regex.RegexData
categoryCharClasses - Static variable in class net.sf.saxon.functions.regex.JDK15RegexTranslator
Translates XML Schema and XPath regexes into java.util.regex regexes.
CDATA_SECTION_ELEMENTS - Static variable in class net.sf.saxon.om.StandardNames
CDATAFilter - Class in net.sf.saxon.serialize
CDATAFilter: This ProxyEmitter converts character data to CDATA sections, if the character data belongs to one of a set of element types to be handled this way.
CDATAFilter() - Constructor for class net.sf.saxon.serialize.CDATAFilter
Create a CDATA Filter
CEILING - Static variable in class net.sf.saxon.functions.Rounding
ceiling() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.value.BigIntegerValue
Implement the XPath ceiling() function
ceiling() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.value.DecimalValue
Implement the XPath ceiling() function
ceiling() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.value.DoubleValue
Implement the XPath ceiling() function
ceiling() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.value.FloatValue
Implement the XPath ceiling() function
ceiling() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.value.Int64Value
Implement the XPath ceiling() function
ceiling() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.value.NumericValue
Implement the XPath ceiling() function
ceiling() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.value.PrecisionDecimalValue
Implement the XPath ceiling() function
changeOutputDestination(Receiver, boolean, int, SchemaType) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.EarlyEvaluationContext
Set a new output destination, supplying the output format details.
changeOutputDestination(Receiver, boolean, int, SchemaType) - Method in interface net.sf.saxon.expr.XPathContext
Set a new output destination, supplying the output format details.
changeOutputDestination(Receiver, boolean, int, SchemaType) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.XPathContextMinor
Set a new output destination, supplying the output format details.
CHARACTER - Static variable in class net.sf.saxon.om.StandardNames
CHARACTER_REPRESENTATION - Static variable in class net.sf.saxon.lib.SaxonOutputKeys
representation = rep1[;rep2].
CharacterMap - Class in net.sf.saxon.serialize
This class defines a character map, that is, a mapping from characters to strings used by the serializer when mapping individual characters in the output.
CharacterMap(IntHashMap<String>) - Constructor for class net.sf.saxon.serialize.CharacterMap
Create a CharacterMap from a raw map of integers to strings
CharacterMap(Iterable<CharacterMap>) - Constructor for class net.sf.saxon.serialize.CharacterMap
Create a CharacterMap that combines a set of existing character maps.
CharacterMapExpander - Class in net.sf.saxon.serialize
CharacterMapExpander: This ProxyReceiver expands characters occurring in a character map, as specified by the XSLT 2.0 xsl:character-map declaration
CharacterMapExpander() - Constructor for class net.sf.saxon.serialize.CharacterMapExpander
CharacterMapIndex - Class in net.sf.saxon.serialize
This class represents a set of named character maps.
CharacterMapIndex() - Constructor for class net.sf.saxon.serialize.CharacterMapIndex
characters(char[], int, int) - Method in class com.saxonica.config.ConfigurationReader
characters(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class com.saxonica.config.EvaluationNuisance
characters(char[], int, int) - Method in class com.saxonica.jaxp.ValidatorHandlerImpl
Receive notification of character data.
characters(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class com.saxonica.ptree.PTreeEmitter
Notify character data.
characters(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class com.saxonica.schema.SchemaModelLoader
Character data
characters(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class com.saxonica.schema.sdoc.VersionControlFilter
Character data
characters(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class com.saxonica.serialize.BinaryEmitter
characters(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class com.saxonica.stream.Projector
characters(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class com.saxonica.stream.watch.StringValueAccumulator
characters(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class com.saxonica.stream.watch.WatchManager
Text node
characters(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class com.saxonica.validate.AllElementValidator
Handle character data appearing as a child of the element being validated
characters(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class com.saxonica.validate.AnyTypeValidator
Handle character data appearing as a child of the element being validated
characters(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class com.saxonica.validate.AttributeValidator
Handle character data appearing as a child of the element being validated
characters(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class com.saxonica.validate.Checker
characters(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class com.saxonica.validate.ComplexContentValidator
Handle character data appearing as a child of the element being validated
characters(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class com.saxonica.validate.DocumentValidator
Character data
characters(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class com.saxonica.validate.EmptyContentValidator
Character data
characters(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class com.saxonica.validate.EntityValidator
Character data
characters(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class com.saxonica.validate.FieldChecker
Notify character data.
characters(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class com.saxonica.validate.IdValidator
Character data
characters(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class com.saxonica.validate.IgnorableWhitespaceStripper
Handle a text node
characters(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class com.saxonica.validate.LaxValidator
Character data
characters(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class com.saxonica.validate.SimpleContentValidator
Handle character data appearing as a child of the element being validated
characters(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class com.saxonica.validate.ValidationStack
characters(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.dom.DOMWriter
Character data.
characters(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.event.CommentStripper
Handle a text node.
characters(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.event.ComplexContentOutputter
Produce text content output.
characters(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.event.ContentHandlerProxy
Character data
characters(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.event.IDFilter
Character data
characters(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.event.ProxyReceiver
Character data
characters(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in interface net.sf.saxon.event.Receiver
Notify character data.
characters(char[], int, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.event.ReceivingContentHandler
Report character data.
characters(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.event.SequenceWriter
Produce text content output.
characters(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.event.Sink
Character data
characters(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.event.Stripper
Handle a text node
characters(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.event.TeeOutputter
Notify character data.
characters(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.event.TracingFilter
Character data
characters(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.event.TreeReceiver
Character data
characters(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.event.TypeCheckingFilter
Character data
characters(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.option.dom4j.DOM4JWriter
Character data.
characters(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.option.jdom.JDOMWriter
Character data.
characters(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.option.xom.XOMWriter
Character data.
characters(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.query.SequenceWrapper
Character data
characters(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.serialize.CDATAFilter
Output character data
characters(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.serialize.CharacterMapExpander
Output character data
characters(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.serialize.HTMLEmitter
Character data.
characters(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.serialize.HTMLIndenter
Output character data
characters(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.serialize.ImplicitResultChecker
characters(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.serialize.TEXTEmitter
Produce output using the current Writer.
characters(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.serialize.UncommittedSerializer
Produce character output using the current Writer.
characters(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.serialize.UnicodeNormalizer
Output character data
characters(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.serialize.XML10ContentChecker
Character data
characters(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.serialize.XMLEmitter
Character data.
characters(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.serialize.XMLIndenter
Output character data
characters(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.style.UseWhenFilter
Character data
characters(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.tree.linked.LinkedBuilderMonitor
characters(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.tree.linked.LinkedTreeBuilder
Notify a text node.
characters(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.tree.tiny.TinyBuilder
Callback interface for SAX: not for application use
characters(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.tree.tiny.TinyBuilderMonitor
CharacterSet - Interface in net.sf.saxon.serialize.charcode
This interface defines properties of a character set, built in to the Saxon product.
characterSet - Variable in class net.sf.saxon.serialize.Emitter
CharacterSetFactory - Class in net.sf.saxon.serialize.charcode
This class delivers a CharacterSet object for a given named encoding.
CharacterSetFactory() - Constructor for class net.sf.saxon.serialize.charcode.CharacterSetFactory
Class has a single instance per Configuration
charAt(int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.tree.tiny.CharSlice
Returns the character at the specified index.
charAt(int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.tree.tiny.CompressedWhitespace
Returns the char value at the specified index.
charAt(int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.tree.tiny.LargeStringBuffer
Returns the character at the specified index.
charAt(int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.tree.util.FastStringBuffer
Returns the char value at the specified index.
charBuffer - Variable in class net.sf.saxon.tree.tiny.TinyTree
CharSlice - Class in net.sf.saxon.tree.tiny
This is an implementation of the JDK 1.4 CharSequence interface: it implements a CharSequence as a view of an array.
CharSlice(char[]) - Constructor for class net.sf.saxon.tree.tiny.CharSlice
Create a CharSlice that maps to the whole of a char[] array
CharSlice(char[], int, int) - Constructor for class net.sf.saxon.tree.tiny.CharSlice
Create a CharSlice that maps to a section of a char[] array
checkAgainstFacets(Value, CharSequence, Iterator) - Method in class com.saxonica.schema.UserSimpleType
Validate that the value conforms to all the constraining facets for the given type.
checkAgainstRequiredType(SequenceType) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.style.XSLGeneralVariable
Check the supplied select expression against the required type.
checkAllRequiredParamsArePresent(GlobalParameterSet) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.instruct.Executable
Check that all required parameters have been supplied.
checkAndMake(SequenceExtent) - Static method in class net.sf.saxon.dom.DOMNodeList
Construct an node list that wraps a supplied SequenceExtent, checking that all the items in the sequence are wrappers around DOM Nodes
checkArgumentCount(int, int, ExpressionVisitor) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.FunctionCall
Check number of arguments.
checkArguments(ExpressionVisitor) - Method in class com.saxonica.expr.JavaExtensionFunctionCall
Method called by the expression parser when all arguments have been supplied
checkArguments(ExpressionVisitor) - Method in class com.saxonica.functions.xpath3.ParseXml
checkArguments(ExpressionVisitor) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.FunctionCall
Method supplied by each class of function to check arguments during parsing, when all the argument expressions have been read
checkArguments(ExpressionVisitor) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.UserFunctionCall
Method called during the type checking phase
checkArguments(ExpressionVisitor) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.functions.Aggregate
Static analysis: prevent sorting of the argument
checkArguments(ExpressionVisitor) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.functions.Available
checkArguments(ExpressionVisitor) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.functions.BooleanFn
Static analysis: prevent sorting of the argument
checkArguments(ExpressionVisitor) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.functions.CollatingFunction
checkArguments(ExpressionVisitor) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.functions.Collection
checkArguments(ExpressionVisitor) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.functions.DistinctValues
checkArguments(ExpressionVisitor) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.functions.Doc
checkArguments(ExpressionVisitor) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.functions.DocAvailable
checkArguments(ExpressionVisitor) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.functions.DocumentFn
Method called during static type checking
checkArguments(ExpressionVisitor) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.functions.FormatDate
checkArguments(ExpressionVisitor) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.functions.FormatNumber
checkArguments(ExpressionVisitor) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.functions.Id
Static analysis: prevent sorting of the argument
checkArguments(ExpressionVisitor) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.functions.Idref
checkArguments(ExpressionVisitor) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.functions.IntegratedFunctionCall
Method called during static type checking
checkArguments(ExpressionVisitor) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.functions.KeyFn
checkArguments(ExpressionVisitor) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.functions.Minimax
Static analysis: prevent sorting of the argument
checkArguments(ExpressionVisitor) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.functions.Put
checkArguments(ExpressionVisitor) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.functions.ResolveURI
checkArguments(ExpressionVisitor) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.functions.SystemFunction
Method called during static type checking
checkArguments(ExpressionVisitor) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.functions.SystemProperty
checkArguments(ExpressionVisitor) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.functions.UnparsedText
checkArguments(ExpressionVisitor) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.functions.UriCollection
checkArguments(ExpressionVisitor) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.xpath.XPathFunctionCall
Method called by the expression parser when all arguments have been supplied
checkBigRange(BigInteger, BuiltInAtomicType) - Static method in class net.sf.saxon.value.IntegerValue
Check that a BigInteger is within the required range for a given integer subtype.
checkCircularity(XSLAttributeSet) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.style.XSLAttributeSet
Check for circularity: specifically, check that this attribute set does not contain a direct or indirect reference to the one supplied as a parameter
checkContent(String, XPathContext) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.instruct.Comment
Check the content of the node, and adjust it if necessary
checkContent(String, XPathContext) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.instruct.ProcessingInstruction
Check the content of the node, and adjust it if necessary
checkContent(String, XPathContext) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.instruct.SimpleNodeConstructor
Check the content of the node, and adjust it if necessary.
checkContentModel(int[][], int[][], boolean) - Method in class com.saxonica.schema.sdoc.SchemaElement
Check the content model of an element in the schema.
