Class PathFinder

  extended by com.saxonica.expr.PathFinder
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, PatternFinder

public class PathFinder
extends Object
implements PatternFinder

This class enables a client to find all nodes in a document that match a particular pattern. In fact, it allows any subset of nodes in a document to be located. It is used specifically by the internal implementation of keys. In XSLT, the criterion for including nodes in a key is that they match an XSLT pattern. Internally, however, keys are used for a wider range of purposes, and the nodes indexed by the key are defined by a PatternFinder

See Also:
Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
PathFinder(Expression path)
          Create a PathFinder that finds all the nodes returned by a particular expression when invoked with the document node as context node
Method Summary
 Expression getSelectionExpression()
          Get the underlying expression (usually a path expression or filter expression)
 SequenceIterator selectNodes(DocumentInfo doc, XPathContext context)
          Select nodes in a document using this PatternFinder.
 String toString()
          Get a string representation of the expression.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public PathFinder(Expression path)
Create a PathFinder that finds all the nodes returned by a particular expression when invoked with the document node as context node

path - an expression designed to be evaluated with the document node of a tree as the context node, and which selects a set of nodes within the tree
Method Detail


public SequenceIterator selectNodes(DocumentInfo doc,
                                    XPathContext context)
                             throws XPathException
Select nodes in a document using this PatternFinder.

Specified by:
selectNodes in interface PatternFinder
doc - the document node at the root of a tree
context - the dynamic evaluation context
an iterator over the selected nodes in the document.


public Expression getSelectionExpression()
Get the underlying expression (usually a path expression or filter expression)

the underlying expression


public String toString()
Get a string representation of the expression. Used in "explain" output

toString in class Object

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