Class ItemTypeFactory

  extended by net.sf.saxon.s9api.ItemTypeFactory

public class ItemTypeFactory
extends java.lang.Object

This class is used for creating ItemType objects.

Constructor Summary
ItemTypeFactory(Processor processor)
          Create an ItemTypeFactory
Method Summary
 ItemType getAtomicType(QName name)
          Get an item type representing an atomic type.
 ItemType getAttributeTest(QName name, QName schemaType)
          Get an ItemType that tests an element name and/or schema type.
 ItemType getDocumentTest(ItemType elementTest)
          Make an ItemType representing a document-node() test with an embedded element test.
 ItemType getElementTest(QName name, QName schemaType, boolean nillable)
          Make an ItemType that tests an element name and/or schema type.
 XdmAtomicValue getExternalObject(java.lang.Object object)
          Factory method to construct an "external object".
 ItemType getExternalObjectType(java.lang.Class externalClass)
          Get an ItemType representing the type of a Java object when used as an external object for use in conjuunction with calls on extension/external functions.
 ItemType getItemType(XdmItem item)
          Get an ItemType representing the type of a supplied XdmItem.
 ItemType getItemType(XdmNodeKind kind, QName name)
          Get an item type that matches nodes of a specified kind with a specified name.
 ItemType getNodeKindTest(XdmNodeKind kind)
          Get an item type that matches any node of a specified kind.
 ItemType getSchemaAttributeTest(QName name)
          Get an ItemType representing an attribute declaration in the schema.
 ItemType getSchemaElementTest(QName name)
          Make an ItemType representing an element declaration in the schema.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ItemTypeFactory(Processor processor)
Create an ItemTypeFactory

processor - the processor used by this ItemTypeFactory. This must be supplied in the case of user-defined types or types that reference element or attribute names; for built-in types it can be omitted.
Method Detail


public ItemType getAtomicType(QName name)
                       throws SaxonApiException
Get an item type representing an atomic type. This may be a built-in type in the XML Schema namespace, or a user-defined atomic type.

It is undefined whether two calls supplying the same QName will return the same ItemType object.

name - the name of the built-in atomic type required
an ItemType object representing this built-in atomic type
SaxonApiException - if the type name is not known, or if the type identified by the name is not an atomic type.


public ItemType getNodeKindTest(XdmNodeKind kind)
Get an item type that matches any node of a specified kind.

This corresponds to the XPath syntactic forms element(), attribute(), document-node(), text(), comment(), processing-instruction(). It also provides an option, not available in the XPath syntax, that matches namespace nodes.

It is undefined whether two calls supplying the same argument value will return the same ItemType object.

kind - the kind of node for which a NodeTest is required
an item type corresponding to the specified kind of node


public ItemType getItemType(XdmNodeKind kind,
                            QName name)
Get an item type that matches nodes of a specified kind with a specified name.

This corresponds to the XPath syntactic forms element(name), attribute(name), and processing-instruction(name). In the case of processing-instruction, the supplied QName must have no namespace.

It is undefined whether two calls supplying the same argument values will return the same ItemType object.

kind - the kind of nodes that match
name - the name of the nodes that match
an ItemType that matches nodes of a given node kind with a given name
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the node kind is other than element, attribute, or processing instruction, or if the node kind is processing instruction and the name is in a namespace.


public ItemType getSchemaElementTest(QName name)
                              throws SaxonApiException
Make an ItemType representing an element declaration in the schema. This is the equivalent of the XPath syntax schema-element(element-name)

It is undefined whether two calls supplying the same argument values will return the same ItemType object.

name - the element name
the ItemType
SaxonApiException - if the schema does not contain a global element declaration for the given name


public ItemType getElementTest(QName name,
                               QName schemaType,
                               boolean nillable)
                        throws SaxonApiException
Make an ItemType that tests an element name and/or schema type. This is the equivalent of the XPath syntax element(element-name, type)

It is undefined whether two calls supplying the same argument values will return the same ItemType object.

name - the element name, or null if there is no constraint on the name (equivalent to specifying element(*, type))
schemaType - the name of the required schema type, or null of there is no constraint on the type (equivalent to specifying element(name))
nillable - if a nilled element is allowed to match the type (equivalent to specifying "?" after the type name). The value is ignored if schemaType is null.
the constructed ItemType
SaxonApiException - if the schema does not contain a global element declaration for the given name


public ItemType getSchemaAttributeTest(QName name)
                                throws SaxonApiException
Get an ItemType representing an attribute declaration in the schema. This is the equivalent of the XPath syntax schema-attribute(attribute-name)

It is undefined whether two calls supplying the same argument values will return the same ItemType object.

name - the attribute name
the ItemType
SaxonApiException - if the schema does not contain a global attribute declaration for the given name


public ItemType getAttributeTest(QName name,
                                 QName schemaType)
                          throws SaxonApiException
Get an ItemType that tests an element name and/or schema type. This is the equivalent of the XPath syntax element(element-name, type)

It is undefined whether two calls supplying the same argument values will return the same ItemType object.

name - the element name, or null if there is no constraint on the name (equivalent to specifying element(*, type))
schemaType - the name of the required schema type, or null of there is no constraint on the type (equivalent to specifying element(name))
the constructed ItemType
SaxonApiException - if the schema does not contain a global element declaration for the given name


public ItemType getDocumentTest(ItemType elementTest)
Make an ItemType representing a document-node() test with an embedded element test. This reflects the XPath syntax document-node(element(N, T)) or document-node(schema-element(N)).

It is undefined whether two calls supplying the same argument values will return the same ItemType object.

elementTest - the elementTest. An IllegalArgumentException is thrown if the supplied ItemTest is not an elementTest or schemaElementTest.
a new ItemType representing the document test


public ItemType getExternalObjectType(java.lang.Class externalClass)
Get an ItemType representing the type of a Java object when used as an external object for use in conjuunction with calls on extension/external functions.

externalClass - a Java class
the ItemType representing the type of external objects of this class


public XdmAtomicValue getExternalObject(java.lang.Object object)
Factory method to construct an "external object". This is an XDM value that wraps a Java object. Such values can be passed as parameters to stylesheets or queries, for use in conjunction with external (extension) functions.

object - the value to be wrapped as an external object
the object, wrapped as an XdmAtomicValue


public ItemType getItemType(XdmItem item)
Get an ItemType representing the type of a supplied XdmItem. If the supplied item is an atomic value, the returned ItemType will reflect the most specific atomic type of the item. If the supplied item is a node, the returned item type will reflect the node kind, and if the node has a name, then its name. It will not reflect the type annotation.

item - the supplied item whose type is required
the type of the supplied item

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