checkContentSequence(StaticContext) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.instruct.DocumentInstr
Check statically that the sequence of child instructions doesn't violate any obvious constraints on the content of the node
checkContentSequence(StaticContext, Expression, int, SchemaType) - Static method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.instruct.DocumentInstr
checkContentSequence(StaticContext) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.instruct.ElementCreator
Check statically whether the content of the element creates attributes or namespaces after creating any child nodes
checkContentSequence(StaticContext) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.instruct.FixedElement
Check statically whether the content of the element creates attributes or namespaces after creating any child nodes
checkContentSequence(StaticContext) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.instruct.ParentNodeConstructor
Check that the child instructions don't violate any obvious constraints for this kind of node
checkDistinctRoles() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.trans.DecimalSymbols
Check that no character is used in more than one role
checkElements(IntHashMap<ElementDecl>, SchemaCompiler) - Method in class com.saxonica.schema.AllModelGroup
Check that the elements defined as particles in this compositor are consistent (overrides method on parent class ModelGroup)
checkElements(IntHashMap<ElementDecl>, SchemaCompiler) - Method in class com.saxonica.schema.ModelGroup
Check that the elements defined as particles in this model group are consistent
checkEmpty() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.style.StyleElement
Convenience method to check that the stylesheet element is empty
Checker - Class in com.saxonica.validate
A Checker is a Receiver used to check the content of elements and attributes, especially those that participate in uniqueness, key, and keyref constraints
Checker() - Constructor for class com.saxonica.validate.Checker
checkExternalVariables(SlotManager, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.sxpath.XPathDynamicContext
Check that all external variables have been given a value
checkFacetRestriction(UserSimpleType, SimpleType, SchemaCompiler) - Method in class com.saxonica.schema.AssertionFacet
Check that this facet is legal when used on a type derived by restriction
checkFacetRestriction(UserSimpleType, SimpleType, SchemaCompiler) - Method in class com.saxonica.schema.DigitsFacet
Check that this facet is legal when used on a type derived by restriction
checkFacetRestriction(UserSimpleType, SimpleType, SchemaCompiler) - Method in class com.saxonica.schema.EnumerationFacet
Check that this facet is legal when used on a type derived by restriction
checkFacetRestriction(UserSimpleType, SimpleType, SchemaCompiler) - Method in class com.saxonica.schema.EnumerationFacetSet
Check that this facet is legal when used on a type derived by restriction
checkFacetRestriction(UserSimpleType, SimpleType, SchemaCompiler) - Method in class com.saxonica.schema.ExplicitTimezoneFacet
Check that this facet is legal when used on a type derived by restriction
checkFacetRestriction(UserSimpleType, SimpleType, SchemaCompiler) - Method in class com.saxonica.schema.Facet
Check that this facet is legal when used on a type derived by restriction
checkFacetRestriction(UserSimpleType, SimpleType, SchemaCompiler) - Method in class com.saxonica.schema.FractionDigitsFacet
checkFacetRestriction(UserSimpleType, SimpleType, SchemaCompiler) - Method in class com.saxonica.schema.LengthFacet
Check that this facet is legal when used on a type derived by restriction
checkFacetRestriction(UserSimpleType, SimpleType, SchemaCompiler) - Method in class com.saxonica.schema.MaxExclusiveFacet
checkFacetRestriction(UserSimpleType, SimpleType, SchemaCompiler) - Method in class com.saxonica.schema.MaxInclusiveFacet
checkFacetRestriction(UserSimpleType, SimpleType, SchemaCompiler) - Method in class com.saxonica.schema.MaxLengthFacet
Check that this facet is legal when used on a type derived by restriction
checkFacetRestriction(UserSimpleType, SimpleType, SchemaCompiler) - Method in class com.saxonica.schema.MaxScaleFacet
Check that this facet is legal when used on a type derived by restriction
checkFacetRestriction(UserSimpleType, SimpleType, SchemaCompiler) - Method in class com.saxonica.schema.MinExclusiveFacet
checkFacetRestriction(UserSimpleType, SimpleType, SchemaCompiler) - Method in class com.saxonica.schema.MinLengthFacet
Check that this facet is legal when used on a type derived by restriction
checkFacetRestriction(UserSimpleType, SimpleType, SchemaCompiler) - Method in class com.saxonica.schema.MinScaleFacet
Check that this facet is legal when used on a type derived by restriction
checkFacetRestriction(UserSimpleType, SimpleType, SchemaCompiler) - Method in class com.saxonica.schema.PatternFacet
Check that this facet is legal when used on a type derived by restriction
checkFacetRestriction(UserSimpleType, SimpleType, SchemaCompiler) - Method in class com.saxonica.schema.PreprocessFacet
Check that this facet is legal when used on a type derived by restriction
checkFacetRestriction(UserSimpleType, SimpleType, SchemaCompiler) - Method in class com.saxonica.schema.ScaleFacet
Check that this facet is legal when used on a type derived by restriction
checkFacetRestriction(UserSimpleType, SimpleType, SchemaCompiler) - Method in class com.saxonica.schema.TotalDigitsFacet
checkFacetRestriction(UserSimpleType, SimpleType, SchemaCompiler) - Method in class com.saxonica.schema.ValueRangeFacet
Check that this facet is legal when used on a type derived by restriction
checkFacetRestriction(UserSimpleType, SimpleType, SchemaCompiler) - Method in class com.saxonica.schema.WhitespaceFacet
Check that this facet is legal when used on a type derived by restriction
checkForCircularities(List, XQueryFunctionLibrary) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.query.QueryModule
Check for circular definitions of global variables.
checkForClauseAllowingEmpty(ExpressionParser.ForClause) - Method in class com.saxonica.expr.Query30Parser
Check a ForClause for an "outer for"
checkForClauseAllowingEmpty(ExpressionParser.ForClause) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.query.QueryParser
Check a ForClause for an "outer for"
checkForUpdatingSubexpressions() - Method in class com.saxonica.update.CopyModifyExpression
Check to ensure that this expression does not contain any inappropriate updating subexpressions.
checkForUpdatingSubexpressions() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.Assignation
Check to ensure that this expression does not contain any inappropriate updating subexpressions.
checkForUpdatingSubexpressions() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.Expression
Check to ensure that this expression does not contain any inappropriate updating subexpressions.
checkForUpdatingSubexpressions() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.instruct.Block
Check to ensure that this expression does not contain any updating subexpressions.
checkForUpdatingSubexpressions() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.instruct.Choose
Check to ensure that this expression does not contain any updating subexpressions.
checkForUpdatingSubexpressions() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.instruct.TraceWrapper
Check to ensure that this expression does not contain any inappropriate updating subexpressions.
checkForUpdatingSubexpressions() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.QuantifiedExpression
Check to ensure that this expression does not contain any updating subexpressions.
checkFunctionCall(UserFunction, ExpressionVisitor) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.UserFunctionCall
Check the function call against the declared function signature
checkImplicitResultTree() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.Controller
Check whether an XSLT implicit result tree can be written.
checkImportedFunctionSignature(XQueryFunction) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.query.QueryModule
Check that all the types used in the signature of an imported function are available in the module of the caller of the function
checkImportedType(SequenceType, Declaration) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.query.QueryModule
Check that a SequenceType used in the definition of an imported variable or function is available in the importing module
checkMaxScale(int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.value.PrecisionDecimalValue
Check the value against the maxScale facet
checkMinScale(int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.value.PrecisionDecimalValue
Check the value against the minScale facet
checkMutuallyExclusiveAttributes(String, String) - Method in class com.saxonica.schema.sdoc.SchemaElement
This method tests whether two attributes coexist and reports an error if they do
checkNotNull(Object) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.xqj.SaxonXQStaticContext
checkOnlyChildIsAnnotation() - Method in class com.saxonica.schema.sdoc.SchemaElement
Check that the only child element of this element is an (optional and non-repeatable) xs:annotation element
checkOutputProperty(String, String, Configuration) - Static method in class net.sf.saxon.lib.SaxonOutputKeys
Check that a supplied output property is valid.
checkParams(WithParam[]) - Static method in class com.saxonica.stream.adjunct.ApplyTemplatesAdjunct
Test whether template parameters satisfy the conditions for streamability
checkPercentEncoding(String) - Static method in class net.sf.saxon.functions.EscapeURI
Check that any percent-encoding within a URI is well-formed.
checkPermittedContents(SchemaType, StaticContext, boolean) - Method in class com.saxonica.expr.IterateInstr
Check that any elements and attributes constructed or returned by this expression are acceptable in the content model of a given complex type.
checkPermittedContents(SchemaType, StaticContext, boolean) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.Expression
Check that any elements and attributes constructed or returned by this expression are acceptable in the content model of a given complex type.
checkPermittedContents(SchemaType, StaticContext, boolean) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.ForExpression
Check that any elements and attributes constructed or returned by this expression are acceptable in the content model of a given complex type.
checkPermittedContents(SchemaType, StaticContext, boolean) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.instruct.AnalyzeString
Check that any elements and attributes constructed or returned by this expression are acceptable in the content model of a given complex type.
checkPermittedContents(SchemaType, StaticContext, boolean) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.instruct.Block
Check that any elements and attributes constructed or returned by this expression are acceptable in the content model of a given complex type.
checkPermittedContents(SchemaType, StaticContext, boolean) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.instruct.Choose
Check that any elements and attributes constructed or returned by this expression are acceptable in the content model of a given complex type.
checkPermittedContents(SchemaType, StaticContext, boolean) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.instruct.ComputedAttribute
Check that any elements and attributes constructed or returned by this expression are acceptable in the content model of a given complex type.
checkPermittedContents(SchemaType, StaticContext, boolean) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.instruct.ComputedElement
Check that any elements and attributes constructed or returned by this expression are acceptable in the content model of a given complex type.
checkPermittedContents(SchemaType, StaticContext, boolean) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.instruct.FixedAttribute
Check that any elements and attributes constructed or returned by this expression are acceptable in the content model of a given complex type.
checkPermittedContents(SchemaType, StaticContext, boolean) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.instruct.FixedElement
Check that any elements and attributes constructed or returned by this expression are acceptable in the content model of a given complex type.
checkPermittedContents(SchemaType, StaticContext, boolean) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.instruct.ForEach
Check that any elements and attributes constructed or returned by this expression are acceptable in the content model of a given complex type.
checkPermittedContents(SchemaType, StaticContext, boolean) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.instruct.ForEachGroup
Check that any elements and attributes constructed or returned by this expression are acceptable in the content model of a given complex type.
checkPermittedContents(SchemaType, StaticContext, boolean) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.instruct.ValueOf
Check statically that the results of the expression are capable of constructing the content of a given schema type.
checkPermittedContents(SchemaType, StaticContext, boolean) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.LetExpression
Check that any elements and attributes constructed or returned by this expression are acceptable in the content model of a given complex type.
checkPermittedContents(SchemaType, StaticContext, boolean) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.pattern.PatternSponsor
Check statically that the results of the expression are capable of constructing the content of a given schema type.
checkPermittedContents(SchemaType, StaticContext, boolean) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.value.AtomicValue
Check statically that the results of the expression are capable of constructing the content of a given schema type.
checkPermittedContents(SchemaType, StaticContext, boolean) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.value.Value
Check statically that the results of the expression are capable of constructing the content of a given schema type.
checkPermittedType(int, String, String) - Method in class com.saxonica.schema.sdoc.SchemaElement
Check that a given type is a permitted type
checkQNameParts(CharSequence) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.om.NameChecker
Validate a QName, and return the prefix and local name.
checkRange(BuiltInAtomicType) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.value.Int64Value
This class allows subtypes of xs:integer to be held, as well as xs:integer values.
checkRange(long, BuiltInAtomicType) - Static method in class net.sf.saxon.value.IntegerValue
Check that a value is in range for the specified subtype of xs:integer
checkReferences(ExpressionVisitor) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.query.XQueryFunction
Type-check references to this function
checkReplacement(CharSequence) - Static method in class net.sf.saxon.functions.Replace
Check the contents of the replacement string
checkRow(Value[], boolean, int) - Method in class com.saxonica.validate.KeySelectorWatch
Method to check that a row (that is, the collection of fields corresponding to one selected node) is valid.
checkRow(Value[], boolean, int) - Method in class com.saxonica.validate.SelectorWatch
Method to check that a row (that is, the collection of fields corresponding to one selected node) is valid.
checkSortComesFirst(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.style.StyleElement
Check that among the children of this element, any xsl:sort elements precede any other elements
checkTopLevel(String) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.style.StyleElement
Convenience method to check that the stylesheet element is at the top level
checkTotalDigits(int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.value.PrecisionDecimalValue
Check the value against the totalDigits facet
checkTypeDerivation(ComplexType, SchemaType, int) - Static method in class com.saxonica.schema.UserComplexType
Check that a type is validly derived from a given type.
checkTypeDerivationIsOK(SchemaType, SchemaType, int) - Method in class com.saxonica.config.EnterpriseConfiguration
Check that a type is validly derived from another type, following the rules for the Schema Component Constraint "Is Type Derivation OK (Simple)" (3.14.6) or "Is Type Derivation OK (Complex)" (3.4.6) as appropriate.
checkTypeDerivationIsOK(SchemaType, int) - Method in class com.saxonica.schema.UserDefinedType
Check that this type is validly derived from a given type
checkTypeDerivationIsOK(SchemaType, int) - Method in class com.saxonica.schema.UserSimpleType
Check that this type is validly derived from a given type
checkTypeDerivationIsOK(SchemaType, SchemaType, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.Configuration
Check that a type is validly derived from another type, following the rules for the Schema Component Constraint "Is Type Derivation OK (Simple)" (3.14.6) or "Is Type Derivation OK (Complex)" (3.4.6) as appropriate.
checkTypeDerivationIsOK(SchemaType, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.type.AnySimpleType
Check that this type is validly derived from a given type
checkTypeDerivationIsOK(SchemaType, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.type.AnyType
Check that this type is validly derived from a given type
checkTypeDerivationIsOK(SchemaType, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.type.BuiltInAtomicType
Check that this type is validly derived from a given type
checkTypeDerivationIsOK(SchemaType, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.type.BuiltInListType
Check that this type is validly derived from a given type
checkTypeDerivationIsOK(SchemaType, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.type.ErrorType
Check that this type is validly derived from a given type
checkTypeDerivationIsOK(SchemaType, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.type.ExternalObjectType
Check that this type is validly derived from a given type
checkTypeDerivationIsOK(SchemaType, int) - Method in interface net.sf.saxon.type.SchemaType
Check that this type is validly derived from a given type, following the rules for the Schema Component Constraint "Is Type Derivation OK (Simple)" (3.14.6) or "Is Type Derivation OK (Complex)" (3.4.6) as appropriate.
checkTypeDerivationIsOK(SchemaType, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.type.Untyped
Check that this type is validly derived from a given type
checkUniqueOutputDestination(DocumentURI) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.Controller
Check that an output destination has not been used before, optionally adding this URI to the set of URIs that have been used.
checkUnknownAttribute(int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.style.StyleElement
Check whether an unknown attribute is permitted.
checkURIForPrefix(String) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.query.QueryModule
Get the URI for a prefix if there is one, return null if not.
