Interface MessageListener

public interface MessageListener

A user-written implementation of the MessageListener interface may be registered with the XsltTransformer to receive notification of xsl:message output. Each xsl:message instruction that is evaluated results in a single call to the MessageListener

Method Summary
 void message(XdmNode content, boolean terminate, javax.xml.transform.SourceLocator locator)
          Notify a message written using the xsl:message instruction

Method Detail


void message(XdmNode content,
             boolean terminate,
             javax.xml.transform.SourceLocator locator)
Notify a message written using the xsl:message instruction

content - a document node representing the message content. Note that the output of xsl:message is always an XML document node. It can be flattened to obtain the string value if required by calling getStringValue().
terminate - Set to true if terminate="yes" was specified or to false otherwise. The message listener does not need to take any special action based on this parameter, but the information is available if required. If terminate="yes" was specified, then the transformation will abort with an exception immediately on return from this callback.
locator - an object that contains the location of the xsl:message instruction in the stylesheet that caused this message to be output. This provides access to the URI of the stylesheet module and the line number of the xsl:message instruction.

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