Class AutomatonState

  extended by com.saxonica.fsa.AutomatonState
All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
DeterminizedState, NonDeterminizedState

public abstract class AutomatonState
extends java.lang.Object
implements State

Defines a state of a finite state machine used when validating an instance against a complex type. Each State knows about the possible transitions to other states, and knows whether it is a final state. The initial state is referenced from the FiniteStateMachine object, which is itself a property of the UserComplexType against which validation is being performed.

This class is designed for internal use only.

Field Summary
static Edge[] EMPTY_EDGE_ARRAY
protected  Edge[] wildcardEdges
Constructor Summary
AutomatonState(FiniteStateMachine machine)
          Create a new state
Method Summary
 void addSpecificTransition(Edge edge)
          Add a specific transition from this state to another state.
 void addWildcardTransition(Edge transition)
          Add a wildcard transition from this state to another state.
 void display(java.util.HashMap map)
          Display the finite state machine reachable from this state.
 void displayLambdaTransitions()
          Display the lambda transitions available from this state
 void displayState()
          Display the finite state machine reachable from this state.
 java.util.Iterator getEdges()
          Get an iterator over all the transitions (edges) allowed from this state
 Edge getMaxTransition()
          Get the transition to be used when the maxOccurs value is reached for a counting state.
 int getStateNumber()
          Get the state number
 Edge getTransition(int token, NamePool pool)
          Find the edge representing the transition from this state to another state, that is triggered by a given input token
 Edge[] getWildcardEdges()
          Get an iterator over the wildcard transitions (edges) allowed from this state.
 boolean isConditionallyFinalState()
          Test whether this state is a final state assuming the counter has reached its minimum value
 boolean isFinalState()
          Test whether this state is a final state
 java.lang.CharSequence listAllowedElements()
          List the allowed elements in this state as a string, for use in error messages
 boolean requiresCounter()
          Ask whether this is a counting state
 void serialize(SchemaModelSerializer serializer)
          Serialize this state as part of the serialization of a schema component model
 void setFinalState(boolean finalState)
          Set this state to be (or not to be) a final state
 void setLimits(int min, int max)
          Set the counter limits
 void setMaxTransition(Edge edge)
          A counting state may have a special Edge that is used when the maxOccurs value is reached.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected Edge[] wildcardEdges


public static final Edge[] EMPTY_EDGE_ARRAY
Constructor Detail


public AutomatonState(FiniteStateMachine machine)
Create a new state

machine - the finite state machine to which this State belongs
Method Detail


public boolean isFinalState()
Test whether this state is a final state

Specified by:
isFinalState in interface State
true if this is a final state


public boolean isConditionallyFinalState()
Test whether this state is a final state assuming the counter has reached its minimum value

true if this state is a final state when the minimum number of occurrences is reached


public void setFinalState(boolean finalState)
Set this state to be (or not to be) a final state

finalState - true if this state is final


public int getStateNumber()
Get the state number

the state number


public void addSpecificTransition(Edge edge)
                           throws SchemaException
Add a specific transition from this state to another state. This transition accepts a specific element name only.

edge - the transition to be added
SchemaException - if there are two transitions for the same element declaration, that is, if the content model is ambiguous


public void addWildcardTransition(Edge transition)
                           throws SchemaException
Add a wildcard transition from this state to another state.

transition - the edge representing the transition


public void setLimits(int min,
                      int max)
Set the counter limits

min - the minimum number of occurrences of counting edges before a non-counting edge is used
max - the maximum number of occurrences of counting edges before a non-counting edge is used; the value -1 means unbounded


public boolean requiresCounter()
Ask whether this is a counting state

true if this state requires a counter to be maintained


public Edge getTransition(int token,
                          NamePool pool)
Find the edge representing the transition from this state to another state, that is triggered by a given input token

Specified by:
getTransition in interface State
token - the input token, specifically the fingerprint of an element name
pool - the Name Pool
the Edge representing the selected transition of the finite state machine, or null if this token is not accepted when in this State (which implies a validation error).


public java.lang.CharSequence listAllowedElements()
List the allowed elements in this state as a string, for use in error messages

Specified by:
listAllowedElements in interface State
the list of permitted elements as a string containing comma-separated element names


public Edge[] getWildcardEdges()
Get an iterator over the wildcard transitions (edges) allowed from this state.

Specified by:
getWildcardEdges in interface State
an Iterator over the edges that represent element wildcards. The objects returned by this Iterator are Edge objects.


public java.util.Iterator getEdges()
Get an iterator over all the transitions (edges) allowed from this state

Specified by:
getEdges in interface State
an Iterator over all the edges from this state. The objects returned by this Iterator are Edge objects.


public void display(java.util.HashMap map)
Display the finite state machine reachable from this state. This is a diagnostic method for internal use. Output is written to System.err. At present, wildcard transitions are not shown.

map - a Hashmap mapping states already processed to the integer values used to represent that state. The method should be called initially with an empty map.


public void displayState()
Display the finite state machine reachable from this state. This is a diagnostic method for internal use. Output is written to System.err. At present, wildcard transitions are not shown.


public void displayLambdaTransitions()
Display the lambda transitions available from this state


public void setMaxTransition(Edge edge)
A counting state may have a special Edge that is used when the maxOccurs value is reached. This method sets this edge.


public Edge getMaxTransition()
Get the transition to be used when the maxOccurs value is reached for a counting state.

the max transition if there is one, else null.


public void serialize(SchemaModelSerializer serializer)
               throws XPathException
Serialize this state as part of the serialization of a schema component model

serializer - used to output the model
XPathException - if any failure occurs

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