Class XPathSelector

  extended by net.sf.saxon.s9api.XPathSelector
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class XPathSelector
extends java.lang.Object
implements java.lang.Iterable<XdmItem>

An XPathSelector represents a compiled and loaded XPath expression ready for execution. The XPathSelector holds details of the dynamic evaluation context for the XPath expression.

Constructor Summary
protected XPathSelector(XPathExpression exp, java.util.ArrayList<XPathVariable> declaredVariables)
Method Summary
 boolean effectiveBooleanValue()
          Evaluate the XPath expression, returning the effective boolean value of the result.
 XdmValue evaluate()
          Evaluate the expression, returning the result as an XdmValue (that is, a sequence of nodes and/or atomic values).
 XdmItem evaluateSingle()
          Evaluate the XPath expression, returning the result as an XdmItem (that is, a single node or atomic value).
 XdmItem getContextItem()
          Get the context item used for evaluating the XPath expression.
 java.util.Iterator<XdmItem> iterator()
          Evaluate the expression, returning the result as an Iterator (that is, an iterator over a sequence of nodes and/or atomic values).
 void setContextItem(XdmItem item)
          Set the context item for evaluating the XPath expression.
 void setVariable(QName name, XdmValue value)
          Set the value of a variable
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


protected XPathSelector(XPathExpression exp,
                        java.util.ArrayList<XPathVariable> declaredVariables)
Method Detail


public void setContextItem(XdmItem item)
                    throws SaxonApiException
Set the context item for evaluating the XPath expression. This may be either a node or an atomic value. Most commonly it will be a document node, which might be constructed using the method.

item - The context item for evaluating the expression. Must not be null.


public XdmItem getContextItem()
Get the context item used for evaluating the XPath expression. This may be either a node or an atomic value. Most commonly it will be a document node, which might be constructed using the Build method of the DocumentBuilder object.

The context item for evaluating the expression, or null if no context item has been set.


public void setVariable(QName name,
                        XdmValue value)
                 throws SaxonApiException
Set the value of a variable

name - The name of the variable. This must match the name of a variable that was declared to the XPathCompiler. No error occurs if the expression does not actually reference a variable with this name.
value - The value to be given to the variable.
SaxonApiException - if the variable has not been declared or if the type of the value supplied does not conform to the required type that was specified when the variable was declared


public XdmValue evaluate()
                  throws SaxonApiException
Evaluate the expression, returning the result as an XdmValue (that is, a sequence of nodes and/or atomic values).

Note: Although a singleton result may be represented as an XdmItem, there is no guarantee that this will always be the case. If you know that the expression will return at most one node or atomic value, it is best to use the evaluateSingle method, which does guarantee that an XdmItem (or null) will be returned.

An XdmValue representing the results of the expression.
SaxonApiException - if a dynamic error occurs during the expression evaluation.


public XdmItem evaluateSingle()
                       throws SaxonApiException
Evaluate the XPath expression, returning the result as an XdmItem (that is, a single node or atomic value).

an XdmItem representing the result of the expression, or null if the expression returns an empty sequence. If the expression returns a sequence of more than one item, any items after the first are ignored.
SaxonApiException - if a dynamic error occurs during the expression evaluation.


public java.util.Iterator<XdmItem> iterator()
                                     throws SaxonApiUncheckedException
Evaluate the expression, returning the result as an Iterator (that is, an iterator over a sequence of nodes and/or atomic values).

Because an XPathSelector is an Iterable, it is possible to iterate over the result using a Java 5 "for each" expression, for example:

 XPathCompiler compiler = processor.newXPathCompiler();
 XPathSelector seq = compiler.compile("1 to 20").load();
 for (XdmItem item : seq) {

Specified by:
iterator in interface java.lang.Iterable<XdmItem>
An iterator over the sequence that represents the results of the expression. Each object in this sequence will be an instance of XdmItem. Note that the expression may be evaluated lazily, which means that a successful response from this method does not imply that the expression has executed successfully: failures may be reported later while retrieving items from the iterator.
SaxonApiUncheckedException - if a dynamic error occurs during XPath evaluation that can be detected at this point. It is also possible that an SaxonApiUncheckedException will be thrown by the hasNext() method of the returned iterator.


public boolean effectiveBooleanValue()
                              throws SaxonApiException
Evaluate the XPath expression, returning the effective boolean value of the result.

a boolean representing the effective boolean value of the result of evaluating the expression, as defined by the rules for the fn:boolean() function.
SaxonApiException - if a dynamic error occurs during the expression evaluation, or if the result of the expression is a value whose effective boolean value is not defined (for example, a date or a sequence of three integers)

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