Package com.saxonica.config

This package contains classes supporting configuration of Saxon-PE and Saxon-EE.


Class Summary
ConfigurationReaderPE Subclass of ConfigurationReader providing functionality particular to Saxon Professional Edition
DotNetLocalizerFactory Default factory for number/date localizers for the .NET platform.
DynamicLoaderEE Specialization of DynamicLoader for use in Saxon-EE
DynamicLoaderPE Specialization of DynamicLoader for use in Saxon-PE
EnterpriseConfiguration A subclass of Configuration that defines a schema-aware processor.
EnterpriseConfiguration.SurrogateSchema A SurrogateSchema is a dummy schema object that is stored in the schema cache while the schema for a given namespace is being processed.
EnterpriseTransformerFactory The is the JAXP TransformerFactory implementation for the enterprise edition of Saxon.
EnterpriseXPathFactory An implementation of the JAXP XPath Factory that creates an enterprise configuration.
EvaluationNuisance This filter sometimes gets inserted into a serialization pipeline when running under an evaluation license: it's a deterrent to using the evaluation version for production
JavaExtensionFunctionFactory This class acts as a factory for creating expressions that call Java extension functions.
JavaExtensionLibrary The JavaExtensionLibrary is a FunctionLibrary that binds XPath function calls to calls on Java methods (or constructors, or fields).
JavaLocalizerFactory Default factory for number/date localizers for the Java platform
JavaPlatformPE Implementation of the Platform class containing methods specific to the Java platform (as distinct from .NET) for Saxon-PE and Saxon-EE.
ProfessionalConfiguration This class holds details of user-selected configuration options for a set of transformations and/or queries.
ProfessionalTransformerFactory The is the JAXP TransformerFactory implementation for the professional edition of Saxon.
ProfessionalXPathFactory An implementation of the JAXP XPath Factory that creates a Professional configuration.
StandardSchemaResolver The default schema resolver used when no other is requested
Verifier A helper class for EnterpriseConfiguration that handles license keys as issued for the Java platform.

Package com.saxonica.config Description

This package contains classes supporting configuration of Saxon-PE and Saxon-EE.

The two classes ProfessionalConfiguration and EnterpriseConfiguration contain methods for setting configuring properties; they also serve as factory classes used whenever there is a need for Saxon-PE or Saxon-EE to behave differently from Saxon-HE.

The classes ProfessionalTransformerFactory and EnterpriseTransformerFactory perform the same function at the JAXP level.

The ConfigurationReader is an internal class used to read an XML configuration file to create a corresponding Configuration object.

Michael H. Kay
Saxonica Limited
28 November 2011

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