CHILD - Static variable in class net.sf.saxon.om.Axis
Constant representing the child axis
children - Variable in class com.saxonica.stream.watch.ForkingFeed
ChoiceModelGroup - Class in com.saxonica.schema
A ChoiceCompositor represents an xs:choice element in the schema
ChoiceModelGroup() - Constructor for class com.saxonica.schema.ChoiceModelGroup
Choose - Class in net.sf.saxon.expr.instruct
Compiled representation of an xsl:choose or xsl:if element in the stylesheet.
Choose(Expression[], Expression[]) - Constructor for class net.sf.saxon.expr.instruct.Choose
Construct an xsl:choose instruction
ChooseAdjunct - Class in com.saxonica.stream.adjunct
Streaming code to implement a conditional ("if/choose") expression
ChooseAdjunct() - Constructor for class com.saxonica.stream.adjunct.ChooseAdjunct
ChooseCompiler - Class in com.saxonica.codegen
Generate Java code to implement a conditional ("if/choose") expression
ChooseCompiler() - Constructor for class com.saxonica.codegen.ChooseCompiler
civilTimeOffset(DateTimeValue, String) - Static method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.number.NamedTimeZone
Get the civil time offset to be made to a given date/time in a given civil timezone.
CLASS - Static variable in class net.sf.saxon.om.StandardNames
classifyTag(int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.serialize.HTMLIndenter
Classify an element name as inline, formatted, or both or neither.
classifyTag(int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.serialize.XHTMLIndenter
Classify an element name as inline, formatted, or both or neither.
clear() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.instruct.GlobalParameterSet
Clear all values
clear() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.instruct.ParameterSet
Clear all values
clear() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.sort.IntArraySet
clear() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.sort.IntHashMap
Clears the map.
clear() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.sort.IntHashSet
clear() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.sort.IntRangeSet
clear() - Method in interface net.sf.saxon.expr.sort.IntSet
Clear the contents of the IntSet (making it an empty set)
clear() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.sort.IntSingletonSet
clear() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.sort.IntToIntArrayMap
Clear the map.
clear() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.sort.IntToIntHashMap
Clears the map.
clear() - Method in interface net.sf.saxon.expr.sort.IntToIntMap
Clear the map.
clear() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.sort.LRUCache
Clear the cache
clear() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.tree.util.AttributeCollectionImpl
Clear the attribute list.
clear() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.xqj.SaxonXMLGregorianCalendar
Unset all fields to undefined.
clearAllNamespaces() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.sxpath.IndependentContext
Clear all the declared namespaces, including the standard ones (xml, xslt, saxon).
clearDeclaredGlobalVariables() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.query.StaticQueryContext
Clear all declared global variables
clearDocumentIndexes(DocumentInfo) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.trans.KeyManager
Clear all the indexes for a given document.
clearDocumentPool() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.Controller
Clear the document pool.
clearNamespaces() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.query.StaticQueryContext
Clear all the user-declared namespaces
clearNamespaces() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.sxpath.IndependentContext
Clear all the declared namespaces, except for the standard ones (xml, xslt, saxon, xdt).
clearParameters() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.Controller
Reset the parameters to a null list.
clearParameters() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.query.DynamicQueryContext
Reset the parameters to an empty list.
clearPassiveNamespaces() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.query.StaticQueryContext
Deprecated. since 9.0 - use StaticQueryContext.clearNamespaces()
clearSchemaCache() - Method in class com.saxonica.config.EnterpriseConfiguration
Remove all schema components that have been loaded into this Configuration.
clearSchemaCache() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.Configuration
Remove all schema components that have been loaded into this Configuration.
clone() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.xqj.SaxonXMLGregorianCalendar
Creates and returns a copy of this object.
cloneNode(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.dom.NodeOverNodeInfo
Returns a duplicate of this node, i.e., serves as a generic copy constructor for nodes.
Closable - Class in net.sf.saxon.xqj
This class represents the common ability of many XQJ classes to be closed.
Closable() - Constructor for class net.sf.saxon.xqj.Closable
close() - Method in class com.saxonica.deploy.CompiledMemoClosure.ProgressiveIterator
close() - Method in class com.saxonica.deploy.ContextFilteringIterator
close() - Method in class com.saxonica.expr.ee.MultithreadedContextMappingIterator
close() - Method in class com.saxonica.ptree.PTreeEmitter
Notify the end of the event stream
close() - Method in class com.saxonica.pull.PullFromIterator
Close the event reader.
close() - Method in class com.saxonica.pull.PullToStax
close() - Method in class com.saxonica.pull.TinyTreeWalker
Close the event reader.
close() - Method in class com.saxonica.pull.TreeWalker
Close the event reader.
close() - Method in class com.saxonica.pull.VirtualTreeWalker
Close the event reader.
close() - Method in class com.saxonica.stream.Conduit
Interface allowing the consumer to indicate that no more items are required.
close() - Method in class com.saxonica.stream.feed.AdjacentTextNodeMergerFeed
Signal the end of the sequence of items
close() - Method in class com.saxonica.stream.feed.AvgFeed
Signal the end of the sequence of items
close() - Method in class com.saxonica.stream.feed.BlockFeed
Signal the end of the sequence of items
close() - Method in class com.saxonica.stream.feed.BufferingFeed
Signal the end of the sequence of items
close() - Method in class com.saxonica.stream.feed.CardinalityCheckingFeed
Signal the end of the sequence of items
close() - Method in class com.saxonica.stream.feed.ComplexNodeEventFeed
close() - Method in class com.saxonica.stream.feed.CountFeed
close() - Method in class com.saxonica.stream.feed.DecomposingFeed
Signal the end of the sequence of items
close() - Method in class com.saxonica.stream.feed.EventFeed
Finish evaluating the expression.
close() - Method in interface com.saxonica.stream.feed.Feed
Signal the end of the sequence of items
close() - Method in class com.saxonica.stream.feed.GeneralComparisonFeed
close() - Method in class com.saxonica.stream.feed.ItemFeed
Finish evaluating the expression.
close() - Method in class com.saxonica.stream.feed.MinimaxFeed
Signal the end of the sequence of items
close() - Method in class com.saxonica.stream.feed.NextIterationFeed
Signal the end of the sequence of items
close() - Method in class com.saxonica.stream.feed.SimpleNodeConstructorFeed
close() - Method in class com.saxonica.stream.feed.StringJoinFeed
Signal the end of the sequence of items
close() - Method in class com.saxonica.stream.feed.SumFeed
Signal the end of the sequence of items
close() - Method in class com.saxonica.stream.feed.WithParamFeed
Signal the end of the sequence of items
close() - Method in class com.saxonica.stream.ManualIterator
close() - Method in class com.saxonica.stream.SequenceExchanger.Consumer
Close the iterator.
close() - Method in class com.saxonica.stream.SequenceExchanger.SequencePusher
Close the output
close() - Method in class com.saxonica.stream.watch.ApplyTemplatesWatch
close() - Method in class com.saxonica.stream.watch.ComposingWatch
The close() method is called immediately before the Watch is destroyed, that is, when the element whose declaration scopes the constraint implemented by this Watch goes out of scope.
close() - Method in class com.saxonica.stream.watch.CountWatch
The close() method is called immediately before the Watch is destroyed, that is, when the element whose declaration scopes the constraint implemented by this Watch goes out of scope.
close() - Method in class com.saxonica.stream.watch.EmptyWatch
close() - Method in class com.saxonica.stream.watch.EventPushingWatch
close() - Method in class com.saxonica.stream.watch.ExistsWatch
close() - Method in class com.saxonica.stream.watch.ForEachComposingWatch
close() - Method in class com.saxonica.stream.watch.ForEachWatch
close() - Method in class com.saxonica.stream.watch.IterateWatch
close() - Method in class com.saxonica.stream.watch.SimpleContentWatch
The close() method is called immediately before the Watch is destroyed, that is, when the element whose declaration scopes the constraint implemented by this Watch goes out of scope.
close() - Method in interface com.saxonica.stream.watch.Watch
The close() method is called immediately before the Watch is destroyed, that is, when the element whose declaration scopes the constraint implemented by this Watch goes out of scope.
close() - Method in class com.saxonica.validate.AbstractWatch
The close() method is called immediately before the Watch is destroyed, that is, when the element whose declaration scopes the constraint implemented by this Watch goes out of scope.
close() - Method in class com.saxonica.validate.Checker
close() - Method in class com.saxonica.validate.FieldChecker
The close() method is called immediately before the Watch is destroyed, that is, when the element whose declaration scopes the constraint implemented by this Watch goes out of scope.
close() - Method in class com.saxonica.validate.IdValidator
End of document
close() - Method in class com.saxonica.validate.RefSelectorWatch
The close() method is called immediately before the Watch is destroyed, that is, when the element whose declaration scopes the constraint implemented by this Watch goes out of scope.
close() - Method in class com.saxonica.validate.SelectorWatch
The close() method is called immediately before the Watch is destroyed, that is, when the element whose declaration scopes the constraint implemented by this Watch goes out of scope.
close() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.PooledXQConnection
Closes the physical connection that this PooledXQConnection object represents.
close() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQConnection
Closes the connection.
close() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQExpression
Closes the expression object and release associated resources.
close() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQItem
Close the item and release all the resources associated with this item.
close() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQPreparedExpression
Closes the expression object and release all resources associated with this prepared expression.
close() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQSequence
Closes the sequence and frees all resources associated with this sequence.
close() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.dom.DOMWriter
End of the document.
close() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.event.Builder
close() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.event.ComplexContentOutputter
Close the output
close() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.event.ContentHandlerProxy
Notify the end of the event stream
close() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.event.ContentHandlerProxy.ContentHandlerProxyTraceListener
Method called at the end of execution, that is, when the run-time execution ends
close() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.event.ProxyReceiver
End of output.
close() - Method in interface net.sf.saxon.event.Receiver
Notify the end of the event stream
close() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.event.SequenceWriter
Close the output
close() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.event.Sink
End of event stream
close() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.event.StreamWriterToReceiver
close() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.event.TeeOutputter
Notify the end of the event stream
close() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.event.TracingFilter
End of document
close() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.event.TransformerReceiver
Override the behaviour of close() in ProxyReceiver, so that it fires off the transformation of the constructed document
close() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.event.TreeReceiver
End of event sequence
close() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.event.TypeCheckingFilter
End of event stream
close() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.evpull.EventToStaxBridge
close() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.evpull.SequenceComposer
close() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.AdjacentTextNodeMerger.AdjacentTextNodeMergingIterator
close() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.AppendIterator
close() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.AxisAtomizingIterator
close() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.CardinalityCheckingIterator
close() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.ContextMappingIterator
close() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.DifferenceEnumeration
close() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.ErrorIterator
close() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.EveryItemMappingIterator
close() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.FilterIterator
close() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.instruct.BlockIterator
close() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.IntersectionEnumeration
close() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.ItemMappingIterator
close() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.MappingIterator
close() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.RangeIterator
close() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.ReverseRangeIterator
close() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.sort.DocumentOrderIterator
close() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.sort.GroupAdjacentIterator
close() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.sort.GroupByIterator
close() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.sort.GroupEndingIterator
close() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.sort.GroupStartingIterator
close() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.sort.SortedIterator
close() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.StringTokenIterator
close() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.SubsequenceIterator
close() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.TailIterator
close() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.UnionEnumeration
close() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.ValueTailIterator
close() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.functions.DistinctValues.DistinctIterator
close() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.functions.IndexOf.IndexIterator
close() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.functions.Insert.InsertIterator
close() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.functions.regex.JRegexIterator
close() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.functions.regex.JTokenIterator
close() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.functions.Remove.RemoveIterator
close() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.lib.AugmentedSource
Close any resources held by this Source.
close(Result) - Method in interface net.sf.saxon.lib.OutputURIResolver
Signal completion of the result document.
close(Source) - Static method in class net.sf.saxon.lib.ParseOptions
Close any resources held by a given Source.
close(Result) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.lib.StandardOutputResolver
Signal completion of the result document.
close() - Method in interface net.sf.saxon.lib.TraceListener
Method called at the end of execution, that is, when the run-time execution ends
close() - Method in interface net.sf.saxon.om.SequenceIterator
Close the iterator.
close() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.option.dom4j.DOM4JWriter
End of the document.
close() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.option.jdom.JDOMWriter
End of the document.
close() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.option.xom.XOMWriter
End of the document.
close() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.pull.PullFilter
Close the event reader.
close() - Method in interface net.sf.saxon.pull.PullProvider
Close the event reader.
close() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.pull.StaxBridge
Close the event reader.
close() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.query.SequenceWrapper
Notify the end of the event stream
close() - Method in interface net.sf.saxon.s9api.Destination
Close the destination, allowing resources to be released.
close() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.s9api.DOMDestination
Close the destination, allowing resources to be released.
close() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.s9api.SAXDestination
Close the destination, allowing resources to be released.
close() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.s9api.SchemaValidator
Close the destination, allowing resources to be released.
close() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.s9api.Serializer
Close any resources associated with this destination.
close() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.s9api.TeeDestination
Close the destination, allowing resources to be released.
close() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.s9api.XdmDestination
Close the destination, allowing resources to be released.
close() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.s9api.XsltTransformer
Close this destination, allowing resources to be released.
close() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.serialize.Emitter
Notify the end of the event stream
close() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.serialize.ImplicitResultChecker
close() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.serialize.MessageEmitter
close() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.serialize.MessageWarner
close() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.serialize.UncommittedSerializer
End of document
close() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.serialize.UTF8Writer
close() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.serialize.XMLEmitter
End of the document.
close() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.trace.AbstractTraceListener
Called at end
close() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.trace.ExpressionPresenter
Close the output
close() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.trace.TimedTraceListener
Called at end
close() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.trace.TraceEventMulticaster
Called at end
close() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.tree.iter.ArrayIterator
close() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.tree.iter.AxisIteratorImpl
close() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.tree.iter.EmptyIterator
close() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.tree.iter.ListIterator
close() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.tree.iter.LookaheadIteratorImpl
close() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.tree.iter.NamespaceIterator
close() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.tree.iter.OneItemGoneIterator
Close the iterator.
close() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.tree.iter.PrependIterator
close() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.tree.iter.ReverseArrayIterator
close() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.tree.iter.SingleNodeIterator
close() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.tree.iter.SingletonIterator
close() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.tree.linked.LinkedTreeBuilder
Close the stream of Receiver events
close() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.tree.tiny.TinyBuilder
close() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.tree.wrapper.VirtualCopy.VirtualCopier
close() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.value.MemoClosure.ProgressiveIterator
close() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.value.StringValue.CharacterIterator
close() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.xqj.Closable
Close this object
closeStartTag() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.serialize.XMLEmitter
Mark the end of the start tag
Closure - Class in net.sf.saxon.value
A Closure represents a value that has not yet been evaluated: the value is represented by an expression, together with saved values of all the context variables that the expression depends on.
