Class ParseOptions

  extended by net.sf.saxon.lib.ParseOptions
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ParseOptions
extends Object
implements Serializable

This class defines options for parsing a source document

See Also:
Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
          Create a ParseOptions object with default options set
ParseOptions(ParseOptions p)
          Create a ParseOptions object as a copy of another ParseOptions
Method Summary
 void addFilter(FilterFactory filterFactory)
          Add a filter to the list of filters to be applied to the raw input
 void applyDefaults(Configuration config)
          Merge settings from the Configuration object into these parseOptions
static void close(Source source)
          Close any resources held by a given Source.
 int getDTDValidationMode()
          Get whether or not DTD validation of this source is required
 EntityResolver getEntityResolver()
          Get the EntityResolver that will be used when parsing
 ErrorHandler getErrorHandler()
          Get the ErrorHandler that will be used when parsing
 ErrorListener getErrorListener()
          Get the ErrorListener that will be used when parsing
 List<FilterFactory> getFilters()
          Get the list of filters to be applied to the input.
 TreeModel getModel()
          Get the tree model that will be used.
 int getSchemaValidationMode()
          Get whether or not schema validation of this source is required
 int getStripSpace()
          Get the space-stripping action to be applied to the source document
 StructuredQName getTopLevelElement()
          Get the name of the top-level element for validation.
 SchemaType getTopLevelType()
          Get the type of the document element for validation.
 int getTreeModel()
          Get the tree model that will be used.
 ValidationStatisticsRecipient getValidationStatisticsRecipient()
          Ask whether statistics of component usage are maintained during schema validation, and where they will be sent
 Boolean getWrapDocument()
          Assuming that the contained Source is a node in a tree, determine whether a tree will be created as a view of this supplied tree, or as a copy.
 XMLReader getXMLReader()
          Get the SAX parser (XMLReader) to be used
 boolean isAddCommentsAfterValidationErrors()
          Ask whether on validation errors, messages explaining the error should (where possible) be written as comments in the validated source document.
 boolean isCheckEntityReferences()
          Ask whether to check elements and attributes of type xs:ENTITY (or xs:ENTITIES) against the unparsed entities declared in the document's DTD.
 boolean isContinueAfterValidationErrors()
          Ask whether processing should continue after a validation error (true when the output is a final output)
 boolean isExpandAttributeDefaults()
          Ask whether to expand default attributes defined in a DTD or schema.
 boolean isLineNumbering()
          Get whether line numbers are to be maintained in the constructed document
 boolean isLineNumberingSet()
          Determine whether setLineNumbering() has been called
 boolean isPleaseCloseAfterUse()
          Determine whether or not the user of this Source is encouraged to close it as soon as reading is finished.
 boolean isUseXsiSchemaLocation()
          Ask whether or not to use the xsi:schemaLocation and xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation attributes in an instance document to locate a schema for validation.
 boolean isXIncludeAware()
          Get state of XInclude processing.
 boolean isXIncludeAwareSet()
          Determine whether setXIncludeAware() has been called.
 void merge(ParseOptions options)
          Merge another set of parseOptions into these parseOptions
 void setAddCommentsAfterValidationErrors(boolean keepGoing)
          Say that on validation errors, messages explaining the error should (where possible) be written as comments in the validated source document.
 void setCheckEntityReferences(boolean check)
          Say whether to check elements and attributes of type xs:ENTITY (or xs:ENTITIES) against the unparsed entities declared in the document's DTD.
 void setContinueAfterValidationErrors(boolean keepGoing)
          Say that processing should continue after a validation error (true when the output is a final output)
 void setDTDValidationMode(int option)
          Set whether or not DTD validation of this source is required
 void setEntityResolver(EntityResolver resolver)
          Set an EntityResolver to be used when parsing.
 void setErrorHandler(ErrorHandler handler)
          Set an ErrorHandler to be used when parsing.
 void setErrorListener(ErrorListener listener)
          Set an ErrorListener to be used when parsing
 void setExpandAttributeDefaults(boolean expand)
          Set whether to expand default attributes defined in a DTD or schema.
 void setLineNumbering(boolean lineNumbering)
          Set whether line numbers are to be maintained in the constructed document
 void setModel(TreeModel model)
          Set the tree model to use.
 void setPleaseCloseAfterUse(boolean close)
          Set whether or not the user of this Source is encouraged to close it as soon as reading is finished.
 void setSchemaValidationMode(int option)
          Set whether or not schema validation of this source is required
 void setStripSpace(int stripAction)
          Set the space-stripping action to be applied to the source document
 void setTopLevelElement(StructuredQName elementName)
          Set the name of the top-level element for validation.
 void setTopLevelType(SchemaType type)
          Set the type of the top-level element for validation.
 void setTreeModel(int model)
          Set the tree model to use.
 void setUseXsiSchemaLocation(boolean use)
          Set whether or not to use the xsi:schemaLocation and xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation attributes in an instance document to locate a schema for validation.
 void setValidationStatisticsRecipient(ValidationStatisticsRecipient recipient)
          Say that statistics of component usage are maintained during schema validation, and indicate where they should be sent
 void setWrapDocument(Boolean wrap)
          Assuming that the contained Source is a node in a tree, indicate whether a tree should be created as a view of this supplied tree, or as a copy.
 void setXIncludeAware(boolean state)
          Set state of XInclude processing.
 void setXMLReader(XMLReader parser)
          Set the SAX parser (XMLReader) to be used
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ParseOptions()
Create a ParseOptions object with default options set


