Class IndexedValue<T extends Item>

  extended by net.sf.saxon.value.Value<T>
      extended by com.saxonica.expr.IndexedValue<T>
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class IndexedValue<T extends Item>
extends Value<T>

A representation of a (sequence) value that allows the construction of one or more indexes to provide rapid access to the items in the sequence.

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class net.sf.saxon.value.Value
Fields inherited from interface
Constructor Summary
IndexedValue(SequenceIterator<T> iter)
          Construct an indexed value (that is, a value that is capable of being indexed).
Method Summary
 SequenceIterator<T> findItems(Expression use, SequenceIterator values, boolean convertUntypedToOther, boolean firstOnly, AtomicComparer comparer, XPathContext context)
          Retrieve items that match a given index value
 int getLength()
          Get the length of the sequence
 T itemAt(int n)
          Get the n'th item in the sequence (starting from 0).
 SequenceIterator<T> iterate()
          Return an Iterator to iterate over the values of a sequence.
Methods inherited from class net.sf.saxon.value.Value
asItem, asItem, asIterator, asValue, checkPermittedContents, convertToJava, effectiveBooleanValue, equals, fromItem, getCanonicalLexicalRepresentation, getCardinality, getItemType, getIterator, getSchemaComparable, getSequenceLength, getStringValue, getStringValueCS, hashCode, isIdentical, process, reduce
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public IndexedValue(SequenceIterator<T> iter)
             throws XPathException
Construct an indexed value (that is, a value that is capable of being indexed). Initially there will be no indexes, these are added later.

iter - iterator over the items to be included in the indexed value
XPathException - if an error occurs reading the iterator
Method Detail


public SequenceIterator<T> iterate()
                                         throws XPathException
Return an Iterator to iterate over the values of a sequence. The value of every expression can be regarded as a sequence, so this method is supported for all expressions. This default implementation handles iteration for expressions that return singleton values: for non-singleton expressions, the subclass must provide its own implementation.

Specified by:
iterate in class Value<T extends Item>
a SequenceIterator that can be used to iterate over the result of the expression
XPathException - if any dynamic error occurs evaluating the expression


public T itemAt(int n)
                      throws XPathException
Get the n'th item in the sequence (starting from 0). This is defined for all Values, but its real benefits come for a sequence Value stored extensionally (or for a MemoClosure, once all the values have been read)

itemAt in class Value<T extends Item>
n - position of the required item, counting from zero.
the n'th item in the sequence, where the first item in the sequence is numbered zero. If n is negative or >= the length of the sequence, returns null.
XPathException - if an error occurs (for example if the value is a Closure that needs to be evaluated to find the Nth item)


public int getLength()
              throws XPathException
Get the length of the sequence

getLength in class Value<T extends Item>
the number of items in the sequence
XPathException - if an error occurs (for example if the value is a closure that needs to be read to determine its length)


public SequenceIterator<T> findItems(Expression use,
                                     SequenceIterator values,
                                     boolean convertUntypedToOther,
                                     boolean firstOnly,
                                     AtomicComparer comparer,
                                     XPathContext context)
                                           throws XPathException
Retrieve items that match a given index value

use - the expression whose value is to be matched
values - the set of values to be found
convertUntypedToOther - true if untypedAtomic values are to be converted to the type of the other operand
firstOnly - true if only the first matching item is required
comparer - AtomicComparer used to compare values for equality (encapsulates a collation if necessary)
context - the dynamic evaluation context @return an iterator over the items that match the specified values

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