Closure() - Constructor for class net.sf.saxon.value.Closure
Constructor should not be called directly, instances should be made using the make() method.
code - Variable in exception net.sf.saxon.dom.DOMExceptionImpl
CodeGeneratorService - Interface in net.sf.saxon.expr
This interface is a dummy stub for the Java code generator in Saxon-EE.
CODEPOINT_COLLATION_URI - Static variable in class net.sf.saxon.lib.NamespaceConstant
URI identifying the Unicode codepoint collation
CodepointCollatingComparer - Class in net.sf.saxon.expr.sort
An AtomicComparer used for comparing strings, untypedAtomic values, and URIs using the Unicode codepoint collation.
CodepointCollator - Class in net.sf.saxon.expr.sort
A collating sequence that uses Unicode codepoint ordering
CodepointCollator() - Constructor for class net.sf.saxon.expr.sort.CodepointCollator
CodepointEqual - Class in net.sf.saxon.functions
XPath 2.0 codepoint-equal() function.
CodepointEqual() - Constructor for class net.sf.saxon.functions.CodepointEqual
CodepointEqualCompiler - Class in com.saxonica.codegen
Generate Java code to implement the codepoint-equal() function
CodepointEqualCompiler() - Constructor for class com.saxonica.codegen.CodepointEqualCompiler
codepointEquals(StringValue) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.value.StringValue
Test whether this StringValue is equal to another under the rules of the codepoint collation
CodepointsToString - Class in net.sf.saxon.functions
This class supports the function codepoints-to-string
CodepointsToString() - Constructor for class net.sf.saxon.functions.CodepointsToString
CodepointsToStringCompiler - Class in com.saxonica.codegen
Generate Java code to implement the XPath codepoints-to-string() function
CodepointsToStringCompiler() - Constructor for class com.saxonica.codegen.CodepointsToStringCompiler
coerce(FunctionItem, FunctionType, RoleLocator, TypeCheckerEnvironment) - Static method in class com.saxonica.functions.hof.CoercedFunction
Factory method to create a CoercedFunction with a given type, for a given targetFunction.
CoercedFunction - Class in com.saxonica.functions.hof
A function item obtained by coercing a supplied function; this adds a wrapper to perform dynamic type checking of the arguments in any call, and type checking of the result.
CoercedFunction(FunctionItem) - Constructor for class com.saxonica.functions.hof.CoercedFunction
Create a CoercedFunction as a wrapper around a target function
COLLAPSE - Static variable in class net.sf.saxon.value.Whitespace
collapseWhitespace(CharSequence) - Static method in class net.sf.saxon.value.Whitespace
Collapse whitespace as defined in XML Schema.
CollatingAtomicComparer - Class in net.sf.saxon.expr.sort
An AtomicComparer used for comparing strings, untypedAtomic values, and URIs using a collation.
CollatingAtomicComparer(StringCollator, Platform) - Constructor for class net.sf.saxon.expr.sort.CollatingAtomicComparer
Create an GenericAtomicComparer
CollatingFunction - Class in net.sf.saxon.functions
Abstract superclass for all functions that take an optional collation argument
CollatingFunction() - Constructor for class net.sf.saxon.functions.CollatingFunction
collation - Variable in class net.sf.saxon.expr.sort.SortKeyDefinition
COLLATION - Static variable in class net.sf.saxon.om.StandardNames
COLLATION_KEY_NaN - Static variable in class net.sf.saxon.expr.sort.AtomicSortComparer
COLLATION_URI_RESOLVER - Static variable in class net.sf.saxon.lib.FeatureKeys
Type of value: Instance of net.sf.saxon.lib.CollationURIResolver
COLLATION_URI_RESOLVER_CLASS - Static variable in class net.sf.saxon.lib.FeatureKeys
Type of value: Name of class implementing net.sf.saxon.lib.CollationURIResolver
CollationDeclaration - Interface in net.sf.saxon.style
Interface implemented by SaxonCollation, which is not available in Saxon-HE
CollationMap - Class in net.sf.saxon.expr
This object maps collation URIs to collations.
CollationMap(Configuration) - Constructor for class net.sf.saxon.expr.CollationMap
Create a collation map
CollationMap(CollationMap) - Constructor for class net.sf.saxon.expr.CollationMap
Create a copy of a collation map
collationName - Variable in class net.sf.saxon.expr.sort.SortKeyDefinition
CollationURIResolver - Interface in net.sf.saxon.lib
A CollationURIResolver accepts a collation name as input, and returns a collation (represented by a StringCollator as output.
collationVariable(String) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.CompilerService
Given a URI representing a collation, register the collation and return the name of a Java variable that can be used to reference the collation in the generated Java code
Collection - Class in net.sf.saxon.functions
Implement the fn:collection() function.
Collection() - Constructor for class net.sf.saxon.functions.Collection
COLLECTION_URI_RESOLVER - Static variable in class net.sf.saxon.lib.FeatureKeys
Type of value: Instance of net.sf.saxon.lib.CollectionURIResolver
COLLECTION_URI_RESOLVER_CLASS - Static variable in class net.sf.saxon.lib.FeatureKeys
Type of value: Name of class implementing net.sf.saxon.lib.CollectionURIResolver
CollectionCompiler - Class in com.saxonica.codegen
Compile code to implement the XPath collection() function.
CollectionCompiler() - Constructor for class com.saxonica.codegen.CollectionCompiler
CollectionURIResolver - Interface in net.sf.saxon.lib
This interface defines a CollectionURIResolver.
COLONCOLON - Static variable in class net.sf.saxon.expr.Token
"::" symbol
COLONSTAR - Static variable in class net.sf.saxon.expr.Token
":*" symbol
columnNumber(XPathContext) - Static method in class com.saxonica.functions.extfn.Extensions
Return the column number of the context node.
columnNumber(NodeInfo) - Static method in class com.saxonica.functions.extfn.Extensions
Return the column number of the specified node.
com.saxonica - package com.saxonica
This package together with its subpackages contains the code of Saxon-PE and Saxon-EE, other than the code that is in common with the open-source version Saxon-HE.
com.saxonica.codegen - package com.saxonica.codegen
This package contains the Java code generator for XQuery.
com.saxonica.config - package com.saxonica.config
This package contains classes supporting configuration of Saxon-PE and Saxon-EE.
com.saxonica.deploy - package com.saxonica.deploy
The deploy package contains classes used at run-time in support of queries that have been compiled into Java code.
com.saxonica.expr - package com.saxonica.expr
This package contains classes used to support expressions and instructions that are new in XPath 3.0, XQuery 3.0, or XSLT 3.0, and that don't fit conveniently into a more specialized category (such as streaming).
com.saxonica.expr.ee - package com.saxonica.expr.ee
This package contains classes used to support expressions and instructions that are specific to Saxon-EE, and that don't fit conveniently into a more specialized category (such as streaming).
com.saxonica.functions.extfn - package com.saxonica.functions.extfn
The package com.saxonica.extfn contains implementations of extension functions in the Saxon namespace.
com.saxonica.functions.hof - package com.saxonica.functions.hof
The package com.saxonica.hof contains code to support higher-order functions.
com.saxonica.functions.map - package com.saxonica.functions.map
This package implements maps, a Saxon extension to the XSLT and XQuery specification that provides a dictionary-like data structure.
com.saxonica.functions.xpath3 - package com.saxonica.functions.xpath3
This package implements functions that appear for the first time in the third version of the XPath function library, currently titled Functions and Operators 1-1, other than functions that naturally fit into another category, such as higher-order functions.
com.saxonica.functions.xslt3 - package com.saxonica.functions.xslt3
com.saxonica.jaxp - package com.saxonica.jaxp
This package contains the Saxon implementation of the JAXP schema validation API.
com.saxonica.ptree - package com.saxonica.ptree
The package com.saxonica.ptree contains classes used to support the persistent tree model in Saxon, allowing binary storage of XML documents on disc.
com.saxonica.pull - package com.saxonica.pull
This package extends the pull API for Saxon that is provided in package net.sf.saxon.pull in Saxon-HE.
com.saxonica.schema - package com.saxonica.schema
This package contains classes used to represent the information in a schema, that is, the schema components.
com.saxonica.schema.fsa - package com.saxonica.schema.fsa
The package com.saxonica.fsa contains classes used to implement the finite state machines used when validating document instances against a schema.
com.saxonica.schema.sdoc - package com.saxonica.schema.sdoc
This package contains code used to import a schema.
com.saxonica.serialize - package com.saxonica.serialize
This package contains additions to the serializer that are specific to Saxon-PE and Saxon-EE.
com.saxonica.stream - package com.saxonica.stream
This package and its subpackages contains classes used to support streaming and document projection.
com.saxonica.stream.adjunct - package com.saxonica.stream.adjunct
This package contains classes used to support streaming.
com.saxonica.stream.feed - package com.saxonica.stream.feed
This package contains classes used to support streaming.
com.saxonica.stream.om - package com.saxonica.stream.om
The package com.saxonica.stream.om contains internal code to support executing of streaming templates in XSLT.
com.saxonica.stream.watch - package com.saxonica.stream.watch
com.saxonica.update - package com.saxonica.update
This package contains classes used to support XQuery Update.
com.saxonica.validate - package com.saxonica.validate
The validation package contains classes used to validate document instances against a schema.
com.saxonica.xsltextn - package com.saxonica.xsltextn
This package contains classes used at compile time to support extensions to XSLT beyond 2.0: both facilities in the working draft of XSLT 3.0, and extensions specific to Saxon.
CombinedNodeTest - Class in net.sf.saxon.pattern
A CombinedNodeTest combines two nodetests using one of the operators union (=or), intersect (=and), difference (= "and not").
CombinedNodeTest(NodeTest, int, NodeTest) - Constructor for class net.sf.saxon.pattern.CombinedNodeTest
Create a NodeTest that combines two other node tests
combinePair(char, char) - Static method in class net.sf.saxon.serialize.charcode.UTF16CharacterSet
Return the non-BMP character corresponding to a given surrogate pair surrogates.
COMMA - Static variable in class net.sf.saxon.expr.Token
Comma token
CommandLineOptions - Class in net.sf.saxon.trans
This is a helper class for classes such as net.sf.saxon.Transform and net.sf.saxon.Query that process command line options
CommandLineOptions() - Constructor for class net.sf.saxon.trans.CommandLineOptions
comment(char[], int, int) - Method in class com.saxonica.jaxp.ValidatorHandlerImpl
Report an XML comment anywhere in the document.
comment(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class com.saxonica.ptree.PTreeEmitter
Notify a comment.
comment(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class com.saxonica.schema.sdoc.VersionControlFilter
Output a comment
comment(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class com.saxonica.serialize.BinaryEmitter
comment(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class com.saxonica.stream.Projector
comment(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class com.saxonica.stream.watch.WatchManager
Output a comment
comment(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class com.saxonica.validate.Checker
comment(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.dom.DOMWriter
Handle a comment.
comment(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.event.CommentStripper
Remove comments
comment(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.event.ComplexContentOutputter
Write a comment
comment(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.event.ContentHandlerProxy
Output a comment.
comment(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.event.IDFilter
Output a comment
comment(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.event.ProxyReceiver
Output a comment
comment(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in interface net.sf.saxon.event.Receiver
Notify a comment.
comment(char[], int, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.event.ReceivingContentHandler
Notify the existence of a comment.
comment(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.event.SequenceWriter
Write a comment.
comment(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.event.Sink
Output a comment
comment(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.event.TeeOutputter
Notify a comment.
comment(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.event.TracingFilter
Output a comment
comment(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.event.TreeReceiver
Output a comment
comment(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.event.TypeCheckingFilter
Output a comment
Comment - Class in net.sf.saxon.expr.instruct
An instruction representing an xsl:comment element in the stylesheet.
