
This package contains classes used to support expressions and instructions that are specific to Saxon-EE, and that don't fit conveniently into a more specialized category (such as streaming).


Class Summary
GeneralComparisonEE This class provides an implementation of the GeneralComparison "=" operator, which deals efficiently with comparing two sequences.
MultithreadedContextMappingIterator This class performs the same role as ContextMappingIterator, but using multiple threads.
MultithreadedForEach This instruction represents an xsl:for-each instruction using more than one thread
OptimizerEE This class performs a number of optimizations that are specific to the Saxon-EE product.
StaticQueryContextEE A version of StaticQueryContext for Saxon-EE, that extends the capability by allowing compilation of library modules.

Package Description

This package contains classes used to support expressions and instructions that are specific to Saxon-EE, and that don't fit conveniently into a more specialized category (such as streaming). They include the Saxon-EE optimiser; the code to implement multithreading in xsl:for-each in XSLT, and the code to perform optimized evaluation of general comparisons.

None of these classes will be used by typical user applications.

Michael H. Kay
Saxonica Limited
30 July 2010

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