Interface SchemaType

All Superinterfaces:
SchemaComponent, Serializable
All Known Subinterfaces:
AtomicType, ComplexType, ListType, SimpleType
All Known Implementing Classes:
AnySimpleType, AnyType, BuiltInAtomicType, BuiltInListType, ErrorType, ExternalObjectType, SimpleTypeDefinition, Untyped, UserAtomicType, UserComplexType, UserDefinedType, UserListType, UserSimpleType, UserUnionType

public interface SchemaType
extends SchemaComponent

SchemaType is an interface implemented by all schema types: simple and complex types, built-in and user-defined types.

There is a hierarchy of interfaces that extend SchemaType, representing the top levels of the schema type system: SimpleType and ComplexType, with SimpleType further subdivided into List, Union, and Atomic types.

The implementations of these interfaces are organized into a different hierarchy: on the one side, built-in types such as AnyType, AnySimpleType, and the built-in atomic types and list types; on the other side, user-defined types defined in a schema.

Field Summary
          If the document's schema is an XML Schema [XML Schema Part 1] , this constant represents the derivation by extension.
          If the document's schema is an XML Schema [XML Schema Part 1] , this constant represents the list.
          If the document's schema is an XML Schema [XML Schema Part 1] , this constant represents the derivation by restriction if complex types are involved, or a restriction if simple types are involved.
          If the document's schema is an XML Schema [XML Schema Part 1] , this constant represents the union if simple types are involved.
          Derivation by substitution.
Fields inherited from interface net.sf.saxon.type.SchemaComponent
Method Summary
 boolean allowsDerivation(int derivation)
          Determines whether derivation (of a particular kind) from this type is allowed, based on the "final" property
 void analyzeContentExpression(Expression expression, int kind, StaticContext env)
          Analyze an XPath expression to see whether the expression is capable of delivering a value of this type.
 Value<? extends AtomicValue> atomize(NodeInfo node)
          Get the typed value of a node that is annotated with this schema type.
 void checkTypeDerivationIsOK(SchemaType base, int block)
          Check that this type is validly derived from a given type, following the rules for the Schema Component Constraint "Is Type Derivation OK (Simple)" (3.14.6) or "Is Type Derivation OK (Complex)" (3.4.6) as appropriate.
 SchemaType getBaseType()
          Returns the base type that this type inherits from.
 int getBlock()
          Returns the value of the 'block' attribute for this type, as a bit-signnificant integer with fields such as DERIVATION_LIST and DERIVATION_EXTENSION
 int getDerivationMethod()
          Gets the integer code of the derivation method used to derive this type from its parent.
 String getDescription()
          Get a description of this type for use in error messages.
 String getDisplayName()
          Get the display name of the type: that is, a lexical QName with an arbitrary prefix
 int getFingerprint()
          Get the fingerprint of the name of this type
 String getName()
          Get the local name of this type
 int getNameCode()
          Get the namecode of the name of this type.
 String getSystemId()
          Get the URI of the schema document where the type was originally defined.
 String getTargetNamespace()
          Get the target namespace of this type
 SequenceIterator<? extends AtomicValue> getTypedValue(NodeInfo node)
          Get the typed value of a node that is annotated with this schema type.
 boolean isAnonymousType()
          Test whether this is an anonymous type
 boolean isAtomicType()
          Test whether this SchemaType is an atomic type
 boolean isComplexType()
          Test whether this SchemaType is a complex type
 boolean isIdRefType()
          Ask whether this type is an IDREF or IDREFS type.
 boolean isIdType()
          Ask whether this type is an ID type.
 boolean isSameType(SchemaType other)
          Test whether this is the same type as another type.
 boolean isSimpleType()
          Test whether this SchemaType is a simple type
Methods inherited from interface net.sf.saxon.type.SchemaComponent
getRedefinitionLevel, getValidationStatus

Field Detail


If the document's schema is an XML Schema [XML Schema Part 1] , this constant represents the derivation by restriction if complex types are involved, or a restriction if simple types are involved.
The reference type definition is derived by restriction from the other type definition if the other type definition is the same as the reference type definition, or if the other type definition can be reached recursively following the {base type definition} property from the reference type definition, and all the derivation methods involved are restriction.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


If the document's schema is an XML Schema [XML Schema Part 1] , this constant represents the derivation by extension.
The reference type definition is derived by extension from the other type definition if the other type definition can be reached recursively following the {base type definition} property from the reference type definition, and at least one of the derivation methods involved is an extension.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int DERIVATION_UNION
If the document's schema is an XML Schema [XML Schema Part 1] , this constant represents the union if simple types are involved.
The reference type definition is derived by union from the other type definition if there exists two type definitions T1 and T2 such as the reference type definition is derived from T1 by DERIVATION_RESTRICTION or DERIVATION_EXTENSION, T2 is derived from the other type definition by DERIVATION_RESTRICTION, T1 has {variety} union, and one of the {member type definitions} is T2. Note that T1 could be the same as the reference type definition, and T2 could be the same as the other type definition.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int DERIVATION_LIST
If the document's schema is an XML Schema [XML Schema Part 1] , this constant represents the list.
The reference type definition is derived by list from the other type definition if there exists two type definitions T1 and T2 such as the reference type definition is derived from T1 by DERIVATION_RESTRICTION or DERIVATION_EXTENSION, T2 is derived from the other type definition by DERIVATION_RESTRICTION, T1 has {variety} list, and T2 is the {item type definition}. Note that T1 could be the same as the reference type definition, and T2 could be the same as the other type definition.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


Derivation by substitution. This constant, unlike the others, is NOT defined in the DOM level 3 TypeInfo interface.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


String getName()
Get the local name of this type

the local name of this type definition, if it has one. Return null in the case of an anonymous type.