Comment() - Constructor for class net.sf.saxon.expr.instruct.Comment
Construct the instruction
comment(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.option.dom4j.DOM4JWriter
Handle a comment.
comment(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.option.jdom.JDOMWriter
Handle a comment.
comment(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.option.xom.XOMWriter
Handle a comment.
COMMENT - Static variable in class net.sf.saxon.pattern.NodeKindTest
COMMENT - Static variable in interface net.sf.saxon.pull.PullProvider
A COMMENT event is notified for a comment node, which may be either a top-level comment or one nested within an element or document node.
comment(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.query.SequenceWrapper
Output a comment
comment(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.serialize.CDATAFilter
Output a comment
comment(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.serialize.HTMLIndenter
Output a comment
comment(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.serialize.ImplicitResultChecker
comment(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.serialize.TEXTEmitter
Output a comment.
comment(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.serialize.UncommittedSerializer
Output a comment
comment(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.serialize.XML10ContentChecker
Output a comment
comment(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.serialize.XMLEmitter
Handle a comment.
comment(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.serialize.XMLIndenter
Output a comment
comment(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.style.UseWhenFilter
Output a comment
comment(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.tree.linked.LinkedBuilderMonitor
comment(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.tree.linked.LinkedTreeBuilder
Notify a comment
comment(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.tree.tiny.TinyBuilder
Callback interface for SAX: not for application use
comment(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.tree.tiny.TinyBuilderMonitor
COMMENT - Static variable in class net.sf.saxon.type.Type
Item type representing a comment node
commentBuffer - Variable in class net.sf.saxon.tree.tiny.TinyTree
CommentCompiler - Class in com.saxonica.codegen
Compile a comment constructor to Java source code
CommentCompiler() - Constructor for class com.saxonica.codegen.CommentCompiler
CommentStripper - Class in net.sf.saxon.event
The CommentStripper class is a filter that removes all comments and processing instructions.
CommentStripper() - Constructor for class net.sf.saxon.event.CommentStripper
Default constructor for use in subclasses
commit() - Method in interface javax.xml.xquery.XQConnection
Makes all changes made in the current transaction permanent and releases any locks held by the datasource.
commit() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.xqj.SaxonXQConnection
Common - Class in net.sf.saxon.option.exslt
This class implements extension functions in the http://exslt.org/common namespace.
compact() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.tree.util.AttributeCollectionImpl
Compact the attribute list to avoid wasting memory
ComparableAtomicValueComparer - Class in net.sf.saxon.expr.sort
A comparer for comparing two "ordinary" atomic values, where the values implement the Comparable interface and the equals() method with the appropriate XPath semantics.
ComparableAtomicValueComparer() - Constructor for class net.sf.saxon.expr.sort.ComparableAtomicValueComparer
comparators - Variable in class net.sf.saxon.expr.sort.SortedIterator
compare(AtomicValue, AtomicValue) - Method in interface com.saxonica.deploy.SimpleAtomicComparer
Compare two AtomicValue objects according to the rules for their data type.
compare(AtomicValue, int, AtomicValue, AtomicComparer, boolean, XPathContext) - Static method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.GeneralComparison
Compare two atomic values
compare(int, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.sort.DocumentOrderIterator
Compare two nodes in document sequence (needed to implement the Sortable interface)
compare(NodeInfo, NodeInfo) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.sort.GlobalOrderComparer
compare(NodeInfo, NodeInfo) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.sort.LocalOrderComparer
compare(NodeInfo, NodeInfo) - Method in interface net.sf.saxon.expr.sort.NodeOrderComparer
Compare two objects.
compare(int, int) - Method in interface net.sf.saxon.expr.sort.Sortable
Compare two objects within this Sortable, identified by their position.
compare(int, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.sort.SortedIterator
Compare two items in sorted sequence (needed to implement the Sortable interface)
Compare - Class in net.sf.saxon.functions
XSLT 2.0 compare() function
Compare() - Constructor for class net.sf.saxon.functions.Compare
compare(Duration) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.xqj.SaxonDuration
Partial order relation comparison with this Duration instance.
compare(XMLGregorianCalendar) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.xqj.SaxonXMLGregorianCalendar
Compare two instances of W3C XML Schema 1.0 date/time datatypes according to partial order relation defined in W3C XML Schema 1.0 Part 2, Section, Order relation on dateTime.
COMPARE_ANNOTATIONS - Static variable in class net.sf.saxon.functions.DeepEqual
Flag indicating that elements and attributes must have the same type annotation to be considered deep-equal
COMPARE_STRING_VALUES - Static variable in class net.sf.saxon.functions.DeepEqual
Flag indicating that elements and attributes should always be compared according to their string value, not their typed value
compareAtomicValues(AtomicValue, AtomicValue) - Method in interface net.sf.saxon.expr.sort.AtomicComparer
Compare two AtomicValue objects according to the rules for their data type.
compareAtomicValues(AtomicValue, AtomicValue) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.sort.AtomicSortComparer
Compare two AtomicValue objects according to the rules for their data type.
compareAtomicValues(AtomicValue, AtomicValue) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.sort.CalendarValueComparer
Compare two AtomicValue objects according to the rules for their data type.
compareAtomicValues(AtomicValue, AtomicValue) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.sort.CodepointCollatingComparer
Compare two AtomicValue objects according to the rules for their data type.
compareAtomicValues(AtomicValue, AtomicValue) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.sort.CollatingAtomicComparer
Compare two AtomicValue objects according to the rules for their data type.
compareAtomicValues(AtomicValue, AtomicValue) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.sort.ComparableAtomicValueComparer
Compare two AtomicValue objects according to the rules for their data type.
compareAtomicValues(AtomicValue, AtomicValue) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.sort.DescendingComparer
Compare two objects.
compareAtomicValues(AtomicValue, AtomicValue) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.sort.DoubleSortComparer
Compare two AtomicValue objects according to the rules for their data type.
compareAtomicValues(AtomicValue, AtomicValue) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.sort.EmptyGreatestComparer
Compare two AtomicValue objects according to the rules for their data type.
compareAtomicValues(AtomicValue, AtomicValue) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.sort.EqualityComparer
Compare two AtomicValue objects according to the rules for their data type.
compareAtomicValues(AtomicValue, AtomicValue) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.sort.GenericAtomicComparer
Compare two AtomicValue objects according to the rules for their data type.
compareAtomicValues(AtomicValue, AtomicValue) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.sort.NumericComparer
Compare two Items by converting them to numbers and comparing the numeric values.
compareAtomicValues(AtomicValue, AtomicValue) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.sort.TextComparer
Compare two Items by converting them to strings and comparing the string values.
CompareCompiler - Class in com.saxonica.codegen
Generate Java code to implement the compare() function
CompareCompiler() - Constructor for class com.saxonica.codegen.CompareCompiler
compareComputedRank(Rule) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.trans.Rule
Rules have an ordering, based on their precedence and priority.
compareCS(CharSequence, CharSequence) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.sort.CodepointCollator
Compare two CharSequence objects.
compareDocumentPosition(Node) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.dom.NodeOverNodeInfo
Compare the position of the (other) node in document order with the reference node (this node).
compareDocumentPosition(Node) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.dom.TextOverAttrInfo
Compare the position of the (other) node in document order with the reference node (this node).
compareNonComparables(AtomicValue, AtomicValue) - Method in class com.saxonica.expr.EquivalenceComparer
Compare two values that are known to be non-comparable.
compareNonComparables(AtomicValue, AtomicValue) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.sort.AtomicSortComparer
Compare two values that are known to be non-comparable.
compareOrder(NodeInfo) - Method in class com.saxonica.pull.UnconstructedParent
Determine the relative position of this node and another node, in document order.
compareOrder(NodeInfo) - Method in class com.saxonica.stream.om.FleetingNode
Determine the relative position of this node and another node, in document order.
compareOrder(NodeInfo) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.dom.NodeWrapper
Determine the relative position of this node and another node, in document order.
compareOrder(NodeInfo) - Method in interface net.sf.saxon.om.NodeInfo
Determine the relative position of this node and another node, in document order.
compareOrder(NodeInfo) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.option.dom4j.NodeWrapper
Determine the relative position of this node and another node, in document order.
compareOrder(NodeInfo) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.option.jdom.NodeWrapper
Determine the relative position of this node and another node, in document order.
compareOrder(NodeInfo) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.option.xom.NodeWrapper
Determine the relative position of this node and another node, in document order.
compareOrder(NodeInfo) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.tree.iter.NamespaceIterator.NamespaceNodeImpl
Determine the relative position of this node and another node, in document order.
compareOrder(NodeInfo) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.tree.linked.NodeImpl
Determine the relative position of this node and another node, in document order.
compareOrder(NodeInfo) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.tree.tiny.TinyNodeImpl
Determine the relative position of this node and another node, in document order.
compareOrder(SiblingCountingNode, SiblingCountingNode) - Static method in class net.sf.saxon.tree.util.Navigator
Generic (model-independent) method to determine the relative position of two node in document order.
compareOrder(NodeInfo) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.tree.util.Orphan
Determine the relative position of this node and another node, in document order.
compareOrder(NodeInfo) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.tree.wrapper.SpaceStrippedNode
Determine the relative position of this node and another node, in document order.
compareOrder(NodeInfo) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.tree.wrapper.TypeStrippedNode
Determine the relative position of this node and another node, in document order.
compareOrder(NodeInfo) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.tree.wrapper.VirtualCopy
Determine the relative position of this node and another node, in document order.
compareOrder(NodeInfo) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.value.TextFragmentValue
Determine the relative position of this node and another node, in document order.
comparer - Variable in class net.sf.saxon.expr.GeneralComparison
comparer - Variable in class net.sf.saxon.expr.GeneralComparison10
comparer - Variable in class net.sf.saxon.expr.sort.GroupByIterator
compareRank(Rule) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.trans.Rule
Rules have an ordering, based on their precedence and priority.
comparesEqual(String, String) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.sort.AlphanumericCollator
Compare two strings for equality.
comparesEqual(AtomicValue, AtomicValue) - Method in interface net.sf.saxon.expr.sort.AtomicComparer
Compare two AtomicValue objects for equality according to the rules for their data type.
comparesEqual(AtomicValue, AtomicValue) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.sort.AtomicSortComparer
Compare two AtomicValue objects for equality according to the rules for their data type.
comparesEqual(AtomicValue, AtomicValue) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.sort.CalendarValueComparer
Compare two AtomicValue objects for equality according to the rules for their data type.
comparesEqual(AtomicValue, AtomicValue) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.sort.CodepointCollatingComparer
Compare two AtomicValue objects for equality.
comparesEqual(String, String) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.sort.CodepointCollator
Test whether one string is equal to another, according to the rules of the XPath compare() function.
comparesEqual(AtomicValue, AtomicValue) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.sort.CollatingAtomicComparer
Compare two AtomicValue objects for equality according to the rules for their data type.
comparesEqual(AtomicValue, AtomicValue) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.sort.ComparableAtomicValueComparer
Compare two AtomicValue objects for equality according to the rules for their data type.
comparesEqual(AtomicValue, AtomicValue) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.sort.DescendingComparer
Compare two AtomicValue objects for equality according to the rules for their data type.
comparesEqual(AtomicValue, AtomicValue) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.sort.DoubleSortComparer
Test whether two values compare equal.
comparesEqual(AtomicValue, AtomicValue) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.sort.EmptyGreatestComparer
Compare two AtomicValue objects for equality according to the rules for their data type.
comparesEqual(AtomicValue, AtomicValue) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.sort.EqualityComparer
Compare two AtomicValue objects for equality according to the rules for their data type.
comparesEqual(AtomicValue, AtomicValue) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.sort.GenericAtomicComparer
Compare two AtomicValue objects for equality according to the rules for their data type.
comparesEqual(String, String) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.sort.LowercaseFirstCollator
Compare two strings for equality.
comparesEqual(String, String) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.sort.NamedCollation
Compare two strings for equality.
comparesEqual(AtomicValue, AtomicValue) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.sort.NumericComparer
Compare two AtomicValue objects for equality according to the rules for their data type.
comparesEqual(String, String) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.sort.RuleBasedSubstringMatcher
Test whether one string is equal to another, according to the rules of the XPath compare() function.
comparesEqual(AtomicValue, AtomicValue) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.sort.TextComparer
Compare two AtomicValue objects for equality according to the rules for their data type.
comparesEqual(String, String) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.sort.UppercaseFirstCollator
Compare two strings for equality.
comparesEqual(String, String) - Method in interface net.sf.saxon.lib.StringCollator
Compare two strings for equality.
compareStrength(Wildcard) - Method in class com.saxonica.schema.Wildcard
compareStrings(String, String) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.sort.AlphanumericCollator
Compare two objects.
compareStrings(String, String) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.sort.CodepointCollator
Compare two string objects.
compareStrings(String, String) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.sort.LowercaseFirstCollator
Compare two string objects: case is irrelevant, unless the strings are equal ignoring case, in which case lowercase comes first.
compareStrings(String, String) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.sort.NamedCollation
Compares its two arguments for order.
compareStrings(String, String) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.sort.RuleBasedSubstringMatcher
Compare two strings
compareStrings(String, String) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.sort.UppercaseFirstCollator
Compare two string objects: case is irrelevant, unless the strings are equal ignoring case, in which case uppercase comes first.