public ParseOptions(ParseOptions p)
Create a ParseOptions object as a copy of another ParseOptions

p - the ParseOptions to be copied
Method Detail


public void merge(ParseOptions options)
Merge another set of parseOptions into these parseOptions

options - the other parseOptions. If both are present, the other parseOptions take precedence


public void applyDefaults(Configuration config)
Merge settings from the Configuration object into these parseOptions

config - the Configuration. Settings from the Configuration are used only where no setting is present in this ParseOptions object


public void addFilter(FilterFactory filterFactory)
Add a filter to the list of filters to be applied to the raw input

filterFactory - the filterFactory to be added


public List<FilterFactory> getFilters()
Get the list of filters to be applied to the input. Returns null if there are no filters.

the list of filters, if there are any


public void setStripSpace(int stripAction)
Set the space-stripping action to be applied to the source document

stripAction - one of Whitespace.IGNORABLE, Whitespace.ALL, or Whitespace.NONE


public int getStripSpace()
Get the space-stripping action to be applied to the source document

one of Whitespace.IGNORABLE, Whitespace.ALL, or Whitespace.NONE


public void setTreeModel(int model)
Set the tree model to use. Default is the tiny tree

model - one of Builder.TINY_TREE, Builder.LINKED_TREE or Builder.TINY_TREE_CONDENSED


public int getTreeModel()
Get the tree model that will be used.

one of Builder.TINY_TREE, Builder.LINKED_TREE, or Builder.TINY_TREE_CONDENSED, or {link Builder#UNSPECIFIED_TREE_MODEL} if no call on setTreeModel() has been made


public void setModel(TreeModel model)
Set the tree model to use. Default is the tiny tree

model - typically one of the constants TreeModel.TINY_TREE, TreeModel.TINY_TREE_CONDENSED, or TreeModel.LINKED_TREE. However, in principle a user-defined tree model can be used.


public TreeModel getModel()
Get the tree model that will be used.

typically one of the constants TreeModel.TINY_TREE, TreeModel.TINY_TREE_CONDENSED, or TreeModel.LINKED_TREE. However, in principle a user-defined tree model can be used.


public void setSchemaValidationMode(int option)
Set whether or not schema validation of this source is required

option - one of Validation.STRICT, Validation.LAX, Validation.STRIP, Validation.PRESERVE, Validation.DEFAULT


public int getSchemaValidationMode()
Get whether or not schema validation of this source is required

the validation mode requested, or Validation.DEFAULT to use the default validation mode from the Configuration.


