Class Processor

  extended by net.sf.saxon.s9api.Processor

public class Processor
extends java.lang.Object

The Processor class serves three purposes: it allows global Saxon configuration options to be set; it acts as a factory for generating XQuery, XPath, and XSLT compilers; and it owns certain shared resources such as the Saxon NamePool and compiled schemas. This is the first object that a Saxon application should create. Once established, a Processor may be used in multiple threads.

It is possible to run more than one Saxon Processor concurrently, but only when running completely independent workloads. Nothing can be shared between Processor instances. Within a query or transformation, all source documents and schemas must be built using the same Processor, which must also be used to compile the query or stylesheet.

Constructor Summary
Processor(boolean schemaAware)
          Create a Processor
Method Summary
 java.lang.Object getConfigurationProperty(java.lang.String name)
          Get the value of a configuration property
 java.lang.String getSaxonProductVersion()
          Get the user-visible Saxon product version, for example ""
 SchemaManager getSchemaManager()
          Get the associated SchemaManager.
 Configuration getUnderlyingConfiguration()
          Get the underlying Configuration object that underpins this Processor.
 java.lang.String getXmlVersion()
          Get the version of XML used by this Processor.
 boolean isSchemaAware()
          Test whether this processor is schema-aware
 DocumentBuilder newDocumentBuilder()
          Create a DocumentBuilder.
 XPathCompiler newXPathCompiler()
          Create an XPathCompiler.
 XQueryCompiler newXQueryCompiler()
          Create an XQueryCompiler.
 XsltCompiler newXsltCompiler()
          Create an XsltCompiler.
 void setConfigurationProperty(java.lang.String name, java.lang.Object value)
          Set a configuration property
 void setXmlVersion(java.lang.String version)
          Set the version of XML used by this Processor.
 void writeXdmValue(XdmValue value, Destination destination)
          Write an XdmValue to a given destination.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public Processor(boolean schemaAware)
Create a Processor

schemaAware - indicates whether the Processor is schema-aware or not. To create a schema-aware processor, the Saxon-SA product is required. This flag should be set if any Saxon-SA specific functionality or optimization is required, whether or not schemas are used.
Method Detail


public DocumentBuilder newDocumentBuilder()
Create a DocumentBuilder. A DocumentBuilder is used to load source XML documents.

a newly created DocumentBuilder


public XPathCompiler newXPathCompiler()
Create an XPathCompiler. An XPathCompiler is used to compile XPath expressions.

a newly created XPathCompiler


public XsltCompiler newXsltCompiler()
Create an XsltCompiler. An XsltCompiler is used to compile XSLT stylesheets.

a newly created XsltCompiler
java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException - if this version of the Saxon product does not support XSLT processing


public XQueryCompiler newXQueryCompiler()
Create an XQueryCompiler. An XQueryCompiler is used to compile XQuery queries.

a newly created XQueryCompiler
java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException - if this version of the Saxon product does not support XQuery processing


public SchemaManager getSchemaManager()
Get the associated SchemaManager. The SchemaManager provides capabilities to load and cache XML schema definitions. There is exactly one SchemaManager in a schema-aware Processor, and none in a Processor that is not schema-aware. The SchemaManager is created automatically by the system.

the associated SchemaManager, or null if the Processor is not schema-aware.


public boolean isSchemaAware()
Test whether this processor is schema-aware

true if this is a schema-aware processor, false otherwise


public java.lang.String getSaxonProductVersion()
Get the user-visible Saxon product version, for example ""

the Saxon product version, as a string


public void setXmlVersion(java.lang.String version)
Set the version of XML used by this Processor. If the value is set to "1.0", then output documents will be serialized as XML 1.0. This option also affects the characters permitted to appear in queries and stylesheets, and the characters that can appear in names (for example, in path expressions).

Note that source documents specifying xml version="1.0" or "1.1" are accepted regardless of this setting.

version - must be one of the strings "1.0" or "1.1"
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if any string other than "1.0" or "1.1" is supplied


public java.lang.String getXmlVersion()
Get the version of XML used by this Processor. If the value is "1.0", then input documents must be XML 1.0 documents, and output documents will be serialized as XML 1.0. This option also affects the characters permitted to appear in queries and stylesheets, and the characters that can appear in names (for example, in path expressions).

one of the strings "1.0" or "1.1"


public void setConfigurationProperty(java.lang.String name,
                                     java.lang.Object value)
Set a configuration property

name - the name of the option to be set. The names of the options available are listed as constants in class FeatureKeys.
value - the value of the option to be set.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the property name is not recognized


public java.lang.Object getConfigurationProperty(java.lang.String name)
Get the value of a configuration property

name - the name of the option required. The names of the properties available are listed as constants in class FeatureKeys.
the value of the property, if one is set; or null if the property is unset and there is no default.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the property name is not recognized


public Configuration getUnderlyingConfiguration()
Get the underlying Configuration object that underpins this Processor. This method provides an escape hatch to internal Saxon implementation objects that offer a finer and lower-level degree of control than the s9api classes and methods. Some of these classes and methods may change from release to release.

the underlying Configuration object


public void writeXdmValue(XdmValue value,
                          Destination destination)
                   throws SaxonApiException
Write an XdmValue to a given destination. The sequence represented by the XdmValue is "normalized" as defined in the serialization specification (this is equivalent to constructing a document node in XSLT or XQuery with this sequence as the content expression), and the resulting document is then copied to the destination. If the destination is a serializer this has the effect of serializing the sequence as described in the W3C specifications.

value - the value to be written
destination - the destination to which the value is to be written

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