compareStrings(String, String) - Method in interface net.sf.saxon.lib.StringCollator
Compare two strings
compareTo(Object) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.functions.regex.RegexTranslator.Range
Compare this range with another range for ordering purposes.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.value.BigIntegerValue.BigIntegerComparable
compareTo(Object) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.value.BigIntegerValue
Compare the value to another numeric value
compareTo(long) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.value.BigIntegerValue
Compare the value to a long
compareTo(Object) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.value.BooleanValue
Compare the value to another boolean value
compareTo(CalendarValue, XPathContext) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.value.CalendarValue
Compare this value to another value of the same type, using the supplied Configuration to get the implicit timezone if required.
compareTo(CalendarValue, XPathContext) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.value.DateTimeValue
Compare the value to another dateTime value, following the XPath comparison semantics
compareTo(Object) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.value.DateTimeValue
Context-free comparison of two DateTimeValue values.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.value.DateValue
Context-free comparison of two DateValue values.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.value.DayTimeDurationValue
Compare the value to another duration value
compareTo(Object) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.value.DecimalValue
Compare the value to another numeric value
compareTo(long) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.value.DecimalValue
Compare the value to a long
compareTo(Object) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.value.DecimalValue.DecimalComparable
compareTo(long) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.value.DoubleValue
Compare the value to a long.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.value.FloatValue
compareTo(long) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.value.FloatValue
Compare the value to a long
compareTo(CalendarValue, XPathContext) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.value.GDateValue
Compare this value to another value of the same type, using the supplied context object to get the implicit timezone if required.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.value.Int64Value
Compare the value to another numeric value
compareTo(long) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.value.Int64Value
Compare the value to a long
compareTo(Object) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.value.Int64Value.Int64Comparable
compareTo(Object) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.value.NumericValue
Compare the value to another numeric value
compareTo(long) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.value.NumericValue
Compare the value to a long
compareTo(Object) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.value.PrecisionDecimalValue
Compare the value to another numeric value
compareTo(long) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.value.PrecisionDecimalValue
Compare the value to a long
compareTo(Object) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.value.PrecisionDecimalValue.PrecisionDecimalComparable
compareTo(Object) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.value.TimeValue
Compare the value to another dateTime value
compareTo(CalendarValue, XPathContext) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.value.TimeValue
Compare the value to another dateTime value
compareTo(AtomicValue, StringCollator, XPathContext) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.value.UntypedAtomicValue
Compare an untypedAtomic value with another value, using a given collator to perform any string comparisons.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.value.YearMonthDurationValue
Compare the value to another duration value
CompareToIntegerConstant - Class in net.sf.saxon.expr
This class implements a comparison of a numeric value to an integer constant using one of the operators eq, ne, lt, gt, le, ge.
CompareToIntegerConstant(Expression, int, long) - Constructor for class net.sf.saxon.expr.CompareToIntegerConstant
Create the expression
CompareToIntegerConstantCompiler - Class in com.saxonica.codegen
Generate Java code for a comparison to an integer constant, for example EXP gt 22
CompareToIntegerConstantCompiler() - Constructor for class com.saxonica.codegen.CompareToIntegerConstantCompiler
ComparisonExpression - Interface in net.sf.saxon.expr
Interface implemented by expressions that perform a comparison
ComparisonKey - Class in net.sf.saxon.expr.sort
An object used as a comparison key.
ComparisonKey(int, Object) - Constructor for class net.sf.saxon.expr.sort.ComparisonKey
Create a comparison key for a value in a particular category.
compatibilityList - Static variable in class net.sf.saxon.serialize.codenorm.UnicodeData
compile(CompilerService, ExtensionFunctionCall, Expression[], String[]) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.IntegratedFunctionCompiler
Generate Java code to evaluate the expression as a SequenceIterator
compile(CompilerService, ExtensionFunctionCall, Expression[], String[]) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.IsWholeNumberCompiler
compile(CompilerService, ExtensionFunctionCall, Expression[], String[]) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.ItemAtCompiler
compile(SchemaCompiler) - Method in class com.saxonica.schema.ElementParticle
Compile this local element declaration, considered as a particle of some complex type, by compiling its own complex type definition.
compile(SchemaCompiler) - Method in class com.saxonica.schema.ElementWildcard
compile(SchemaCompiler) - Method in class com.saxonica.schema.ModelGroup
Compile this Compositor by compiling each of the particles contained in its content model.
compile(SchemaCompiler) - Method in class com.saxonica.schema.ModelGroupParticle
Compile a particle
compile(SchemaCompiler) - Method in class com.saxonica.schema.Particle
Compile a particle
compile() - Method in class com.saxonica.schema.SchemaCompiler
In deferred validation mode, validate and compile the accumulated schema components.
compile(SchemaCompiler) - Method in class com.saxonica.schema.UserComplexType
Compile the finite-state machine for validating instances against this type
compile(Executable, Declaration) - Method in class com.saxonica.xsltextn.SaxonAssign
compile(Executable, Declaration) - Method in class com.saxonica.xsltextn.SaxonCollation
compile(Executable, Declaration) - Method in class com.saxonica.xsltextn.SaxonDoctype
compile(Executable, Declaration) - Method in class com.saxonica.xsltextn.SaxonEntityRef
compile(Executable, Declaration) - Method in class com.saxonica.xsltextn.SaxonImportQuery
Compile this XSLT declaration.
compile(Executable, Declaration) - Method in class com.saxonica.xsltextn.SaxonWhile
compile(Executable, Declaration) - Method in class com.saxonica.xsltextn.XSLBreak
compile(Executable, Declaration) - Method in class com.saxonica.xsltextn.XSLCatch
compile(Executable, Declaration) - Method in class com.saxonica.xsltextn.XSLEvaluate
compile(Executable, Declaration) - Method in class com.saxonica.xsltextn.XSLFork
compile(Executable, Declaration) - Method in class com.saxonica.xsltextn.XSLIterate
compile(Executable, Declaration) - Method in class com.saxonica.xsltextn.XSLMode
compile(Executable, Declaration) - Method in class com.saxonica.xsltextn.XSLNextIteration
compile(Executable, Declaration) - Method in class com.saxonica.xsltextn.XSLOnCompletion
compile(Executable, Declaration) - Method in class com.saxonica.xsltextn.XSLTry
compile(String, CodeGeneratorService) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.JPConverter
Generate a Java expression (as text) that can be used to implement this conversion when compiling a query
compile(String, CodeGeneratorService) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.JPConverter.FromBigDecimal
compile(String, CodeGeneratorService) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.JPConverter.FromBigInteger
compile(String, CodeGeneratorService) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.JPConverter.FromBoolean
compile(String, CodeGeneratorService) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.JPConverter.FromBooleanArray
compile(String, CodeGeneratorService) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.JPConverter.FromByte
compile(String, CodeGeneratorService) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.JPConverter.FromByteArray
compile(String, CodeGeneratorService) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.JPConverter.FromCharacter
compile(String, CodeGeneratorService) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.JPConverter.FromCharArray
compile(String, CodeGeneratorService) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.JPConverter.FromCollection
compile(String, CodeGeneratorService) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.JPConverter.FromDate
compile(String, CodeGeneratorService) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.JPConverter.FromDouble
compile(String, CodeGeneratorService) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.JPConverter.FromDoubleArray
compile(String, CodeGeneratorService) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.JPConverter.FromFloat
compile(String, CodeGeneratorService) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.JPConverter.FromFloatArray
compile(String, CodeGeneratorService) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.JPConverter.FromInt
compile(String, CodeGeneratorService) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.JPConverter.FromIntArray
compile(String, CodeGeneratorService) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.JPConverter.FromLong
compile(String, CodeGeneratorService) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.JPConverter.FromLongArray
compile(String, CodeGeneratorService) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.JPConverter.FromObjectArray
compile(String, CodeGeneratorService) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.JPConverter.FromQName
compile(String, CodeGeneratorService) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.JPConverter.FromShort
compile(String, CodeGeneratorService) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.JPConverter.FromShortArray
compile(String, CodeGeneratorService) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.JPConverter.FromSource
compile(String, CodeGeneratorService) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.JPConverter.FromString
compile(String, CodeGeneratorService) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.JPConverter.FromURI
compile(String, CodeGeneratorService) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.JPConverter.FromValueRepresentation
compile(String, CodeGeneratorService) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.JPConverter.WrapExternalObject
compile(String, Class, CodeGeneratorService) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.PJConverter.AnyURIValueToURI
compile(String, Class, CodeGeneratorService) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.PJConverter.AnyURIValueToURL
compile(String, Class, CodeGeneratorService) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.PJConverter.BooleanValueToBoolean
compile(String, Class, CodeGeneratorService) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.PJConverter.CalendarValueToCalendar
compile(String, Class, CodeGeneratorService) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.PJConverter.CalendarValueToDate
compile(String, Class, CodeGeneratorService) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.PJConverter
Generate Java code to implement the type conversion
compile(String, Class, CodeGeneratorService) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.PJConverter.Identity
compile(String, Class, CodeGeneratorService) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.PJConverter.IntegerValueToBigInteger
compile(String, Class, CodeGeneratorService) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.PJConverter.IntegerValueToByte
compile(String, Class, CodeGeneratorService) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.PJConverter.IntegerValueToChar
compile(String, Class, CodeGeneratorService) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.PJConverter.IntegerValueToInt
compile(String, Class, CodeGeneratorService) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.PJConverter.IntegerValueToLong
compile(String, Class, CodeGeneratorService) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.PJConverter.IntegerValueToShort
compile(String, Class, CodeGeneratorService) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.PJConverter.NumericValueToBigDecimal
compile(String, Class, CodeGeneratorService) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.PJConverter.NumericValueToDouble
compile(String, Class, CodeGeneratorService) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.PJConverter.NumericValueToFloat
compile(String, Class, CodeGeneratorService) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.PJConverter.QualifiedNameValueToQName
compile(String, Class, CodeGeneratorService) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.PJConverter.StringValueToChar
compile(String, Class, CodeGeneratorService) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.PJConverter.StringValueToString
compile(String, Class, CodeGeneratorService) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.PJConverter.ToNull
compile(String, Class, CodeGeneratorService) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.PJConverter.ToSequenceExtent
compile(String, Class, CodeGeneratorService) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.PJConverter.ToSequenceIterator
compile(String, Class, CodeGeneratorService) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.expr.PJConverter.UnwrapExternalObject
compile(Executable, Declaration) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.option.sql.SQLClose
compile(Executable, Declaration) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.option.sql.SQLColumn
compile(Executable, Declaration) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.option.sql.SQLConnect
compile(Executable, Declaration) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.option.sql.SQLDelete
compile(Executable, Declaration) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.option.sql.SQLExecute
compile(Executable, Declaration) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.option.sql.SQLInsert
compile(Executable, Declaration) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.option.sql.SQLQuery
compile(Executable, Declaration) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.option.sql.SQLUpdate
compile(Source, Configuration, CompilerInfo) - Static method in class net.sf.saxon.PreparedStylesheet
Factory method to make a PreparedStylesheet
compile(Executable, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.query.GlobalVariableDefinition
Create a compiled representation of this global variable
compile(Executable, int) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.query.UndeclaredVariable
compile() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.query.XQueryFunction
Compile this function to create a run-time definition that can be interpreted (note, this has nothing to do with Java code generation)
compile(String) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.s9api.XPathCompiler
Compile an XPath expression, supplied as a character string.
compile(String) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.s9api.XQueryCompiler
Compile a query supplied as a string.
compile(File) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.s9api.XQueryCompiler
Compile a query supplied as a file
compile(InputStream) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.s9api.XQueryCompiler
Compile a query supplied as an InputStream
compile(Reader) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.s9api.XQueryCompiler
Compile a query supplied as a Reader
compile(Source) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.s9api.XsltCompiler
Compile a stylesheet.
compile(Executable, Declaration) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.style.AbsentExtensionElement
compile(Executable, Declaration) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.style.LiteralResultElement
Compile code to process the literal result element at runtime
compile(Executable, Declaration) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.style.StyleElement
Compile the instruction on the stylesheet tree into an executable instruction for use at run-time.
compile(Executable, Declaration) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.style.XSLAnalyzeString
compile(Executable, Declaration) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.style.XSLApplyImports
compile(Executable, Declaration) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.style.XSLApplyTemplates
compile(Executable, Declaration) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.style.XSLAttribute
compile(Executable, Declaration) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.style.XSLAttributeSet
Compile the attribute set
compile(Executable, Declaration) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.style.XSLCallTemplate
compile(Executable, Declaration) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.style.XSLCharacterMap
compile(Executable, Declaration) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.style.XSLChoose
compile(Executable, Declaration) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.style.XSLComment
compile(Executable, Declaration) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.style.XSLCopy
compile(Executable, Declaration) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.style.XSLCopyOf
compile(Executable, Declaration) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.style.XSLDecimalFormat
compile(Executable, Declaration) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.style.XSLDocument
compile(Executable, Declaration) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.style.XSLElement
compile(Executable, Declaration) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.style.XSLFallback
compile(Executable, Declaration) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.style.XSLForEach
compile(Executable, Declaration) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.style.XSLForEachGroup
compile(Executable, Declaration) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.style.XSLFunction
Compile the function definition to create an executable representation
compile(Executable, Declaration) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.style.XSLGeneralIncorporate
compile(Executable, Declaration) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.style.XSLIf
compile(Executable, Declaration) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.style.XSLImportSchema
compile(Executable, Declaration) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.style.XSLKey
compile(Executable, Declaration) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.style.XSLMatchingSubstring
compile(Executable, Declaration) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.style.XSLMessage
compile(Executable, Declaration) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.style.XSLNamespace
compile(Executable, Declaration) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.style.XSLNamespaceAlias
compile(Executable, Declaration) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.style.XSLNextMatch
compile(Executable, Declaration) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.style.XSLNumber
compile(Executable, Declaration) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.style.XSLOtherwise
compile(Executable, Declaration) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.style.XSLOutput
compile(Executable, Declaration) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.style.XSLOutputCharacter
compile(Executable, Declaration) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.style.XSLParam
Compile: this ensures space is available for local variables declared within this global variable
compile(Executable, Declaration) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.style.XSLPerformSort
compile(Executable, Declaration) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.style.XSLPreserveSpace
compile(Executable, Declaration) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.style.XSLProcessingInstruction
compile(Executable, Declaration) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.style.XSLResultDocument
compile(Executable, Declaration) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.style.XSLSequence
compile(Executable, Declaration) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.style.XSLSort
compile(Executable, Declaration) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.style.XSLStylesheet
Dummy compile() method to satisfy the interface
compile(Executable, Declaration) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.style.XSLTemplate
Compile: creates the executable form of the template
compile(Executable, Declaration) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.style.XSLText
compile(Executable, Declaration) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.style.XSLValueOf
compile(Executable, Declaration) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.style.XSLVariable
Compile: used only for global variables.