public void setExpandAttributeDefaults(boolean expand)
Set whether to expand default attributes defined in a DTD or schema. By default, default attribute values are expanded

expand - true if missing attribute values are to take the default value supplied in a DTD or schema, false if they are to be left as absent


public boolean isExpandAttributeDefaults()
Ask whether to expand default attributes defined in a DTD or schema. By default, default attribute values are expanded

true if missing attribute values are to take the default value supplied in a DTD or schema, false if they are to be left as absent


public void setTopLevelElement(StructuredQName elementName)
Set the name of the top-level element for validation. If a top-level element is set then the document being validated must have this as its outermost element

elementName - the QName of the required top-level element, or null to unset the value


public StructuredQName getTopLevelElement()
Get the name of the top-level element for validation. If a top-level element is set then the document being validated must have this as its outermost element

the QName of the required top-level element, or null if no value is set


public void setTopLevelType(SchemaType type)
Set the type of the top-level element for validation. If this is set then the document element is validated against this type

type - the schema type required for the document element, or null to unset the value


public SchemaType getTopLevelType()
Get the type of the document element for validation. If this is set then the document element of the document being validated must have this type

the type of the required top-level element, or null if no value is set


public void setUseXsiSchemaLocation(boolean use)
Set whether or not to use the xsi:schemaLocation and xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation attributes in an instance document to locate a schema for validation. Note, these attribute are only used if validation is requested.

use - true if these attributes are to be used, false if they are to be ignored


public boolean isUseXsiSchemaLocation()
Ask whether or not to use the xsi:schemaLocation and xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation attributes in an instance document to locate a schema for validation. Note, these attribute are only used if validation is requested.

true (the default) if these attributes are to be used, false if they are to be ignored


public void setDTDValidationMode(int option)
Set whether or not DTD validation of this source is required

option - one of Validation.STRICT, Validation.LAX, Validation.STRIP, Validation.DEFAULT.

The value Validation.LAX indicates that DTD validation is requested, but validation failures are treated as warnings only.


public int getDTDValidationMode()
Get whether or not DTD validation of this source is required

the validation mode requested, or Validation.DEFAULT to use the default validation mode from the Configuration.

The value Validation.LAX indicates that DTD validation is requested, but validation failures are treated as warnings only.


public void setValidationStatisticsRecipient(ValidationStatisticsRecipient recipient)
Say that statistics of component usage are maintained during schema validation, and indicate where they should be sent

recipient - the agent to be notified of the validation statistics on completion of the validation episode, May be set to null if no agent is to be notified.


public ValidationStatisticsRecipient getValidationStatisticsRecipient()
Ask whether statistics of component usage are maintained during schema validation, and where they will be sent

the agent to be notified of the validation statistics on completion of the validation episode, or null if none has been nominated


public void setLineNumbering(boolean lineNumbering)
Set whether line numbers are to be maintained in the constructed document

lineNumbering - true if line numbers are to be maintained


public boolean isLineNumbering()
Get whether line numbers are to be maintained in the constructed document

true if line numbers are maintained


public boolean isLineNumberingSet()
Determine whether setLineNumbering() has been called

true if setLineNumbering() has been called


public void setXMLReader(XMLReader parser)
Set the SAX parser (XMLReader) to be used

parser - the SAX parser


public XMLReader getXMLReader()
Get the SAX parser (XMLReader) to be used

the parser


public void setEntityResolver(EntityResolver resolver)
Set an EntityResolver to be used when parsing. Note that this will not be used if an XMLReader has been supplied (in that case, the XMLReader should be initialized with the EntityResolver already set.)

resolver - the EntityResolver to be used. May be null, in which case any existing EntityResolver is removed from the options


public EntityResolver getEntityResolver()
Get the EntityResolver that will be used when parsing

the EntityResolver, if one has been set using setEntityResolver(org.xml.sax.EntityResolver), otherwise null.


public void setErrorHandler(ErrorHandler handler)
Set an ErrorHandler to be used when parsing. Note that this will not be used if an XMLReader has been supplied (in that case, the XMLReader should be initialized with the ErrorHandler already set.)

