Interface Numberer

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractNumberer, Numberer_da, Numberer_de, Numberer_en, Numberer_fr, Numberer_frBE, Numberer_he, Numberer_it, Numberer_nl, Numberer_nlBE, Numberer_sv

public interface Numberer
extends Serializable

Interface Numberer supports number formatting. There is a separate implementation for each language, e.g. Numberer_en for English. This supports the xsl:number element

Michael H. Kay

Method Summary
 String dayName(int day, int minWidth, int maxWidth)
          Get a day name or abbreviation
 String format(long number, String picture, int groupSize, String groupSeparator, String letterValue, String ordinal)
          Format a number into a string
 String format(long number, String picture, NumericGroupFormatter numGrpFormatter, String letterValue, String ordinal)
          Format a number into a string
 String getCalendarName(String code)
          Get the name of a calendar
 String getCountry()
          Get the country used by this numberer
 String getEraName(int year)
          Get the name for an era (e.g.
 String getOrdinalSuffixForDateTime(String component)
          Get an ordinal suffix for a particular component of a date/time.
 String halfDayName(int minutes, int minWidth, int maxWidth)
          Get an am/pm indicator
 String monthName(int month, int minWidth, int maxWidth)
          Get a month name or abbreviation
 void setCountry(String country)
          Set the country used by this numberer (currently used only for names of timezones).

Method Detail


void setCountry(String country)
Set the country used by this numberer (currently used only for names of timezones).

Note: this method is called by the system when allocating a numberer for a specific language and country. Since numberers are normally shared across threads, it should not be changed after the initial creation of the Numberer.

country - The ISO two-letter country code.


String getCountry()
Get the country used by this numberer

The ISO code of the country


String format(long number,
              String picture,
              int groupSize,
              String groupSeparator,
              String letterValue,
              String ordinal)
Format a number into a string

number - The number to be formatted
picture - The format token. This is a single component of the format attribute of xsl:number, e.g. "1", "01", "i", or "a"
groupSize - number of digits per group (0 implies no grouping)
groupSeparator - string to appear between groups of digits
letterValue - The letter-value specified to xsl:number: "alphabetic" or "traditional". Can also be an empty string or null.
ordinal - The value of the ordinal attribute specified to xsl:number The value "yes" indicates that ordinal numbers should be used; "" or null indicates that cardinal numbers
the formatted number. Note that no errors are reported; if the request is invalid, the number is formatted as if the string() function were used.


String format(long number,
              String picture,
              NumericGroupFormatter numGrpFormatter,
              String letterValue,
              String ordinal)
Format a number into a string

number - The number to be formatted
picture - The format token. This is a single component of the format attribute of xsl:number, e.g. "1", "01", "i", or "a"
numGrpFormatter - an object that handles insertion of grouping separators into the formatted number
letterValue - The letter-value specified to xsl:number: "alphabetic" or "traditional". Can also be an empty string or null.
ordinal - The value of the ordinal attribute specified to xsl:number The value "yes" indicates that ordinal numbers should be used; "" or null indicates that cardinal numbers
the formatted number. Note that no errors are reported; if the request is invalid, the number is formatted as if the string() function were used.


String monthName(int month,
                 int minWidth,
                 int maxWidth)
Get a month name or abbreviation

month - The month number (1=January, 12=December)
minWidth - The minimum number of characters
maxWidth - The maximum number of characters
the month name or abbreviation as a string (for example, "September" or "Sep")


String dayName(int day,
               int minWidth,
               int maxWidth)
Get a day name or abbreviation

day - The month number (1=Monday, 7=Sunday)
minWidth - The minimum number of characters
maxWidth - The maximum number of characters
the day name or abbreviation as a string (for example, "Monday" or "Mon")


String halfDayName(int minutes,
                   int minWidth,
                   int maxWidth)
Get an am/pm indicator

minutes - the minutes within the day
minWidth - minimum width of output
maxWidth - maximum width of output
the AM or PM indicator


String getOrdinalSuffixForDateTime(String component)
Get an ordinal suffix for a particular component of a date/time.

component - the component specifier from a format-dateTime picture, for example "M" for the month or "D" for the day.
a string that is acceptable in the ordinal attribute of xsl:number to achieve the required ordinal representation. For example, "-e" for the day component in German, to have the day represented as "dritte August".


String getEraName(int year)
Get the name for an era (e.g. "BC" or "AD")

year - the proleptic gregorian year, using "0" for the year before 1AD
the name of the era, for example "AD"


String getCalendarName(String code)
Get the name of a calendar

code - The code representing the calendar as in the XSLT 2.0 spec, e.g. AD for the Gregorian calendar
the name of the calendar, for example "AD"

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