compile(Executable, Declaration) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.style.XSLWhen
compile(Executable, Declaration) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.style.XSLWithParam
compile(String) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.xpath.XPathEvaluator
Compile an XPath 2.0 expression
COMPILE_WITH_TRACING - Static variable in class net.sf.saxon.lib.FeatureKeys
Type of value: boolean
compileAction(CompilerService, String) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.LoopAction
compileAnnotationCode(CompilerService, SchemaType) - Static method in class com.saxonica.codegen.ComputedAttributeCompiler
compileAsCharSequenceLoop(CompilerService, AtomicSequenceConverter, LoopAction) - Static method in class com.saxonica.codegen.AtomicSequenceConverterCompiler
Special method to compile as a sequence of unboxed CharSequence objects.
compileAsLoop(CompilerService, Expression, LoopAction) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.AtomicSequenceConverterCompiler
Compile an expression in the form of a loop.
compileAsLoop(CompilerService, Expression, LoopAction) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.AtomizerCompiler
Compile an expression in the form of a loop.
compileAsLoop(CompilerService, Expression, LoopAction) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.AxisExpressionCompiler
Compile an expression in the form of a loop.
compileAsLoop(Expression, LoopAction) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.CompilerService
Compile Java code whose effect is to loop over the results of an expression, calling the supplied callback function to generate the code that processes each item in the sequence.
compileAsLoop(CompilerService, Expression, LoopAction) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.DistinctValuesCompiler
Compile an expression in the form of a loop.
compileAsLoop(CompilerService, Expression, LoopAction) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.ExpressionCompiler
Compile an XPath expression in the form of a loop.
compileAsLoop(CompilerService, Expression, LoopAction) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.FilterExpressionCompiler
Compile an expression in the form of a loop.
compileAsLoop(CompilerService, Expression, LoopAction) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.ForEachCompiler
compileAsLoop(CompilerService, Expression, LoopAction) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.ForExpressionCompiler
Compile an expression in the form of a loop.
compileAsLoop(CompilerService, Expression, LoopAction) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.InScopePrefixesCompiler
Compile an expression in the form of a loop.
compileAsLoop(CompilerService, Value, LoopAction) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.IntegerRangeCompiler
Compile an expression in the form of a loop.
compileAsLoop(CompilerService, Expression, LoopAction) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.LazyExpressionCompiler
Compile an expression in the form of a loop.
compileAsLoop(CompilerService, Expression, LoopAction) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.LetExpressionCompiler
Compile an expression in the form of a loop.
compileAsLoop(CompilerService, Expression, LoopAction) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.NumericPromoterCompiler
Compile an expression in the form of a loop.
compileAsLoop(CompilerService, Expression, LoopAction) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.PathExpressionCompiler
compileAsLoop(CompilerService, Expression, LoopAction) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.RangeExpressionCompiler
Compile an expression in the form of a loop.
compileAsLoop(CompilerService, Expression, LoopAction) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.StringJoinCompiler
Compile an expression in the form of a loop.
compileAsLoop(CompilerService, Expression, LoopAction) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.TailCallLoopCompiler
Compile an expression in the form of a loop.
compileAsLoop(CompilerService, Expression, LoopAction) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.TreatFnCompiler
compileAtomicComparer(AtomicComparer) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.CompilerService
Generate code to declare an AtomicComparer for a collation known statically
compileAttributeValidationCode(CompilerService, String, SchemaType) - Static method in class com.saxonica.codegen.ComputedAttributeCompiler
compileComparison(AtomicComparer, String, CompilerService, String, int) - Static method in class com.saxonica.codegen.SingletonComparisonCompiler
compileComputedName(Expression, Expression, CompilerService, int, NamespaceResolver, String) - Static method in class com.saxonica.codegen.ComputedElementCompiler
compileContent(Executable, Declaration, SimpleNodeConstructor, Expression) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.style.XSLLeafNodeConstructor
CompiledClosure - Class in com.saxonica.deploy
A Closure represents a value that has not yet been evaluated: the value is represented by an expression, together with saved values of all the context variables that the expression depends on.
CompiledClosure() - Constructor for class com.saxonica.deploy.CompiledClosure
CompiledClosure(SequenceIterator, int, int) - Constructor for class com.saxonica.deploy.CompiledClosure
Create a compiled closure
CompiledMemoClosure - Class in com.saxonica.deploy
A CompiledMemoClosure is a closure that remembers the input values once they have been read the first time.
CompiledMemoClosure(SequenceIterator, int, int) - Constructor for class com.saxonica.deploy.CompiledMemoClosure
CompiledMemoClosure(CompiledClosure) - Constructor for class com.saxonica.deploy.CompiledMemoClosure
CompiledMemoClosure.ProgressiveIterator - Class in com.saxonica.deploy
A ProgressiveIterator starts by reading any items already held in the reservoir; when the reservoir is exhausted, it reads further items from the inputIterator, copying them into the reservoir as they are read.
CompiledMemoClosure.ProgressiveIterator() - Constructor for class com.saxonica.deploy.CompiledMemoClosure.ProgressiveIterator
CompiledQueryServlet - Class in com.saxonica.deploy
This abstract class acts as a superclass for every query generated by the Saxon code generator in servlet mode.
CompiledQueryServlet() - Constructor for class com.saxonica.deploy.CompiledQueryServlet
compiledQueryType - Static variable in class com.saxonica.functions.extfn.CompileQuery
compiledStylesheetType - Static variable in class com.saxonica.functions.extfn.CompileStylesheet
CompiledUserQuery - Class in com.saxonica.deploy
This abstract class acts as a superclass for every compiled query generated by the Saxon code generator, other than queries compiled in servlet mode.
CompiledUserQuery() - Constructor for class com.saxonica.deploy.CompiledUserQuery
compiledVariable - Variable in class net.sf.saxon.style.XSLGeneralVariable
compileError(String, String) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.style.PrincipalStylesheetModule
Compile time error, specifying an error code
compileError(XPathException) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.style.PrincipalStylesheetModule
Report an error with diagnostic information
compileError(XPathException) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.style.StyleElement
Report an error with diagnostic information
compileError(String) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.style.StyleElement
Report a static error in the stylesheet
compileError(String, StructuredQName) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.style.StyleElement
Compile time error, specifying an error code
compileError(String, String) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.style.StyleElement
Compile time error, specifying an error code
compileFunction(XQueryFunction) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.CompilerService
Compile an XQuery function
compileGetContextItem(CompilerService) - Static method in class com.saxonica.codegen.ContextItemCompiler
compileGetContextNode(CompilerService) - Static method in class com.saxonica.codegen.ContextItemCompiler
compileGlobalVariable(GlobalVariable) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.CompilerService
Compile code to declare and initialize a global variable, that is, a variable declared in the query prolog
compileImportedSchemata(Map<String, HashSet<String>>) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.CompilerService
Compile a method to import all the schema modules that were imported statically into the query
compileItemType(ItemType) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.CompilerService
Compile the declaration of an XPath item typs
compileKeyDefinitionClasses() - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.CompilerService
Compile class definitions corresponding to all the requested key definitions
compileKeyDefinitionSetters() - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.CompilerService
Compile initialization code to establish the key definitions
compileLibrary(String) - Method in class com.saxonica.expr.ee.StaticQueryContextEE
Compile an XQuery library module for subsequent evaluation.
compileLibrary(Reader) - Method in class com.saxonica.expr.ee.StaticQueryContextEE
Prepare an XQuery library module for subsequent evaluation.
compileLibrary(InputStream, String) - Method in class com.saxonica.expr.ee.StaticQueryContextEE
Prepare an XQuery library module for subsequent evaluation.
compileLibrary(String) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.query.StaticQueryContext
Compile an XQuery library module for subsequent evaluation.
compileLibrary(Reader) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.query.StaticQueryContext
Prepare an XQuery library module for subsequent evaluation.
compileLibrary(InputStream, String) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.query.StaticQueryContext
Prepare an XQuery library module for subsequent evaluation.
compileLibrary(String) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.s9api.XQueryCompiler
Compile a library module supplied as a string.
compileLibrary(File) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.s9api.XQueryCompiler
Compile a library module supplied as a file.
compileLibrary(Reader) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.s9api.XQueryCompiler
Compile a library module supplied as a Reader.
compileLibrary(InputStream) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.s9api.XQueryCompiler
Compile a library module supplied as an InputStream.
compileLocalVariable(Executable, Declaration) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.style.XSLVariable
compileMainExpression(Expression) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.CompilerService
Compile the main expression in the query module
compileNamespaceContext(NamespaceResolver) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.CompilerService
Compile a namespace context
compileNodeTest(NodeTest) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.CompilerService
Compile code for a node test used in a path expression
compileParticle(SchemaCompiler, Particle, NonDeterminizedState, UserComplexType, FiniteStateMachine) - Static method in class com.saxonica.schema.fsa.FiniteStateMachine
Static method to translate a particle to a Finite State Automaton, returning the start state of the FSA.
compilePattern(String) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.s9api.XPathCompiler
Compile an XSLT 2.0 pattern, supplied as a character string.
compilePush(CompilerService, Expression) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.BlockCompiler
compilePush(CompilerService, Expression) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.ChooseCompiler
compilePush(CompilerService, Expression) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.CommentCompiler
compilePush(Expression) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.CompilerService
Compile Java code whose effect is to send the result of the given expression to the current output Receiver
compilePush(CompilerService, Expression) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.ComputedAttributeCompiler
compilePush(CompilerService, Expression) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.ComputedElementCompiler
compilePush(CompilerService, Expression) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.ContextItemCompiler
compilePush(CompilerService, Expression) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.CopyOfCompiler
compilePush(CompilerService, Value) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.EmptySequenceCompiler
compilePush(CompilerService, Expression) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.ErrorCompiler
compilePush(CompilerService, Expression) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.ErrorExpressionCompiler
compilePush(CompilerService, Expression) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.ExpressionCompiler
Generate Java code to execute the expression in push mode, that is, code to write events to the current output Receiver
compilePush(CompilerService, Expression) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.FilterExpressionCompiler
compilePush(CompilerService, Expression) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.FixedAttributeCompiler
compilePush(CompilerService, Expression) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.FixedElementCompiler
compilePush(CompilerService, Expression) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.ForEachCompiler
compilePush(CompilerService, Expression) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.ForExpressionCompiler
compilePush(CompilerService, Expression) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.InScopePrefixesCompiler
compilePush(CompilerService, Expression) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.IntegratedFunctionCallCompiler
Generate Java code to execute the expression in push mode, that is, code to write events to the current output Receiver
compilePush(CompilerService, Expression) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.ItemCheckerCompiler
compilePush(CompilerService, Expression) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.LazyExpressionCompiler
compilePush(CompilerService, Expression) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.LetExpressionCompiler
Compile code to push the results of the expression to the current output receiver
compilePush(CompilerService, Expression) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.LiteralCompiler
compilePush(CompilerService, Expression) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.LocalVariableReferenceCompiler
compilePush(CompilerService, Expression) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.ParentNodeExpressionCompiler
compilePush(CompilerService, Expression) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.PathExpressionCompiler
compilePush(CompilerService, Expression) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.ProcessingInstructionCompiler
compilePush(CompilerService, Expression) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.RootExpressionCompiler
compilePush(CompilerService, Expression) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.RootFunctionCompiler
compilePush(CompilerService, Expression) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.SequenceExpressionCompiler
compilePush(CompilerService, Expression) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.SingletonExpressionCompiler
compilePush(CompilerService, Expression) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.TailCallLoopCompiler
compilePush(CompilerService, Expression) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.ToBooleanCompiler
compilePush(CompilerService, Expression) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.TraceCompiler
compilePush(CompilerService, Expression) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.TreatFnCompiler
compilePush(CompilerService, Expression) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.UserFunctionCallCompiler
compilePush(CompilerService, Value) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.ValueCompiler
compilePush(CompilerService, Expression) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.ValueOfCompiler
CompileQuery - Class in com.saxonica
This class provides a command line interface for compiling XQuery queries into Java code.