String getTargetNamespace()
Get the target namespace of this type

the target namespace of this type definition, if it has one. Return null in the case of an anonymous type, and in the case of a global type defined in a no-namespace schema.


int getNameCode()
Get the namecode of the name of this type. This includes the prefix from the original type declaration: in the case of built-in types, there may be a conventional prefix or there may be no prefix.

the namecode. Returns an invented namecode for an anonymous type.


int getFingerprint()
Get the fingerprint of the name of this type

the fingerprint. Returns an invented fingerprint for an anonymous type.


String getDisplayName()
Get the display name of the type: that is, a lexical QName with an arbitrary prefix

a lexical QName identifying the type


boolean isComplexType()
Test whether this SchemaType is a complex type

true if this SchemaType is a complex type


boolean isSimpleType()
Test whether this SchemaType is a simple type

true if this SchemaType is a simple type


boolean isAtomicType()
Test whether this SchemaType is an atomic type

true if this SchemaType is an atomic type


boolean isAnonymousType()
Test whether this is an anonymous type

true if this SchemaType is an anonymous type


int getBlock()
Returns the value of the 'block' attribute for this type, as a bit-signnificant integer with fields such as DERIVATION_LIST and DERIVATION_EXTENSION

the value of the 'block' attribute for this type


SchemaType getBaseType()
                       throws UnresolvedReferenceException
Returns the base type that this type inherits from. This method can be used to get the base type of a type that is known to be valid. If this type is a Simpletype that is a built in primitive type then null is returned.

the base type, or null if this is xs:anyType (the root of the type hierarchy)
IllegalStateException - if this type is not valid.
UnresolvedReferenceException - if the reference from this type to its base type cannot be resolved; this will generally make the schema unusable, but only if the type is actually used.


int getDerivationMethod()
Gets the integer code of the derivation method used to derive this type from its parent. Returns zero for primitive types.

a numeric code representing the derivation method, for example DERIVATION_RESTRICTION


boolean allowsDerivation(int derivation)
Determines whether derivation (of a particular kind) from this type is allowed, based on the "final" property

derivation - the kind of derivation, for example DERIVATION_LIST
true if this kind of derivation is allowed


void analyzeContentExpression(Expression expression,
                              int kind,
                              StaticContext env)
                              throws XPathException
Analyze an XPath expression to see whether the expression is capable of delivering a value of this type. This method is called during static analysis of a query or stylesheet to give compile-time warnings when "impossible" paths are used.

expression - the expression that delivers the content
kind - the node kind whose content is being delivered: Type.ELEMENT, Type.ATTRIBUTE, or Type.DOCUMENT
env - The static evaluation context for the query or stylesheet
XPathException - if the expression will never deliver a value of the correct type


SequenceIterator<? extends AtomicValue> getTypedValue(NodeInfo node)
                                                      throws XPathException
Get the typed value of a node that is annotated with this schema type. The results of this method are consistent with the atomize( method, but this version returns a SequenceIterator which may be more efficient when handling long lists.

node - the node whose typed value is required
a SequenceIterator over the atomic values making up the typed value of the specified node. The objects returned by this iterator are of type AtomicValue
XPathException - if the node has no typed value (typically, if it is an element with an element-only content type)


Value<? extends AtomicValue> atomize(NodeInfo node)
                                     throws XPathException
Get the typed value of a node that is annotated with this schema type. The result of this method will always be consistent with the method getTypedValue( However, this method is often more convenient and may be more efficient, especially in the common case where the value is expected to be a singleton.

node - the node whose typed value is required
the typed value.
XPathException - if the node cannot be atomized, for example if this is a complex type with element-only content


boolean isSameType(SchemaType other)
Test whether this is the same type as another type. They are considered to be the same type if they are derived from the same type definition in the original XML representation (which can happen when there are multiple includes of the same file)

other - the other type
true if this is the same type as other


String getDescription()
Get a description of this type for use in error messages. This is the same as the display name in the case of named types; for anonymous types it identifies the type by its position in a source schema document.

text identifing the type, for use in a phrase such as "the type XXXX".


void checkTypeDerivationIsOK(SchemaType base,
                             int block)
                             throws SchemaException
Check that this type is validly derived from a given type, following the rules for the Schema Component Constraint "Is Type Derivation OK (Simple)" (3.14.6) or "Is Type Derivation OK (Complex)" (3.4.6) as appropriate.

base - the base type; the algorithm tests whether derivation from this type is permitted
block - the derivations that are blocked by the relevant element declaration
SchemaException - if the derivation is not allowed


String getSystemId()
Get the URI of the schema document where the type was originally defined.

the URI of the schema document. Returns null if the information is unknown or if this is a built-in type


boolean isIdType()
Ask whether this type is an ID type. This is defined to be any simple type who typed value may contain atomic values of type xs:ID: that is, it includes types derived from ID by restriction, list, or union. Note that for a node to be treated as an ID in XSD 1.0, its typed value must be a *single* atomic value of type ID; the type of the node, however, can still allow a list. But in XSD 1.1, a list of IDs is permitted

true if this type is an ID type


boolean isIdRefType()
Ask whether this type is an IDREF or IDREFS type. This is defined to be any simple type who typed value may contain atomic values of type xs:IDREF: that is, it includes types derived from IDREF or IDREFS by restriction, list, or union

true if this type is an IDREF type

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