Class XPathExecutable

  extended by net.sf.saxon.s9api.XPathExecutable

public class XPathExecutable
extends java.lang.Object

An XPathExecutable represents the compiled form of an XPath expression. To evaluate the expression, it must first be loaded to form an XPathSelector.

An XPathExecutable is immutable, and therefore thread-safe. It is simplest to load a new XPathSelector each time the expression is to be evaluated. However, the XPathSelector is serially reusable within a single thread.

An XPathExecutable is created by using the XPathCompiler.compile(java.lang.String) method on the XPathCompiler class.

Constructor Summary
protected XPathExecutable(XPathExpression exp, Processor processor, IndependentContext env, java.util.ArrayList<XPathVariable> declaredVariables)
Method Summary
 OccurrenceIndicator getResultCardinality()
          Get the statically-determined cardinality of the result of the expression.
 ItemType getResultItemType()
          Get the ItemType of the items in the result of the expression, as determined by static analysis.
 XPathExpression getUnderlyingExpression()
          Get the underlying implementation object representing the compiled XPath expression.
 StaticContext getUnderlyingStaticContext()
          Get the underlying implementation object representing the static context of the compiled XPath expression.
 XPathSelector load()
          Load the compiled XPath expression to prepare it for execution.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


protected XPathExecutable(XPathExpression exp,
                          Processor processor,
                          IndependentContext env,
                          java.util.ArrayList<XPathVariable> declaredVariables)
Method Detail


public XPathSelector load()
Load the compiled XPath expression to prepare it for execution.

An XPathSelector. The returned XPathSelector can be used to set up the dynamic context, and then to evaluate the expression.


public ItemType getResultItemType()
Get the ItemType of the items in the result of the expression, as determined by static analysis. This is the most precise ItemType that the processor is able to determine from static examination of the expression; the actual items in the expression result are guaranteed to belong to this ItemType or to a subtype of this ItemType.

the statically-determined ItemType of the result of the expression


public OccurrenceIndicator getResultCardinality()
Get the statically-determined cardinality of the result of the expression. This is the most precise cardinality that the processor is able to determine from static examination of the expression.

the statically-determined cardinality of the result of the expression


public XPathExpression getUnderlyingExpression()
Get the underlying implementation object representing the compiled XPath expression. This method provides access to lower-level Saxon classes and methods which may be subject to change from one release to the next.

the underlying compiled XPath expression.


public StaticContext getUnderlyingStaticContext()
Get the underlying implementation object representing the static context of the compiled XPath expression. This method provides access to lower-level Saxon classes and methods which may be subject to change from one release to the next.

the underlying static context.

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