Package com.saxonica.expr

This package contains classes used to support expressions and instructions that are new in XPath 3.0, XQuery 3.0, or XSLT 3.0, and that don't fit conveniently into a more specialized category (such as streaming).


Class Summary
Assign saxon:assign element in stylesheet.
BreakInstr A compiled xsl:break instruction.
CastableToList Expression class for a cast to a List type
CastableToUnion Expression class for a cast to a union type
CastToList Expression class for a cast to a List type
CastToUnion Expression class for a cast to a union type
ContextCall The class ContextCall is an expression which, when evaluated, calls a given FunctionItem supplying the context item as the only argument.
DeepCopyRuleSet The built-in rule set introduced in XSLT 3.0, which performs a deep copy of any unmatched node.
DeepSkipRuleSet The rule set introduced in XSLT 3.0, which (for any kind of node) simply ignores the node and its descendants.
EquivalenceComparer A comparer that compares atomic values for equality, with the properties: - non-comparable types compare false - NaN compares equal to NaN
EquivalenceComparison Class to handle equivalence comparisons of singletons.
EvaluateInstr An EvaluateInstr is the compiled form of an xsl:evaluate instruction
FailRuleSet The built-in rule set introduced in XSLT 3.0, which raises an error when there is no user-supplied template rule that matches a node.
Fork This class implements an xsl:fork expression.
IndexedFilterExpression An IndexedFilterExpression contains a base expression and a filter predicate.
IndexedLookupExpression An IndexedLookupExpression contains a base expression and a lookup expression.
IndexedSequence IndexedSequence is a simple package of information returned by saxon:index(), and used by saxon:find().
IndexedValue<T extends Item> A representation of a (sequence) value that allows the construction of one or more indexes to provide rapid access to the items in the sequence.
IterateInstr An IterateInstr is the compiled form of a saxon:iterate instruction
JavaExtensionFunctionCall This class acts as a container for an extension function defined to call a method in a user-defined class.
JavaExtensionFunctionCall.ConfigurationCheckingFunction This class checks that NodeInfo objects returned by an extension function were created under the right Configuration
MemoFunction A user-defined function that is declared as a memo function, meaning that it remembers results of previous calls.
MultiIndex A MultiIndex provides fast access to the items in a sequence.
NextIteration Implements a xsl:next-iteration instruction within the body of xsl:iterate
OuterForExpression Expression class that implements the "outer for" clause of XQuery 1.1
PathFinder This class enables a client to find all nodes in a document that match a particular pattern.
Query30Parser Parser extension for new syntax in XQuery 3.0 (was 1.1).
QueryLibraryImpl Concrete implementation of a separately-compiled XQuery library
RuleSetWithWarnings A set of built-in template rules that performs the same action as an underlying set of rules, but with the addition of a warning message saying that no user-defined template rules was found.
ShallowCopyRuleSet The built-in rule set introduced in XSLT 3.0, which is effectively an identity template.
StaticQueryContextPE A version of StaticQueryContext for Saxon-PE, that extends the capability by allowing compilation of XQuery 1.1 syntax
SwitchExpression An optimized Choose expression in which all the branches are tests of the same expression for equality with some value.
TryCatch This class implements a try/catch expression.
While Handler for saxon:while elements in stylesheet.
XPath30Parser Parser extension for new syntax in XPath 3.0.

Package com.saxonica.expr Description

This package contains classes used to support expressions and instructions that are new in XPath 3.0, XQuery 3.0, or XSLT 3.0, and that don't fit conveniently into a more specialized category (such as streaming). Most of these classes represent internally-generated expressions or functions on the expression tree; the package also includes the XPath 3.0 and XQuery 3.0 parser extensions, and the Saxon-EE optimizer.

None of these classes will be used by typical user applications.

The subpackage contains classes that belong to the same general category, but are specific to Saxon-EE as distinct from Saxon-PE.

Michael H. Kay
Saxonica Limited
30 July 2010

Copyright (c) 2004-2011 Saxonica Limited. All rights reserved.