Class StandardSchemaResolver

  extended by com.saxonica.config.StandardSchemaResolver
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, SchemaURIResolver

public class StandardSchemaResolver
extends Object
implements SchemaURIResolver

The default schema resolver used when no other is requested

See Also:
Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
          Default constructor.
StandardSchemaResolver(EnterpriseConfiguration config)
          Create a StandardSchemaResolver and set the Configuration
Method Summary
 Source[] resolve(String targetNamespace, String baseURI, String[] locations)
          Resolve a URI identifying a schema document, given the target namespace URI and a set of associated location hints.
 void setConfiguration(Configuration config)
          Set the configuration information for use by the resolver
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public StandardSchemaResolver()
Default constructor. Must be followed by a call of setConfiguration()


public StandardSchemaResolver(EnterpriseConfiguration config)
Create a StandardSchemaResolver and set the Configuration

config - the Configuration
Method Detail


public void setConfiguration(Configuration config)
Set the configuration information for use by the resolver

Specified by:
setConfiguration in interface SchemaURIResolver
config - the Saxon Configuration


public Source[] resolve(String targetNamespace,
                        String baseURI,
                        String[] locations)
                 throws XPathException
Resolve a URI identifying a schema document, given the target namespace URI and a set of associated location hints.

Specified by:
resolve in interface SchemaURIResolver
targetNamespace - the target namespaces of the module to be imported. The "null namespace" is identified by a zero-length string. In the case of an xsd:include directive, where no target namespace is specified, the parameter is null. For the standard schema resolver, if the target namespace is already present in the schema cache, an empty array is returned (so the existing schema is used unchanged); otherwise, the URIs listed in the location hint(s) are dereferenced and returned in the form of StreamSource objects.
baseURI - The base URI of the module containing the "import schema" declaration; null if no base URI is known
locations - The set of URIs identified as schema location hints. In most cases (xsd:include, xsd:import, xsi:schemaLocation, xsl:import-schema) there is only one URI in this list. With an XQuery "import module" declaration, however, a list of URIs may be specified. The StandardSchemaResolver returns one Source object for each location, using the URIResolver registered with the configuration to interpret the location hint.
an array of Source objects each identifying a schema document to be loaded. These need not necessarily correspond one-to-one with the location hints provided.
XPathException - if the module cannot be located, and if delegation to the default module resolver is not required.

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