CompileQuery() - Constructor for class com.saxonica.CompileQuery
CompileQuery - Class in com.saxonica.functions.extfn
This class implements the saxon:compile-query() extension function
CompileQuery() - Constructor for class com.saxonica.functions.extfn.CompileQuery
compileQuery(StaticQueryContext, String, boolean) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.Query
Compile the query
compileQuery(String) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.query.StaticQueryContext
Prepare an XQuery query for subsequent evaluation.
compileQuery(Reader) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.query.StaticQueryContext
Prepare an XQuery query for subsequent evaluation.
compileQuery(InputStream, String) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.query.StaticQueryContext
Prepare an XQuery query for subsequent evaluation.
compileQueryToJava(InputStream, String) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.QueryCompiler
Compile a query to Java source code
CompilerClassMapper - Class in com.saxonica.codegen
For each class of expression found on the expression tree, deliver a corresponding instance of the helper class used to generate Java code for the expression
CompilerClassMapper() - Constructor for class com.saxonica.codegen.CompilerClassMapper
compileRegularExpression(String, int) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.CompilerService
Generate an instance variable representing a compiled regular expression, and return its name
CompilerInfo - Class in net.sf.saxon.trans
This class exists to hold information associated with a specific XSLT compilation episode.
CompilerInfo() - Constructor for class net.sf.saxon.trans.CompilerInfo
Create an empty CompilerInfo object with default settings
CompilerInfo(CompilerInfo) - Constructor for class net.sf.saxon.trans.CompilerInfo
Create a CompilerInfo object as a copy of another CompilerInfo object
compilerInfo - Variable in class net.sf.saxon.Transform
compileRootArgument(int, SystemFunction, CompilerService) - Static method in class com.saxonica.codegen.IdCompiler
CompilerService - Class in com.saxonica.codegen
The class contains the generic logic for generating Java code to evaluate an XQuery expression.
CompilerService() - Constructor for class com.saxonica.codegen.CompilerService
compileSchemaType(SchemaType) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.CompilerService
Compile a schema type
compileSequenceConstructor(Executable, Declaration, SequenceIterator, boolean) - Method in class net.sf.saxon.style.StyleElement
Compile the children of this instruction on the stylesheet tree, adding the subordinate instructions to the parent instruction on the execution tree.
compileSequenceType(SequenceType) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.CompilerService
Compile the declaration of an XPath sequence typs
compileStringCollator(CollatingFunction, int) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.CompilerService
Compile code to create/get a StringCollator for a CollatingFunction
compileStructuredQName(StructuredQName) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.CompilerService
Compile a StructuredQName
CompileStylesheet - Class in com.saxonica
This CompileStylesheet class provides a command-line interface allowing a stylesheet to be compiled.
CompileStylesheet() - Constructor for class com.saxonica.CompileStylesheet
compileStylesheet(Configuration, String, String, boolean) - Method in class com.saxonica.CompileStylesheet
Compile the stylesheet from a given input file to an output file
CompileStylesheet - Class in com.saxonica.functions.extfn
This class implements the saxon:compile-stylesheet() extension function
CompileStylesheet() - Constructor for class com.saxonica.functions.extfn.CompileStylesheet
compileStylesheet() - Method in class net.sf.saxon.style.PrincipalStylesheetModule
Compile the stylesheet to create an executable.
CompileStylesheet.TracingObjectOutputStream - Class in com.saxonica
Tracing version of ObjectOutputStream for diagnostics
CompileStylesheet.TracingObjectOutputStream(OutputStream) - Constructor for class com.saxonica.CompileStylesheet.TracingObjectOutputStream
CompileTimeFunction - Class in net.sf.saxon.functions
Abtract class representing a function call that is always rewritten at compile-time: it can never be executed
CompileTimeFunction() - Constructor for class net.sf.saxon.functions.CompileTimeFunction
compileToCharSequence(CompilerService, Expression) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.ChooseCompiler
compileToCharSequence(Expression) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.CompilerService
Compile Java code whose effect is to compute the string value of the expression; the generated code returns a CharSequence
compileToCharSequence(CompilerService, Expression) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.ConcatCompiler
compileToCharSequence(CompilerService, Expression) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.ContainsCompiler
compileToCharSequence(CompilerService, Expression) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.ContextItemCompiler
compileToCharSequence(CompilerService, Value) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.EmptySequenceCompiler
compileToCharSequence(CompilerService, Expression) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.ErrorCompiler
compileToCharSequence(CompilerService, Expression) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.ErrorExpressionCompiler
compileToCharSequence(CompilerService, Expression) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.EscapeURICompiler
compileToCharSequence(CompilerService, Expression) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.ExpressionCompiler
Generate Java code to evaluate the expression as a CharSequence
compileToCharSequence(CompilerService, Expression) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.ForceCaseCompiler
compileToCharSequence(CompilerService, Expression) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.LazyExpressionCompiler
compileToCharSequence(CompilerService, Expression) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.LetExpressionCompiler
compileToCharSequence(CompilerService, Expression) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.LiteralCompiler
Compile Java code whose effect is to compute the string value of the expression; the generated code returns a CharSequence.
compileToCharSequence(CompilerService, Expression) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.LocalVariableReferenceCompiler
compileToCharSequence(CompilerService, Expression) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.NormalizeUnicodeCompiler
compileToCharSequence(CompilerService, Expression) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.ParentNodeExpressionCompiler
compileToCharSequence(CompilerService, Expression) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.PushExpressionCompiler
compileToCharSequence(CompilerService, Expression) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.RootExpressionCompiler
compileToCharSequence(CompilerService, Expression) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.SingletonExpressionCompiler
compileToCharSequence(CompilerService, Expression) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.StringFnCompiler
compileToCharSequence(CompilerService, Expression) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.StringJoinCompiler
compileToCharSequence(CompilerService, AtomicValue) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.StringValueCompiler
Compile Java code whose effect is to compute the string value of the expression; the generated code returns a CharSequence.
compileToCharSequence(CompilerService, Expression) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.ToBooleanCompiler
compileToCharSequence(CompilerService, Expression) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.TraceCompiler
compileToCharSequence(CompilerService, AtomicValue) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.ValueCompiler
Compile Java code whose effect is to compute the string value of the expression; the generated code returns a CharSequence.
compileToEffectiveBooleanValue(CompilerService, Value, ReturnAction) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.AnyURIValueCompiler
compileToEffectiveBooleanValue(CompilerService, Value, ReturnAction) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.BigIntegerValueCompiler
compileToEffectiveBooleanValue(CompilerService, Expression, ReturnAction) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.BooleanExpressionCompiler
compileToEffectiveBooleanValue(CompilerService, Expression, ReturnAction) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.BooleanFnCompiler
compileToEffectiveBooleanValue(CompilerService, Value, ReturnAction) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.BooleanValueCompiler
compileToEffectiveBooleanValue(CompilerService, Expression, ReturnAction) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.CastableExpressionCompiler
compileToEffectiveBooleanValue(CompilerService, Expression, ReturnAction) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.ChooseCompiler
This code is copied from SingletonExpressionCompiler class
compileToEffectiveBooleanValue(CompilerService, Expression, ReturnAction) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.CodepointEqualCompiler
compileToEffectiveBooleanValue(CompilerService, Expression, ReturnAction) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.CompareToIntegerConstantCompiler
compileToEffectiveBooleanValue(Expression, ReturnAction) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.CompilerService
Compile Java code whose effect is to compute the effective boolean value of the expression; the generated code returns a boolean
compileToEffectiveBooleanValue(CompilerService, Expression, ReturnAction) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.ContainsCompiler
compileToEffectiveBooleanValue(CompilerService, Expression, ReturnAction) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.ContextItemCompiler
compileToEffectiveBooleanValue(CompilerService, Value, ReturnAction) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.DecimalValueCompiler
compileToEffectiveBooleanValue(CompilerService, Expression, ReturnAction) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.DeepEqualCompiler
compileToEffectiveBooleanValue(CompilerService, Expression, ReturnAction) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.DocAvailableCompiler
compileToEffectiveBooleanValue(CompilerService, Value, ReturnAction) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.DoubleValueCompiler
compileToEffectiveBooleanValue(CompilerService, Expression, ReturnAction) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.EmptyCompiler
compileToEffectiveBooleanValue(CompilerService, Value, ReturnAction) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.EmptySequenceCompiler
compileToEffectiveBooleanValue(CompilerService, Expression, ReturnAction) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.ErrorCompiler
compileToEffectiveBooleanValue(CompilerService, Expression, ReturnAction) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.ErrorExpressionCompiler
compileToEffectiveBooleanValue(CompilerService, Expression, ReturnAction) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.ExistsCompiler
compileToEffectiveBooleanValue(CompilerService, Expression, ReturnAction) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.ExpressionCompiler
Generate Java code to evaluate the effective boolean value of the expression
compileToEffectiveBooleanValue(CompilerService, Value, ReturnAction) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.FloatValueCompiler
compileToEffectiveBooleanValue(CompilerService, Expression, ReturnAction) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.GeneralComparisonCompiler
compileToEffectiveBooleanValue(CompilerService, Expression, ReturnAction) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.IdentityComparisonCompiler
compileToEffectiveBooleanValue(CompilerService, Expression, ReturnAction) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.IndexedLookupExpressionCompiler
compileToEffectiveBooleanValue(CompilerService, Expression, ReturnAction) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.InstanceOfCompiler
compileToEffectiveBooleanValue(CompilerService, Value, ReturnAction) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.Int64ValueCompiler
compileToEffectiveBooleanValue(CompilerService, Expression, ReturnAction) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.IntegerRangeTestCompiler
compileToEffectiveBooleanValue(CompilerService, Expression, ReturnAction) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.IntegratedFunctionCallCompiler
Generate Java code to evaluate the effective boolean value of the expression
compileToEffectiveBooleanValue(CompilerService, Expression, ReturnAction) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.IsLastExpressionCompiler
compileToEffectiveBooleanValue(CompilerService, Expression, ReturnAction) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.LangCompiler
compileToEffectiveBooleanValue(CompilerService, Expression, ReturnAction) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.LazyExpressionCompiler
compileToEffectiveBooleanValue(CompilerService, Expression, ReturnAction) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.LetExpressionCompiler
Compile code to produce the effective boolean value of the expression
compileToEffectiveBooleanValue(CompilerService, Expression, ReturnAction) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.LiteralCompiler
compileToEffectiveBooleanValue(CompilerService, Expression, ReturnAction) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.MatchesCompiler
compileToEffectiveBooleanValue(CompilerService, Expression, ReturnAction) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.NilledCompiler
compileToEffectiveBooleanValue(CompilerService, Expression, ReturnAction) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.ParentNodeExpressionCompiler
compileToEffectiveBooleanValue(CompilerService, String, Pattern, String) - Static method in class com.saxonica.codegen.PatternCompiler
compileToEffectiveBooleanValue(CompilerService, Expression, ReturnAction) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.PatternMatchExpressionCompiler
compileToEffectiveBooleanValue(CompilerService, Expression, ReturnAction) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.PushExpressionCompiler
compileToEffectiveBooleanValue(CompilerService, Expression, ReturnAction) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.QuantifiedExpressionCompiler
compileToEffectiveBooleanValue(CompilerService, Expression, ReturnAction) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.RootExpressionCompiler
compileToEffectiveBooleanValue(CompilerService, Expression, ReturnAction) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.SequenceExpressionCompiler
compileToEffectiveBooleanValue(CompilerService, Expression, ReturnAction) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.SingletonComparisonCompiler
compileToEffectiveBooleanValue(CompilerService, Expression, ReturnAction) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.SingletonExpressionCompiler
compileToEffectiveBooleanValue(CompilerService, Value, ReturnAction) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.StringValueCompiler
compileToEffectiveBooleanValue(CompilerService, Expression, ReturnAction) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.ToBooleanCompiler
compileToEffectiveBooleanValue(CompilerService, Expression, ReturnAction) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.TraceCompiler
compileToEffectiveBooleanValue(CompilerService, Value, ReturnAction) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.UntypedAtomicValueCompiler
compileToEffectiveBooleanValue(CompilerService, Expression, ReturnAction) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.ValueComparisonCompiler
compileToEffectiveBooleanValue(CompilerService, Value, ReturnAction) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.ValueCompiler
compileToEvaluableItem(CompilerService, LazyExpression) - Static method in class com.saxonica.codegen.LazyExpressionCompiler
compileToItem(CompilerService, Expression) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.AdjustCompiler
compileToItem(CompilerService, Expression) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.ArithmeticCompiler
compileToItem(CompilerService, Expression) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.AverageCompiler
compileToItem(CompilerService, Expression) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.BaseURICompiler
compileToItem(CompilerService, Expression) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.BooleanFnCompiler
compileToItem(CompilerService, Expression) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.CardinalityCheckerCompiler
compileToItem(CompilerService, Expression) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.CastExpressionCompiler
compileToItem(CompilerService, Expression) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.ChooseCompiler
compileToItem(CompilerService, Expression) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.CodepointEqualCompiler
compileToItem(CompilerService, Expression) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.CodepointsToStringCompiler
compileToItem(CompilerService, Expression) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.CompareCompiler
compileToItem(Expression) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.CompilerService
Compile Java code whose effect is to evaluate the expression, which must have a cardinality of zero-or-one; the generated code returns either an Item or null (representing an empty sequence)
compileToItem(CompilerService, Expression) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.ComponentCompiler
compileToItem(CompilerService, Expression) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.ConcatCompiler
compileToItem(CompilerService, Expression) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.ContainsCompiler
compileToItem(CompilerService, Expression) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.ContextItemCompiler
compileToItem(CompilerService, Expression) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.CountCompiler
compileToItem(CompilerService, Expression) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.CurrentDateTimeCompiler
compileToItem(CompilerService, Expression) - Method in class com.saxonica.codegen.DateTimeConstructorCompiler