handler - the ErrorHandler to be used, or null to indicate that no ErrorHandler is to be used.


public ErrorHandler getErrorHandler()
Get the ErrorHandler that will be used when parsing

the ErrorHandler, if one has been set using setErrorHandler(org.xml.sax.ErrorHandler), otherwise null.


public void setWrapDocument(Boolean wrap)
Assuming that the contained Source is a node in a tree, indicate whether a tree should be created as a view of this supplied tree, or as a copy.

wrap - if true, the node in the supplied Source is wrapped, to create a view. If false, the node and its contained subtree is copied. If null, the system default is chosen.


public Boolean getWrapDocument()
Assuming that the contained Source is a node in a tree, determine whether a tree will be created as a view of this supplied tree, or as a copy.

if true, the node in the supplied Source is wrapped, to create a view. If false, the node and its contained subtree is copied. If null, the system default is chosen.


public void setXIncludeAware(boolean state)

Set state of XInclude processing.

If XInclude markup is found in the document instance, should it be processed as specified in XML Inclusions (XInclude) Version 1.0.

XInclude processing defaults to false.

state - Set XInclude processing to true or false


public boolean isXIncludeAwareSet()

Determine whether setXIncludeAware() has been called.

true if setXIncludeAware() has been called


public boolean isXIncludeAware()

Get state of XInclude processing.

current state of XInclude processing. Default value is false.


public void setErrorListener(ErrorListener listener)
Set an ErrorListener to be used when parsing

listener - the ErrorListener to be used; or null, to indicate that the standard ErrorListener is to be used


public ErrorListener getErrorListener()
Get the ErrorListener that will be used when parsing

the ErrorListener, if one has been set using setErrorListener(javax.xml.transform.ErrorListener), otherwise null.


public void setContinueAfterValidationErrors(boolean keepGoing)
Say that processing should continue after a validation error (true when the output is a final output)

keepGoing - true if processing should continue


public boolean isContinueAfterValidationErrors()
Ask whether processing should continue after a validation error (true when the output is a final output)

true if processing should continue


public void setAddCommentsAfterValidationErrors(boolean keepGoing)
Say that on validation errors, messages explaining the error should (where possible) be written as comments in the validated source document. This option is only relevant when processing continues after a validation error

keepGoing - true if comments should be added
9.3. Default is now false; in previous releases this option was always on.


public boolean isAddCommentsAfterValidationErrors()
Ask whether on validation errors, messages explaining the error should (where possible) be written as comments in the validated source document. This option is only relevant when processing continues after a validation error

true if comments should be added


public void setCheckEntityReferences(boolean check)
Say whether to check elements and attributes of type xs:ENTITY (or xs:ENTITIES) against the unparsed entities declared in the document's DTD. This is normally true when performing standalone schema validation, false when invoking validation from XSLT or XQuery.

check - true if entities are to be checked, false otherwise


public boolean isCheckEntityReferences()
Ask whether to check elements and attributes of type xs:ENTITY (or xs:ENTITIES) against the unparsed entities declared in the document's DTD. This is normally true when performing standalone schema validation, false when invoking validation from XSLT or XQuery.

true if entities are to be checked, false otherwise


public void setPleaseCloseAfterUse(boolean close)
Set whether or not the user of this Source is encouraged to close it as soon as reading is finished. Normally the expectation is that any Stream in a StreamSource will be closed by the component that created the Stream. However, in the case of a Source returned by a URIResolver, there is no suitable interface (the URIResolver has no opportunity to close the stream). Also, in some cases such as reading of stylesheet modules, it is possible to close the stream long before control is returned to the caller who supplied it. This tends to make a difference on .NET, where a file often can't be opened if there is a stream attached to it.

close - true if the source should be closed as soon as it has been consumed


public boolean isPleaseCloseAfterUse()
Determine whether or not the user of this Source is encouraged to close it as soon as reading is finished.

true if the source should be closed as soon as it has been consumed


public static void close(Source source)
Close any resources held by a given Source. This only works if the underlying Source is one that is recognized as holding closable resources.

source - the source to be closed

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