Class Edge

  extended by com.saxonica.fsa.Edge

public class Edge
extends java.lang.Object

Internal class to represent the data associated with a transition: the element that triggers the transition, and the new state that results from the transition.

Nested Class Summary
static class Edge.MaxOccursTerm
          Special singular Term identifying a transition to be used when the maxOccurs value of a counting state is reached.
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 AutomatonState getTargetState()
          Get the (fixed) state that is the target of this edge
 Term getTerm()
          Get the element or wildcard particle causing this transition
 State makeTransition(State previousState)
          Get the dynamic state that results from a transition using this edge, updating any counters that need to be updated
 java.lang.String matches(Edge de, SchemaCompiler compiler)
          Test whether edges in two different finite state machines match each other.
 void serialize(SchemaModelSerializer serializer)
          Serialize this Edge as part of the serialization of a schema component model
 void setTargetState(AutomatonState targetState)
          Set the state resulting from this transition
 void setTerm(Term term)
          Set the element or wildcard particle causing this transition
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public Edge()
Method Detail


public void setTargetState(AutomatonState targetState)
Set the state resulting from this transition

targetState - the state at the end of this edge


public AutomatonState getTargetState()
Get the (fixed) state that is the target of this edge

the state at the end of this edge


public State makeTransition(State previousState)
                     throws ValidationException
Get the dynamic state that results from a transition using this edge, updating any counters that need to be updated

previousState - the previous dynamic state before making this transition
the dynamic state that results from applying this transition
ValidationException - if this transition is not possible because the occurrence limits are violated


public void setTerm(Term term)
Set the element or wildcard particle causing this transition

term - the term that causes this transition


public Term getTerm()
Get the element or wildcard particle causing this transition

the term that causes this transition


public java.lang.String matches(Edge de,
                                SchemaCompiler compiler)
Test whether edges in two different finite state machines match each other. This is called while establishing whether one type subsumes another.

From Thompson & Tobin 2003: an edge BE matches another edge DE iff one of the following three conditions holds: (1) they are labelled as element declarations with the same expanded name; (2) BE is labelled with a wildcard and DE is labelled with an element declaration in a namespace allowed by the wildcard; (3) BE and DE are both wildcards and DE's label is an intensional subset of BE's. In case (3) we add the rule, not in Thompson and Tobin, that the processContents of DE must be at least as strong as the processContents of BE.

It is also necessary that the types of B and D are compatible, and that their nillability is compatible, and that their value constraints are compatible, and that the disallowed substitutions of D is a superset of those of B.

de - the edge in a finite state machine representing a derived type, and which corresponds to this edge in the finite state machine for the base type
compiler - user for error reporting
null if the edges match, or a string explaining the reason for the non-match if not.


public void serialize(SchemaModelSerializer serializer)
               throws XPathException
Serialize this Edge as part of the serialization of a schema component model

serializer - object that formats the model output

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